Cosmetic ice for the face: the best recipes for making ice cubes for the skin. Ice cubes for the face - recipes, reviews and preparation rules Ice cubes for the face against wrinkles recipes

home / beauty and health

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

19 Mar 2016


Every woman wants to have smooth, elastic skin without wrinkles, but signs of aging only become more noticeable over the years. Time can be turned back, and you don’t need expensive means to do it. In order not to have to suffer later with lines furrowing the forehead, it is necessary to prevent their occurrence. Ice for the face against wrinkles is an ideal option; the product is very cheap and effective. This type of care will help eliminate swelling and improve the overall condition of the skin. By toning, ice can prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles and smooth out existing fine ones.

The whole secret of ice (why are wrinkles afraid of it?) is that cold constricts blood vessels. Then they return to their previous state, resulting in a kind of training that increases metabolism, promotes greater skin elasticity, and improves cellular regeneration. For the effect of the procedures to become obvious, you will need to use facial ice for facial wrinkles regularly, because nothing appears or disappears instantly.

The benefits of ice are also in the prevention of wrinkles; here we can cite some similarities with cryotherapy. In this case, care should be taken so that instead of improving the condition of the skin, it does not harm it. Ice helps cleanse the epidermis, eliminate age spots, rejuvenates and smoothes the skin. After the “ice” procedure, you will forget about acne and will be able to relieve itching or rashes on your child’s skin caused by eczema.

Ice cubes for the face should be left for ten minutes before the procedure so that they melt a little and do not cause injury. It is best to take cold treatments in the morning, when metabolism is active and the skin reacts faster to any influence. The effect on blood vessels produces a detox effect, toxins leave the body, which can cause redness and irritation on the skin. It is recommended to warm the skin before the procedure, but afterward any heat is contraindicated. Ice for the face against expression wrinkles should not be used for more than 40 seconds, so as not to chill the nerve.

The Best Recipes for Making Ice Cubes at Home

Simply rubbing ice over your face will not be enough to achieve the desired cosmetic effect. Here are simple rules that will allow you to achieve significant results:

  1. Use ice cubes made using molds. Only filtered water, the decoction you prepared and special active substances should be used.
  2. Put one thing in each mold: a piece of berry or fruit, a medicinal plant.
  3. Fill the mold with filtered or mineral still water or a healing herbal decoction.
  4. The molds should sit in the freezer for at least eight hours.
  5. It is best to freeze ice in the evening so that you can take cold treatments in the morning instead of washing your face.

Let's look at detailed recipes for making ice cubes for facial wrinkles:

  1. With aloe. Helps eliminate pathogenic bacteria, normalizes sebum secretion, and gets rid of acne. To make ice with aloe, you should finely chop its leaves, add water (one to five) and wait an hour. After this, boil the mixture for several minutes, remove the grounds and pour into cubes, which can be used to wipe your face after waking up and at night.
  2. With lemon. This ingredient degreases and brightens the skin. Pour a few tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice into a glass of water, pour into containers and leave overnight. In the morning, instead of washing your face normally, use ice cubes, and in the evening, use them to tone your skin, which is already free of makeup.
  3. With chamomile. This flower is known for fighting inflammation and having a disinfectant effect. Ice with chamomile will help get rid of pimples. Buy the flowers of this plant at the pharmacy, chop it, pour boiling water over it, close it, and leave for thirty minutes. Then strain and prepare a decoction for freezing. Another way: place a chamomile flower in a container and fill it with water. Use in the morning instead of washing your face.
  4. With parsley. It is used as a means to help remove pigmentation. Its leaves, when boiled, lose most of their properties, so it is recommended to use the root of the plant for infusion. It needs to be crushed, 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of boiling water, close, leave for thirty minutes. After straining the broth, it can be poured into molds. Sometimes a small piece of the plant itself is simply placed in ice from filtered water. You can periodically refresh your skin, but the ideal time to use is in the morning.
  5. From green tea. This drink is known for its tonic effect. An ideal remedy to combat hated wrinkles. It's easy to make ice from tea - just pour it into molds overnight. It is better to wipe your face in the morning.
  6. From herbal decoctions. This procedure moisturizes the skin and tones it. If the goal is to get rid of wrinkles, then the ingredients should be linden, dandelion or mint. To make ice, you need to throw a tablespoon of herbs into a glass of boiling water. After fifteen minutes of boiling, the broth is removed from the heat. It sits for another half hour, after which the liquid can be strained and poured out for freezing. Sometimes ice with herbs is prepared as follows: a dry or fresh flower, leaf or sprig of grass is placed in a mold and filled with water. This method is often more effective.
  7. With rose petals. Ice with this ingredient tones the skin, eliminating wrinkles and restoring youth. Take rose petals from one flower, rinse, and divide into small parts. Boil a glass of water. Throw the required ingredient there. When the water has cooled, strain it and pour it into containers. Ice with rose petals can be used instead of regular cleansing.
  8. With essential oils. This ice will soothe skin prone to irritation. You need to add oil to a glass of water: two drops of mint, five of rose, three of geranium. Then the mixture must be shaken, poured into a special container and placed in the freezer overnight. The proportions can be changed, maintaining only the rule of ten drops per glass of water.

How to use cosmetic ice

Ice cubes should come into contact with the skin and pass along it according to the so-called massage lines. Let's find out how to wipe your face with ice so that this procedure is performed correctly:

  1. From the center of the chin to the earlobes.
  2. From the middle of the space between the upper lip and nose to the temples.
  3. From the corners of the lips to the center of each ear.
  4. From the middle of the frontal zone to the middle of the temples, level with the eyebrows.
  5. Along the lower eyelid from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones and vice versa on the upper eyelid.


Ice for the face against expression lines is not recommended for those who experience skin irritation from the cold. Procedures cannot be performed during colds. Allergy sufferers need to ensure that the ingredients in their ice cubes do not contain anything that is “hazardous” to them. Skin diseases such as rosacea, eczema and inflammatory processes are a clear ban on ice. It is not advisable to resort to the procedure in winter when you are using other skin protection products.

Cryotherapy or treatment with low temperatures is a modern direction of medicine and a type of cosmetic procedure. At home, ice is widely used for the face against wrinkles; recipes are also suitable for eliminating age spots, oily shine and acne. If you freeze the infusion or juice, the effect of the herbal remedy is successfully complemented by the positive effect of cold.

Cosmetic ice - mini cryotherapy for the face

Regular procedures using small cubes of frozen water, natural juice, and herbal infusion have a beneficial effect on the skin. Cold leads to a reduction in swelling of the eyelids and dark circles under the eyes, and smooth out wrinkles. Using ice at home will not cause much trouble; it can be combined well with facial care using oils and creams.

The aging process of the body is inevitable, but there are means that can slow down age-related changes. This process is called “anti-aging” all over the world.

French cosmetics brand Anne Semonin, which promotes beauty through healthy skin, produces anti-wrinkle ice for a fresh and rejuvenated face. Using freezer cubes can also help reduce age spots. This product from Anne Semonin contains sea water, azelaic acid, plant extracts, and trace elements.

Products created by cosmetic brands are distinguished by a high price, due to the need to conduct many years of expensive research, clinical trials, advertising costs, and market promotion. Various rejuvenating preparations are used in cosmetology clinics. Professional anti-aging procedures and concentrated products enhance each other's effects. Frozen cubes prepared at home are not considered anti-aging cosmetics. However, ice based on infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants can slow down the growth of wrinkles.

Anti-inflammatory and anti-aging remedy from the freezer

Among the variety of handmade cosmetics, ice for wiping the face occupies a special place. Almost everything that can turn into useful ice is frozen in molds. Among the “favorites” are green tea, mineral water, lemon juice, and herbal infusion. Such anti-aging care brings many benefits to the skin and is available to anyone. It is recommended to use ice cubes in the morning and evening, before going to bed.

Cold increases blood circulation, gives the skin a healthy appearance and natural glow. Ice cubes help smooth out fine wrinkles and lighten spots.

Benefits of Frozen Herbal Infusions, Fruit and Vegetable Juices for Facial Care

  • anti-inflammatory effect for skin irritation and redness;
  • preventing the formation of a network of small vessels;
  • reduction of dark circles under the eyes;
  • improving blood supply to tissues;
  • narrowing of blood vessels;
  • cleansing from impurities;
  • tonic effect.

Cosmetic ice solves some skin problems, but is not considered a panacea, like other remedies. Together with frozen cubes, you should use cosmetics suitable for your skin type (oils, creams, thermal water). A cosmetologist will help you choose such products intended for men or women.

When should ice cubes not be used on the face?

  • Just before going outside on cold days.
  • Sensitive skin prone to redness.
  • Inflamed elements of acne.
  • Open wounds.
  • Cuperosis.

Water is the basis of any cosmetic ice. The “head fluid” makes up a significant portion of the contents of plant cells and dissolves many nutrients and phytonutrients. If you regularly perform simple procedures with frozen juices and infusions, your skin will retain a youthful and healthy appearance for many years.

Using ice for facial care

Increased elasticity and tightening of the skin, elimination of oily sheen, relaxation - all this is the result of using frozen cubes. Ice is prepared from infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, natural juices, pieces of fruit, selecting the composition in accordance with the type of skin. To obtain an infusion, 1–2 tbsp. l. raw materials should be poured with a cup of boiled water, covered and allowed to brew. A decoction of roots or fruits is prepared in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling, the infusion or decoction must be filtered, poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

How to use facial ice for wrinkles:

  1. Prepare cosmetic cubes from frozen herbal infusion or mineral water.
  2. Clean your face of makeup.
  3. Wrap the ice cube in a thin cloth or bandage.
  4. Wipe your face along the massage lines, pressing lightly in the area of ​​wrinkles.
  5. Act quickly, stop in one area for 3-4 seconds, move on to the next.
  6. Make circular movements in the area of ​​the jaws and chin, on the forehead, cheeks.
  7. Lightly touches the skin, wiping around the eyes and lips.

Do not wipe your face with an ice cube after a massage; let the herbal infusion be absorbed into the skin.

One cube from a standard ice cube tray is enough for one treatment of the face and décolleté.

Frozen herbal infusions and natural juices can be used after oils and before applying makeup. Cucumber juice with water and green tea make an excellent ice cream for wrinkles around the eyes, lightening dark circles. Cold reduces pores and improves skin color. However, cosmetic ice in direct contact with the skin causes a feeling of numbness, even pain. Therefore, it is recommended to wipe the area around the eyes carefully, making sure to wrap the ice in a thin cotton cloth. Another way: soak a cotton pad in green tea and put it in the freezer. Then use it as a compress.

Ice recipes for smoothing wrinkles

Antioxidant substances will help make the fight against the signs of aging as effective as possible. They prevent free radicals from destroying living tissue. Antioxidants include carotenoids, vitamins A, C, E, ubiquinone and a number of other compounds. Ice cubes with anti-inflammatory and nourishing ingredients also help prevent early skin aging. Rose water, infusion of chamomile, rose hips, green tea, lemon juice, aloe, and cucumber are great for making cosmetic ice.

Cranberries, black currants, leaves and fruits of garden raspberries, blackberries, and apples have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants include green tea, oregano or oregano, cinnamon, cloves, and turmeric. Often, the “marker” of the presence of antioxidants in plant organs is their color, caused by red, yellow, orange, blue and violet pigments. Contains antioxidant substances - vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein - natural milk.

Ice cubes made from herbal infusions with lemon juice lighten age spots and tone the skin.

For different skin types

  • Pigmented. Frozen strawberry pulp or juice, decoction of viburnum berries, cucumber juice.
  • Normal.
  • Infusions of mint, sage; frozen juices - peach, apricot, watermelon, strawberry, grape.
  • Dry.

Infusions of chamomile, linden, rose, lemon balm, parsley, mint; decoctions of viburnum, rowan and raspberry berries.

  • Fat.
  • Infusions of wormwood, yarrow, St. John's wort, horsetail; birch leaves and buds; a mixture of cucumber and aloe juices.
  • Filter the infusion and pour into molds.
  • Place in the freezer.

It is good to wipe your face and neck with ice from mint infusion in the morning. Instead of washing your face, you can refresh your face with a frozen infusion of garden raspberry and linden blossom leaves. As numerous reviews suggest, the listed products smooth out wrinkles when used regularly.

Simple recipes for anti-aging products

  1. Freeze filtered water with a few drops of lemon or grapefruit juice.
  2. Make ice from mint infusion (1 tablespoon of leaves per 200 ml of boiling water).
  3. Grind the flowers and young leaves of dandelion in a meat grinder, then squeeze out the juice and put it in the freezer.
  4. Dilute grapefruit juice with mineral water 1:2 and freeze.

It should be noted that infusions and decoctions of herbs for external use are usually made stronger than for oral use. You can diversify your daily anti-wrinkle ritual by rubbing iced coffee cubes. Herbal remedies moisturize and nourish the skin well, and perfectly tone. It is advisable to use herbs and berries grown by yourself or collected in environmentally friendly places.

2 recipes in 1: self-tanning + smoothing out wrinkles with ice (video)

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, does not constitute professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

The charming Jeanne Antoinette Poisson, better known as Madame Pompadour, remained the favorite of Louis XV and the uncrowned queen of France for 20 years. The opponents were indignant, the ladies were jealous, at the courts of neighboring states they made bets when the unfading marquise would lose the attention of her crowned lover... And until the end of her life, she confidently held in her tender hands the heart of the king spoiled by female attention, striking those around her with her blooming appearance and, first of all, with her fresh white skin. no wrinkles. History has preserved for us the recipes with which the Marquise kept her young and elastic. The main one turned out to be... a basin of snow and ice. The beauty could not end the day without wiping her face with a handful of snow wrapped in a thin scarf. Definitely madam knew what she was doing!

Useful properties of ice

When our skin comes into contact with ice, the thinnest capillaries located at its surface narrow and push blood into the deeper layers, and the vessels hidden there willy-nilly expand. But as soon as the source of cold is removed, the reverse process starts, and the capillaries at the surface begin to swell under the pressure of blood pushed out from the depths. By alternately narrowing and expanding, the vessels perform a kind of gymnastics, which makes their walls more elastic.

In addition, this simple action activates metabolic and restorative processes in tissues, and the blood itself, flowing back and forth, more fully supplies cells with oxygen and nutrients, simultaneously taking away decay products with it.

  • As a result:
  • pores tighten;
  • inflammatory processes are extinguished;
  • skin looks fresh and smooth;
  • aging processes slow down;

existing wrinkles become less noticeable. Ice is especially good as a preventive measure. If you use it regularly, and not occasionally, your skin will remain young and radiant for a long time. Even the delicate area around the eyes, which is usually the first to succumb to the pressure of time, will maintain a toned appearance!

But in the case of existing wrinkles, the effect of “cryocosmetics” is not so obvious. But don't throw out the ice trays out of the freezer in despair. It may not provide a lady of Balzac's age with the appearance of a twenty-year-old girl, but it will definitely bring benefits: it will moisturize, refresh, increase elasticity and get rid of dark circles and bags under the eyes.

Recipes for “cryocosmetics” for wrinkles at home

  1. Before carrying out the procedures, you should learn about the important rules of ice washing:
  2. The skin responds best to “cryoprocedures” in the morning, when all processes in the body are activated. But if it’s more convenient for you to devote evening hours to a massage with ice cubes, no problem. Just don’t forget to remove your makeup and cleanse your face with toner first.
  3. Don't overdo it with cold: either morning or evening. It is not advisable to freeze your skin twice a day.
  4. Many people believe that wiping the face and neck with ice should become the same obligatory ritual for a woman as washing. However, there are cosmetologists who are confident that too frequent contact with low temperatures will narrow the blood vessels and stop supplying the skin with blood.
  5. In order not to expose yourself to unnecessary risks, take this algorithm as a model: you use ice for 3 days in a row, and the skin rests for three days.

Alternate the use of different recipes more often, so they will bring more benefits.

Plain water cubes

Short-term contact with cold has such a beneficial effect on our skin that even ordinary water - bottled, boiled or spring - will serve as an excellent cosmetic product. Pour it into special molds, put it in the freezer, wait for it to harden - voila! Rejuvenating ice at your service. But true perfectionists will never stop there. Why deprive your skin when there are so many interesting products around that can be steamed, squeezed, diluted and ultimately turned into neat ice cubes filled to the brim with vitamins and other healing substances?!

With coffee

How could the fair half of humanity not use this drink! In masks, rinses, anti-cellulite wraps... It's time for ice. Just brew coffee in the usual way, but without adding milk and sugar, cool to room temperature and pour into molds, putting it in the freezer. It is better to use this invigorating remedy in every sense in the morning: in the evening the bright aroma of coffee ice can disturb your sleep.

If you used natural coffee, make sure that the grounds remain in the coffee pot, otherwise during the procedure you risk causing microtrauma to the skin.

  • With milk
  • Option one is simple. Take half a glass of milk, mix with the same amount of clean drinking water, pour into molds and place in the freezer.

Option two, vitamin. Dilute 1 tsp in 100 ml of warm water. honey and 1 tsp. aloe juice Add 100 ml of milk, stir, pour into molds.

This ice can be used morning and evening, remembering to lightly rinse your face with cool water afterwards: as the milk dries, it can tighten the skin.

Throw 2 tbsp into the coffee grinder. l. oatmeal or rice grains. Grind them into flour, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30–45 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into molds and freeze. What if you don’t have a coffee grinder? Whole oat flakes can be steamed in the same way as flour, and then strain and use the solution for its intended purpose. Boil the rice in water without salt, strain, pour the liquid into a glass, cool and distribute into molds. And you can salt the remaining porridge and eat it.

You can use this ice both in the morning and in the evening - as you wish. It is especially useful for the eyelid area.

With flaxseed

2 tsp. Pour a glass of boiling water over flax seeds and place in a water bath. Steam the broth for 5–7 minutes, then let it brew under the lid for 4–5 hours. Strain, pour into molds and place in the refrigerator.

Since flaxseed serves not only as a tonic for the skin, but also as an excellent soothing agent, this ice is ideal for evening cosmetic procedures.

With seaweed

You can’t do facial care without the power of the sea! Brew a glass of boiling water with a tablespoon of kelp powder purchased at the pharmacy, wait until the infusion has cooled, strain and you can take out the molds. The ice will turn out great! Some young ladies add 1/2 tsp to the solution to increase its anti-aging properties. sea ​​salt. If you want to follow their example, please do so. But do not forget to rinse your face thoroughly with clean water after handling ice.

With birch sap

If you are in the habit of collecting birch sap in the spring, do not forget to allocate 100–200 ml of this healthy drink for cosmetic procedures. Some advise diluting it with water in a 1:1 ratio, while others recommend pouring it into molds as is. To avoid mistakes, try both versions of the recipe for the first time and decide for yourself which one you like best.

For ice cubes, it is advisable to use only fresh juice. One that has been waiting in the refrigerator for a long time is unlikely to bring much benefit.

With mumiyo

Dissolve 1-3 tablets of mumiyo (or 5 g of the same product in the form of a paste) in a glass of water. Distribute the resulting liquid, slightly browned, into molds and you can freeze. Daily rubbing of the face, and especially the eyelids, with ice containing this valuable substance is considered an extremely useful procedure that can cope even with obvious wrinkles.

With vegetables, fruits and berries

There are options here.

  • Pass the fruit selected for the procedure through a juicer or process it on a fine grater, and then use gauze or a thick strainer to squeeze the juice out of the pulp. Add the same amount of drinking water, mix well - the solution for freezing is ready.
  • Puree the peeled and pitted fruit or vegetable using a blender. For each tablespoon of aromatic gruel, add 100 ml of drinking water. Shake the mixture well, pour into molds and place in the freezer.
  • If we are talking about leafy greens, say, lettuce or cabbage, you can choose a more original method. Finely chop two or three fleshy leaves, press into the bottom of the mold, crush a little with the handle of a spoon so that the juice comes out, and fill with clean water.

By and large, any fruit or vegetable ice helps rejuvenate the skin, so when choosing the right fruit, you just have to take into account its type.

Dry, for example, reacts poorly to astringent fruits like persimmons or dogwoods, but has excellent contact with sweet varieties of grapes and apples, as well as potatoes. Fatty blossoms from the juices of carrots and gooseberries. As for the normal one, here you have complete freedom of action: apples, pears, peaches, melons, watermelons, strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers... You can even make fruit and vegetable mixes according to your personal, most bizarre recipes.

The most beneficial is lemon juice diluted with still mineral water in a 1:1 ratio. But keep in mind that dry skin may not like it.

  1. With herbs
  2. Take a good bunch of the selected plant weighing 500-600 g.
  3. Grind using a blender or meat grinder.
  4. Squeeze the resulting pulp, carefully collecting the released juice.
  5. Add 1 tbsp. l. fatty cosmetic oil at your discretion.

Stir, pour into molds and freeze.

  1. If it’s winter or for some other reason you opted for dry harvesting, the situation is even simpler.
  2. Place 1 tbsp in a glass or enamel bowl. l. raw materials.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  4. Wait for it to cool completely.
  5. Strain the resulting infusion.

Pour into molds and freeze.

Linden blossom, raspberry leaves, sage, lemon balm, green tea, as well as violet, rose hip and rose flowers contribute well to skin rejuvenation. If you have oily skin, consider chamomile; dry - for mint and lavender. For normal facial skin, almost any herbal decoction is suitable, especially yarrow, plantain and dill.

What if we prepared something more interesting for you? For example, cucumber-herbal ice with lemon and essential oils?

  1. 2 tbsp. l. dry parsley, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew until it cools completely.
  2. Process the fresh cucumber on a fine grater and squeeze the juice out of the shavings.
  3. Combine with parsley infusion, add 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  4. Pour into molds and freeze.
  5. Use ice in the morning and then apply a moisturizer to your face to avoid tightness.

Don't like cucumber? Then maybe you'll like a mixture of chamomile and green tea? Coffee with milk? Oatmeal with honey? Don't be afraid to invent your own recipes.

Video: Cosmetic ice - the secret of youth

Contraindications and possible harm

To ensure that washing with ice brings you only joy, always remember the five “NOT” rule:

  • Do not press the ice cube against your skin for too long. It should be constantly in motion, moving across your face and neck.
  • Do not wash your face immediately after the procedure with hot water - too sudden a temperature change is harmful to blood vessels.
  • Do not use expired ice. Yes, yes, it also has an expiration date! The herbal infusion is stored for a week, juices - 3-4 days.
  • Do not resort to ice massage if you have rosacea, irritation, wounds, severe inflammation or dehydration of the skin.
  • Do not use foods that cause you allergies in recipes.

And don’t be alarmed if your face reacts to the first ice wash with a burst of pimples; this happens due to toxins that begin to leave the body.

It is advisable to let the ice cube sit on the sink for a few seconds so that its hard edges melt and do not damage your face.

Currently, natural methods of skin rejuvenation are becoming increasingly popular. Many women try to avoid radical procedures that injure the upper layers of the epidermis (peels, injections, etc.) and try safe methods of combating wrinkles that have no contraindications and do not entail negative consequences. One of the simplest anti-aging procedures is washing with an ice cube. It is not known exactly when this method was first used, but it happened more than a century ago. And now ice continues to be one of the effective means of preserving youth. By the way, it helps fight not only wrinkles, but also has a complex effect, simultaneously narrowing pores, removing inflammation and improving complexion. Ice is suitable for any skin type and can be used regardless of age.

Blood circulation plays an important role in maintaining youthful skin and eliminating age-related imperfections: fine wrinkles, sagging, ptosis. The principle of operation of many cosmetic procedures, including washing with ice cubes, is based precisely on increasing blood flow and lymph flow in facial tissues.

  • The sudden effect of low temperature on the skin, which occurs at the moment it comes into contact with ice, causes blood flow. Following this, the following beneficial processes are launched in the skin:
  • the process of cell regeneration is accelerated;
  • toxins are eliminated;
  • cellular metabolism improves, skin nutrition is normalized, it is saturated with moisture from the inside;
  • the outflow of excess fluid from the tissues is activated, due to which swelling and manifestations of ptosis disappear;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • muscle tissue relaxes, as a result of which the process of formation of facial wrinkles is suspended;
  • the complexion is evened out;

The elasticity of the epidermis increases, and a temporary lifting effect can be observed. The benefits of washing with ice cubes are recognized by cosmetologists and their clients, but, unfortunately, the procedure does not have a stunning rejuvenating effect on skin with pronounced age-related changes.

It is recommended as a prevention of wrinkles and to maintain tone.

The procedure of applying low temperatures to the skin is called cryomassage. In a clinical setting, it is performed using liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which is −196 °C. Washing with an ice cube is a home version of cryomassage. Of course, it is not as effective as massage with liquid nitrogen, but it also brings good results.

When in contact with ice, the skin loses permeability and the pores sharply narrow, so it is recommended to use the cream only a few minutes after washing, when the blood begins to rush to the face

If you start using ice at a young age, you can significantly delay the aging process of the skin. For older women, home cryomassage will help you look fresh. However, to combat deep wrinkles you will have to use more effective methods.


  • The procedure for home cryomassage with an ice cube has virtually no contraindications. The fact is that it only affects the upper layers of the epidermis, so it cannot harm the skin. However, in some cases, washing with ice may not be tolerated well. This depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of the skin. Contraindications include the following factors:
  • skin diseases, including those of viral or bacterial origin;
  • rosacea;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  • elevated temperature;
  • diseases of the facial nerve.

The procedure should be carried out with caution in winter, since if you go outside soon after applying ice, you can dry out the skin. After cryomassage, it is recommended to apply cream, wait 1.5-2 hours and only then leave the warm room.

Video: a cosmetologist’s opinion on washing with an ice cube

How to properly prepare and use ice cubes

Ice for the face must be prepared in advance. There is no need to create strategic reserves; 10-15 cubes will be enough to last for several days. Storage for too long does not benefit frozen water, especially if additional components are added to it.

First of all, you need to prepare the composition for freezing. It may include various components. Most often, water is used as a basis: boiled, filtered or mineral. Other ingredients are added to it. Sometimes ice is made from various decoctions, freshly squeezed juice, or even cosmetic milk or tonic without adding water. It is necessary to choose a composition that best suits the individual characteristics and needs of the skin. Moreover, if the composition contains only juice, it is still recommended to dilute it with water to avoid the development of an allergic reaction. Water or the prepared mixture of ingredients is poured into ice molds. They are sold in almost any chain or hardware store. Made from plastic, silicone or polyethylene. Any of the listed materials is suitable, but silicone is still considered the most convenient to use. Sometimes you can find special cosmetic forms on sale, but they are no different from ordinary ones. The ice blank is placed in the freezer for freezing and further storage. You need to make sure that there are no products with a pronounced odor nearby, otherwise the water or mixture of ingredients will absorb them as they freeze.

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules of cryomassage.

  1. The skin must be cleansed.
  2. You should not carry out the procedure on steamed skin or immediately after a facial massage. It is recommended to wash your face first with warm, but not hot, water.
  3. Ice cubes must be moved along the massage lines.
  4. There is no need to stay in one area for a long time, otherwise hypothermia of the skin may occur.
  5. The effect on the neck and skin around the eyes is very useful, but you need to make sure that there are no unpleasant sensations or spasms.
  6. It is recommended to apply cream 3-5 minutes after washing.
  7. You can use ice to wash your face every day, but sometimes you should take breaks. It is best to do the procedures for a month, and then give the skin a rest for 1-2 weeks.

Video: how to make ice from facial toner

Recipes for making ice cubes with various ingredients

Even ordinary frozen water will benefit the skin, but the anti-aging effect can be enhanced by adding various ingredients to it. In addition, this will solve several problems at once. For example, by including anti-inflammatory herbs in cubes intended for wiping the face, you can fight not only wrinkles, but also acne.

Ice is recommended to be used not only for wrinkles, but also for other skin imperfections. It is used in the complex treatment of pimples and acne, as it helps cleanse and close pores, as well as normalize the level of oily skin.

Nutritious coffee and honey cubes

Enhance the rejuvenating effect. Suitable for dry and normal skin. They may slightly enhance the work of the sebaceous glands, so you need to use carefully.

To prepare the cubes you will need:

  • purified water;
  • freshly brewed coffee (not freeze-dried);

Coffee should be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2. If you wish, you can change the proportions or even freeze undiluted coffee, but you must take into account that it can contribute to a change in skin color, creating a self-tanning effect (unfortunately, not always even). Add honey to the mixture of coffee and water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per half cup of liquid. The resulting composition must be poured into ice molds and sent to the freezer.

Ice for oily problem skin

If you have pimples or acne on your skin, then you shouldn’t give up fighting wrinkles with ice. You just need to use a special composition that has an anti-inflammatory and drying effect. It also has a lifting effect.


  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 4 tablespoons of chopped St. John's wort;
  • 3 tablespoons of dill.

Both fresh and dry herbs are suitable for preparing the product. If it’s winter outside and there’s no way to collect St. John’s wort and dill, you can buy them at the pharmacy. The herbs are mixed and poured with two glasses of boiling water, after which you need to cover the container with the infusion with a lid and leave until it cools completely. Pour into molds and place in the freezer. When using the recipe, it is necessary to observe the skin reaction. Perhaps long-term use of St. John's wort will contribute to the appearance of dryness. In this case, you need to take a break from the procedures or replace the composition of the product.

Essential Oils for Cold Weather

Often, washing with ice cubes in winter provokes dryness and irritation. To avoid this, you can add vitamin complexes and essential oils to the water when freezing, which increase the skin’s ability to retain moisture.

To prepare the product you will need to prepare:

  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of natural yogurt without additives;
  • 10 capsules of Aevit;
  • 2 drops of sandalwood essential oil;
  • 2 drops rose essential oil.

First of all, you need to make an oil preparation. Oils themselves do not dissolve in water. They must first be mixed with special emulsifiers, which can be salt, alcohol, etc. For cosmetic purposes, yogurt is most suitable. Essential oils and Aevit should be dissolved in it. After this, the mixture is added to water at room temperature. The resulting composition must be poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

Ice for skin with pigmentation

If you have freckles or age spots on your face, then by wiping your face with ice, you can achieve their lightening in parallel with the anti-aging effect. To do this you need to take:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • 2 glasses of water.

The juice can be squeezed out by hand, then mixed with water, poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

Tonic cubes

The product is suitable for increasing skin elasticity and helping to eliminate swelling.


  • 2 tablespoons of rose hips;
  • 2.5-3 glasses of water;
  • 2 teaspoons dried or chopped fresh mint.

Place the water and rose hips in a small saucepan, bring to a boil and keep on low heat for 20 minutes. During this time, the volume of water should decrease by about a third. Then you need to remove the broth from the stove and immediately (while it is hot) add mint. Leave covered until completely cool. Pour into molds and place in the freezer.

Video: ice with milk for bags under the eyes

How to use ice for different skin types

Washing with an ice cube is suitable for any skin type, but there are also special recommendations, following which you can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Regular use of ice can cause irritation on dry skin, so it needs to be moisturized during and after treatments. After cryomassage, be sure to use cream. And the composition of the cubes intended for wiping the face should include ingredients that nourish the skin.

Good for dry skin:

  • essential oils;
  • fat-soluble vitamins;
  • rose hip;
  • parsley;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • rose petals.

Oily skin, on the contrary, needs ingredients that mattify, dry and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. She loves.

Aloe is a healing plant that helps with various diseases and is also used in cosmetology. Here you can find out how it is used in folk medicine and beauty recipes! There is a lot of information about aloe there.

The procedure of wiping the face with ice cubes is known to every girl and woman. We use it to refresh tired facial skin, moisturize it and saturate it with vitamins. We only usually use it for these purposes. frozen cubes of green tea or mineral water .

But it turns out you can freeze it aloe juice ! By rubbing your face with these cubes, you can restore delightful freshness! The color of your face is not only a lifestyle and proper nutrition, it is also painstaking work aimed at systematic skin care.

Ice cubes with aloe (and not only with aloe) rejuvenate the skin. Ice causes increased blood flow, activating metabolic processes in cells. Due to this, complexion improves significantly and fine wrinkles disappear.

Do not water the plant for 2 weeks.

Then cut off at the root, wrap in paper and keep in the refrigerator for 2 weeks. It is better to store on the bottom shelf. During this time, biostimulants accumulate in aloe.

Of course, you can cut a plant if you have several of them or have a shoot in stock. My aloe plant produced a lot of babies and I transplanted them into pots. Therefore, I can afford to cut off a large bush!

Rinse with boiled water and pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze out using gauze and can be frozen.

Now you can use it as a facial wipe!

Masks are also beneficial for the skin.

Nourishing mask with aloe, yolk and honey. Mix 1 aloe ice cube with 1 raw egg yolk and 1 tsp. honey and apply to facial skin. This mask is best made in the summer, as it pleasantly tones, refreshes and nourishes the skin.

Nourishing mask with aloe and olive oil. Mix 1 aloe ice cube with 1 tsp. olive oil. This mask is best made in winter. Excellent hydration!

Nourishing mask for oily skin. Mix 1 ice cube with aloe with milk and add a little alcohol (1:4). Wipe your face.

Ice cubes with green tea and watermelon tone the skin.

With aloe and chamomile- useful for acne.

With chamomile and string soothe the skin.

With lemon, grapefruit and kefir - whiten and rejuvenate.

How to wipe?

Wipe in a circular motion.

Contact of ice with skin should be no more than 3 minutes.

Contraindications: dilated blood vessels, skin irritation.

If you liked these beauty recipes, also read articles about female beauty on my website. The section Magic beauty recipes, which I periodically update with new recipes that I have tested!

The life of a modern woman is not what it used to be. Nowadays, representatives of the fair sex can no longer be called weak. The stress they endure on the path to independence is colossal, and this cannot but affect their health and appearance, which is everything to a woman. To restore the beauty of your skin and prevent unpleasant consequences, you can use a very simple and effective remedy - facial ice. Below you will find a lot of useful information on this issue.

Ice can do anything

Cold healing. Tradition of antiquity

Before you learn about the positive effect the procedures have and what recipes you can use, it is worth noting that people did not start using cold now. Of course, an effective and fashionable treatment called cryotherapy, which is offered in beauty salons and clinics, is a discovery by modern scientists, but they are far from discovering the wonderful benefits of wiping the face with ice, using snow, and cold.

The peoples of the north have been treating themselves with cold for many hundreds of years. For example, the Eskimos, in order to gain strength before the polar winter, washed themselves with snow, which was the first to fall in the new year. Thousands of years ago in ancient China, all women used ice cubes with herbs on their faces. But even now Chinese and Japanese women are famous for their youthful faces.

But why go far, because our Rus' was no exception either. Women often washed themselves with snow to keep their skin rosy, white, young and fresh. Moreover, the great Catherine II herself, the Empress of All Rus', rubbed herself with ice and snow every day. Men in our country, too, from time immemorial have not been afraid of the cold; just diving into an ice hole and snow after a bath is worth it. Hence our Russian powerful spirit and invincible strength.

Interesting cubes will help you look beautiful and lift your spirits

Ice for the face and the whole body. Benefits of the procedure

Of course, there are many advantages to cold therapy, but there are still disadvantages that are worth remembering. Also, if you are not in good health, then before starting treatment or simply cosmetic facial washing, it is better to consult a doctor.

Advice! To make ice cubes for your face, use different recipes and molds that you can buy in the store. So, you will not only heal your skin, but also be charged with positivity from the sight of interesting figures of different shapes and colors every day.

People knew the benefits of ice thousands of years before us

Benefits of the procedure:

  • Exposure to cold stimulates blood flow, capillaries dilate, which leads to an improvement in complexion, an increase in the speed of metabolic processes, and cleansing.
  • The pores narrow, which closes access for dust, dirt, and pathogenic environments. All this leads to acne, inflammation, and rashes that people can struggle with for years.
  • If you don’t know how to remove swelling from your face, then ice can help you. The main thing is to choose the right components, more about them below. You can also make ice packs.
  • Due to blood circulation and timely cell renewal, the skin not only takes on a healthy appearance, but also scars, red and blue spots after acne become less noticeable.
  • The skin is tightened, and women have long tested the fact that ice cubes can smooth out shallow wrinkles.
  • Cold hardens the skin, making it healthy, smooth, elastic, and silky.
  • If you make ice cubes with some kind of scrubbing component, then you will never need a salon peeling.

Recommendation! Make ice for your face using strong natural coffee. Not only will it have a positive effect, as mentioned earlier, but due to the grounds it will also have a scrub effect, which will remove excess particles. But you have to be aware of brown streaks.

Cons of the procedure

Very often the line between useful and harmful is thin, and the situation is the same with ice. And a rather useful procedure may not be suitable for everyone.

  1. Ice should not be used by those who have ulcers on their tissues. You can damage them and cause inflammation. In this case, the procedure can be done if the ice cubes for the face contain antiseptics; you can find recipes for them further. And here you will need permission from a dermatologist.
  2. If you often suffer from inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, then cold can aggravate the situation and lead to exacerbation and colds.
  3. If you have a seasonal allergy to cold, then you can’t risk it either.
  4. The procedure is also prohibited for those who have rosacea. Otherwise, there is a risk of exacerbation of the condition.
  5. People with thin and sensitive skin should not use ice, as such washing can be very aggressive.
  6. If there are diseases of the blood vessels or the cardiovascular system, then therapy can only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  7. It is also prohibited for those who have open wounds, skin diseases, or eczema.

Sometimes ice is contraindicated

Important! Don't forget to not only wipe your face with ice, but also use it on your neck and décolleté. These parts of the body always show age and require careful care from a young age.

How to make ice at home

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here. But there are some nuances to this simple matter. To make healing ice, you must select the ingredients for it in advance, buy herbs and essential oils. You should not do only one type of ice, as the skin may get used to the composition and not respond to the procedure. Every day it is better to alternate 2-3 different cubes.

Cubes can be made from anything

To prepare, you will need molds, which are often included with the refrigerator or are freely available in many stores. Beautiful silicone molds for baking candy are often used for ice. Of course, you can also buy ready-made cosmetic ice for the face, which is used at home and produced by different companies. This product can be bought in cosmetics stores and pharmacies.

You need to select components wisely. If you have rashes and need to remove them, then use herbs or essential oils with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, such as chamomile, St. John's wort, tea tree oil. The same applies to components for anti-wrinkle cubes. Then you will get a double effect from both the ice and the component in the composition.

How to make ice cubes without a mold is a question that is often asked. In fact, it is very simple, because you can use any available material. For example, plastic cups, candy molds, lids, children's construction sets, baking dishes. The main thing is that you must thoroughly rinse the containers before cooking. Ice is easy to make, but it must be made according to the rules.

The right ice for the face - what is it?

  • The water must be clean. To do this, use filtered, boiled, settled, purchased bottled water.
  • The best way to wash your face with ice cubes is to freeze it slowly. That is, the temperature in the freezer is set to -1 degree. This way all the bubbles will come out and there will be no irregularities in the surface that could scratch. Well, the product will be clean without any cloudiness.
  • If you prepare ice based on decoctions or herbal infusions, then pre-filter them. It will be easier to wipe your face, and the remaining grass will not fall out like garbage.
  • If you want beautiful ice, you can not only take interesting molds, but also immerse berries and fruits in each compartment, and make different colors.

Important! Always perform the procedure along massage lines. This way you will provide the skin with lifting. As for the question of whether it is possible to wipe your face with ice every day, the answer is this - if you have no contraindications and the skin reacts well, then the procedure can be done daily in the morning and evening.

So, everything is clear with theory, now it’s time to move on to practice. Next, the most popular and effective recipes will be listed that will help you cope with various problems on your skin.

Ice cubes for the health and beauty of the face and neck. Recipes

Ice with lemon for face

Citrus fruits have great benefits for our health and appearance. Lemon has long been used for whitening and tone. It saturates the tissues with vitamins, leaving a pleasant shine, aroma and tingling sensation on the skin. It is very suitable at any age, because young girls can maintain tightened skin, remove freckles, and older ladies can add shine, even out age spots and smooth out wrinkles.

Take a new cube every day

Preparing ice is simple - you can mix mineral water or plain water in a glass with two tablespoons of juice or, for greater effect, with a third of the volume. Then pour into molds and put in the freezer. You can pour water, and before freezing, drop juice into each compartment of the fruit.

Ice cubes with aloe for face

Aloe is as popular as it is healing. Dozens of ailments can be cured with its help. It is also in demand in cosmetology. Every woman knows that aloe can be found in completely different products - from face and body cream to shampoo.

Aloe has a beneficial effect on the skin, copes with various types of rashes, disinfects and promotes wound healing, and restores tissue from the inside. It is also good for wrinkles, for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. Aloe ice for the face has a simple preparation. But it is better to mix it with sage infusion. To do this, take a spoonful of herbs, brew them with boiling water, filter them after cooling and combine them with juice from an aloe leaf. After which it is frozen.

For information! For cosmetic purposes and for greater effect, it is better to use aloe vera.

Sage and herbs for the face

Vegetable ice is very useful. Herbs can heal and restore beauty. For the most part, decoctions and infusions are prepared in the same way. Each herb purchased at a pharmacy has instructions and indications for use. Therefore, taking into account your problems, choose raw materials and prepare a healing decoction, then freeze.

Ice cubes with green tea for face

Tea, like herbs, is of plant origin. We can talk about the benefits of green tea for a long time, and it has already been known since ancient times. Green tea for ice is a powerful remedy for toning the skin, relieving inflammation, swelling, saturating with vitamins, and whitening. In addition, it is suitable for any skin type. And it is with this product that you can wipe thin eyelids and around the eyes. Ice cubes for bags under the eyes made from green tea leaves are a quick, effective solution to your daily problem.

Ice with herbs

Advice! You can not only wipe the skin under the eyes, but also make lotions from cotton pads soaked in the same composition.

The recipe could be as follows: take a teaspoon of leaves per glass of boiling water, brew, cool and freeze. You can make ice from green tea for the face based on an infusion of tea, rose hips - 1 tablespoon of fruit, mint leaves - half a spoon. The volume of water in this case is 350 ml, the infusion should stand in a thermos for a day. But this ice cannot be stored frozen for a long time so that the components do not lose their healing properties.

Mineral water ice for face

We all know about the benefits of mineral water. It is also preferable for ice, as it allows you to saturate the tissues with the necessary macro- and microelements, which improves tone, perfectly tones and revitalizes. Suitable for all ages and all skin types. It’s done simply – water is simply poured into molds and frozen. You can also add drops of lemon juice here. These ice cubes are perfect for tightening pores, evening out the shade and removing sallow complexion.

Advice! Take mineral water without gas for ice. We already talked about bubbles earlier. After freezing, such cavities can injure tissue, especially sensitive ones.

Ice cubes with vitamins A and E

Vitamins A and E are often used in cosmetology. To prepare healing ice, you need to pour plain or mineral water into a mold, then add 1-2 drops of vitamins. You can also use them after wiping your face with ice, as massage products. Drip vitamins, after the cold procedure, rub your face. This is a powerful tool that will help tighten tissue, remove wrinkles, improve blood flow, and saturate it with vitamins. You get maximum benefit.

Cucumber ice for face

What are the benefits of green fruits for our body? Yes to everyone. They contain many vitamins and nutrients, are very refreshing and are a godsend for those losing weight. Cucumber lotions have been used for a very long time. Many of us remember them from childhood in glass bottles. There is no need for expensive products, since even such a simple lotion did its job well.

Cucumber slices

We also remember how in films women put cucumber slices on their eyes and face to moisturize and tone. No matter how funny it may look, the procedure is as useful as possible. This cucumber ice will help with acne on the face, refresh it, relieve swelling, and make the skin elastic, soft, and shiny.

To make ice, cucumbers do not need to be mixed with water, because that’s what they mainly consist of. Just squeeze out the juice and freeze.

Ice with mint for face

Mint will tone your skin, soften it and leave behind a subtle pleasant aroma. The recipe is simple - pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dry or fresh leaves and let stand until it cools. Afterwards they freeze. You can also add a spoonful of honey here.

All these recipes will help you solve problems and serve as an excellent prevention of aging and rashes. Healthy skin is always very attractive. You can use different recipes and alternate them. Many people also massage their faces with ice, but here we remember that the movements must be in the right lines. Ice should not remain in one place for long. Ice with a scrub effect, for example, with coffee, salt, or herbal particles, is well suited for this purpose.

You now know how to properly wipe your face with ice and what ingredients to use. And remember that the procedure is best done after consultation with a dermatologist. And never wipe your skin before going outside, especially when it’s cold.

If you start taking care of your appearance and health in time, then youth will remain with you for a long time. Harmony in soul and body is what is important.

Are you one of those millions of women who struggle with excess weight?

Have all your attempts to lose weight been unsuccessful?

Have you already thought about radical measures? This is understandable, because a slim figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a person who loses “extra pounds” looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.

Ice is a unique product that will help make your facial skin well-groomed and prolong youth. There are a wide variety of ice recipes for wiping your face. Depending on the ingredients, ice can help get rid of imperfections, moisturize, and tone. Coffee, lemon, various herbs and essential oils, green tea, decoctions of mint, parsley, chamomile and calendula, aloe juice - this is not a complete list of products that turn ordinary ice into a miracle beauty product.

Ice for problem skin

Lemon ice

Those with combination and oily skin should pay attention to lemon juice for facial care. It has whitening and cleansing properties, and also perfectly tightens pores. It’s very easy to make ice from this wonderful citrus: the juice of half a medium lemon is mixed with a glass of cool, clean water, poured into a mold, and placed in the freezer. Lemon ice cubes for wiping are best used in the morning.

Ice from sage infusion

Herbs rightfully occupy a leading place in cosmetology. Sage is perfect for caring for problem skin due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It does not take much time to make a herbal ice cube, and the effect during use will be simply amazing. 6 tbsp. spoons of dry sage need to be poured with 500 ml of water, boil for 15–20 minutes. Then cool the broth, pour into molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your face with the herbal cube morning and evening. In addition to fighting pimples and other imperfections, ice from sage decoction has a rejuvenating effect, smoothing out small facial wrinkles.

mint ice

Mint perfectly dries and mattifies the skin; it is best suited for use on oily or combination skin types. Mint decoction is prepared very simply: pour 2 tablespoons of dry leaves with a glass of boiling water and leave until completely cooled. This should be done in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Then the mint decoction is filtered and then frozen. It is better to use this cosmetic ice in the morning instead of washing with plain water.

Ice from calendula decoction

In the fight against pimples and other rashes, calendula will be an excellent assistant. It has anti-inflammatory properties and perfectly dries out existing pimples. A decoction of calendula flowers can be prepared as follows: put dried flowers (2 tablespoons) in a glass bowl and place in a steam bath. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat, strain the calendula decoction through cheesecloth, and cool. Add clean water to make a full glass, then freeze.

Green tea ice

To prepare miracle ice from green tea, you can only use mineral water. A couple of tablespoons of tea leaves should be poured into 150 grams. boiling water and leave for five minutes, after tightly closing the lid. Then the infusion must be strained, and the remaining tea leaves must be squeezed well through cheesecloth. Cooled green tea is poured into a mold and frozen. Green tea is an excellent helper in caring for problem skin. It tightens pores and helps fight minor imperfections.

Ice for aging skin

Ground coffee ice

The beneficial properties of coffee for skin care are known to everyone. You can use it not only as a scrub or mask, but also to make coffee ice for your face. For this recipe, only natural coffee is needed, instant coffee is not suitable. Strong coffee is cooled, then poured into a special ice tray. You can use coffee cosmetic cubes 2 times a day, after washing your face. A pleasant addition to toning will be giving the skin a light tan color.

Milk ice

The use of milk and dairy products in cosmetology is rightfully in a leading position. Masks and scrubs are made on its basis or used for washing in its pure form. A cosmetic ice cube made from milk has excellent anti-aging properties. Pure milk is not used for this recipe; it must be mixed with water in equal proportions. After using milk cubes for a week during your morning wash, your skin becomes elastic and fresh. Milk also has a whitening effect, which means it is an excellent assistant in the fight against age spots and freckles.

Aloe juice ice

The well-known aloe plant has excellent rejuvenating properties. To make a cosmetic product from this wonderful plant, it must first be prepared. A freshly cut green aloe leaf should be cut and placed in the refrigerator, first wrapped in a paper napkin. Before this, it is better not to water the plant for about two weeks. After 12–14 days, the aloe leaf needs to be removed from the refrigerator, turned through a meat grinder and the juice squeezed out of the resulting puree. Then pour into molds neat and freeze. Wipe the skin of the face and neck with a cube of cosmetic aloe ice during the morning and evening toilet.

Ice for any skin type

Ice with essential oils

Essential oils are known for their miraculous effects on the skin. They are suitable for all skin types, the main thing is to choose the right oil. For problem skin, tea tree oil, sandalwood, anise, and citrus oils are suitable - they have an antibacterial effect, dry out existing inflammations well, tighten pores and eliminate shine. Ylang - ylang, neroli, patchouli, chamomile will help dry skin. Oils can be used alone or mixed depending on the desired result. To prepare ice cubes, take 1 glass of cool purified water and add 10 drops of oil to it. If a mixture of oils is taken, then the total amount should not exceed 15 drops. Stir well, pour into cosmetic ice molds and place in the freezer. Wipe your face morning and evening.

Herbal ice

Herbs have a simply wonderful effect on the skin. Those with any skin type can choose the right herb from a huge list of herbs. Decoctions of rose, lemon balm, linden, and any red berries are perfect for dry and sensitive skin. Birch buds, coltsfoot, chicory and wormwood will help get rid of problems with oily and combination skin. Those lucky enough to have normal skin can use mint, plantain, St. John's wort and violet. Recipes for preparing herbal infusion are the same for everyone. Two tablespoons of dry grass (or flowers) need to be crushed, put in a glass bowl and pour boiling water. Close the lid tightly and leave for 15 minutes. Then strain the resulting infusion through cheesecloth or a sieve and cool, pour into a cosmetic ice tray and place in the freezer. You need to use herbal cubes for your face twice a day.

Important! Despite all the wonderful properties, cosmetic ice has a number of contraindications.:

  • rosacea or spider veins;
  • irritation;
  • viral infections.

A daily ice facial massage will help slow down aging and maintain skin elasticity. The procedure perfectly tones the skin, has a rejuvenating and firming effect, stimulates metabolic processes in the epidermal layer, helping cell renewal, closes pores and reduces wrinkles, improves complexion.

To get maximum benefits, wipe your face with ice cubes in the morning and evening before bed. For greater effect, cosmetologists recommend using mineral water instead of plain water. Herbal infusions are another great alternative. Knowing your skin's needs can help you choose the right herbs.

Frozen fruit and berry juices work great, as does rose water prepared at home. Citrus juices are diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio; berry and vegetable juices can be safely frozen without diluting.

It is useful to wipe the skin with ice from a decoction of chamomile, parsley, string, calendula, sage, mint, thyme, and flax. Most herbs and their mixtures are suitable for almost any skin. More information can be found.

A little advice. To get the most benefit from ice rubs, choose 5 different herbs and change the combination every 2-3 weeks.

Ice cube recipes for the face are easy to make and ingredients can be chosen based on your skin type, but should be stored in the freezer for no more than 7 days.


Antibacterial for acne

1. You will need aloe leaves, which should be refrigerated for 11 days before use. Mix aloe juice with infusion of sage, chamomile or thyme in a ratio of 1:3. Pour into molds and freeze.

2. Add 3-4 drops of tea tree oil to 150 ml of brewed thyme or basil.

3. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt, preferably sea salt, in a glass of warm water. Let cool and pour into molds.

Whitening and cleansing

Boil 3 tablespoons of rice in 500 ml of water. The resulting decoction has excellent whitening and cleansing properties. Watermelon, orange, apple, strawberry, cucumber and grape juice have the same effect.

Nutrition and hydration

To prepare this ice cube recipe, use 150 ml of herbal decoction (comfrey, calendula, chamomile) or mineral water. To any of the listed components, add 1 tsp. milk or cream and half tsp. base oil. You can choose any that is suitable for your type of epidermal layer: almond, jojoba, peach, flaxseed, coconut, etc. Shake the mixture well and pour into molds.

Ice rubs with such components not only help nourish and moisturize the skin, but also help slow down aging and the formation of premature wrinkles.

Oily skin

1. For oily skin prone to acne, it is recommended to freeze decoctions of calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot or infusion of yarrow and thyme. Pour 2 tbsp. l. herbal mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. Strain, cool and pour into molds. You can add 4-5 drops of healing oil extract of calendula or rosemary, which has antiseptic properties and improves blood circulation in the capillaries.

2. A combination of marigold decoction in a 2:1 ratio with cucumber juice and a few drops of lemon juice.

3. Dilute a tablespoon of viburnum juice in 100 ml of water or chamomile infusion.

Those with a dry type of epidermal layer are recommended to use chamomile, parsley, linden blossom or mint to prepare cosmetic ice. A mixture of several herbs will be more effective. There are no strict proportions for preparing decoctions.

For puffiness under the eyes

1. One tbsp. l. Dilute parsley juice in 150 ml of green tea, add ½ tsp. peach oil.

2. Dilute a teaspoon of low-fat cream and 10-15 drops of coconut oil in 100 ml of St. John's wort or chamomile decoction. Mix well and freeze, pouring into molds.


1. To reduce wrinkles, try freezing brewed green tea, which contains high amounts of antioxidants that slow down the aging process. To 100 ml of drink add a few drops of lemon juice, ½ tsp. grape or avocado oil and 1-2 drops of essential oil extract of lavender, orange or geranium.

2. Milk, diluted in equal proportions with mineral water, is indicated for skin with the first signs of aging.

For flawless makeup application, wipe your face and neck with the following mixture: 1 tsp. olive or any other oil of your choice (almond, avocado, sesame or wheat germ) diluted in 100 ml of mineral water or rose water. This massage softens and nourishes the epidermis without the use of cream. Daily procedures will return freshness and radiance to tired skin.

You can use another simple method: put a berry or a piece of any fruit or vegetable, a medicinal herb into each mold and fill it with warm water. Prepare in the evening.

The indoor aloe plant does not shine with beauty. Occasionally (once every 2-3 years or less) flowers appear on it, the appearance and smell of which clearly do not contribute to the special delight of the hostess. But nevertheless, aloe is a popular and revered window “inhabitant” due to its special status as a “home healer”. Insect bites, cuts, wounds, runny nose - these are just the most popular problems that this “aibolit” can handle. For women, this plant has prepared a special surprise - juice and ice for the face from aloe incredibly refresh, nourish and rejuvenate the skin, easily remove annoying “misunderstandings” (pimples, inflammation) from its surface.

In nature, there are more than 300 varieties of this miracle flower. Which ones are of particular value? The undisputed leader is aloe vera; it was this species that cosmetologists and pharmacists took note of when producing healing additives for their products. The second place of honor is occupied by tree-like aloe (agagave), which can most often be seen on the windowsill in the house. If you are the happy owner of one of these plant varieties, then we will teach you recipes for effective potions for your skin.

Harvesting correctly׃ preparing aloe leaves

Aloe itself is a “storehouse” of useful substances. The plant contains a bouquet of the most valuable vitamins (E, C, A, the entire line of group B), resins and enzymes, the juice contains all the trace elements and minerals necessary for the skin, and thanks to the presence of lignin in it, the “medicine” is easily delivered to the lower layers epidermis. The plant has long come under the radar of scientists, who, after a detailed examination, found another amazing feature in it: aloe leaves, cut and stored in the cold, produce biostimulants that help activate the functioning of the human body. This discovery belongs to Academician V.P. Filatov, whose developments began to be used to increase the effectiveness of drugs prepared at home or in factories.

The following skin elixirs are prepared from aloe leaves:

  • Juice for lotions and lotions
  • Ice cubes for cold therapy
  • Skin masks

Not every plant is suitable for use. Young growth (up to 3 years) should not be touched, since the juice of the leaves has not reached the required concentration of nutrients, so only adult aloe is used to prepare all kinds of tinctures.

The plant naturally grows in hot countries (its homeland is Africa and nearby islands), so it is accustomed to a “water” diet. An abundance of water can harm it, so you should strictly adhere to the watering regime for your “doctor”׃

  • In the spring-autumn period, the flower is watered 2-3 times a week
  • In winter, aloe is fed once a week with slightly warm water (+30°C)

Two weeks before the “harvest” is harvested, the plant is completely starved and does not need watering. Leaves for the preparation of cosmetics also undergo a kind of “face control”; it is necessary to select thick shoots located at the aloe root. It is in them that the juice and all the “benefits” contained in it are maximally concentrated.

Cut stems are subjected to this procedure

  1. Leaves are thoroughly washed and dried
  2. Wrap in parchment paper (with a tube, leaving fresh air access to the ends)
  3. Place the cuttings in the refrigerator for 2 weeks

After the “quarantine” is completed, the raw materials are ready for consumption.

Secrets of making aloe juice and ice

Fresh aloe juice is used exclusively for oily and problem skin. To do this, thinly cut the peel from the leaf, make incisions with a knife and begin the wiping procedure (traditionally along the skin lines). But most often, for cosmetic purposes, aloe juice for the face is prepared according to a special recipe.

  • Leaves are cut into small pieces (do this over a bowl so as not to lose precious liquid)
  • The slices are filled with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:3 (for dry mature skin - 1:5)
  • Infuse the solution for two hours in a dark, preferably cool place.
  • Strain the concentrate through cheesecloth, and carefully squeeze out and remove the remains of the plant.
  • Once again, pass the liquid through gauze folded in 2-3 layers.

Now the aloe juice is ready for “work”. Often it is even used internally, mixing the solution with red wine. This drug significantly increases hemoglobin and improves the body's resistance to infections.

Ice made from healing aloe juice can stop time, prolong the youth of the skin, increase its elasticity and get rid of fine wrinkles. To do this, you just need to pour the prepared tincture into plastic cells and place it in the freezer. Every morning, wipe your face with an ice cube and see for yourself the effectiveness of this procedure.

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