New Year's toys for the new year. DIY Christmas tree decorations: new ideas, master classes, photos. Toys - DIY paper umbrellas

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Homemade toys for the Christmas tree can be made not only by needlewomen. There are quite simple options that won’t take much time. They can be done with children or on your own. The most important thing is that your furry beauty will not be like others. And the warmth of your hands transferred to the toy will be noticed by all your loved ones.

Greetings to all readers of my blog, New Year is a magical holiday! It carries so much warmth, kindness and inspiration that it should be enough for the next 365 days! Preparing for the New Year is a real sacrament. Buying (or even better - creating with your own hands) gifts for family, loved ones and friends, planning the New Year's menu, decorating apartments and houses and, of course, the most important New Year's process... It's time to decorate the Christmas tree!

But now the next question arises: with what? Surely every home has a box of Christmas tree decorations. Some people have old Soviet houses with snow roofs, ruddy Santa Clauses and bullfinches lying there. They are, of course, dear to the heart, but they are already old, tired, and the paint is worn off. By the way, I advise you to read it, because the holidays are so fleeting.

Others have bright identical balls in the color of the curtains and golden bows.

Stylish, no doubt. But it’s the same – like everyone else’s. So what can we come up with? The answer is the simplest: make homemade Christmas tree toys! Everything about this process is perfect: from the search for ideas to the preparation of materials, from the first detail to the final result.

The flight of fancy is not limited! You can create any crafts from any materials, by any means. But sometimes it’s difficult to come up with an image on your own. In this case, there is no shame in looking: what are others doing? And taking the proposed options as a basis, come up with something of your own, or simply repeat some very cute little thing.

That is why I “climbed” onto the Internet in search of everything tasty and interesting. It’s not for nothing that mine was opened.

There are a lot of tips. We'll look at some of them.

Cardboard, paper and glue are the most accessible materials. They are always in the house, especially when the baby is growing. In addition, such homemade Christmas tree toys are easy to make, do not require special handicraft skills and can be made by a child aged 8-10 years independently or with a little parental help if your child is younger.

Paper balls

These balls are quite easy to make.

Decoupage glass ornaments with vintage German newspapers


We will need:

  • 1 ball (you can use foam balls or plastic ones, which are sold in handicraft stores as blanks for Christmas tree decorations) or a hemisphere (for example, molded from plasticine);
  • glue (preferably liquid, it would be ideal to dilute the paste, but you can also use PVA);
  • newspapers;
  • thin wire (you can use a paper clip);
  • a thread;
  • glitter, stickers or scrapbooking paper - optional.

We tear the newspapers into thin strips, coat each of them with glue and gradually cover the ball with them. As soon as the base is no longer visible under the layer of newspapers, put the product aside and let it dry - about 40 minutes. Then create 2, 3, 4 and 5 layers - similar to the first. If you are using a ball base, you do not need to remove it. If you have only made half of the base, you will have to first make the decoration from individual parts and then glue them together.

After complete drying, you can apply a layer of varnish and sprinkle glitter. Homemade Christmas tree decorations are so valuable because they can be decorated in any way and with anything!

When the ball itself is ready, we begin making the “top”. If the work was carried out with New Year's balls, then we attach their holders on top. It’s even easier to glue a tinsel bow to the ball and tie a thread or ribbon on top so that you can hang the product.

To make “named” balls, just attach a piece of paper with a name to the tinsel using a thread. You can write wishes, compliments and any other pleasant little things on these stickers.

Gift decoration with vintage paper

In the same source I saw a New Year's craft that can be done in 10 minutes! You need to make an “accordion” from a sheet of music notes, alternately bending the paper into 1-2 cm strips in one direction or the other. Repeat with another sheet. Bend each accordion in half and glue along the free side to make it look like a “half-toy”. Then connect the resulting semicircles to each other along the sides that remain without folds.

You can use it as a gift for someone dear to you. Take a simple box that you can find at any craft store, decorate it with an old map and the resulting paper toy.

Musical muse

To make beautiful homemade Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, you need a true love of music!



  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • old sheet music;
  • rhinestone (you can simply cut a circle out of cardboard in color).

We cut three A4 sheets with notes each into 4 parts. From the first two we will make large rays, and from the third - small ones. We roll a quarter of the sheet into a cone and glue the joint. Please note that the glue will first need to be applied so that both sides of the cone stick together into one. And then carefully glue the rest. You need 8 such elements.

The next step is to cut the quarters of the last sheet in half. We get 8 parts. The scheme is the same. After this, each ray needs to be glued to a rhinestone or cut out circle. The back part can be covered with a layer of music paper, and a thread can be glued under it.

Another tip: to age paper, you need to soak it in a bowl of strong tea and then dry it. Then crumple and iron with an iron at minimum temperature. I really like the look of the paper, which is scorched at the edges.

Be careful to only burn sheets in close proximity to a water source!

DIY vintage toys

These vintage DIY Christmas tree decorations will harmoniously fit into any interior.


To make such a New Year's beauty, you will need:

  • colored paper (or scrapbooking paper);
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • wooden stick for the base.

Cut out strips from colored paper. Their length should be the same, but the width of each next one should be 1 centimeter more than the previous one. The number of strips and their size can be any - it depends on how you want your homemade Christmas tree toys to look.

Twist each strip into a tube and glue the joint. Then connect all the strips together and put them all together on a wooden base (can be cut out of cardboard). Don't forget the star and thread!

If regular colored paper is used, then I would additionally decorate this madame with cut out balls, circles, stars, sparkles, and pieces of tinsel. Give your child plenty of room for imagination. Let him paint the stripes and stick on bright stickers. Homemade Christmas tree decorations for the New Year can be as colorful and catchy as you like. The main thing is with the soul!

Christmas tree toys made of cardboard

If your New Year's homework is a DIY Christmas tree toy for school, then you can make an owl like this.


For this you will need:

  • toilet paper roll;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper;
  • white stickers with glitter.

You will need to glue the edge parts of the base and paint the product with white paint. Cut out all the details from paper and place them on top. I would also knit scarves for the owls and add thread tassels to their ears.

Another interesting and unusual idea is to make a cup of hot chocolate from a sleeve.


You will need:

  • sleeve;
  • cocktail straw;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • cardboard.

We prepare a paper cylinder from the sleeve - cut it to the desired size. Then from thick cardboard we cut out one cylinder of the same diameter - for the bottom, and another - for the “coffee” - a little smaller so that it fits inside but does not fall out. A small circle needs to be smeared with glue and a circle of brown paper, slightly larger, should be placed on top. Next, let's move on to the mug itself. According to the “recipe,” we are asked to cover it with a strip of colored paper, leaving a protruding part on both sides. At the bottom you should cut it with a “fringe” and glue each fragment to the bottom separately.

But I would simply wrap the homemade New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree with packaging material, fixing the joints with glue or a stapler. Or even just foil! But if according to the recipe, then don’t forget to glue the circle to the bottom.

After the packaging is ready, you need to put our “hot chocolate” inside, applying glue to the paper from the inside. Then we work on the top edge: carefully cut the free edge and glue one piece at a time. We insert the “drink” into the vessel. Here in the side edge we make a hole for the future thread.

Now for a pen: rolled paper, soaked in water and left to dry will work just fine. Glue it to the mug.

The base is ready, next is the decoration. There are no restrictions here: you can do it like the author, you can decorate it differently, for example, add a “slice of lemon” using a curly eraser, or draw a picture from “foam” using a corrector or contour. Homemade Christmas tree toys for the New Year can be very non-standard.

There are many tutorials on the Internet on how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, incl. video. For example, to make a ball, you need:

  • foam base;
  • many different buttons;
  • hot glue;
  • tapes.

We cover the ball with buttons, make a bow from a ribbon - and you're done!

For me, threads are a closer material. About how many different mercies can be connected, write and write, this will be a life-long post.


In addition, this is an activity for mothers, probably not for a child. Therefore, I will just show a few interesting things that I found, without going into details.


A knitted ball can be made in any color and any size. The thread is quite simple to sew on. You can tie a foam base, or you can stuff the toy with synthetic padding or other similar material.


But you can make things much simpler from threads. Homemade Christmas tree decorations made from thread always look very interesting, tasty and unusual.

You will need:

  • These wonderful decorations can be ordered, but are easier to make!
  • leg-split;
  • foam base for the ball;
  • scissors;
  • double-sided thin tape or hot silicone;


If you don't have tape, you can try using silicone, but this is more painstaking work. Carefully, one row after another, you need to wrap the base with rope, gluing the thread.

If you decide to use tape to make these homemade Christmas tree toys, then just make a “belt” for the ball from an adhesive strip (from left to right), and then two more lines perpendicular to the belt (from top to bottom).

Be careful not to glue one strip on top of another to avoid problems with removing the protective tape. Attach a string to half of the balloon. Then form a free part by unwinding a little twine, and, as if making a “dead loop,” return to winding the ball in the same direction as you started. Once the first round is completed, secure the “reference point” with a small pin or nail. And start moving around this pin, gluing new pieces of adhesive tape when necessary.

In principle, you can use any thread - thin or thick wool, yarn. In addition, strips of felt, woven fabric or braids, and anything else will work. When the winding is finished, you need to let the product dry and soak, if you used an adhesive mass, and then start decorating.

You can wrap any figures in the same way. The convenience of this manufacturing method is that subsequent decoration can be made with any elements. You can sew them, glue them, tie them, attach them with Velcro and whatever else you want to do with them!

Here's another option - this is the famous striped candy wrapped in twine. Fortunately, these plastic imitations can now be bought in bags and quite cheaply. Working with them is easier than with balls. You just need to secure the twine with silicone from a hot gun, and then wrap it along the entire length and do the same from the other end.


Another option is to do without foam plastic altogether. For example, like in this video about how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands. The neck of a regular plastic bottle is used as a base. First, cover the lid area with mounting tape, making it level. Then put the bag on the bottle. And using glue, carefully wrap the container to a certain level (depending on what size bells you want to end up with. As soon as the product dries, you should remove it from the neck and free it from the bag. And the final step is decoration.

You can make homemade Christmas tree decorations from threads with your own hands, using practically nothing except this very thread!


To make such an adorable snowman, you need:

  • white yarn;
  • small cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • needle;
  • a little felt.

The whole action is based on the principle of making pompoms for a hat. You have to wrap the cardboard in 30 circles with wool and cut the thread. Carefully remove the resulting skein, tie it in two places, preparing areas for the head, belly and legs. Prepare another skein, a smaller one, for your hands. Remove it from the cardboard and make two narrowings. Then spread the threads in the second segment in the frontal plane and thread future handles through the hole.

Schematically the snowman is ready. Cut the loops of thread on the arms and legs. And then start decorating. Trim all the ends of the fur so that nothing sticks out. From felt you can make a face and a scarf for our gentleman, as well as a hat. Or you can link it. Add a belt or buttons on the stomach. Tie a string so you can hang the toy.

Christmas tree star

So, the decorations for the branches are ready! Now our beauty is waiting for her “finest hour” - when we put a star on her top. But how, from what can you make it?

While I was flipping through the pages looking for something interesting, an idea came to my mind: why not decorate the Christmas tree... with a Christmas tree?! And here, for example, is an option!

We will need:

  • sheet of cardboard;
  • glue;
  • green tinsel thread;
  • bag of candy.

We make a cone out of cardboard and glue it along the joint. Glue a layer of tinsel onto the base. Then - a layer of sweets, one to one. Then again tinsel, and again sweets! Or you can replace sweets with a garland of lights and then our top will sparkle and shimmer, as it should be on the New Year!

If you made the musical decorations that were discussed at the very beginning of the article, then the star should be musical!


You can make this by cutting out the parts according to the template. Then you have to fold along the dotted lines, glue the joints - voila, done! The only difficulty is that you will have to redraw the template, or print it initially on music paper. However, you can use any other material.

For balls covered with newspapers, a corresponding star is suitable.


Making such a decoration is quite difficult. There is a special master class on how to make it, consisting of two parts. The first is about how to make an even pentagon, and the second is how to make a star out of it.

A star can be made from book pages, just like a toy can be made from sheet music.


You will have to fold pages or their fragments into cone-rays and glue them to the base.

A good option would be to make a three-dimensional star, for example, from papier-mâché, cardboard, or buy a blank.

  1. Let's look at an old book.
  2. Divide each page in half.
  3. We make an envelope from half.
  4. A cardboard or plastic star blank is pasted over with ready-made envelopes according to the pattern in the photo.
  5. Grease the edges with PVA glue and sprinkle with glitter.

To make it more convenient to install such homemade toys on the Christmas tree, I would advise making one large cone as a support. In addition, to make the star three-dimensional, the rays need to be glued not only on one side of the base, but also on the other.

Christmas is a holiday that for many is as important and significant as New Year. Therefore, the holiday tree must be decorated with themed decorations.


You can do this, for example, using:

  • wooden ring (you can use a special blank, a spare ring from a cornice or a foam ring);
  • several beads;
  • cap for beads;
  • rondel (separator);
  • crochet hook;
  • scissors;
  • threads

But this DIY Christmas tree decoration can only be made if you have shells lying around the house. However, finding decorative material in stores (in the same Leonardo chain, which has representatives in 35 cities of Russia) today is not so difficult.


To make this beauty you will need:

  • shells of different sizes;
  • hot glue;
  • a thread;
  • decorations for every taste.

In my opinion, it would be unnecessary to talk about the production process; everything can be seen without words.

This master class tells in great detail how to make an angel from a sheet of cardboard, thread, Christmas ball, ribbons and a set of decorations. These homemade Christmas tree decorations are suitable and can be used as decorations for the New Year or Christmas table.

I sincerely hope, dear readers, that this selection of tips on how to make homemade Christmas tree decorations will help you find your inspiration, catch the wave and get carried away with your work! I wish you new ideas and wonderful results!

What do you need

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • thread or thin rope;
  • wrapping;
  • thin decorative tape.

How to do

Using a ruler and pencil, draw a grid of identical squares on a piece of cardboard. The length of the sides can be any, it all depends on the desired size of the future Christmas tree decoration.

Cut out cardboard squares. Glue them into cubes. Before gluing the last segment, secure a loop inside the cube. Let it dry and then attach the box lid.

Wrap the workpiece in paper and tie a ribbon on top.

2. Salt dough toys

What do you need

  • 1 cup flour;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of water;
  • ¹⁄₂ glass of salt;
  • baking paper;
  • cookie cutters or paper templates and blade;
  • cocktail straw;
  • stamps or toothpick;
  • baking tray;
  • acrylic paints or gouache;
  • thin brush;
  • rope or thread.

How to do

Mix flour with water and salt and knead the dough. Divide it into several pieces and roll each one out on baking paper. Using cutters or templates and a blade, cut out the desired shapes.

Use a straw to make holes in the corners of the toys. You can stamp the pattern with stamps or a toothpick.

Place the pieces on a baking sheet and place in the oven. Bake for 10 minutes at 130°C.

Color the finished decorations to your taste. Red and white colors go best with green pine needles.

When the paint is dry, you can make loops.

What do you need

  • sheet of cardboard;
  • a set of pushpins (at least 200 pieces);
  • multi-colored nail polish;
  • foam blanks in the form of eggs;
  • Super glue;
  • earrings from unnecessary earrings or paper clips;
  • ribbon or thread for a loop.

How to do

Place cardboard on the table, stick pushpins into it in rows and cover them with nail polish. Leave to dry overnight.

In the morning you can decorate the eggs using foam. Carefully insert the buttons into the workpiece. It is important that one row slightly covers the other.

Use superglue to glue a wire or paperclip to the top of the toy. Attach a decorative ribbon or thread to it.

4. Thread stars

What do you need

  • star pattern;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • Super glue;
  • beads;
  • any yarn.

How to do

Attach the template to a piece of cardboard and trace with a pencil. Cut out the star along the outline. Glue a bead to the tip of each ray.

Secure the tip of the yarn with superglue in any convenient place. Wrap the star with yarn. Tie the end of the thread with a loop to hang the toy.

5. Button Christmas trees

What do you need

  • multi-colored buttons;
  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • thread.

How to do

Sort the buttons by color. Line up each set according to size. Bend the wire in half. Step back from the bend and cross one end of the wire over the other to form a loop. You can finally attach a thread to it to hang the toy.

Thread on the smallest button. Add increasingly larger buttons one at a time. Important: push the wire through two button holes each time. For buttons with four holes, work the holes diagonally. Then add several dark buttons of the same small size: this will be the tree trunk.

Twist the wire again and cut off the rest. Tie a thread to the loop.

What do you need

  • cones;
  • Super glue;
  • a coil of thin rope;
  • colored tape.

How to do

Glue a rope loop to the base of each cone. Tie the required number of bows. Secure them to the pine cones with glue.

7. Snowmen made from socks

What do you need

  • children's white socks;
  • foam balls of various sizes;
  • scissors;
  • white thread;
  • wide red ribbon;
  • thin red ribbon
  • a piece of colored felt;
  • pins;
  • black buttons.

How to do

Place two foam balls in a baby's sock so that the large one is at the bottom and the smaller one is on top. Drag the sock between the two balls with white thread. Tie a wide red ribbon on top and cut its edges.

Tie a thread over the top segment of the snowman. Turn the remaining part of the sock inside out. Cut a rectangular piece of felt and wrap it around the snowman's head to create a hat. Secure it with pins and fold the brim.

Now tie a thin red ribbon around the top of the snowman's hat. Make a loop from the long ends of the ribbon.

Pin two black buttons to the bottom ball of the snowman. Use small pins with different colored heads to make the snowman's nose and eyes.

8. Rope balls

What do you need

  • Balloons;
  • Bowl;
  • PVA glue;
  • a skein of jute rope;
  • glue gun or superglue;
  • spray paint optional.

How to do

Blow up a small balloon. Pour PVA into a bowl and soak the rope in it. Tie the end of the rope around the tail of the ball and randomly wrap the future toy. As an option: you can first wrap the ball and then dip it in a container of glue.

Let the toy dry. Then puncture the balloon and pull it out of the frozen frame of the toy. Don't forget the loop to hang your decoration.

Make several toys of different sizes using this principle. Such rope balls look impressive on a Christmas tree or under the ceiling. Especially if you paint them.

What do you need

  • Super glue;
  • broken light bulbs;
  • a skein of thread or ribbon;
  • gouache or glitter paints.

How to do

Glue loops of thread or ribbon to the light bulbs. Dip the bulbs one at a time into different colored paints. Let the toys dry.

10. Dried oranges

What do you need

  • oranges, lemons or limes;
  • sharp knife;
  • baking tray;
  • baking paper;
  • thick needle;
  • wire or thread.

How to do

Carefully cut the citrus into thin slices. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for two to three hours at 100°C.

Use a needle to make a hole in the future toy. Thread a thread or plastic wire and secure it to create a pendant.

New Year is a holiday of magic and fulfillment of desires. Naturally, I want this holiday to be remembered for a long time and to be special. What could be more special than DIY Christmas tree decorations? After all, the Christmas tree is the queen of the New Year. And the queen needs to be decorated accordingly.

We offer you several ideas for making original Christmas tree decorations with your own hands.

1. Fill the clear balls with decorative sprinkles or beads.

2. You can make hearts like this. These particular ones are made from polymer clay with the addition of cinnamon and apple flavors. So you can’t eat them, but they smell great!

3. You can decorate transparent balls with fragments from an old disk. You will get a kind of Christmas disco ball.

4. A shiny mustache is the hit of the season.

5. You can draw a reindeer with just one thumbprint.

6. Yarn toys look very warm and cozy.

7. Toys can also be made from paper - just look for suitable origami instructions.

8. And if instead of simple paper you take, say, an old map, you will get more “global” toys.

9. You can make flowers from paper.

10. And to make such paper toys, you don’t even need to be an origami expert.

11. Make a New Year's cucumber for the Christmas tree! Looks very "refreshing".

12. You can make unusual Christmas tree decorations from copper buttons and foam balls.

13. Make great decorations using salt dough and stamps.

14. And these cubes look very modern. Plus, making them couldn't be easier.

15. Balls can even be made from old rugs.

16. From polymer clay you can make these cute plates with bright stamped patterns.

17. A boring pattern on a toy can simply be covered with newspaper. Looks original.

18. Melt colored pencils inside the transparent balls to achieve this streaky effect.

19. You can hang keys on the Christmas tree.

20. Does your child have a lot of plastic toys that he no longer needs? Paint them and give them a second life as Christmas decorations.

21. Well, if this tiny sweater doesn’t convince you that it’s time to learn to knit, then nothing will.

22. Mini mittens to go with the sweater.

23. You can make names out of wire and tie them with beautiful threads.

24. Make an igloo out of cardboard.

25. There is a special paint that, when dry, allows you to write on it with chalk, like on a blackboard. An excellent option for Christmas tree decorations, because you can write anything you want.

The New Year, beloved by many, is a time of joyful troubles. The cheerful bustle catches both children and adults in its whirlpool. There are a lot of pleasant moments in preparation for this wonderful time. But there is a moment that is such a long-standing tradition that we can no longer imagine celebrating the New Year without it. This custom is loved by everyone, young and old - decorating the Christmas tree. The origins of this wonderful event go back centuries, to pre-Christian times. Ancient people believed that evergreen trees - spruce and pine - were especially loved by the gods. Therefore, they decorated them with gifts, seeking to gain divine blessings, good luck and fortune.

In Europe, the tradition of decorating Christmas trees began in the mid-16th century. According to scientists, its founder was the founder of one of the directions of Protestantism, Martin Luther. The great reformer Peter I brought the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree to Russia.

Initially, candles, fruits, cookies and paper crafts were used as decorations.

In the modern world there is such a huge number of decorations for the Christmas tree and for the room in general that it can be overwhelming: how to choose from all this tinsel and shiny decorative elements what is right for your home?

Our article is devoted to Christmas tree toys, but not ordinary ones, but those created independently, with your own hands. You cannot buy such original and unusual things in a store. Your Christmas tree will be decorated with exclusive, bright and original products, which will undoubtedly make the holiday even more memorable.

When it comes to handmade crafts, many can imagine incredibly high expenses on decorative details. We hasten to assure you that creating unusual and beautiful Christmas tree decorations is not only simple, easy and exciting, but also quite inexpensive. In our master classes we will talk in detail about crafts made from felt, scraps of fabric, sequins, threads, buttons, beads and even old computer parts or pasta.

We'll probably start with the most popular decoration - Christmas balls.

Christmas balls made of fabric

Do you have a bright colorful dress in your closet that you will never wear? Then feel free to grab the scissors and start creating. In order to make a Christmas ball from fabric, you will need:

  • The basis. This could be a foam ball or even an old sock that needs to be stuffed tightly until you get a hard ball;
  • Sheathing material;
  • A rope or ribbon for a loop with which we will hang the ball on the Christmas tree;
  • Glue (glue gun) or thread and needle.

There are many options for attaching fabric. Decorative trim can be sewn or glued. Its role can be strips of fabric gathered with frills, which need to be sewn in circles. You can cut the fabric into small squares and sew them to the base, grabbing only the center of each square. Place their centers closer to each other and you will get an adorable shaggy ball.

You can use burlap, old tablecloths, fabrics of any texture, quality and color.

Another option for decorating a Christmas ball can be buttons.

Choose bright colors and different sizes.

New Year's Christmas balls made of thread and lace

Another wonderful decoration can be balls of thread.

You will need:

  • Balloon;
  • PVA glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Iris type threads.

Making such a decoration is very simple. We inflate a ball of a size corresponding to the size of the future toy. Tie one end of the thread to it. The threads can be dipped in glue or covered with a brush. Leave some space near the base of the ball. Sprinkle glitter on top. We wait until the glue dries. Now all that remains is to pierce the ball and pull it out of the workpiece. All that remains is to hang our toy on a string or ribbon.

For needlewomen who know how to crochet, it will not be difficult to make such a magical openwork creation. We do it by analogy with threads, but here we glue the lace elements. Below we offer several diagrams for creating openwork details.

Decor of foam balls

We offer several decor options.

You will need:

  • Foam base - ball;
  • Thin felt in two shades;
  • Sequins of bright colors;
  • Pins with beautiful hats;
  • Thin ribbons and hooks as fastenings;
  • Corrugated paper;
  • Beads;
  • Needles and threads;
  • Glue.

First we will make the decoration with felt. We have white and red colors (you can choose any others).

So, let's draw a sketch of a flower with five petals. Two options, larger and smaller. The photo shows a detailed master class.

The next decoration option will be sequins. We used pins to attach them. To make the ball more colorful and interesting, try using carnations with beautiful caps. It can be sparkles, pearls, you can glue rhinestones. Begin attaching in concentric rows so that each subsequent sequin overlaps slightly.

The photo shows the attachment method step by step.

To decorate another Christmas tree toy you can use tiny flowers made of crepe paper.

We take our foam ball base and attach a ribbon loop to it, with which we will later hang it on the Christmas tree.

You need to roll the paper into a roll and cut it into strips about 1 cm wide. Following the step-by-step photos, we roll up small roses from the resulting ribbons. We glue the base with it and cut off the unnecessary tail.

Now carefully glue the flowers onto the surface of the ball. To hide the gaps between the roses, we glued beads to match the paper and ribbon.

Next DIY Christmas ball we will do vintage style made of lace.


  • Foam base;
  • Small pieces of lace;
  • Glue;
  • White and black coffee paint;
  • Brush;
  • Pin with cap (base for Christmas tree decorations);
  • Ribbons.

First, cover the foam ball with white paint. After it has dried, glue pieces of lace onto the workpiece in a random order. The next step will be covering our workpiece with brown paint. Paint in several parts to avoid staining your handles. When the paint begins to dry, take a cotton pad, moisten it with water and pass over the entire painted surface, wiping off excess paint. Wipe with different intensity. Somewhere there will be more paint, somewhere less, and the ball will have a delightful vintage, antique style.

We will decorate the next Christmas ball in high-tech style.

For this we need:

  • An old CD (depending on the size of the ball, you will need to take several pieces);
  • Plastic transparent Christmas ball;
  • A small piece of golden satin fabric;
  • Glue moment crystal.

We cut our disks into small pieces of arbitrary shape. We take our transparent ball and begin to glue the pieces of disks with a mirror surface facing outward. The location of the pieces does not matter; you glue them as your imagination dictates.

When the workpiece has dried, take out the cap with the loop on which the ball is hung, and place a golden satin ribbon or just a piece of fabric inside. We put the fastener back. Our ball is ready.

The next toy will be especially loved by all those with a sweet tooth. Christmas tree decoration in the form of a cupcake with a cherry.

You will need:

  • Small foam balls;
  • Bright cupcake tins (made of foil or paper);
  • Glue gun;
  • Skewers;
  • Scarlet beads (better if they are pins);
  • Large white sparkles.

Carefully coat the foam ball placed on a skewer with glue for ease of use. We roll our workpiece in glitter. Glue the loop. We are waiting for the glue to dry. Then take the muffin tins. This corrugated “skirt” can be made from foil or bought ready-made. We apply glue inside and place our workpiece. We decorate the top with a simple bead or pin (they also need to be glued). Our sweet Christmas tree decoration is ready.

On New Year's Eve, everything always sparkles, shines, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, and Christmas tree decorations are no exception. You probably have some beads or long-forgotten unnecessary jewelry at home, or maybe an old sweater with rhinestones that you will never wear. All shiny and iridescent elements can be cut off and safely used to decorate Christmas tree balls.

If you have rhinestones, crystals, bicone or beads, just place them on glue. To decorate with beads of different formats, you will need a foam ball base and pins with a cap larger than the diameter of the hole. The photo below shows in detail exactly how you can decorate a Christmas ball.

It's not just balls that are hung on the New Year's tree. It's snowing outside the window, and beautiful snowflakes are falling to the ground. And openwork graceful beauties decorate the Christmas tree. During the New Year holidays, the family spends a lot of time together, and it will be very fun and cool to make a snowflake with your own hands with the children. You can use safe and fun materials for this, like pasta.

DIY pasta snowflakes

You will need:

  • Pasta of various shapes (shells, feathers, spirals, wheels);
  • Bonding material (for small children - plasticine, for older ones - instant glue or PVA);
  • Paints of various colors, silver and gold;
  • Elements for decoration (semolina, granulated sugar, sparkles, beads and seed beads are suitable). The use of small parts is best done under adult supervision.

Since working with instant glue will be difficult for little ones, we suggest that little ones glue the pasta together with plasticine. Then paint and decorate.

For adults, there are several ways to create and decorate snowflakes from pasta.

One of them is as follows: glue the snowflake together as usual, then cover it with PVA glue and roll it in sugar, semolina or sprinkle it with nail glitter. They can be purchased at cosmetics stores or nail aesthetics salons.

Pasta snowflakes painted with gold or silver paint look very advantageous.

We have given several options for such products, but the imagination of needlewomen is limitless, so you and your family can create real masterpieces.

Are your children or do you love animals? You can decorate the Christmas tree adorable penguins made from old light bulbs.

You will need:

  • Unusable and old damaged light bulbs;
  • Paints;
  • Paints;
  • Brushes;
  • A little glue;
  • Thin ribbons.

Making a penguin from an old light bulb is very simple - just paint the light bulb. After the paint has dried, glue a ribbon in the form of a loop around the base. It will be convenient to hang our penguins on spruce branches. You can borrow hats and scarves from dolls or make them yourself and dress up the penguins.

In order to make hats for penguins or use as an independent decoration You will need:

  • Thick threads (you can use leftover yarn from one of your products);
  • Cardboard rolls from toilet paper.

We cut the cardboard blanks into rings. The width of the cap lapel will depend on the height of the ring.

Now cut the threads 30 cm long.

Fold the thread in half and thread it through the ring. Now we take the ends of the thread and make a loop (see photo). In this way we braid the entire cardboard blank. This is what we got.

We take all the thread tails and thread them into the ring (see photo). At some distance from the ring (approximately 1.5 - 2 cm), we tightly tie the entire bundle of threads. All that remains is to step back about 1 cm from the tie and cut off all the threads. We got a cute and funny hat with a bubo.

Another option Lovers of modern technology and computers will definitely be interested in this Christmas tree decoration.

You will need:

  • Old computer parts (boards from game consoles, RAM, etc.);
  • A drill with a thin drill bit (if not, a thin nail and hammer will do);
  • Instant glue;
  • Ribbons, connecting rings and decorative elements.

Using a drill we make several holes. We insert rings there, hang ribbons, bows and various decorations. At the other end we attach a loop, by which we will hang it on the Christmas tree.

Don't limit decorations to just these crafts. On the pages of our Club you will find a lot more ideas for creativity and inspiration, and your New Year will definitely turn out to be fabulous.

New Year brings a lot of fun and festive troubles. You always want the winter holidays to be special, distinguished by originality and uniqueness. And the most important thing is that the Christmas tree occupies the dominant place in every home. For children and adults green beauty decoration is one of the main attributes of the holiday. And since almost the whole family is involved in this activity, this activity takes on a rather funny and interesting character. It will also be very useful, using your creative abilities, to make Christmas tree decorations yourself, involving your children in this beneficial work. If you have never tried and do not know how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, then for the New Year 2020 you should definitely try, because our article offers you 120 best photo ideas that will not seem difficult to you in their execution and are made from simple things available to everyone. Useful master classes with step-by-step instructions will help you in your work. Don’t put this creative activity on the backburner, do it with your child today, because the holiday is just around the corner. Be patient, work a little, making unusual toys with your own hands, and this will add joy and celebration to your home.

Variety of Christmas tree toys

If you decide to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands for the New Year 2020, then, of course, the question arose of what materials they should be made from. In fact, the choice is quite wide and amazing in its diversity. If you are a creative person, then you just have to look at some thing and the future Christmas tree decoration will instantly appear in your head. For those who still experience difficulties in this process, you should still familiarize yourself with the list of auxiliary materials:

  • paper (colored and plain);
  • cardboard (colored);
  • fabric (any type);
  • dough (both salty and sweet);
  • light bulbs (of different shapes);
  • foil;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • lids (plastic and metal from beer);
  • plastic bottles;
  • silk ribbons;
  • threads;
  • yarn;
  • cones;
  • dried fruits, herbs and spices;
  • pasta (also other types of cereals);
  • nuts (various varieties);
  • Styrofoam;
  • foam;
  • plywood and much more.

As you can see, you can make a Christmas tree decoration with your own hands for the New Year 2020 from whatever you like, and it will turn out original and beautiful. Such decorations can perfectly transform your entire home on New Year’s Eve. And to expand your imagination, we provide you with our photo ideas on what elegant decorative items you can make for the holiday.

Cookie toy Button toys
Thread toy
Knitted toy “Mittens” Cardboard toys Pasta toy
Felt toys Peanut toys Wine cork toys
Toy made from newspaper and burlap Shell toys Silk ribbon toys
Toy “Angel” made of beads and beads Toy “Christmas tree” made of cinnamon, spruce branches and buttons Hazelnut toy
Wooden toy Dried orange toy Toy made from plastic bottles
Light bulb toy Pine cone toy Egg toy
Foil toy Fabric toy Plaster toys

Naturally, creating such Christmas tree decorations takes a certain amount of time. If you don’t really have it, then watch our video and learn how to make original jewelry with your own hands in just 5 minutes.

Master class on making Christmas tree decorations in 5 minutes

Christmas decorations made from light bulbs

You can make a very beautiful decoration for your Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year 2020 from ordinary burnt out light bulbs. The variety of such toys is striking in its unusualness and bright decorative appearance. Of course, it will take some time to make them, but believe me, it's worth it. For this creative work you will also need a number of auxiliary materials, such as:

  • light bulb (burnt out or new);
  • ethyl alcohol (for degreasing the surface of the light bulb);
  • acrylic primer;
  • foam sponge;
  • decoupage glue;
  • New Year's napkin;
  • brushes;
  • contour glitter of different colors;
  • sandpaper;
  • silk ribbon or thread.


  1. Before you start decorating the light bulb, you need to treat it with ethyl alcohol in order to degrease its surface and remove any dirt.
  2. After processing the light bulb, we proceed to priming the surface using any acrylic primer, which is applied in a thin layer using a small foam sponge. If you use a brush in this work, it will leave streaks, which is not desirable for further decoration. When the priming process is complete, place the light bulb on a small jar, say a vitamin bottle, and let it dry thoroughly.
  3. After this, cover this product with a thin layer of acrylic paint, including the base. To ensure that everything is thoroughly fixed, you need to dry it for 30 minutes.
  4. In the meantime, it’s worth deciding on the future drawing. You can simply paint the toy, making various New Year's patterns, bright drawings on it, or, through decoupage, make a festive decoration. To do this, we will use a New Year's napkin, from which we will take the inscriptions and pictures we like, tearing them off with our hands and attaching fragments to the light bulb using decoupage glue.
  5. We carefully examine the dried coating to ensure that no bubbles or folds form. If this happens, then take sandpaper and sand all the irregularities, eliminating all kinds of defects.
  6. After careful processing, we begin to create an appropriate background with our own hands, choosing a winter theme or other designs that are relevant in this case.
  7. In order for the future Christmas tree decoration to look as elegant and colorful as possible for the New Year 2020, you should use some kind of multi-color glitter, decorating the contours of the existing inscriptions with it. After it dries, the decorated light bulb will acquire a delicate iridescent shine.
  8. Using the same contour glitter, you can add dot patterns, placing them over the entire surface of the light bulb, and draw snowflakes of different shapes and sizes.
  9. At the end of the painting process, we open the product with several layers of glossy acrylic varnish to avoid damage to the drawings you have applied.
  10. We finish the dry light bulb by attaching a silk ribbon to the base for further hanging it on the Christmas tree. We fasten the ends with hot glue so that bulky knots are not visible. If desired, you can use regular thread, which we wrap around the base and fix with acrylic varnish.

This DIY Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2020 will perfectly complement your room interior, making it unique and fabulous.

In order for you to be able to understand this creative process very easily, we have selected an interesting video for you, after watching which you will see what a miracle - jewelry is born in the magical hands of the author.

Master class on making Christmas tree decorations from light bulbs

Christmas paper balls

The most popular and beautiful Christmas tree decorations for the New Year 2020 are homemade paper balls. There are many options for making them and they look quite elegant and tempting. You can decorate your entire home with such decorations. This way you will only emphasize your room interior on the eve of the New Year holidays. If you are not an expert in making such paper decorations, then it doesn’t matter. At home, they are made quite simply from colored paper or colorful cardboard. We bring to your attention simple options for such work.

Rainbow ball

In order to make such a toy for the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020, you need:

  • thick colored paper with a beautiful pattern;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • simple pencil;
  • a compass or any other object that can reproduce a circle.


  1. On thick colored paper, draw 21 circles using a compass and cut them out with scissors.
  2. The finished circles should be folded in half twice to find the exact center.
  3. Bend the edges of the circle so that you get a triangle with clear angles and equal sides. Cut it out and use it as a template for subsequent circles.
  4. We place the resulting triangle on the remaining circles and trace it with a pencil, bending the edges outward along the lines.
  5. Glue 10 circles together to form a strip: 5 circles on top and 5 circles on the bottom. We fix the strip into a ring using PVA glue. This will be our basis for future DIY decoration.
  6. Divide the remaining 10 parts into 5 pieces and glue them into a circle. The result was a kind of lid.
  7. Glue the top and bottom lids to our previously made base.
  8. We add a loop to the finished rainbow ball so that you can hang the resulting New Year's toy on the Christmas tree. For this we use PVA glue.

Such a decoration, made by yourself, will be interesting for all your family and guests who come to you for the New Year 2019. But so that you do not get confused in the process of work, we suggest watching our video, in which you can familiarize yourself in detail with a similar product made made of white thick paper.

Master class on making a ball from thick paper

Ball of paper circles

For the New Year 2020, you can decorate the Christmas tree with unusual toys that you can easily make at home with your own hands from colored paper circles. These multi-colored balls are not difficult to make and do not require anything supernatural to make. All you need is sheets of colored paper, glue and the dexterity of your hands. Let's get started with creative work immediately.

For this we need:

  • colored paper - 3 sheets (double-sided);
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue.


  1. Having chosen double-sided multi-colored paper to your taste, cut out 12 circles from it, 4 of each color.
  2. After this, each circle must be folded in half and, while doing this preparatory work, the folded circles should be placed in a stack.
  3. Straighten the resulting stack of bent circles and connect them along the fold line with a stapler. After which you need to give volume to the future New Year's toy, straightening each part of it.
  4. Using PVA glue, it is necessary to connect all the upper parts of the circles with the previous ones and secure the lower parts with the subsequent ones. Our ball is ready!

A do-it-yourself toy for New Year 2020 in the form of a flower ball made using the Japanese origami technique - kusudama - will look very beautiful on the Christmas tree. After watching our video, you will see for yourself, and what’s even better is the ability to perform such a wonder yourself.

Master class on making a flower ball from colored paper using the Japanese origami technique

3D colored paper ball

This is the simplest version of a DIY Christmas tree decoration for the New Year 2020. To make such toys you will need glue and sheets of colored paper, as well as a little of your patience.

To work you need:

  • sheets of colored paper;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.


  1. From double-sided colored paper, cut out 12 flowers with five petals. The size is chosen according to your taste.
  2. Place the resulting paper flowers in a stack and use a utility knife to make small cuts at the junction of the petal and the middle. The size of the cuts should correspond to half of the petal, and they should be made only in one specific direction.
  3. To attach the lace to the inside of the flower, you need to pierce it in the center and stretch the rope of your choice into it, tie it in a knot and secure it with a piece of tape. This will be the inside of our New Year's ball.
  4. We will not glue the flower parts together. We take two flowers and connect them with petals using the cuts we made earlier. Then we attach the third flower and all subsequent ones in this way. Ultimately, we carefully fasten the resulting structure together to create a 3D flower. That's all! Elegant DIY Christmas tree decor for New Year 2020 has been completed. Create as many of these toys as possible to make your pine tree look brighter and richer.

Master class on making a 3D ball from colored paper

Christmas tree decorations made from pine cones

It is very convenient to work with such natural material. You can use the pine cones to make very beautiful crafts for the Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year 2020. If you need to open the cone for work, hold it over boiling water for a few minutes. It should straighten its scales, and if you want it to remain uncovered, then spray the bump with hairspray. The easiest way to make a New Year's toy from this material is to decorate the pine cone with “frost” or “snow”. For “frost” you will need regular kitchen salt and water. You need to boil the water, put a large amount of salt in it and stir well. You need to dip a spruce twig or cone into such a solution, hold it for a few seconds, and then remove it and leave it to dry for a while. As the branches dry out, they will become covered with frost. “Snow” on the cones can be made from ordinary polystyrene foam. Grate it. Spread a pine cone, a twig or any other New Year's decoration with glue, and carefully pour the prepared polystyrene foam on top.

Star made of cones

In an accessible way for everyone, you can make an excellent toy for the Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year 2020 from beautiful selected cones in the shape of a star. Making it at home is quite simple.

To work you will need:

  • cones of different sizes and shapes;
  • strong wire;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • pliers.


  1. The main thing that needs to be done at the beginning of this work is a metal base, consisting of small iron rods, on which our decoration will be attached. We connect five strips of wire of the same size in the center, bending them together. During the work, a five-pointed star model is obtained. In order for our toy to be able to show off on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020, you should make an eye on one of the metal rods and then stretch a ribbon through it.
  2. After the preparatory work has been done, it is worth stringing the existing cones onto the twigs of a five-pointed layout, alternating, if desired, small ones with large ones. There you go!

A DIY star made from cones can come in different shapes and sizes. It all depends on how large you build the metal model. If, for example, this product is made as decoration for a class at school or a group in a kindergarten, then size, of course, plays an important role. The larger the toy, the more solid and chic it will look both on the windows and on the ceiling. Imagine and create New Year's masterpieces yourself, thereby raising the festive mood for yourself and your loved ones.

Ball of cones

Such natural material as cones is wide in its use and application. Let's say you can make a chic DIY Christmas tree craft for the New Year 2020 in the form of a large or medium-sized ball, decorated, in addition to pine cones, with dry holly berries, beads, multi-colored stones, complemented by bows and colorful ribbons. Working with such toys, you will not waste your time. The result will amaze not only you, but also your family.

To work you will need:

  • cones;
  • Balloons;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • acrylic paint (any color);
  • toilet paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • hot glue;
  • decorative elements: Christmas balls, beads, rhinestones, multi-colored stones, bows, ribbons, etc.


  1. At the beginning of our work, we prepare the basis for the future product. To do this, take a balloon, inflated to the desired size, and wrap it with toilet paper, previously moistened in a solution of water and PVA glue (2:1). Let the ball dry for a day.
  2. After drying, we cover our product with acrylic paint of the color you like so that no gaps are visible. Let it dry again.
  3. Let's start decorating the dried base: take selected clean cones and carefully glue them to the ball, without leaving any gaps if possible. We supplement them with small Christmas tree balls, beads, rhinestones attached to the product with hot glue, and bows.
  4. We complete our work by attaching a bright silk ribbon to the toy so that it can be hung on the Christmas tree for the New Year 2020.

Such an interesting, hand-made decorative item will perfectly decorate your home on New Year’s Eve and make it truly unsurpassed. If you want to make New Year's decorations from pine cones very quickly, then watch our video tutorial.

Master class on how to quickly make a Christmas tree toy from pine cones in Kanzashi style

Pay attention to our selection of photo ideas that will expand your imagination about Christmas tree decorations made from such natural material as pine cones. Decorate your holiday with them, because the technique for making them is quite simple.

Christmas tree decorations made from eggs

DIY Christmas tree decorations made from eggshells for the New Year 2020 are very original. First, select an egg. Wash it well and dry it. Using a large needle, make small holes at both ends. Through these holes you need to blow out the entire contents of the egg into some kind of bowl. After this, wash the empty shell very well under running water and dry. The shell is ready for use. From such a blank you can make funny little people or unusual animals. For this, colored paper or plasticine is used. For example, you can cut out the following elements from paper sheets: eyes, mouth and cap, arms and legs. Glue them with glue. It is much easier to work with plasticine. Kids especially like it. Children's imagination is always unpredictable. Therefore, all toys of this kind will be exclusive and unique. A very beautiful decorative decoration made from a shell will turn out if you take a clean, dry blank and paint it with paints or the most common felt-tip pens. Designs with festive elements can be complemented with glued shiny tinsel or beads.

To make a similar New Year's tree toy for the New Year 2020 at home with your own hands, you must first familiarize yourself with our selection of photo ideas, which will serve as a source of inspiration for this creative work.

Master class on making DIY Christmas tree decorations from eggs

Christmas tree decorations made from walnuts

Who would have thought that an ordinary walnut for you and me could become a wonderful decorative decoration for the New Year 2020. And indeed, if you remove the contents from the nut and glue the empty shells together with hot glue, paint it with acrylic paint, say gold, and decorate it with whatever you like elements of New Year's decor: beads, rhinestones, ribbons and much more, or draw cool funny drawings, all kinds of holiday patterns, attach a silk ribbon, you can ultimately make an unusual toy for the Christmas tree with your own hands. You can also use children's plasticine or colored paper to make various figures of animals or birds.

To show you how to work with walnuts, turning them into real art, let's make a simple Christmas decoration as an example.

To work you will need:

  • nuts;
  • satin ribbon;
  • glue "Moment";
  • beads of various shapes and textures;
  • needle with a large eye;
  • acrylic paint;
  • brush.


  1. The nuts should be prepared by cracking them and pulling out the kernels.
  2. Make the satin ribbon the right size, fold it in half and secure the ends with a knot. We string the beads you like on top, lowering them to the very knot.
  3. Lubricate two halves of a peeled walnut with a small amount of Moment glue and place a satin ribbon on one of them so that the knot is hidden in the middle, and then press it tightly with your hands to fasten the product.
  4. After the walnut has been sealed, we begin to decorate its exterior. We take acrylic paint of any color and cover our product with it. When it dries, you have the right to add something of your own, transforming and significantly enlivening the resulting toy on the Christmas tree, so that for the New Year 2020 it becomes the subject of general discussion among your guests and family.

In general, if your imagination is rich, then you will create a real New Year's miracle with your own hands. And for those who need a little help in this creative process, we provide you with our most interesting photo ideas.

Don't forget to check out our video lesson, which will become your assistant in difficult times.

Master class on making Christmas tree toys from walnuts

Christmas tree decorations made from dough

In order to make simple and at the same time original crafts for the Christmas tree with your own hands for the New Year 2020, you need to use an old and effective method - making toys from salt dough. Our grandmothers probably used it too. The main thing is to make the dough correctly. To do this, take flour and salt in equal proportions, add a small amount of water and knead the dough. It should have a fairly dense consistency and its appearance should resemble plasticine or clay. Our New Year's tree decorations need to be made from this material. This dough hardens quickly, so you can't hesitate with the work. To connect pieces of a future toy made of this material, use ordinary water. To do this, dip the fragments of the craft a little into the liquid, attach them to each other and hold for a few seconds. The finished figurine must be left until it hardens completely. When the shape of the workpiece is solid, you can start decorating. Regular gouache works best on salt dough. Paint the figurine as you wish and leave it in the room until completely dry.

Christmas tree toy “Santa Claus” made of salt dough

If you are new to this business, then let's together build a Christmas tree toy in the shape of Santa Claus from salt dough. This will be a wonderful and quite relevant DIY Christmas tree craft for the New Year 2020.

To work you will need:

  • flour - 300 gr.;
  • fine salt - 300 gr.;
  • water - 200 gr.;
  • gouache;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • ribbon;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Having combined all the ingredients, knead a thick, non-sticky dough. After that, put it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Place the cooled dough on the table and roll it out into a layer. If there are special forms, then we squeeze out Santa Claus, and if not, then we do it as in the photo.
  3. We dry the finished product in a warm room, having first made a hole with a cocktail straw in order to thread the ribbon through later.
  4. We paint the dried product with gouache, and after drying we cover it with acrylic varnish.

Such an interesting Christmas tree toy for the New Year 2020 will be a wonderful decor for your home. As an example, we present to you our selection of photo ideas, with which you can create something original with your own hands.

Watch our video for some more ideas on this topic.

Master class on making Christmas tree toys from salt dough

New Year's ball - cobweb

If you still don’t know how to make Christmas tree decorations with your own hands, and New Year 2020 is just around the corner, then we advise you to build a ball - a cobweb from threads and an ordinary ball. This toy can be made at home quite easily and simply, without requiring any extra financial costs or effort. You just have to be patient and perseverant.

For production you will need:

  • air balloons;
  • yarn (any quality and type);
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • petrolatum;
  • any deep container.


  1. We take the balloons and inflate them to the desired size and tie them with thread.
  2. We dilute PVA glue with water in a ratio of 3:1 in a deep container and, having unwinded the required amount of yarn, dip it into the resulting adhesive solution, leaving it for 5 minutes.
  3. Before starting work, smear the ball with Vaseline, and then wrap our yarn pulled from the adhesive solution onto it, gradually increasing the density. The ball should resemble in its appearance a kind of cocoon.
  4. At the end of this work, secure the thread to the finished product with PVA glue so that it does not unwind. Let it dry for about a day or a little more.
  5. After the required time has passed, we untie the ball so that it deflates and carefully remove it from the thread cocoon.
  6. Take the string you like and tie it to the resulting New Year's toy as a mount for the Christmas tree. We decorate to your taste: rhinestones, beads, decorative stones, bows and other decorative elements.

Such an original handmade product will be an excellent Christmas tree decoration for the New Year 2020 both at school and in kindergarten. It is not necessary to make balls from threads; if you so desire, you can create a snowman, bullfinches, various animals and much more, it all depends on your imagination. The most important thing is that no one will have such an unusual miracle - a product, and if a school exhibition is planned, then rest assured that admiring glances will be directed at this New Year's exhibit. And in order to do everything correctly, we have selected a useful training video for you that will quickly resolve all your questions about this work.

Master class on making a ball - cobwebs from threads

Christmas tree decorations made of beads

If you don’t know what Christmas tree crafts to make for the New Year 2020 with your own hands, then use the idea of ​​creating Christmas tree decorations from beads. They are quite easy to make at home using thin wire and bright shiny beads, decorative ribbon, as well as your rich imagination. But, if you have never worked with beads, then let's start with the simplest ones.

House made of beads

A flat house made of beads is the simplest weaving option that is suitable for beginners. It takes a little time to make this New Year's tree craft for the New Year 2020. You just have to be patient and you will have a gorgeous toy in your hands.

To work you need:

  • beads of different colors;
  • thin wire;
  • satin ribbon.


  1. You should start weaving from the pipe of the house. To do this, you need to take a thin wire, eighty centimeters in size, and fasten three beads of the color of your choice in the middle.
  2. Next, you should string three more beads on the right side of the wire, and with the left we pass into the beads in the second row in the opposite direction. After which, the weaving process is tightened.
  3. Further weaving goes into the roof of the house, which starts from the third line. We repeat the previous steps and string eight beads onto the tip on the right side and six beads on the left.
  4. The fourth line consists of eighteen elements. The left wire passes through the eighteen beads in the opposite direction, and the next fifth line is formed, as is the fourth of the twenty beads. Sixth row - twenty-two beads.
  5. The walls of the house are created by the seventh and eighth rows. To do this, use beads of a single color, the quantity of which should be twenty units.
  6. Window and door openings are created from the ninth to the eighteenth rows using twenty beads each. The color of the beads can be selected according to the proposed scheme, which will be presented to you below, or at your discretion.
  7. We finish the work by twisting the wire along the borders of the craft into two lines, not forgetting to attach a satin ribbon. Ready!

This DIY Christmas tree craft for the New Year 2019 will be an excellent decoration for your tree. To easily make such a holiday toy, follow the suggested pattern.

We invite you to watch a video tutorial that will help you with bead weaving techniques.

Master class on making snowflakes from beads with your own hands

As you have already seen, beaded toys for a Christmas tree are an excellent addition to it. For the New Year 2020, such decorative decorations will be interesting for all your guests, especially children. Check out our useful selection of photo ideas on this topic and your capabilities will expand significantly in this area.

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