Statuses about a group of friends. Cool statuses about friends: a selection for all occasions. When a friend is not a friend

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  • The most popular phrase when you are walking with friends: “Well, everything is quiet, otherwise people are coming!”
  • A true friend is one with whom it is even comfortable to remain silent.
  • It's easy to quit drinking, it's hard to convince your friends to do it.
  • I love my girlfriend. She will stop the horse, and enter the hut, and twist the offenders into a ram's horn, and bake cookies for tea. If I were a guy, I would get married!
  • Friendship is not processed cheese, but a much more delicious concept!
  • A friend is a person who, in any unpleasant situation, will take your side, and then, in private, will hit you in the neck for all the “jambs”.
  • - Best friends are two idiots who simply absolutely cannot live without each other.
  • There are no time boundaries for classmates: we are still one gang.
  • Friendship is a 24/7 concept.
  • When our group gets together, we become those with whom our parents did not allow us to be friends and told us to stay away. Friendship is a terrible force.
  • Without friends like mine, I would die of boredom.
  • Best friends are ready to lend a helping hand in any trouble in life... But when it comes to the last piece of pizza: “Fuck it, it’s mine!”
  • The thicker a friend’s butt, the merrier her soul is!
  • If I forget the details of the party, I will definitely ask my best friends: they will not only tell you in person, but will also show photos or videos.
  • Friends will never allow you to do stupid things... without them!
  • Friends are people with whom you talk on the phone for 30 minutes, and for the last 5 minutes you both remain stupidly silent on the phone because some movie is on.
  • It’s so good that I have real friends: they will help me throw out the Christmas tree and lower the offender down the stairs.
  • Friends are the people with whom you go to the toilet in the middle of the night at the dacha, because it’s dark and it’s scary to go alone, and when you go into this wonderful cubicle, they, waiting for you next to it, yell: “Go to hell, you asshole! »
  • You can’t quarrel with my friends: they post people like that on Instagram...
  • Cool statuses about friends“Friends are those people who regularly sit in long lines with you to see a doctor, and after each time they say: “Fuck you, I won’t go to this damn hospital with you again!”
  • Friendship is a 24/7 service. No lunches, weekends or holidays.
  • If life gets tough, look at your friend's face!
  • A friend is like a corset - he will always support you and is always there...
  • Only best friends know better than you what else is delicious in your refrigerator =)
  • When the world is falling apart at the seams, you can fall into depression, go to an appointment with a psychologist, or buy a bottle of wine and crash into a friend’s room with the words: “Well, let’s go for a walk?!”

It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without social networks. Now, while enjoying a cup of morning coffee, many people look not at the news, but at the news feed on VK, Instagram or Facebook, like photos, repost notes they like, or write their own. dictates rules that many diligently follow and regularly replenish their friend lists with new faces. However, this does not prevent us from forgetting about real people, and it is for them that statuses about best friends are often posted. To simply say “thank you” for existing.

Cool statuses about friends

  • Only a true friend is not afraid to tell the truth, knowing that it may cause pain.
  • A true friend is better than any psychoanalyst: he will not only listen and give advice, but if necessary, he will also give you a magic kick.
  • Friendship is like love, only without regard to size and status.
  • Even if you are far away, it does not change anything, because distance is not an obstacle to true friendship.
  • Friends are measured not by quantity, but by quality. Better one, but real, than ten, but for a day.
  • There may be 1000 friends on your friend list, but there is no one to talk to. Or one, in reality, but for life.
  • Who are the People who know more about you than you would like?
  • Even if I don't post funny statuses about friends, I still love you guys.
  • A true friend is one with whom it is even comfortable to remain silent.
  • A friend is a person who, in any unpleasant situation, will take your side, and then, in private, will hit you in the neck for all your mistakes.

To old friends

Those who have known practically all their lives will be pleased with the following selection. So, cool statuses about friends:

  • There are no time boundaries for classmates: we are still one gang.

  • When our group gets together, we become those with whom our parents did not allow us to be friends and told us to stay away. Friendship is a terrible force.
  • True friends are people who know who you really are but continue to be friends with you.
  • Friends don't have to be perfect, but they always have to be real.

With a friend for life

Those who like to post statuses on VK about friends may like something from this collection.

  • Best friends are ready to lend a helping hand in any trouble in life... But when it comes to the last piece of pizza: “Fuck it, it’s mine!”

  • Your best friend hates your ill-wishers, even if he has never met them.
  • If I forget the details of the party, I will definitely ask my best friends: they will not only tell you in person, but will also show photos or videos.
  • It’s so good that I have real friends: they will help me throw out the Christmas tree and lower the offender down the stairs.
  • Everyone has a folder on their computer with well-hidden photographs, looking at which only one thing comes to mind: “What a face you have, Sharapov...”
  • You can’t quarrel with my friends: they post people like that on Instagram...

When a friend is not a friend

Sometimes there are situations when you don’t want to post funny statuses about friends. This small selection will help you speak out about painful issues.

  • With such friends you don't need enemies.
  • Friends are those who are there not only when it’s bad, but also when it’s really good.
  • A real girlfriend cares about you, not about your boyfriend's car and salary.
  • If friends appear when you want to go somewhere to “sit”, you should think about whether they are friends...

  • When love is betrayed, you can still find an explanation, when friendship is not.
  • If your best friend hasn’t called or written for a long time, relax, he’s not a friend, just an acquaintance.
  • Friendship is a 24/7 service. No lunches, weekends or holidays.
  • The betrayal of a friend is more difficult to survive than the betrayal of a loved one.

Statuses for girlfriends

Don't know how to show your friend that you care about her? Write funny statuses about friends on your or her page, she will definitely appreciate your attention.

  • Just looking at your tear-stained face, he will say: “You are my beauty!”
  • True friends come to you as if they were at home. And they know not only where the slippers are, but also what is in the refrigerator.

  • When the world is falling apart at the seams, you can fall into depression, go to an appointment with a psychologist, or buy a bottle of wine and crash into a friend’s room with the words: “Well, let’s go for a walk?!”
  • Even if I find and write down all the statuses about my best friends, it won't be enough to show how much you mean to me.
  • I love my girlfriend. She will stop the horse, and enter the hut, and twist the offenders into a ram's horn, and bake cookies for tea. If I were a guy, I would get married!
  • Only your best friend knows exactly what you write about in your status.
  • Even if I have a deadline, and the end of the world is outside the window and a space landing force is landing in front of the office, I will find a couple of minutes to take a photo with the cutest alien and send it to my girlfriend. Maybe this is what will lift her spirits and make her smile.
  • Those who believe that female friendship does not exist simply do not know my friend.
  • Cool statuses about friends are just a reason to once again say the most important thing: thank you for being in my life.

Friendship is like a diamond - it is rare, expensive and there are a lot of fakes.

There are times when a person's best friend is loneliness, and his best friend is silence.

Love and Friendship met once. Love asks: “Why are you needed in the world when I exist?” And Friendship answers: “To leave a smile where you leave only tears...”

We choose our own friends, but time leaves the best ones.

The true value of wealth is learned when it is acquired, and the value of a friend is learned when it is lost.

A friend says: “That’s it! I’ll sing now!” And after all, the infection got drunk!

The secret of women's happiness is simple - a caring man, a beautiful manicure, new shoes and a best friend nearby. Fat best friend.

Friendship is such a sacred, sweet, constant and lasting feeling that you can preserve for life, if only you do not try to borrow money.

Never speak ill of yourself - that's what friends are for!

A friend came. We started pickling cucumbers with it. It all ended with us snacking on them later.

A true friend will never ask “why?” She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

When my friend says she's depressed, my liver starts to twitch convulsively.

When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are!!!

A friend shares her innermost thoughts with her friend: “The French love the most beautiful, the Germans love the most, the rabbits love the fastest, but the goats love the most!”

They say friends don't lie on the road. Anything can happen to mine.

True friends come without an invitation not only to celebrate, but also to help.

If every real friend of mine gave me five rubles, I would already have 5.5 rubles.

Best friends are ready to give their lives for each other, but when it comes to chewing gum... fuck you, it's the last one.

I’m waiting for a friend to come over for tea… I’m wiping my glasses.

Never make excuses to anyone! Your friends don't need it, but your enemies still won't believe it.

Friendship is a 24/7 concept.

A friend is a news service, a liquor store, and a psychological support center.

Is it only for my friends that the “do not disturb” status acts as a red rag to the bull?

How is an enemy different from a friend? The enemy will always tell you the truth, but before that you need to get your friend drunk.

When we go out with friends, we become those people our mother told us to stay away from.

Friendship is not 327 friends on the site, but one friend in life, whom you won’t send a damn, because you’ll have to go there with her, so as not to worry about how she’ll get there!

It’s good to have someone nearby to whom you can say what you think. After all, with everyone else, you need to think about what you say.

When a man and a woman are friends, everything is very simple, but incredibly difficult. After all, many things are practically impossible, although theoretically possible...

Friendship is such a simple word, but not everyone knows how to be friends, think about what a simple word, but you need to be able to value it.

Law of Friendship - You may not be delighted, but you still have to like it.

You are my friend, we are friends, you are a fool just like me.

In opposite-sex friendships, there often comes a time when one of the friends begins to want more than they already have. From this moment everything begins to fall apart...

I D I O T is an ideal friend and a great comrade!

It's good when a dog is a friend, but bad when a friend is a dog.

- Guys, Vovan will come now. Whoever he greets first among us is a sucker! - Guys, hello everyone!!!

A friend is someone who knows your past, believes in your future and accepts you as you are in the present...

You don't have to have friends, you have to be friends with them!

A friend is not someone you want to drink with, but someone without whom you don’t want to do it.

The winner has many friends, and only the loser has real ones...

If life gets tough, hit a friend with a stool! Hit harder and don’t regret it, there are still plenty of friends...

The only things worse than smart enemies are cunning “friends”!

Friends are those who already have something in your kitchen at home, and you haven’t even had time to undress yet.

For casual relationships we pay the venereologist, for regular ones we pay the gynecologist, and for friendly ones we pay with the liver.

No matter what you tell, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer...

They become friends, not add them...

Friends are known in times of need... or when you need guarantors.

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience: this is an ideal life.

If your friends haven’t called you for a long time, don’t be offended, they’re just fine.

Sometimes you sit in the company of friends and you understand, guys, you have to go to kindergarten tomorrow, and I have to go to work)))

It’s good when you know that you have a friend, but it’s bad when a friend doesn’t know that he has you.

If they ask, “What is more expensive? Love, parents, friends? You, silently, *ban in the face, you can’t ask that!

Never say anything bad about yourself, your friends will do it for you!

I bought myself earrings in the shape of mosquitoes... so cool))) Today I’ve already received a slap in the face from friends twice.

You don't have to have wings to fly. You need to have people in your life who won’t let you fall.

The blows of a friend are not as dangerous as the kisses of an enemy.

How much we do for our friends that we never did for ourselves!

A four-legged friend is better than two two-legged friends!

Every time you lend money to a friend, you spoil his memory.

My best friend doesn’t teach me how to live and doesn’t read morals if I’m wrong. He will simply say - you are an idiot. And I will be grateful to him.

In addition to friends, buddies and acquaintances, there is also such a type of dating as “drinking together”

Good friends, good books and a sleeping conscience are all components of an ideal life.

The best part of our life consists of friends...

If things get tough in life, look at your friend’s face, look at that snout - remember everything that happened to you!

I hate my boyfriend's friends. Fiercely. I wish I could marry them all, the bastards!))

The most popular phrase when you are walking with friends: - Well, be quiet, otherwise people are coming!

You ruined your life, help someone else!

It doesn't matter if you don't have friends. it’s a disaster if they are fake and corrupt.

We would have more friends if the page said not: “Perhaps you know each other?”, but: “Perhaps you drank together?”))

About 20 thousand of my close friends said that I was exaggerating too much!

There are a lot of friends online, but no one writes or answers... Silence - Gold? You are my golden ones!!!

A best friend is like a husband, your only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not get boring. This is the one whose pain is like your own. This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry...)))

Cocktail recipe “The Three Little Pigs”: A box of vodka and two friends.

Do I have friends? Certainly! Especially when I'm in a good mood and want to go for a walk. When do I feel lonely? No, unfortunately there are none.

You experience mixed feelings when you find your wife only in the “Friends of Friends” section.

It's so disappointing to see people who have unfriended each other even though they almost broke their bed one day!

To avoid being betrayed and to have fewer enemies, do not have too many friends.

Against fate. Towards the wind. Against the stream. All this is I. And who walks next to me does not matter. If they are with me, then they are friends.

What is more important to you: your boyfriend or your best friend? If the friend is the best, then she will understand that he is loved.

I have an excellent relationship with my friends - I’m his best friend, and he’s blacklisted me!

People get dogs, and cats get people. Apparently, they consider them useful pets.

Friends are like bras - they are close to your heart and will always support you!

My friends are like stars. I don't always see them, but I know they are there.

When you see a new friend, don’t forget about the old one. When you see an available girl, don’t forget about your beloved one.

The most interesting thing about beer is the company.

The girl with blue eyes is the most beautiful, and the girl with blue friends is the most faithful!!!

I had 6 bottles of beer. I met a friend and he asked me for two. How many bottles of beer do I have left?
- about 15 empty.

Friends, I will accept as a gift MEMORY, 2 giga, with a connector for a bad head...

Friends are the people who sleep in your bed while you clean out that entire pigsty that was left after their visit yesterday...

If your friends doubt you, then they are not friends, they are bullshit, comrades.

Books are the most silent and most faithful friends; they are the most accessible and the wisest advisers, and they are the most patient teachers.

A wife can be a friend, but a husband, unfortunately, cannot be a friend.

Hello! I wanted to tell you something! Firstly, I met your wife on vacation, secondly, I slept with her, and thirdly, how do you like the second one?
- Firstly, I divorced her a year ago, secondly, she has syphilis, and thirdly, how do you like it?

-let's go for a walk?
-somehow you pronounce the word “swell” strangely!!!)))

Don’t share your joys with your friends, take care of their nerves!

I live for those who need it... I am friends only with those in whom I am confident... I communicate with those who are pleasant... And I am grateful to those who appreciate!!!

Funny statuses about friends

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