Bend of the uterus - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, possibility of conception, methods and exercises for treatment. Effective poses and other secrets for accelerating conception during retroflexion What to do when the uterus is bent to get pregnant

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After all, if the organ is in the wrong position, then problems with conception often arise.

Is it possible to conceive if you have this disease?

A slight deviation of the uterus anteriorly or posteriorly does not prevent conception. The same can be said about congenital pathology. Often pregnancy occurs without any problems, and as the fetus grows, the uterus takes its usual position. In most cases, this feature of the body does not cause symptoms and does not interfere with the passage of seminal fluid.

Curvature of the uterus, caused by pathologies, reduces the likelihood of conception. In this case, adhesions often form, which contribute to the progression of the disease. There may be problems with bowel movements or urination. Spermatozoa are not able to fertilize the egg, since the barrier is the adhesion that forms in the fallopian tubes.

Even if pregnancy occurs, the likelihood of bearing a child is reduced several times. Retroflexion of the uterus caused by inflammatory processes increases the risk of miscarriage and other complications.

If the bend of the organ is pronounced and there are problems with fertilization, then you need to try suitable sex positions that will speed up the process. The best option is the knee-elbow position.

Additional positions for conception:

  • the woman is on her back with her pelvis raised, and the man is on top;
  • the pose is on the side, with the man positioned behind him.

An additional recommendation is not to get out of bed immediately after intercourse. You need to lie down for 15-20 minutes. If pain occurs during sex, you should change your position. When the uterus bends in some positions, a woman may feel discomfort. This indicates that this position is not suitable and can even cause harm by causing inflammation.

To increase the chances of conceiving, a man is advised to abstain from sex for 2-3 days. This increases the concentration of active sperm in the seminal fluid. The best position for bending the organ anteriorly is to lie on your stomach with your hips raised.

The abs also have a positive effect.

Childbearing and childbirth

The first trimester of pregnancy when the uterus is bent, accompanied by adhesions, is dangerous because a miscarriage may occur. If the organ is mobile and there is no inflammation, then for prevention you can stand in the knee-elbow position. If a miscarriage is suspected, a woman may be admitted to a hospital for observation.

If adhesions are present, the expanding uterus can put pressure on the intestines and bladder. At the same time, there is a high probability of painful urination and constipation. During this period, it is recommended to consume more plant fiber, which will alleviate the condition.

If the bend is severe, surgical intervention is indicated. The adhesions are excised, and the organ is returned to its correct position. Otherwise, there is a high risk of pinching the uterus, which will provoke a number of complications.

Childbirth with an inversion position of the organ can be natural if there are no complications and the intestines and bladder are not compressed. If the cervix does not dilate due to its bending, a caesarean section is indicated.

In Vitro Fertilization

Planning pregnancy using the method of in vitro fertilization is sometimes the only way out in case of pathological bending. IVF in this case is carried out as follows:

  1. Stimulates ovulation. This is done with the help of special hormonal drugs. As a result, during the ovulation period, not 2-3 eggs mature, but 8 or 10, which increases the chances of pregnancy. The process is controlled by ultrasound.
  2. At the second stage, a puncture is performed. Using a miniature puncture and a thin needle, mature eggs are removed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not cause discomfort.
  3. The eggs are placed in a special solution. Then they are fertilized with the husband's sperm. The resulting embryos are stored in a special environment.
  4. Then, from all the samples, the 2 best are selected and placed in the woman’s uterus. The embryo transfer procedure does not cause pain and does not require anesthesia. Within a few hours the woman can return home.

After IVF, a pregnant woman must take hormonal medications. After some time, the doctor performs a control ultrasound and monitors how the curved uterus reacts to the embryo. If the pregnancy is progressing well, then hormonal medications are discontinued at 12 weeks. A woman with an abnormal position of the organ is under constant medical supervision throughout all trimesters. If the first IVF attempt is unsuccessful, then re-fertilization is carried out after some time.

Pregnancy and uterine flexion are not uncommon occurrences in medical practice. Normally, the reproductive organ is quite mobile and can move under the pressure of the bladder, but it always returns to its place in the center of the abdominal cavity. The development of pathology leads to a constant deviation of the uterus from the central part.

Bend of the uterus causes and consequences during pregnancy

There are two types of cervical bending:
  • Fixed, when as a result of concomitant diseases (tumor or inflammation) the organ remains in one place due to adhesions or endometriosis.
  • The mobile appearance is characterized by weakened muscles and decreased tone. Under the influence of frequent abortions, heavy work, or too rapid weight loss. Rarely, pregnancy and uterine bending occur due to congenital anomalies.
Pathological bending may be accompanied not only by displacement, but also by twisting, bending or tilting. The main reasons are due to various diseases, in which case displacement can lead to prolapse of the uterus or its prolapse.

The consequences of a bent uterus can be different. First of all, this is pain during menstruation, decreased blood flow and the appearance of clots. Sexual intercourse will bring discomfort, conception is difficult, and bearing a fetus is accompanied by certain complications.

Often the pathology is caused by pressure on the urinary system or intestines, which causes frequent urination and constipation.

Pregnancy with a bent uterus increases unpleasant symptoms when the organ, in the second trimester, begins to leave the pelvis. Thus, complications are accompanied by inflammation or pinching, which leads to premature labor.

How to get pregnant with a tilted uterus

It is possible to get pregnant if the uterus is bent; the difficulty is that it is difficult for the sperm to find the egg when the reproductive organ is displaced. The adhesive process or inflammation, which is diagnosed in the early stages, affects the gestation of the fetus.

Subsequent treatment depends on the reasons that caused the bend of the cervix. For infectious diseases, appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. If the normal position is prevented by adhesions, then it is recommended to perform surgery to restore the anatomically correct localization of the organ.

When answering the question of how you can get pregnant if the uterus is bent, it is necessary to take into account the degree of pathology and the physiological characteristics of the woman. For a weak muscle frame, special exercises and poses are recommended:

  1. Kegel exercises involve training the pelvic floor muscles (alternately tensing and weakening the muscles of the vagina, anus and urethra). It is better to perform from different positions several times a day for 10 minutes.
  2. Physiotherapeutic procedures using UHF heating, mud treatment or massage.
  3. After sexual intercourse, during the period of ovulation, you need to place a pillow under the buttocks and raise your legs as high as possible to help the sperm reach the egg.
  4. During sexual intercourse, the best position for conception will be the knee-elbow position, which will increase the chances of getting pregnant.
A slight bend does not pose a threat to the course of pregnancy. The main condition will be a healthy lifestyle with dietary adjustments, abdominal strengthening and physical activity. It is dangerous to conceive a child with significant displacement or bending, as this can lead to spontaneous miscarriage.

The movable reproductive organ, as the child develops and grows, can fall into place in the abdominal cavity without outside intervention. Therefore, it is important to diagnose and monitor the dynamics of changes in the bending of the uterus.

In modern medicine, doctors often diagnose various gynecological diseases in girls, and in particular, in 20% of patients they find an abnormal curvature of the uterus. How to get pregnant with such a pathology, and whether it is possible, should be carefully understood. It is important to understand that this condition of the female genital organs refers, rather than to diseases, to individual developmental characteristics.

Unfortunately, it is this factor that can cause infertility, which is why women so often ask gynecologists how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent. To understand this, you should study the types of abnormal structure, and in which positions conception is most likely to occur.

To answer the question of how to get pregnant with a bent uterus, you need to know what is considered the normal and natural position of this organ. Often the uterus is located in the central part of the small pelvis, and it is attached to the walls of the uterus using ligaments. The position of the body is slightly inclined anteriorly, towards the bladder, due to which an obtuse angle is formed between it and the neck.

It is thanks to this that optimal conditions are created for sperm to penetrate from the vagina into the uterine cavity. In gynecology, there are two types of deviations from the natural position:

  1. Anterior displacement of the body of the uterus and its cervix, resulting in the formation of an acute angle, which is considered a strong deviation from the norm.
  2. Displacement of the body of the uterus and its cervix towards the rectum, resulting in the formation of an angle of about 90 degrees, resulting in a posterior bend of the uterus (how to get pregnant will be discussed later).

Of course, if you ask a doctor whether it is possible to get pregnant if the uterus is bent of the first or second type, he will say that yes, however, with such anomalies, the movement of sperm through the cervical canal is significantly hampered, since it is slightly compressed. Yes, the female genital organ in this state continues to function normally, but enough sperm will not penetrate into it for fertilization, and conception does not occur.

Reasons for bending

In any case, it is better to ask a gynecologist about how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent backwards or forwards. However, it is worth understanding the reasons for the development of such an anomaly. Most often, the pathology is present in the girl at the time of birth, but there are cases when a bend of the uterus is acquired.

Often girls are faced with a pathology such as endometriosis and do not know how to get pregnant. The uterus shifts posteriorly in this situation quite strongly, since the cells of the lining layer of the mucous membrane grow into other internal organs.

Another reason for the abnormal location of the uterus is the presence of long-term inflammatory processes. As a result, atypical scars and adhesions begin to form. This happens due to injury during childbirth, or after an incorrectly performed gynecological operation. In this case, uterine deformation and conception can be considered together, but the priority will be to cure inflammation and eliminate scars, making them more elastic.

In addition, malposition of the uterus can develop due to the presence of tumor formations that affect neighboring internal organs. Also, a woman can receive such a disappointing diagnosis if she has rapidly lost weight, which has caused the development of a mobile bend.

Let us consider in more detail if the uterus is bent, how to get pregnant, and whether it is possible to determine the pathology yourself.

Position detection

Often, such an anomaly develops without any characteristic symptoms, and it is detected randomly, during a mandatory medical examination. However, a girl may suspect an anomaly if she has the following signs:

  • Monthly menstrual bleeding is accompanied by severe pain;
  • There is a feeling of discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse;
  • A large volume of white secretion is released from the vagina;
  • There are difficulties with defecation, provided that the diet is balanced.

If such symptoms are present, the girl should go to an appointment with a gynecologist, and an already experienced doctor will not have difficulty identifying the absence or presence of a bend, as well as in which direction it is directed.

Methods of conception

Many girls with a diagnosed deviation in the position of the organ wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant with a bent uterus. Experts often answer that although this feature may interfere with fertilization, in most cases conception occurs. It is also worth noting that not all women who have already become mothers know that they have such an anomaly.

If pregnancy does not occur, the specialist can offer the woman several options that will help the sperm fertilize the egg. When answering the question of how to get pregnant with a posteriorly bent uterus, doctors may prescribe a gynecological massage. This procedure is entirely aimed at returning the reproductive organ to its natural position.

Also, such manipulations effectively combat adhesions and can significantly soften the resulting scars. A massage can only be performed by a doctor who has the appropriate education, and also after making sure that there are no contraindications to treatment.

When considering the question of how to conceive a child when the uterus is bent, one should also remember about physiotherapy. Here, experts can advise you to perform specific applications of medicinal mud, electrophoresis with medications, which will help get rid of adhesions.

Another way to get pregnant if you have a bent uterus is hydromassage of the perineum. A special feature of the procedure is that it can be performed at home, but only with the permission of a doctor. The technique is simple and involves directing a strong stream of water to the perineum area. Thanks to such actions, blood circulation in the genitals improves and the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus increases.

Conception when the uterus is bent can also be achieved artificially. The insemination process itself involves the introduction of active sperm into the woman’s uterine cavity using special medical instruments. To perform artificial insemination, you should contact any reproductive center and tell a specialist about your problem.

In situations where there are other problems that prevent you from getting pregnant, you will have to initially treat them. It is also necessary to say that the technique is selected individually, according to a specific clinical case, and directly depends on the reasons that provoked the development of uterine bending.

In some cases, it is possible to become pregnant when the uterus is bent only after surgical intervention aimed at eliminating adhesions and scars.

What is a bend of the uterus, and whether it is possible to get pregnant with such an anomaly in the location of the organ, is relatively clear. Most doctors do not immediately resort to radical methods of solving the problem, and try to help the woman in a conservative way. Let's take a closer look at how to get pregnant if the uterus is bent, and poses that improve the passage of sperm.

You can get pregnant with a bent uterus when the woman is positioned below, lying on her back, with her legs pressed to her chest and her partner positioned on top. This position allows the man’s penis to penetrate as deeply as possible, thereby increasing the chances of conception, provided that the bend is directed anteriorly.

But women are also interested in how best to get pregnant when the uterus is bent backwards. Experts advise using a different position. It is necessary to position the partner in a standard knee-elbow position, with the man positioned behind the woman’s back. If there are no inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, then fertilization will occur in a short time.

Answering the question whether the curvature of the uterus affects conception, experts answer that such an anomaly can prevent pregnancy. Therefore, immediately after sexual intercourse, in the correct position, you need to lie on your back, lift your pelvis up, and remain in this position for about 15 minutes.

There is another way that tells how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent backwards - this is a set of gymnastic exercises. All actions are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset and pelvic floor muscles. If you do the exercises regularly and have sex in the right position, the question of how to quickly get pregnant when the uterus is bent will not arise.

You need to sit on the floor, straighten your legs and spread them slightly to the sides. All you have to do is bend your torso, trying to reach your toes with your fingers, leaning slightly to the sides. It is recommended to do 10 repetitions.

Without changing the starting position, sitting on the floor, you should bend your knees, clasp them with your hands, and try to crawl back and forth on your buttocks. Having a bent uterus, conception can be accelerated by performing the exercise in a pose on all fours. While inhaling, the muscles should be tensed, and when exhaling, arch your back upward, imitating a frightened cat. As you exhale, bend your back and do 8 to 10 repetitions.

Again, without leaving their original position, they focus on the elbows while inhaling, after which they lower the pelvis so that it is located between the feet. When you have to exhale, the lowered part of the torso rises up, and the back bends. An average of 7 repetitions is recommended.

If the uterus is located posteriorly, the doctor will tell you how to get pregnant, and he may advise you to do the following exercise: you should lie on the floor, on your stomach, then you need to spread your legs to the sides and try to crawl, while your hands should be clasped at your elbows (they serve as support ). Perform the exercise for one minute.

All of the above exercises are quite simple to perform, and will not take much time, but will help to significantly speed up the process of pregnancy.

Video: Bend of the uterus. Women's Health Center NK Clinic

Article outline

The bend of the uterus is usually called the atypical location of the organ itself relative to the cervix (not at a right angle). The displacement of the reproductive organ can be both posterior and anterior. At the same time, the process of conception becomes more complicated, since it becomes extremely difficult for sperm to achieve their goal. Only the attending physician can tell you how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent and what is the best course of treatment available. In this case, a gynecological examination and instrumental examination of the organs of the reproductive system are required.

If the performance of the female genital organs is normal, then the attending physician can suggest the most successful positions for conception. In other cases, additional treatment and surgery may be recommended.

How bending affects conception

Displacement of the organ relative to the cervix can be provoked by the genetic predisposition of the female body, pathological muscle weakness (for example, after surgery), the presence of inflammatory processes in the rectum, as well as detected adhesions and inflammation in the pelvic organs.

Whether it is possible to get pregnant with any of the options without additional medication or surgical intervention can be found out after receiving the test results.

If classified as mobile, then the pathology itself is extremely rarely accompanied by any symptoms. The fixed type of bend is characterized by the manifestation of painful sensations at the stage of monthly bleeding.

To what extent the detected pathology is an obstacle to pregnancy can only be determined by a doctor after examination. This is especially true for the direction of the displacement itself:

  1. An organ displaced back toward the rectum (uterine retroflexion) seriously reduces the patient's chance of becoming pregnant.
  2. The uterus is deviated to the left or right side (leteroflexion).
  3. Deviation of the reproductive organ along with the cervix (anterversion).
  4. Displacement of the uterus towards the bladder (anteflexion) is often found in nulliparous girls and is not considered a disease, since it does not interfere with the desired fertilization.

If you suspect this disease, you should draw the doctor's attention to the pain of menstruation, periodic constipation, as well as the failure of actions to conceive a child.

The need for additional treatment may be due to the presence of inflammation and adhesions, as well as menstrual irregularities and uncharacteristic changes in the periods themselves.

To determine the effect of the bending of the uterine organ on the process of conception, it is important to understand the form of the pathology itself:

  • if a uterus with an anterior or posterior bend is a congenital pathology and pregnancy has already occurred, then the development of the fetus and the birth of the child should proceed normally;
  • if the deviation is accompanied by infections, inflammatory processes and the presence of adhesions in the genital area, then the bend itself can aggravate the problems of conceiving and bearing a child in the future.

The danger of pathology during pregnancy is determined by the gradually increasing size of the fetus. This in turn can lead to bloating, disruption of bowel movements and urination, inflammation of the bladder, impaired kidney function, and spontaneous miscarriage.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to cases when the bend leads to infringement of the uterus along with the fetus. In this case, the venous vessels are compressed and swelling of the organ itself can form. As a rule, this pathology is accompanied by severe pain, and the pregnant woman herself needs immediate help from doctors.

In any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination and discuss the possibility of self-conception with your doctor. Only in this way will it be possible to determine the cause of the disease, choose treatment methods, and also select the most effective positions for sex in order to begin pregnancy. The period of the menstrual cycle, during which there is a good chance for fertilization of a mature egg, deserves special attention.

What positions to use for successful conception

If there are no pathologies in the functioning and structure of the female genital organs, then the couple only needs to choose which positions for sex will be the best and be ready for conception itself.

In the selection process, the peculiarity of the bend of the uterus (its direction) should be taken into account.

If the bend is posterior

When diagnosing retroflexion, when there is a backward bend of the uterus (in the direction of the rectum), it is important for partners to do everything so that the cervix can move forward and prevent ejaculate from leaking out.

The best position in such cases may be knee-elbow, which ensures the deepest penetration and sperm have a greater chance of reaching the released egg.

  • As variations, you can choose between the “behind” position and the classic one, in which the woman is below. In the first case, the partner needs to kneel down and be “on her side” at an angle of 45 degrees (lowering in front and leaving her pelvis raised). The partner must remain behind. Due to this penetration, the uterus moves forward, opening up more access for sperm.
  • When choosing a missionary position in sex aimed at conception, partners are recommended to additionally use a rolled-up blanket or pillow, placing it under the partner’s thighs. The elevated position of the hips significantly increases the chances of fertilization of a mature egg.

The proposed positions for conception when bending the organ backwards are the most effective, since they provide the most complete penetration and reduce the risk of semen leaking out of the vagina.

The choice in favor of vertical and sitting positions can only be determined by the desire to diversify the sexual life of partners, since they are the least effective for conceiving a child.

And if in front

The best options for having sex when the uterus is bent anteriorly are based on the “doggy style” position. At the same time, the partners bend their backs and always try to lower their upper body as much as possible, crossing their arms and resting their heads on them. With this penetration, the cervix moves back, allowing access to the egg, which means it increases the chances of fertilization of the egg.

In addition to a well-chosen position for sex, a gynecologist can advise:

  • It is important for a partner to abstain from sexual intercourse for several days before sex, which causes an increase in the concentration of active sperm in the semen;
  • during sexual intercourse (immediately after ejaculation), it is better not to bring the partner to orgasm, since in this case muscle contraction occurs and the cervix rises, which in turn prevents sperm from entering the internal cavity of the uterus;
  • Before sexual intercourse, you should not drink alcohol or take a hot bath;
  • for partners, it is recommended to douche with baking soda before sex in order to neutralize the effects of the acidic environment on sperm;
  • correct calculation of the menstrual cycle and the onset of ovulation significantly increases the chances of the desired conception of a child.

Among additional manipulations, the patient may be recommended physical therapy classes and exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal and vaginal muscles.

Useful actions after sex

After intercourse, the partner is strongly recommended to remain in a horizontal position and as calm as possible for about 15-20 minutes. Immediately after sex, it is better to wait a little while washing, showering and douching.

It is better to plan sex itself for late evening, before bed, so that you can remain completely calm and in the most advantageous horizontal position for as long as possible.

For patients who wish to become pregnant with a retracted uterus, after sexual intercourse it is also recommended:

  1. Raise your legs to the “birch” position and maintain it for 15-20 minutes. You can rest your legs on the wall or on your partner’s shoulders.
  2. Bring your knees bent to your chest and do several rolls from left to right and vice versa. There is no need to get out of bed.
  3. Raise your pelvis by placing a pillow or folded blanket under it.
  4. Carefully lie on your stomach and maintain this position for at least 40-45 minutes.

Each of these operations is aimed at maximizing the possible opening of the path for sperm to move towards the egg.

Risks of bending during pregnancy

It is extremely important to understand that a diagnosed bend can serve as an obstacle not only to pregnancy, but also to its normal development with the successful birth of a full-fledged healthy child.

If retroflexion is defined as an acceptable anatomical deviation, there is every chance that during the growth of the fetus, the uterus will straighten out its position and pregnancy will be easy. In other cases, it is always important to remember the increased risk of spontaneous miscarriage, delay in fetal development, as well as the presence of possible other complications.

If, during the development and growth of the fetus, the uterus does not become in the desired position, the patient must be sent to a hospital to maintain the pregnancy and provide the opportunity to immediately respond to the slightest deterioration in the condition of the fetus and the pregnant woman herself. Diagnosed bending of the genital organ can also cause premature birth. To preserve the health of the baby and his mother as much as possible, the doctor may prescribe special medications that help soften the cervix.

There are cases when a woman’s hormonal background is fine, there are no inflammatory diseases in the pelvis, but the desired pregnancy still does not occur. One of the probable reasons for this situation may be the incorrect position of the body and cervix relative to each other, or, as they say, the bend of the uterus.

This pathology may not cause subjective unpleasant symptoms in women, so they seek medical help only in case of infertility in order to find out how to get pregnant when the uterus is bent.

What is uterine inflexion?

Normally, the uterus is located approximately in the center of the pelvis with a slight tilt forward towards the bladder. An obtuse angle is formed between the body and the neck. With this normal position of the organ, there are no obstacles to the passage of sperm from the vagina into the uterine cavity.

If the uterus is bent, its anatomical parts, for various reasons, are displaced relative to each other in two ways:

  1. When the cervix and the body of the uterus move strongly forward and begin to form an acute angle between themselves, this is a strong bend of the uterus anteriorly (gynecologists call this condition “hyperanteflexia”).
  2. When the uterus strongly tilts back towards the rectum, and as a result of the tilt, a right angle is formed between the body and the cervix - this is a posterior bend of the uterus (in medical terminology referred to as “retroflexion”).

When there is a forward or backward deviation of the uterine axis, there is a mechanical difficulty in the passage of sperm through the cervical canal, which is compressed due to the tilt. To imagine this with your own eyes, take a soft drinking straw, bend it at an acute angle and try to drink from a glass through it. The tube remains intact, but it ceases to perform its function.

The same thing happens when the uterus is bent - the organ functions normally, but a strong deviation prevents the required number of sperm from penetrating into it for conception, and pregnancy does not occur.

Why does a bend form?

Among the reasons causing this pathology are the following:

  • congenital anatomical features of the structure of the pelvic organs. Slight bending of the uterus occurs in 15% of young girls;
  • endometriosis, in which pathological growth of endometrioid cells into the rectum is observed, and an excessive posterior tilt of the uterus appears;
  • weakness of the uterine ligaments and pelvic floor muscles (for example, as a result of several pregnancies or difficult childbirth);
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, in which adhesions are formed that fix the organs in the wrong position;
  • postoperative adhesions (after operations on the pelvic organs and intestines);
  • compression of the uterus by a tumor;
  • a sudden change in weight (usually weight loss) also leads to a change in the location of internal organs. In this case, a movable bend occurs - the uterus quickly returns to its normal position when returning to normal weight;
  • wearing shoes with too high heels, which contributes to a displacement of the body axis.

How to determine the position of the uterus?

The bending of the uterus, as a rule, does not cause unpleasant sensations. Some women may experience more painful periods and sometimes spotting. A sharp bend may cause constipation.

Diagnosis of forward or backward deviation of the uterus does not cause any difficulties and is performed during a routine gynecological examination by a doctor. With one hand, the specialist probes the position of the uterus through the vagina, and with the other hand, through the anterior abdominal wall.

A more precise location of the internal organs, as well as the probable causes of deviation from the normal axis, can be seen with ultrasound.

How to speed up the onset of pregnancy if the uterus is deviated?

A curvature of the uterus prevents not all women from becoming pregnant. Many pregnant women do not even realize that they have such a problem.

For those whose infertility is associated with an abnormal position of the uterus, here are ways to successfully conceive:

  1. Using positions for sexual intercourse that facilitate the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity: a position on all fours or on your back with your knees pressed to your chest. It is also necessary to increase the time of contact of sperm with the cervix. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach after intercourse for half an hour. If you follow these simple recommendations, in most cases it is possible to become pregnant when the uterus is bent over several ovulatory cycles.
  2. Gynecological massage, which is aimed at strengthening uterine tone, returning the organ to its normal position and reducing adhesions. Massage should be performed exclusively by a specialist, since this procedure has a number of contraindications (tumors, diseases of the venous system).
  3. Hydromassage of the perineum. It can be performed independently after consultation with your doctor. A strong stream of warm water is directed to the perineum, which improves blood flow in the genitals and increases the elasticity of the ligaments.
  4. Limit heavy lifting and avoid high-heeled shoes.
  5. Physical exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles will reduce the movable inclination of the uterus. You can watch a set of such exercises in this video.

  1. Physiotherapeutic procedures (mud applications, electrophoresis with general tonic drugs and resolving adhesions).
  2. Injection of sperm into the uterus using special gynecological instruments. This manipulation is called insemination and is performed in all reproductive centers. It gives good results for bends without concomitant pathology.
  3. Surgical treatment (operation to remove adhesions or suturing the uterine ligaments) is performed only if there is a pronounced deviation and it is impossible to get pregnant with the help of conservative treatment. The effectiveness of surgical correction is very high, and usually such patients manage to conceive a child very soon.

For the most successful treatment of a bent uterus, it is recommended not to focus on the problem and try to enjoy life more, then the desired pregnancy will not take long to arrive.

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