How to clean spruce resin. How to clean resin from clothes yourself

home / Baby's health

It can be difficult to remove pine resin from clothes; regular washing with powder does not help. You can cope with the problem using improvised means and household chemicals. If you follow the instructions, your favorite item will be saved with a minimum of effort.

Pine resin is an amorphous substance of natural origin. In its normal state it is solid, but when heated it begins to melt.

Before removing pine dirt from clothes, the fabric is cleaned mechanically. Use a wooden or plastic spatula to wipe off the dirt from the material, being careful not to damage it.

After part of the viscous substance has been removed from the fabric, it is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer for one and a half to two hours. The resin will freeze and is easily removed if the material is bruised or brushed.

To remove pine resin stains from clothes, you can use high-temperature methods:

  1. Place a small clean piece of white cotton over and under the stained area.
  2. Iron the stain two or three times.
  3. Change the fabric until the dirt is completely absorbed into it.

The methods allow you to partially wipe off the pine resin, but there are still traces of pine on the fabric that need to be removed using additional methods and washing.

How to remove tar from clothes using folk remedies

Housewives try to remove dirt from the material at home, without using store-bought products; many spoil the structure of the fabric, lead to loss of color, and are expensive.

To clean fresh and old stains from clothes from pine resin, various means are used.


You can wash pine resin from clothes using the following methods:

  1. Milk. The item is soaked in the product for 15-20 minutes and washed in the usual way.
  2. Oil. Apply to dirt; after two minutes, wipe the soiled surface with a clean cloth. Greasy traces of pine resin are removed with alcohol. The cleaning method is suitable for items made of leather and leatherette.
  3. Sweet non-alcoholic carbonated drink. Pour pine resin onto the stain, then wait 15-25 minutes and wash the clothes.
  4. Starch mixture. The composition is prepared by mixing one teaspoon of starch, a few drops of ammonia and turpentine. The substance is applied to the stained area of ​​​​the fabric, it is left to dry, and then they begin to clean it with a brush.
  5. A mixture of vegetable oil and dishwashing detergent. The contaminated area of ​​clothing made from pine wool or fur is rubbed with sunflower oil, after 15-20 minutes two drops of dishwashing detergent are applied to it. After half an hour the item is washed.
  6. Vodka. The contaminated area is treated with a cloth soaked in the drink until the resin structure is destroyed and the stain disappears. The friction process takes up to forty minutes.

What to do with old stains

It is difficult to wash off pine resin. Apply:

  1. Nail polish remover. A cotton pad is moistened and with its help they begin to clean off the dirt. After applying the composition to the stained area from the pine tree, wait 20 minutes, rinse the clothes, wash with powder, and dry in the open air to get rid of the pungent odor. By analogy, you can use gasoline, kerosene and solvents (turpentine, white spirit or acetone). It is better not to treat delicate items or synthetic clothing. The products have a negative effect on the dermis and mucous membranes of the human body; you need to work with them with gloves and a ventilated room.
  2. Medical alcohol. To remove dirt from pine from the fabric in the composition, moisten a cotton swab and rub pine resin over the stained area until it becomes clean.
  3. A mixture of clay and starch. A teaspoon of white clay is mixed with a teaspoon of starch, the same amount of turpentine, then a few drops of ammonia are added to the composition. The ingredients are mixed to a homogeneous consistency, applied to the area of ​​clothing stained with resin until completely dry, and after the formation of a dry crust, the stain is cleaned off.

If the problem cannot be resolved with the help of folk remedies, you can take the clothes to the dry cleaner.

Review of household chemicals for removing such stains

Unseen stains from pine resin on clothing can be wiped off using stain removers or bleaches. Unlike folk remedies, they rarely leave stains on the fabric. The soiled item is cleaned with stain removers:

  1. Vanish OXI Action. Suitable for removing fresh stains of pine resin, it does not cope with old stains and gives clothes a chemical smell.
  2. Sarma Active 5 in 1. Effective for long-term soaking of items, suitable for machine wash.
  3. ACE OXI MAGIC. It is considered universal, gives whiteness to light-colored items, and preserves color. Removes dirt when washing clothes in hot water.
  4. Amway PreWash Spray. The product is convenient to use, easily copes with fresh pine resin dirt, but may not work against old stains.
  5. Astonish OXY PLUS.

Contains baking soda, removes dirt without damaging the material.

  1. White clothes can be removed from pine resin using the following means:
  2. Bleach Bos plus Maximum. Copes with any type of dirt, whitens when washed in water no higher than forty degrees.

Laundry baby soap Eared nannies with whitening effect. The product effectively fights stubborn stains, is designed for cleaning children's clothing, but is effective on any type of fabric, even thick and rough.

What can harm

  1. Before you wipe off the resin from pine, you need to study the recommendations that will help you not completely ruin your clothes:
  2. Cleanliness experts do not recommend soaking soiled clothes in hot water, as it will ruin them.
  3. Clean stubborn pine resin stains using several methods, not just one.
  4. To avoid damaging your hands and nail plate, clean stains using rubber gloves.
  5. The item should not be washed with other clothes; it will also become contaminated with pine resin.
  6. It is undesirable to use compositions with aggressive components on fragile and soft tissues; it will damage their structure.

An area of ​​fabric contaminated with a viscous substance must be washed immediately so as not to aggravate the situation.

Removing stains from pine resin from clothes is a difficult task, but you don’t need to give up. It is almost never possible to clean soiled material the first time. Standard household chemicals rarely cope with them. To return things to their original appearance, you will have to try.

You can get your things dirty while walking or having a picnic, leaning against a pine trunk. Sometimes clothes get dirty during repairs. The resin has a complex structure, so it is difficult to remove. However, if you know some tricks, you can remove tar stains even at home, without going to the dry cleaner.

Preparing to Remove Tar Stains from Clothes

If a large item is dirty that does not fit in the freezer, wipe the resinous blot with an ice cube until it hardens. Then repeat the same algorithm of actions. After freezing and cleaning, as a rule, there is still a dirty residue left. To remove resin from clothing, you need to follow several recommendations for preliminary preparation of the item:

  • remove dust and dirt from the material with a dry brush - this will prevent the formation of drips and new stains;
  • if soiled clothing has a lining, it should be carefully ripped open so that only the contaminated layer can be treated;
  • the fabric where a trace of resin remains must be placed on a hard surface - a board wrapped in a cotton napkin;
  • The clean material around the stain should be wetted and sprinkled with starch/talcum powder to prevent the dirt from spreading during cleaning.

Heat treatment

Small fresh resin stains can be cleaned with this method. After removing old or extensive stains, as a rule, a trace remains, so after heat treatment, other procedures are additionally carried out to clean the clothes. You can clean the resin like this:

  • place a clean rag or porous paper under the area with the stain;
  • iron this area with a hot iron;
  • change the rags that absorb dirt during the procedure as they become dirty;
  • then soak the product in warm water, rubbing the remaining resin trace with laundry soap;
  • After 20 minutes, wash the material by hand.

If pine sap gets on things made of dense material such as tarpaulin or leather, it is better to heat it with hot air using a hairdryer. The melted substance is removed with a napkin. Medium-density fabric (linen, knitwear) is heated with a hairdryer, while hot air must be passed through a paper napkin. As it heats up, the resin will stick to it and come off the clothing.

Starch paste

To easily clean the resin, the area of ​​contamination is generously lubricated with fat (vaseline, butter or vegetable oil). When the resin softens, it is scraped off with a blunt metal instrument, and then the stain is treated with starch paste:

  • 1 tsp. starch is mixed with 4 drops of turpentine and the same amount of ammonia;
  • Lubricate the dirty area with the composition, then rub with a brush until completely dry;
  • if a mark remains on the item, the procedure is repeated;
  • Cleaning is completed by hand washing using laundry soap.

An alternative would be to use 1 tsp. white clay, the same amount of starch, 1 drop of turpentine and ammonia. The mixture is used in the same way.

Alcohol or vodka

To wash the resin, it is not necessary to use concentrated alcohol: high-quality vodka or even men's aftershave lotion will do. You can clean pine resin like this:

  • soak a cotton pad well in alcohol-containing liquid;
  • soak the stain generously;
  • after 15-20 minutes, rinse the item in clean water, then wash with powder;
  • To get rid of the pungent odor, dry your clothes in the fresh air.

If resin gets on a delicate item, it is better to use a more gentle cleaning method. For this purpose, combine 50 g of laundry soap with 50 ml of pure gasoline (kerosene). The dirty area is smeared with the mixture, and after an hour it is washed and rinsed thoroughly.

Sunflower oil

This product is ideal for removing resin from leather items (jackets, bags, gloves, etc.) without damaging their structure. You can use not only sunflower, but also olive oil. Algorithm of actions:

  • soak a cotton pad in oil;
  • thoroughly wipe the dirty area;
  • degrease the treated area with alcohol or another suitable substance;
  • Lubricate the leather product with baby cream.


Any solvents are good at removing traces of resin from clothes, but they should be used very carefully so as not to spoil the item. You can clean pine sap from the material like this:

  • Apply acetone to the stain with a cotton swab;
  • carefully move from the edges to the center of the stain so as not to smear the resin even more;
  • You can remove the unpleasant odor by washing the item with aromatic washing powder and conditioner.

Dishwashing detergents

This is a common and affordable way to remove stains, including tar stains, on clothing, carpets, wool and fur items. Use the detergent as follows:

  • rub the area of ​​contamination with olive or sunflower oil;
  • then apply dishwashing detergent to it for 5 minutes;
  • Finally, the item is washed under warm water or washed.

Carbonated drinks

To clean pine resin from your favorite things, you need to soak them for 30-40 minutes in any carbonated drink such as Sprite, Fanta or Coca-Cola. For light-colored clothing, choose colorless soda. Proceed as follows:

  • pour a drink onto the dirty area;
  • after half an hour, wash it using powder;
  • then you need to rinse the clothes thoroughly with clean water.

Stain removers


Mode of application

Price (rubles)

Apply a paste mixture of powder and water or concentrate to the stain. After 10 minutes, wash the item by hand or in a machine.

150 for 450 ml

Dr. Beckmann stain remover salt

Dissolve the contents of the bag in hot water (5-6 l), dip the item into the solution. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave the clothes in the water for 4 hours. Afterwards, wash your clothes and rinse thoroughly in clean water.

95 per 100 g

Many housewives believe that it is impossible or very difficult to remove tar stains from clothes, and the damaged item immediately falls into the “household” category. So, if you sat on a sticky bench during a walk or your child loves to cuddle with pine trees, don’t be upset! I will tell you how to remove resin from clothes quickly, simply and without damaging the fabric. In the article you will find “secret” methods and valuable tips.

Found a resin stain - your first steps

Do not rush to immediately wash off sticky stains with water, alcohol, acetone and other liquids known to you! Do what is written below, without disturbing the order of the points and following the recommendations:

  1. Mechanical cleaning. Any sharp object (knife, blade, etc.) will do. Try to scrape off the top of the resin. But be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure.

  1. Freezing. Place the soiled item in the freezer for 2-3 hours. Under the influence of low temperature, the remaining resin will harden and it will be easier to pick them out with your own hands. For greater effectiveness, after freezing, scrunch the product to break the entire stain into particles.

All this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. And if the soiled item is made of delicate, thin material, then mechanical cleaning and freezing are undesirable.

So, half the work is already done! We continue the operation. Now you need to remove any residual resin stains. For this we have a whole arsenal of tools and methods. Choose the ones that suit your situation.

What will remove tar from clothes

These “helpers” probably exist in your home. In any case, they are inexpensive. But before you use them to wipe the resin off your clothes, do this:

  • Sprinkle the outline of the stain with starch or talcum powder - this will prevent the sticky substance from spreading further across the fabric.
  • Turn the item inside out. It's safer to work from the wrong side. Less chance of damaging the structure of the material.
  • When removing, use cotton swabs or a pipette to apply the product locally, in a moderate amount.
  • Removal of tar stains is carried out from their edges to the middle.

Method 1: Liquid cleaners

The names of the products may seem dangerous for the fabric, but if everything is done correctly, the clothes will remain clean and beautiful!

  • Medical or formic alcohol. The first one perfectly removes pine resin from any clothing. If the stain is small, drop it from a pipette or treat it with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.

If the contamination is large enough, it is better to arm yourself with a cloth. Just don't rub the stain too hard! After applying the alcohol, wait 20-30 minutes for the chemical reaction to occur and the remaining resin to come out of the fibers of the material. Then wash the item.

As for formic alcohol, it has proven itself to be excellent in cleaning tar from cars (body and glass). But it is impossible to predict how this liquid will behave on a specific tissue.

Therefore, I advise you to first try it on clothes that you don’t mind, and only then on those stained with resin. Ant alcohol should be washed off with clean water almost immediately after application!

  • Purified gasoline or turpentine is no less effective at removing pine resin. True, after them it remains sharp. But by washing the product with powder and conditioner, you will get rid of this too. In the case of gasoline, do not take the one that is poured into the tank of your car! You need a special purified one, you can buy it at a hardware store.

  • Any solvent - turpentine, acetone or nail polish remover (a more gentle solution). It is enough to blot the stain several times with a cotton swab dipped in one of these substances.

Starch + ammonia + turpentine - maybe you will find this recipe useful. Mix 1 teaspoon of starch with 4 drops of ammonia and the same amount of turpentine.
Moisten the tar stain with this mixture and leave to dry. Next, try removing the resin using a stiff-bristled toothbrush. Repeat if necessary.

  • Olive or vegetable oil helps remove resin from leather clothing. After using an oily liquid, the stain must be treated with alcohol, and the item itself is wiped with a clean, dry cloth.

The same method can be used for clothes made of thin material. Apply the oil for 20 minutes and wash the product thoroughly with soap or powder.

  • Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite. Many people's favorite drinks have excellent stain-removing properties! It is enough to soak clothes stained with resin in any of them for a couple of hours. You will soon see the effect.

Method 2. Household chemicals

Dishwashing liquid removes resin well from woolen clothes, fur items, carpets, and also from hair:

  • first treat the stained area with vegetable oil and leave for 10 minutes;
  • then apply detergent with a cotton swab; it has excellent degreasing properties, so it will wipe off both resin and traces of oil;
  • After you clean the stain, be sure to wash the product.

In some, not particularly difficult cases, it will be possible to remove the tar stain with traditional household chemicals - factory-made bleach or stain remover. They can be:

  • apply as a paste;
  • moisten the contamination with a concentrated solution;
  • soak the item in water with the addition of these products.

But in most cases, this method is only relevant for white things..

Method 3: High temperatures

If you are afraid that caustic liquids may damage the structure, pattern or color of the stained item, then try this method. It is especially good for delicate fabrics (chiffon, silk, etc.). Here are the instructions:

  • Place paper towels or napkins under the stain, on the inside of the clothing, and also directly on top of the resin blot.
  • Iron the stained area thoroughly or heat it with a hairdryer. Gradually the sticky substance will begin to melt and be absorbed into the paper napkins.
  • Change the wipes periodically until the stain disappears completely.
  • Be sure to wash the product!

I like this method more than others. I would like to read your comments and personal experience of using it in practice.

A few words of caution about the fabric...

Before you wash resin from any fabric, it is advisable to find out about the features of its texture and quality. Because the above methods are not suitable for any type of material. There are restrictions, for example:

  • alkalis and bleaches are suitable exclusively for white laundry;
  • alcohols and acids can destroy some types of paints (bright designs, jeans, etc.);
  • vinegar and acetone destroy acetate silk - instead of the area cleared of resin, you get a hole.

Therefore, take your time, do not immediately rush into battle. Find out how a particular material will behave in contact with a cleaning agent.


As it turns out, tar stains aren't such a big deal. You just need to choose the right remedy from those you learned in my article. Which one did you like the most? Rubbing alcohol, turpentine, iron or more?

Perhaps you have had experience cleaning with one of these? Then share your secrets in the comments! And for clarity, watch the video in this article.

After a fun weekend in nature and walks in the forest, in addition to pleasant memories and vivid photographs, there may also be less joyful consequences. There may be stains on your clothes from resin from the very forest that brought you so many pleasant emotions. Although, you can encounter such spots in a city park. If your child, or maybe you yourself, loves to hug fir trees and pine trees, then you too can become a victim of this problem. But don't rush to despair. There are several ways to remove resin from clothes without harming the fabric.

To start

Before you begin the actual removal, you need to do something. Do not rush to immediately wash the resin from your clothes. It has a complex structure that cannot be removed so easily. Therefore, as soon as you notice traces of resin on your clothes, try to remove it mechanically. You just need to be careful not to rub it deeper into the fabric structure. You can scrape it with a knife or other sharp object. After that, put this thing in the freezer. This step will help remove resin from clothes that was not removed with a knife. The low temperature will harden the stain, and any remaining dirt will be easier to remove.
We can say half the work is already done. But even after such actions, a stain may remain on the fabric. So, we continue the operation to remove resin from clothes.

How to remove a resin stain?

There are several measures you could take. They are available to everyone, and these funds are available in almost every home. So removing resin from your family’s belongings won’t be too difficult.

It is important to remember that each fabric has a different texture and quality, so these methods are not suitable for every type of fabric.


  • acids and alcohols can destroy some types of paints;
  • acetic acid and acetone can destroy silk acetate fabrics;
  • Bleach and alkali can only be used on white fabrics.

Also, during the processing itself, it would be useful to remember some general tips.

  1. To prevent the resin stain from spreading throughout the fabric while removing it, you need to moisten the fabric with water around the contaminated area. This will serve as a limiter. You can also sprinkle talcum powder or starch around.
  2. You need to treat from the edges of the contaminated area to the middle.
  3. If the area of ​​contamination is small, it is more convenient to apply the stain remover with a pipette or a cotton swab.

We wish you success!
Now you know what to do if you encounter unwanted tar stains on your clothing. You can start cleaning!

Keeping clothes clean requires regular work: washing, removing stains, ironing, drying. At the same time, many stains are easily removed during the first washes, while some require some tinkering. We have already talked about the difficulties that may arise, and today we want to talk about tree resin.

In this article we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible how to remove resin stains from clothes, which methods are the most effective and simple.

Classic wood resin look

Preparatory activities

A walk in the forest can result in unpleasant traces of resin on your clothes in those places where you came into contact with the bark of a tree, pine or spruce. Of course, such stains and stains look terrible, but in fact they can be easily cleaned from most materials, the main thing is to know how.

However, before you begin directly removing tar stains from clothing, you should carry out preparatory measures:

  1. At the first stage, you need to try to clean the top layer of resin using blunt, durable objects, such as a knife. Usually the top layer is easily scraped off.
  2. To remove even more resin from clothing, freeze it. This method should be used for ordinary things; it will not work for delicate, thin fabric. It is enough to place things in the freezer of the refrigerator for several hours for the tar stain to harden. After removal, by rubbing the cloth in the area of ​​contamination, you can remove particles of frozen resin.

Carrying out these simple manipulations will remove most of the contamination, and therefore facilitate further procedures.

Removing stains with solvents

Using traditional methods, you can easily remove various types of dirt from clothes, and traces of tree resin from pine, spruce or other trees are no exception. However, having chosen a cleaning composition for yourself, you need to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing. This will avoid accidental damage to things, especially if we want to use solvents.

When wondering how to remove resin from your things, the first thing that comes to mind is the possibility of using solvents. Indeed, tar stains can be removed using acetone or liquids based on it, pure gasoline, and turpentine.

Turpentine can be bought at any hardware store.

Please note that silk items made from acetate material will not tolerate such treatment, so choose a different composition for them.

For ordinary things, processing will not be particularly difficult. But if you choose gasoline, you should buy it at a hardware store, and not drain it from the car’s tank, along with various additives.

To remove stains, you will need to soak a cotton pad or cloth in solvent and rub them gently. In this case, you need to move from the edges of the stain to the middle so as not to leave behind unnecessary stains. After you have managed to remove the stain, wash the clothes as usual.

An excellent method involves alternating the use of turpentine and alcohol. You can clean tar stains with these products as follows:

  • First, soak the area stained with resin in turpentine. There is no need to scrub the stain, just apply a solvent to it.
  • After half an hour, when the turpentine has already evaporated, the stain is soaked in alcohol, and again, until the alcohol evaporates, it is not recommended to immediately use mechanical influences.
  • After another application of alcohol, you will see the resin begin to come off. Now you can lightly treat the stained area, and then wash the item of clothing as usual.

In principle, you can use only alcohol, medical or technical, it doesn’t matter. But in order for it to dissolve the resin stain, it is necessary to soak things in the composition for at least half an hour. A rag or cotton pad, which should be soaked in alcohol and applied to the stained area, will help you do this.

For durable synthetic fabrics, for some types of jeans, classic solvents 646 and white spirit may be suitable. Treatment with these compounds will allow you to remove stains using a regular cotton pad. These substances have a characteristic unpleasant odor, which can be removed by washing the items with powder.

other methods

There are other methods for removing resin without solvents. For example, to work with delicate fabrics like silk or chiffon, a regular iron will help us. The technique is quite simple and hackneyed, often used, for example, with the same jeans:

Iron helps remove grease stains

  1. We cover the fabric on both sides with white paper towels or napkins.
  2. We set the minimum temperature on the iron.
  3. We treat the area of ​​contamination by regularly changing paper napkins. This melts the resin and absorbs it into the paper substrates.
  4. After ironing, it is imperative to wash in accordance with the requirements of this fabric.

Modern housewives have invented an interesting way to get rid of tree resin from clothes. To clean this kind of stain, you need to soak your clothes in a bowl of Coca-Cola for several hours. After soaking things in this lemonade for a long time, the resin will become soft and pliable, which means it can be easily cleaned off with a soft brush. Further washing of clothes will return them to their original cleanliness.

Since tree resin stains appear regularly on clothes, especially in the summer, when we go to the forest to pick mushrooms or berries, there are a lot of ways to remove them. The following techniques may help you:

  • For woolen clothes, such a stain is very unpleasant, but there is a way out. First, the stain is soaked in vegetable oil for 10-15 minutes, and then gently washed off using dishwashing liquid. It will be most convenient to use a small white cloth. After you have managed to remove traces of resin, do not forget to wash the item.
  • In principle, vegetable oil is also suitable for many other fabrics. Soak the dirty area in it for 10-15 minutes, and then use a regular soap solution to wash the dirty area on clothing or on the surface of jeans.
  • You can prepare a special cleaning composition that will effectively remove the resin. To do this you will need one tablespoon of starch, a couple of drops of ammonia and a couple of drops of turpentine. The composition must be applied to the resin stain and left until completely dry, and then use a brush to remove all dirt. If it was not possible to completely remove the stain, but it is clear that the product worked, you can repeat the treatment a couple of times.
  • Household chemicals may also be appropriate, just choose the right bleach or stain remover. This composition must be applied to the fabric for a while and then washed. The technology is described in detail on the packaging of the product, where you will also find recommendations on types of fabrics.

A drop of tree resin

Which method and which product you choose is up to you, but before using the cleaning composition, do not forget to test it. Suddenly it ruins your fabric.

To ensure that the removal of such contaminants is as safe as possible for you and your clothes, we have prepared a number of recommendations that will allow you to do everything correctly.

The following tips will help you combat tar stains:

  • It is not permissible to use vinegar or acetone to clean dirt from acetate silk, as they will easily burn a hole in it.
  • Be careful when using solvents and alcohols, as they can remove paint from many things, for example, shirts, jackets, jeans.
  • Bleach is used exclusively for white items.
  • To prevent the stain from being washed away during cleaning, you can moisten the cloth around it with water or sprinkle the material with starch, baby powder, or talcum powder.
  • It is convenient to apply the cleaning composition to small spots using a pipette or a cotton swab.
  • The stain is always removed from the edges to the middle. It is best to do this from the wrong side of the clothes.
  • During cleaning procedures, you can put a white paper towel under the back of the fabric.

As you can see, there are a variety of ways to help clean your clothes efficiently and painlessly. Follow simple rules, and removing a drop of resin from your things will not turn into a big problem.

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