How to make a balloon fountain with your own hands. How to make a fountain from balloons How to make a fountain from helium balloons

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On this page of the online store site you can order and buy balloon fountains at a low price for a birthday, anniversary, wedding, graduation, and any other holidays! This is a stunning piece of jewelry that is both simple and very beautiful.

What is such a fountain anyway? This is a bunch of balloons that are located at different levels relative to each other. It looks unusual and original, and can be used in completely different ways: installed on the floor using weights, suspended, tied to a car, etc.

How to make an order?

To get started, look at the examples posted on this page. You will see that these products can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and you can order absolutely any one, like those shown in the photo. balloon fountains, helium, foil or mixed, as well as our own ideas - we will implement any idea!

To purchase, you need to decide on the number of balls in the decoration (3, 5, 7, 9, 11...), as well as their color. You can order either one-color balloon fountains or two or more colors. In addition, we can add weights to the product, thanks to which it will be easy to place it on the floor without fear of it flying into the air.

Place your order either through the shopping cart, or by calling us (by email).

Treat yourself to a holiday - a bright and unusual fountain made of balloons!

This decoration is suitable both for decorating your own holiday events and as a gift. If the room is large, you can order several fountains. Please note that they can be made from regular helium balloons or from others. For example, fountains made from foil balloons are very popular in our country, as they look richer and more varied. You can combine regular and foil balloons, for example, to create a decoration for discharge. In this case, a foil product (a heel or an image of a baby) is placed at the very top, and it is framed by ordinary multi-colored balls.

Most often ordered for birthdays balloon fountains with numbers, for weddings - with hearts, as a gift for small children - with cartoon or fairy tale characters.

Each element of this decoration will be inflated with helium, and if you wish, additionally sealed with Hi-Float. The fact is that latex is a fairly “porous” material, and therefore easily allows helium to pass through it. As a result, after a day all the beauty begins to deflate and fall off. Hi-Float glue will seal the latex for a long time, preventing gas from escaping, so the fountain will last for two to three weeks instead of one day!

We are waiting for orders for balloon fountains

There are a great many options that we can come up with and make for you. So just call and place an order, and we will work to make your holiday or gift the brightest, most beautiful and memorable!

There are many advantages of ordering in our online store. Mainly these are:

  • Ordering and buying from us couldn’t be easier: a convenient catalog helps you quickly make a choice, and various communication methods simplify the procedure.
  • There is delivery available at any time, even at night!
  • A team of experienced specialists will fulfill your every wish: we will take on the most complex ideas.
  • In addition to fountains, we produce any other elements for decorating rooms with balloons.
  • We will inflate them directly near your home so that you can be sure of their “freshness”.

A balloon fountain is the most popular and original composition for a celebration. It fits harmoniously into any holiday, symbolizing a fountain of happiness and joy. A fountain of balloons resembles jets of water shooting upward, like in a real fountain. It is usually placed in the central part of the entire composition. The color scheme of the fountain can be completely unpredictable. All colors and even shapes of balloons are combined here. Recently, professional designers have increasingly used balloon fountains in their work, but this does not mean that it is impossible to create one with your own hands.

How to make a fountain out of balloons.

Popular wisdom says that even if the eyes are afraid, the hands do it anyway. This can be fully attributed to our composition, which we will try to make simple, but original and interesting. To work, we will need a small balloon with helium (you can also go to a balloon sales point for helium), as well as soft wire or thin but strong twine to connect the elements of the composition. The platform of our composition consists of 4 balloons filled with water. It will serve as a kind of burden to the composition so that the fountain does not move around the hall on its own. You should not use wooden blocks for this purpose, much less weights and dumbbells. The “water” ball will hold the composition in place no worse than the 16-kilogram weight that athletes train with before powerlifting competitions.

When your platform is ready to hold the entire Fountain of colorful balloons, add 4 small balloons of a different color to it. To make small balloons, just slightly inflate them with air. Attach the balloons to the base, as shown in the photo, using the “twist” method or tighten the balloons with a string. You can also use double-sided tape.

Our main task.

Our main task is to achieve a feeling of lightness, swiftness, to create an impression similar to the one we get when we look at a real fountain. This means that the entire composition should tend upward, and it should include some kind of “branches” symbolizing splashes of water. It is advisable to select the color of the balloons and arrange elements of different colors so that there is no impression of chaos and disorder.

In conclusion.

To get the perfect spray from your fountain, tie a piece of string to each one. Colored ribbons can be used as a useful addition. Once the length of each balloon has been edited and assembled into an overall composition, secure all the elements together using central twine.

Your balloon fountain is ready! But it’s doubly nice that this composition was made with your own hands and is ready to delight not only guests, but also your loved ones!

Balloons are successfully used to decorate holidays. They look wonderful at anniversaries and look harmonious at company openings and corporate events. It’s hard to imagine a wedding or children’s party without a colorful design. Let's look at several options and find out how to make a balloon fountain with your own hands.

Tools and materials

The fountain of balls owes its name to a design that looks like jets of water rushing upward. The effect is created by helium balloons, which form the basis of the composition. They are attached to the base-load and are always directed vertically. Fountains are valued for their unusual appearance and simplicity. They create a holiday in any room. Manufacturing requires a minimum set of tools and materials. Depending on the design, it may vary. Sample list:

    Balls. They can be one, two colors or multi-colored. There is no consensus on diameters either. You can take only large ones or large and small ones.

    Ribbons are needed not only to secure the balls, but also as decorations. The choice of color and quality influences the design of the composition.

Stages of creating a fountain from balloons

Compositions made from helium balloons resemble paintings. Each author creates his own masterpiece. Let's look at several options for making fountains.

Any fountain is divided into two parts: the base and the top.


The base can be any load. If it is a figurine, a heavy figurine or a bottle of champagne, then disguise is not required.

A plastic bottle filled with water is hidden among inflated balloons. A special stand made of balloons looks especially beautiful. To do this, just fill them with water in the amount of 4 pieces and tie them into a stable base.

Instructions on how to assemble a base from nine 10-inch balls:

    Inflate 4 items with a diameter of 25 cm with air, tie them in pairs, and connect everything together.

    Fill 4 more pieces with air, but smaller ones. Tie in pairs and gather together.

    Intertwine small and large bundles into an overall composition.

    Fill a small ball with water and tie it. Attach to the composition from the side of the larger diameter structure. This will be the bottom of the base.

Top of the fountain

In order for the balloons to move upward, they are inflated with helium. There are many recipes for producing light gas at home. In all cases, it is obtained as a result of a chemical reaction. The process will require care and is not safe. It’s easier to purchase already inflated balloons in a retail chain.

Fountain design options:

    Simple. You will need any number of balls from 3. When tying them, leave the end of the ribbon free on both sides. Twist one for decoration. The second one will be attached to the base. Form a bouquet of balloons of the same or different colors. They are mounted at different heights.

    A fountain of large and small balls. It is formed in the same way as the previous one. The difference is small. A ball 5-10 times smaller is tied to the base of each large one.

    A fountain made of hearts or balls with a pattern. It works the same way.

    Fountain of 4 red and 3 yellow balls. Collect 3 yellow ones at the same height. Then insert the red ball between the yellow ones and lift them above them. Place 3 red ones on a small ribbon below the yellow ones. Attach the composition to the base.

    Composition with a central element. For decoration, take a foil ball in the shape of a heart or a figure. From there they begin to form a structure, gradually descending downwards.

These balloon fountains are easy to make yourself. All family members can be involved in the creation process; creativity unites.

When organizing an anniversary, wedding and other festive events, much attention is paid to the decoration of the hall. For this purpose, posters, textiles, compositions of artificial and natural flowers and balloons are used. It is not difficult to make various three-dimensional shapes from balloons - flowers, hearts, vases and even fountains.

What is a balloon fountain?

The balloon fountain is an original composition that resembles jets of water shooting upward, like in a real fountain. It is a fairly frequently used part of aero design and is usually located in the central part of the entire composition. Recently, professional designers have increasingly used balloons in their work, but this does not mean that it is impossible to create a fountain from balloons.

The services of a professional aero designer are quite expensive and not affordable for everyone. Of course, a professional can make a unique composition, but a self-made “fountain” can decorate any room, including one intended for a wedding. It’s not difficult to make such a voluminous figure yourself.

Making a fountain out of balloons: everything is simple and beautiful

Popular wisdom says that even if the eyes are afraid, the hands do the same. This can be fully attributed to our composition, which we will try to make simple, but original and interesting. To work, we will need balloons of different sizes and colors, a small helium balloon, fixing adhesive tapes, as well as soft wire or thin but strong twine to connect the elements of the composition.

First, let's prepare a weight so that the future fountain does not move around the hall at its own discretion. You should not use wooden blocks for this purpose, much less weights and dumbbells - let the weight also be a ball, only filled not with light gas or air, but with water. This “water” ball will hold the composition in place no worse than the 16-kilogram weight that athletes train with before powerlifting.

Now everyone needs to be prepared. Carefully inflate the balloons with air, hold them in this position for several minutes, then deflate the air and fill them with helium. Here it is worth making sure that the balls that suddenly “come to life” do not scatter throughout the room. Having prepared the material, you can begin assembling the composition.

Our main task is to achieve a feeling of lightness, swiftness, to create an impression similar to the one we get when we look at a real fountain. This means that the entire composition should tend upward, and it should include some kind of “branches” symbolizing splashes of water. We form a composition by fastening all the assembled elements on a central twine. It is advisable to select the color of the balls and arrange elements of different colors so that there is no impression of chaos and disorder. Colored ribbons can be used as a useful addition.

That's it, the balloon fountain is ready. It’s doubly nice that this composition was made with your own hands.

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