Which of our stars had plastic surgery? Russian stars before and after plastic surgery. Michael Jackson before and after plastic surgery

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“Oh, what bliss, to know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal,” this line from the song explains the passion of many Hollywood stars for plastic surgery. To confirm their status as celestials, the stars give fabulous sums, as well as their faces and bodies, into the hands of the rulers of the scalpel.

They say that Hollywood is a paradise for plastic surgeons. The servants of this profession, having moved to the “dream factory” with the light hand of their famous clients, became real stars. They host programs, appear on television, are experts in well-known beauty publications and earn no less than their high-status clients.

Stars often deny that they have “tuning”, but you can’t hide anything from us..

Jennifer Aniston

Cheerful and funny, Jennifer Aniston began her career in 1990 with unnoticeable roles in television series and films. Back then, she looked more like the girl next door than the A-list actress she is now. A plump face, disheveled hair, a large nose, wide eyebrows - an ordinary, unremarkable girl.

However, Jen always knew how to joke and laugh, and then a special sparkle lit up in her eyes, and her incredible charisma captivated the audience. This is what allowed her to win the hearts of the directors of the series “Friends”, who gave her the fateful role of Rachel Green.

First we learn that there is no tooth fairy. Then, about five years later, we finally realize that Santa Claus does not exist.

Twenty years have passed and we are sure that almost all the celebrities whose beauty attracted us so much have undergone plastic surgery, and sometimes more than one.

Yes you are right! When a woman is in an industry where appearance is as important as talent, she has no choice but to take the help of specialists and correct what nature did not give her. But many celebrities get so carried away that they cannot stop in time.

We made a selection of photographs before and after plastic surgery of only popular foreign stars, whose appearance changes not only helped them in their careers, but also destroyed them.

Celebrities before and after plastic surgery

Renee Zellweger

In the last photo of Renee Zellweger, it is noticeable that even the shape of her eyes has changed

The 48-year-old actress changed herself more than once for the role, but in 2016, Renee’s appearance changed so much that fans stopped recognizing her on the street. At the same time, the blonde herself furiously declares that she did not resort to the help of surgeons, but, finally, she is simply happy!

No one argues, but there is definitely something wrong with Zellweger’s face!

Megan Fox

This is what Megan Fox looks like now

The 31-year-old Transformers star went through lip injections, Botox and a nose job, which is noticeable to the naked eye when you compare early and late photographs of the actress.

Photos of Megan Fox before and after plastic surgery

But that's not what this conversation is about. If you ask Google about Angie's plastic surgery, then you will be redirected to sites that will happily tell you that her body is 80% plastic.

The 42-year-old beauty not only reshaped her face, but also changed her bust size. We thank the surgeons who performed all these manipulations, because there is one more beautiful woman in the world, and today the mother of six children is not only a famous actress, but also the highest paid celebrity in Hollywood.

Donatella Versace

Before plastic surgery, Donatella Versace looked like a very nice woman

It's hard to believe that no one stopped Donatella Versace, that not one of her friends took the girl and told her that she was beautiful anyway, without these numerous interventions of doctors who only disfigure her face, turning a swan into a toad.

The leader of the most powerful brand in the world, Versace, can be called one of the victims of modern surgery.

The 62-year-old fashion designer underwent several operations to enlarge her buttocks, changed her breast size and did God knows what to her face.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian greatly improved not only her face, but also her butt

Oddly enough, the star gained such great fame thanks to the impressive size of her (pardon the bluntness) butt. More than once, the media wrote that Kardashian uses special pads to increase the volume of her “fifth point,” but the latest photos of the beauty in a swimsuit refute this gossip.

This is what Kim Kardashian's butt looked like before plastic surgery and now

In addition to butt implants, she enlarged her breasts, had rhinoplasty, retouched her lips and reduced the number of wrinkles around her eyes.

The star of the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” is quite recognizable after all the operations she underwent.

Despite the obvious facts, Kim Kardashian denies that she has ever had plastic surgery, but we know for sure, and the photos prove it!

Demmy Moor

The photo of aspiring actress Demi Moore is somewhat different from what a celebrity looks like over 50

Half of the fans were horrified when they found out that their favorite actress was dating Ashton Kutcher, a man 16 years younger than her, while the other half silently welcomed the bold brunette. Unfortunately, after 8 years, the celebrity marriage broke up and age was not to blame.

For a long time, the 54-year-old beauty came to her senses after breaking up with her lover, but everything is behind her and now she is again acting in films and appearing on red carpets.

But, let's get back to talking about Demi Moore's plastic surgery.

Over the years, Demi Moore's face became more and more graceful, but, unfortunately, her daughters inherited her rough, pre-plastic features

The difference in the before and after photos is, of course, obvious. The surgeon's masterful hand is visible on the star's nose, chin, lips, cheekbones, and chest. Although the actress's breasts are not as impressive as the plastic surgery on her face.

Demi Moore has changed the size of her breasts more than once and now their volumes have become more natural

Blake Lively

Actress Blake Lively in her youth and now

Compared to other celebrities, the mother of two looks like she has had absolutely no plastic surgery in her photos.

But, if you look closely, rhinoplasty and chin correction will become noticeable, although the lips may have been slightly enlarged. Blake Lily is an example of excellent plastic surgery of stars who did everything they needed to do and left it at that.

Currently, Ryan Reynolds' 29-year-old wife is making changes, but only to her hair color and lipstick shade.

Blake Lively as a brown-haired and redhead

Vera Alentova

The actress underwent her first plastic surgery, a circular lift, back in the late 90s, followed by several more operations. Not all of them were successful: after the intervention in 2009, the actress’s facial expressions were impaired, and asymmetry appeared in her face.

Natalia Andreichenko

Natalya Andreichenko underwent several plastic surgeries at once, trying to “stop” her youth and give a new round to her film career. Experts believe that not all of these interventions were successful - for example, the lips turned out uneven.

Elena Proklova

The actress is sure that the most effective way to preserve youth is plastic surgery. Over the years, Elena has resorted to blepharoplasty, lip augmentation, eyelid and eyebrow modification - and is invariably pleased with the result.

Masha Malinovskaya

Masha Malinovskaya has never hidden the fact that she improves her appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. But in 2014, Masha decided to return to a more natural appearance, removed silicone from her lips and reduced the size of her breasts. The rehabilitation process after the operation took a lot of time, Masha was worried about possible complications, but today she is happy with her figure.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita believes that the desire to look younger is natural for any woman, so she does not hide her age or the fact that she resorts to plastic surgery. To make her hips slimmer, the singer chose liposuction, and when she turned 47, she corrected her eyelids and chin.

Rosa Syabitova

In 2013, the TV presenter lost 20 kilograms in a short time and decided that her renewed body needed more serious correction than fitness. Surgeons enlarged Rosa's breasts and reduced her stomach, and also performed liposuction.

Evgenia Kryukova

Evgenia Kryukova decided to undergo otoplasty - an operation to correct the shape of the ears. The actress always suffered from her strongly protruding ears; she even had to use special makeup glue during filming!

Katie Topuria

The singer had a nose job twice - for medical reasons, due to a deviated septum that interfered with proper breathing. After the first operation, the shape of the nose changed a little, so during the “second approach” the surgeons corrected everything and now Katie is happy with her nose.

Irina Dubtsova

Irina Dubtsova is sure that you should not resort to plastic surgery in pursuit of fashion: plastic surgery should only be done when a woman no longer likes herself in the mirror. The singer herself “improved” her breasts, which had lost their shape after childbirth, but only after she tried all other methods - training, massages and cosmetics. This is what Russian stars look like before and after plastic surgery!

Yulia Nachalova

In 2007, the singer decided to have breast surgery: she was going to return to the stage after the birth of her daughter and wanted to look perfect. Julia enlarged her breasts to size 4, at first she was pleased with the result, but then psychological problems arose: “It’s as if the breasts are someone else’s, are a different creature and live their own lives,” the singer admitted in an interview. A few years later, Julia decided to return her size, but the operation was unsuccessful and led to serious complications.

Public life implies an impeccable appearance: the face and figure must be ideal. Most of the stars of Russian show business have changed beyond recognition after numerous plastic surgeries. We offer the TOP 10 most noticeable changes in the appearance of celebrities.

When her career took off, Catherine decided to change her appearance. The first step was surgery on the cheekbones, lips and nose. Katya lost weight. Hairstyle, makeup, and clothing style have also undergone changes. Barnabas does not hide the fact of undergoing plastic surgery. Read about it in our publication.

2. Lera Kudryavtseva

3. Actress Elena Korikova

Elena Korikova, who gained fame after “Poor Nastya,” had naturally attractive appearance. But the star apparently decided that natural beauty could and should be improved. Elena's eye shape was changed, her cheekbones were improved and her bust was enlarged.

Photo: Instagram @elena.korikova

4. Model Victoria Lopyreva

After winning a beauty contest, Lopyreva began to receive interesting business offers. The girl conducted a number of photo shoots for famous glossy magazines and took part in television shows. The star clearly had to improve her appearance. Surgeries were performed on the nose, cheekbones, and lips. Facial features have become thinner, more graceful, and all parts of the body are harmoniously combined with each other.

5. Instagram star Alena Shishkova

6. Svetlana Loboda

Photo: Instagram @lobodaofficial

7. Singer Anna Sedokova

Another VIA Gra vocalist, Anna Sedokova, does not comment on changes in her appearance. Experts are confident that she has had her breasts sculpted, changed the shape of her nose, cheekbones, lips, and regularly receives Botox injections. 15 photos of Sedokova before and after plastic surgery.

8. Model Anastasia Kvitko

Aspiring model Anastasia Kvitko has the unofficial title of “Russian Kim Kardashian.” She doesn’t like this nickname, because she “has everything that’s her own, dear.” But the changes in appearance are obvious: lipofilling, liposuction, and mammoplasty were performed. The star’s lips, cheekbones and nose are also not entirely “natural”.

Photo: Instagram @anastasiya_kvitko

9. Anna Khilkevich

Photo: Instagram @annakhilkevich

10. Oksana Samoilova

The loving wife of rapper Dzhigan and mother of three daughters, Oksana Samoilova, changed her appearance. The Instagram star does not hide this. The girl had her breasts and lips enlarged, and the shape of her nose, eyes and chin was changed. Read more about Oksana Samoilova's plastic surgeries.

Photo: Instagram @samoylovaoxana

Read about celebrity plastic surgery in our further reviews.

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