Ribbed fingernails: causes and treatment. Why are my fingernails ribbed: what to do about it? Embossed nails

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Not all people can boast of healthy nails.

One of the most common is problem of wavy nail plates. Why does this defect occur and how to get rid of it?

What are wavy nails, their types

This deformation of the nail plates can occur in a person of any age and gender.

The nails of the thumbs are most often affected.

As the pathology develops, the deformation spreads to other plates.

There are different types of wavy nails:

  • longitudinal;
  • transverse.

Longitudinal waves (vertical) located from the cuticle to the edge of the nail. Such grooves are almost invisible on the nail plates; they can only be clearly seen at an angle.

The reasons for the appearance of small longitudinal waves are not very serious, they can be:

  • mechanical damage during manicure,
  • stressful situations,
  • frequent contact with detergents.

Often such minor deformation of the nail plates appears after how a person suffered from any disease.

In such cases, the pathology disappears on its own some time after recovery.

The causes of strongly pronounced longitudinal grooves on the nails are already more serious. Usually, various diseases are diagnosed with such conditions of the nail plates.

Horizontal stripes on nails are usually more pronounced than longitudinal ones.

When joining the deformation of nails, destruction and looseness of their tissue, as well as a change in the color of the plates, they say about the development of fungal infection.

In other cases, transverse waves on the nail plates may indicate the presence of diseases of varying severity in the body.

Main causes of wavy nails

There are several reasons for this pathology:

  1. Injury. Often panaritium (a purulent inflammatory process), a condition after a blow, damage during the processing of the cuticle and other similar conditions lead to deformation of the nail plate, manifested in the form of its waviness. In such cases, you just need to wait until the healthy nail grows completely. If trauma situations occur regularly or in such conditions the matrix of the nail plate was affected, the unevenness may not disappear at all.
  2. Fungal infection of the nail plates (mycosis). Fungal infections are insidious because at the very beginning they affect the top layer of the nail. A person may not notice the first symptoms of the disease. Then, as it develops, damage occurs to the deeper tissues of the nail, deformation of the plate, and a disproportionate increase in its thickness - the appearance of waviness.
  3. Avitaminosis. Poor nutrition can also cause transverse waves to appear on the nails. For healthy formation and growth of nail plates, vitamins are required - mainly group B and vitamin A. The appearance of horizontal stripes is explained by a slowdown in the growth rate of the nail and its thinning during periods of vitamin deficiency. With adequate nutrition, the situation returns to normal. As these phases alternate, horizontal waves appear on the nail plates.
  4. Stressful situations. Usually in this state people develop “bad” habits: biting their nails, picking off hangnails. This leads to inflammation in the area of ​​the periungual fold, injury to the nail plates, which can lead to their deformation.
  5. Changes in blood hormone levels. We are talking about a malfunction of thyroid hormones, since they are responsible for the health of the nail plates.
  6. Poor quality manicure. Often, independent treatment of nail plates leads to common mistakes: injury to the surface of the nails with sharp scissors, excessive filing, improper removal of the cuticle, which causes damage and inflammation of the periungual fold.
  7. Problems in the body. One of the main causes of wavy nails is systemic diseases. Usually, when stripes appear on the nail plates, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, thyroid gland, and reproductive organs are diagnosed.

Treatment of wavy nails

If stripes and waves appear on the nail plates, it is necessary first identify their cause, and only then determine the treatment strategy.

When treating your nails yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • manicure accessories before each procedure needs to be treated with a disinfection solution;
  • tools for manicure must be High Quality;
  • must be performed using special scissors for manicure; they should also be used to trim burrs;
  • to remove nail polish you need to use special products, preferably without acetone;
  • use moisturizing and nourishing creams containing vitamins.

It is useful to prepare various decoctions from herbs that have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties(chamomile, calendula and others), . If you follow these rules, as your nails grow, the waves will completely disappear.

If trauma to the nail plate is caused by bad habits due to stress, the doctor may prescribe special remedies for relieving nervous tension(“Tenoten”, “Afobazol” and others).

  • carrots;
  • broccoli, parsley and other greens;
  • meat;
  • tomatoes;
  • fish and red caviar;
  • liver;
  • dairy products;
  • pepper;
  • potatoes;
  • pumpkins;
  • melons

To increase your level of B vitamins, you need to eat as much as possible:

  • buckwheat;
  • liver;
  • walnuts and other nuts;
  • sprouted grain;
  • spinach;
  • fish and seafood;
  • legumes;
  • cauliflower;
  • rye bread;
  • potatoes;
  • dairy products.

If the cause of hypovitaminosis is the body’s inability to absorb certain nutrients from food, the doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes or monopreparations.

When found fungal infection, it is necessary to determine the type of pathogen. If the infection was caused by bacteria, the doctor will prescribe local antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments, creams or gels, if by fungi, remedies against these microorganisms.

After detection in a patient hormonal imbalance The doctor usually prescribes medications to normalize it.

The situation is more complicated when the cause of wavy nails is any systemic disease of the body.

A full examination of the body is prescribed, after which an illness is identified that requires treatment from a highly specialized specialist: for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - a gastroenterologist, the thyroid gland - an endocrinologist, the heart and blood vessels - a cardiologist. Only these doctors will be able to prescribe the necessary medications. Once the disease is completely cured, the problem of wavy nails will disappear.

Prevention of waves on nails

For prevention any types of deformations of the nail plates and maintaining them in a healthy condition, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. For manicure file your nails strictly at right angles, do not tear off hangnails, do not pull out the cuticle until bruising and inflammation appear;
  2. Due to the fact that nail plates can absorb everything from their surface, it is necessary to prevent their contact with household chemicals, high humidity,
  3. Wear gloves while working around the house,
  4. Take a break between coats of varnish;
  5. You should regularly apply nourishing products to your nails: oils, creams, make baths to improve their health;
  6. If you lack the skills to do a manicure only in a salon setting with experienced professionals;
  7. Always apply a base coat under the main coat of varnish;
  8. Monitor general health and promptly treat all diseases;
  9. Provide adequate nutrition.

Ways to decorate wavy nails

Solving the problem of the appearance of waves on the nails can take quite a long time.

How can the manifestation of such a cosmetic defect be reduced during this period?

There are several ways to do this, one of which is filing off the top layer of the nail plate.

In this case the waves are actually become a little less noticeable, but the desired result can only be achieved with excessive cutting.

A significant disadvantage of this option is the severe thinning of the nail plate., which significantly weakens it.

Therefore, it is better to listen to the following methods for selecting and applying varnish on nails with waves:

  1. Before applying the main coat of varnish, you can resort to a product that smoothes the surface of the nail. Typically, the waves on the thumbs are more pronounced than on the rest, so several layers of this coating are applied to them. As an alternative to this remedy, you can use medicinal varnish, applied in several layers.
  2. When choosing between pastel and bright enamels should be given preference first, and with mother of pearl or glitter, as well as a homogeneous structure. Dark and glossy varnishes highlight the waves and grooves more strongly.
  3. Some people, in order to hide the unevenness of the nail plates, cover them with shellac or gel polish, and also do extensions. But most often, such methods only aggravate the situation and worsen the condition of the nails.

In order not to further harm the nail plates, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not apply nail extensions or polish if your nails are wavy.
  • Refrain from rough cuticle removal and trimming manicure.
  • Do not do housework without gloves.
  • Don't neglect proper nail care.
  • Do not overly or frequently moisturize the nail plates., since this is fraught with severe softening of the cuticle, which entails its excessive trauma.
  • If you have insufficient knowledge of manicure techniques, you cannot continue to treat your nails on your own and worsen the situation even further. It is worth contacting professionals who will competently carry out the procedure and, if necessary, advise on all questions that arise.
  • Those with not only wavy, but also healthy nail plates are not recommended to polish more often than once every 4 weeks. Otherwise, you can seriously thin your nails, causing them to weaken and become brittle.

We can conclude that behind such a defect as waves on the nails, which are sometimes not even paid attention to, there may be problems in the form of serious systemic diseases, vitamin deficiency, hormonal imbalance or fungal infection.

These conditions can affect not only the appearance of the nails, but also the general well-being of a person, the quality of his life, and sometimes its duration.

Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor all changes occurring in the body, the health of the nail plates, and also regularly undergo annual examinations by specialized specialists.

A woman’s well-groomed hands are a kind of rebuff to age and it’s hard to disagree with this, because women with beautiful hands, neat manicure and smooth skin on their hands look much younger than their peers who are less attentive to their hands. But, alas, it happens that even the best care is reduced to zero due to suddenly appearing stripes on the nails. Why do nails suddenly become ribbed and is it possible to somehow combat this?

Most often, those women whose hands are constantly in contact with water and those who deal with various chemicals experience ridged nails. The ribbing of the nails in this case is a reaction of the nail plate to harmful substances, for example, to chlorine contained in water, various additives against the formation of rust found in the hot water of the city water supply system. Only gloves and more intensive care with the help of creams with vitamins and masks can save you from ribbing.

Ribbed fingernails, causes

Vertical stripes on the nail plate, which extend from the cuticle (or rather from under it) to the free edge of the nail, are most often associated with improperly performed manicure, trauma to the nail matrix, and constant pressure on the nail, including gloves that fit tightly to the fingers. Stripes in the vertical direction also appear with various nail injuries - pinching, deep cuts, inflammation of the nail bed.

Vertical grooves are not so dangerous and go away on their own in most cases, while transverse stripes often signal problems in the body. Thus, they may indicate the onset of diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders in the body, fungal infections and other dermatological problems. It is no secret that today even orthodox doctors take the diagnosis of diseases based on the condition of the nail plate quite seriously, so if you detect any changes, you should pay attention to your health.

So, when should you sound the alarm? Look how many different types of grooves on nails there are and what they mean:

  • - when the nail plate thickens and closely spaced transverse stripes appear on it, diabetes mellitus may be suspected;
  • - when the nail plate darkens and rough nail fractures appear, a fungal infection is suspected, however, this effect can also be achieved by taking certain medications;
  • - flattening of the nails and transverse stripes most likely indicate dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • - slightly pronounced transverse grooves may indicate a lack of vitamins, anemia and metabolic disorders, dehydration of the body.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of reasons that cause this or that change in the relief of the nail plates, and in order to get rid of the problem, you need to find out exactly what caused it.

Ribbed fingernails, treatment

If the ribbing is not very pronounced, then you can first take a course of vitamins and microelements, adjust your drinking regimen, because we often feel bad due to banal household dehydration - it is not the same as when we are forced to give up fluids, but the lack of even half a liter of water in day may affect water and electrolyte balance. These initial measures can help, and a visible change will appear in as little as two weeks - as your nails grow back, you will be able to see if new grooves are forming.

If the measures taken are not enough, pay attention to your diet, because often calorie-restricted diets affect the condition of nails and hair first. It is worth helping your nails in the form of vitamin and mineral replenishment; for this, you should regularly take baths with sea salt and rub nail oil into the nail plate, nail folds, and cuticles.

If the doctor does not find the reasons for the ribbed surface of the nails, then, apparently, the reason is injury - even narrow gloves can cause poor circulation in the tissues of the fingers and, as a result, changes in the structure of the nails. Change your gloves, protect your hands from contact with cold and chlorinated water, do not wash dishes with bare hands, because household cleaning products have a detrimental effect not only on your skin, but also on your nails. Most likely, all this will give results, and the regrown nails will be smooth and shiny.

Simple rules for caring for them will help to significantly improve the appearance and condition of your nails:

  1. - nails are filed only when they are dry, moving the file in one direction, and not erroneously “back and forth” or “right and left”;
  2. — it is best to purchase not a metal file, but a crystal or coated file;
  3. - if your nails are very sensitive, then you should not take a bath before the manicure, but rather use a special oil to soften the cuticle;
  4. — it is best to remove cuticles with an orange stick, and not with a metal pusher;
  5. — before applying colored varnish, it is necessary to cover the nail plate with a healing balm-varnish.

In the arsenal of folk remedies, there are many options for additional treatment for nails: baths, rubbing, and other procedures.

  • Nail baths can be made with a decoction of medicinal herbs, honey, glycerin, soda, essential oils - they will quickly put weakened nails in order.
  • Rubbing the nail plate with lemon juice will also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails.
  • A special word needs to be said about massage of the nail plate and nail folds. You need to do a massage outside of the manicure, at any free moment: steam your hands in water with sea salt, pat your skin and nails with a towel, apply orange, grapefruit or calendula oil to your nails. Gently massage the nail folds, cuticles, and rub the oil into the nail plates. Spend ten minutes a day on a massage, repeat it two or three times a week, and within a month you will notice how your nails have changed. In addition, this massage stimulates the nerve endings at the fingertips, brings relaxation and peace, which is very beneficial for the whole body.

Take care of your hands and always look young and well-groomed!

Girls, hello everyone! Today in the store I noticed the seller’s hands, or more precisely, the grooved nails, the cause of which can be both external and internal. In this regard, I decided to talk with you about this in more detail, to find out the reasons for this phenomenon, as well as ways to combat it.

If your smooth and strong nails with a slight natural shine suddenly begin to become covered with longitudinal or transverse stripes, then you should pay attention to this and take appropriate measures. Wavy stripes on the nails are not always a cosmetic reason. This phenomenon may be due to an external, internal or psychological reason. We all know how psychosomatics can affect nails, hair, teeth, and indeed all organs.

External reasons

One and, perhaps, the only external reason for the appearance of stripes on nails is improper care or injury. It can be:

  • Mechanical shocks
  • Damage to the plate due to rough handling
  • Exposure to aggressive substances. As a rule, these are household chemicals that we often use without gloves
  • Poor quality nail care products: cheap varnishes, nail polish removers or inept actions of a manicurist

It is quite easy to understand that the reason is external. Fingernails become grooved, matte, with shallow longitudinal stripes. When injured, this may appear on one or more nails.

The easiest way to solve this problem is, we will talk about this a little later. In the meantime, we continue to consider the reasons.

Stripes on nails as symptoms of disease

The most common cause of grooved nails is an internal problem in the body. Based on their condition, experienced therapists can easily determine what points you need to pay attention to in nutrition, lifestyle and health. Internal reasons may be:

  • Mycosis or onychomycosis (fungal infection)
  • Non-fungal infection
  • Problems with the digestive tract and resulting diseases of the intestines, stomach, pancreas, and liver. All this is very individual
  • Bad habits

Fungal infections, unfortunately, are the most common and should be treated under the supervision of a dermatovenerologist. As a rule, mycoses in humans are caused by three types of pathogens: dermatophytes, yeast-like fungi and molds.

So, the symptoms of nail fungus are the following:

  1. The nails become weak, peel, and break.
  2. Second stage: tubercles and stripes appear on the nail plates, which signal that the situation is becoming critical, and yellowing is also characteristic of onychomycosis
  3. Next, the nails begin to turn yellow and form uneven edges, peel and crumble.

Non-fungal infections are caused by pathogenic microbes that can enter the body along with an injury, especially if you visit an untested or inexperienced manicurist or a salon where hygiene is neglected. Along with longitudinal or transverse stripes, the following manifestations of infections may appear:

  • A dull white color of the plate may indicate nail psoriasis.
  • Blackening of the nails indicates injury or swelling of the nail bed.

With internal diseases of the intestines, pancreas, and liver, the marigolds first become yellow and then become grooved. Well, the causes of many diseases can lie in an incorrect lifestyle and bad habits. So there are only comprehensive solutions and nothing else!

Psychological reasons

Another reason for the appearance of grooves on the nails is stress. Do you know what happens in the body under stress? No, I’m not talking about those situations when “I had a fight with my husband in the evening” or “The child got a bad grade at school.” I am talking about a protracted psychological state that can be caused by the following situations:

  • Strict diets
  • Excessive physical activity: heavy work or intense exercise in the gym
  • Nervous tension caused by problems in the family, at work, etc.

With the help of the condition of the nails, the body can signal a person about what is happening inside him. Your task is to react in time.

How to deal with the problem of grooves on nails

We have already become acquainted with the reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon, so now is the time to talk about treatment.

Important! The sooner you address the problem, the easier it is to deal with it!

Depending on the cause, marigolds can be treated in the salon, at home, under the supervision of a dermatologist. Another important factor in complex therapy is proper nutrition.

Salon treatments

In the salon you can solve a number of problems with nails, and it is very sad that many turn to competent nail technicians only to give their nails an aesthetic appearance. But in fact, there are many more procedures and these include the following:

  • Mineral nail sealing: a procedure that involves layer-by-layer application of natural nutritional compounds onto a plate using a polishing file. The top of the marigolds is covered with flint powder, which provides protection, nourishes and stimulates growth.
  • Biogel mask is another salon method of treating not only grooved, but also naturally thin nails. This mask contains a special strengthening composition, which, after application, hardens and prevents delamination, brittleness and lumpiness of the plates.
  • IBX technology is an innovative nail strengthening procedure that combats all imperfections and solves any cosmetic problems: separation, brittleness, thinness, cracks, white spots, grooves and unevenness.

If the cause of grooved nails is nothing other than a fungal infection, then one of the solutions is laser hardware therapy. It has proven itself very well and gives excellent results in the initial stages. In advanced cases, it helps patients with longer treatment.

These methods of improving the quality of nails have quite a lot of advantages, but in fairness, it is worth noting a disadvantage: they are all quite expensive and have a temporary effect. That is, by solving a serious problem cosmetically, you are essentially treating a sore throat with plantain.

Home treatments

Many of you have probably thought about what to do for those who do not have the opportunity to use expensive salon procedures. Extensions and coating with gel polishes are no longer so popular today; the trend is beautiful, well-groomed and, most importantly, natural nails. Is it possible to improve their condition at home? Can! And I will tell you what I would do if I had this problem.

First of all, you need to make sure that the reason is purely cosmetic, which is caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. Next, I offer you several recipes for nail baths that can be done 1-2 times a week.

  • Bath based on vegetable oil and iodine: heat vegetable oil in a water bath, add 2-3 capsules of vitamin A (retinol palmitate) and add 3-4 drops of iodine. Dip your fingernails into the resulting mixture for 15-20 minutes, then wipe with a dry cloth and do not wet your hands for 3 hours. In the same way you can make a bath for nails and feet.
  • Mix 100 ml of vegetable oil with 3 tablespoons of vinegar and soak your fingers for 15 minutes. Afterwards, don’t wash it off, but wipe it dry with a napkin.
  • When treating fungus, it is also very useful to use tincture of tar soap, propolis solution, decoctions of calendula, chamomile, birch herbs

When treating with natural home recipes, it is important to observe regularity, since you will not see the result immediately or the next day.

Drug treatment

If the problem lies in the body itself, if grooved nails are a consequence of a disease, then you need to approach the solution systematically, namely, treat the disease itself and, at the same time, do caring procedures directly for the nails.

I will not focus on how to treat cardiovascular diseases or gastritis, since everything is very serious here. But we can talk about the treatment of nail fungus. It is important to understand that in the initial stages the whole process is much simpler and much faster. Therefore, don’t procrastinate and start right now.

Treatment can take place in various ways, which include:

  • Special antimycotic agents for topical use: Zalain, Exoderil, Nizoral, Nitrofungin, Lamisil
  • Oral medications: Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Lamisil
  • External cosmetics: Loceryl - varnish and nail polish remover, Oflomil varnish, Mikozan - nail serum

Nails are not only one of the components of a unique image, but also a significant sign of the health of the entire body. The appearance of wavy irregularities on them is a very common phenomenon.

However, you should not become discouraged in such a situation. Finding out and eliminating the causes will help to dramatically affect nail ribbing.

The main causes of wavy fingernails

In search of the reasons why fingernails are wavy (treatment, photos will be discussed later), a wide variety of factors are identified that directly affect the undesirable nail texture.

Experts have identified the following, the most significant sources of changes in the condition of the nail plate.

Getting a nail plate injury

Often carelessness or improper care leads to injury to the nail. Its integrity can be damaged not only due to a blow or accidental pinching, but also due to careless cutting of the cuticle or hangnails.

Damage can be caused by a regular burn or poor-quality nail extensions. Using low-quality varnish also leads to unpleasant consequences.

Note! The cause of deformation of the nail plate is sometimes the simplest ballpoint pen.

The problem occurs when the pen is pressed too hard against the nails. Long-term typing on the keyboard using two or three fingers also leads to the symptom of wavy nails.

Infectious or bacterial lesions causing wavy nails

The appearance of the nail plate is sometimes determined by fungal diseases. At the same time, varnishes and other nail coatings do not hide the defect, since they do not lie flat on the ribbed surface.

Infection often occurs in public places (hotels, transport, gyms). In this case, the nails are affected not only on the hands, but also on the feet.

Among the manifestations of the disease, in addition to changes in relief, severe itching is observed. In such a case, consultation with a dermatologist is essential for further prescription of therapeutic measures.

In addition, we should not forget about prevention. It is necessary to use antifungal agents, which can be purchased both in pharmacies and in nail salons.

Hormonal changes affecting the nail plate

The thyroid gland, which creates a certain hormonal level in the body, sometimes malfunctions. In this case, the presence of deformation of the nail plate is not the worst result. The consequences of such disorders can be observed throughout the body.

This cause can only be identified through a targeted examination by an endocrinologist. However, hormonal imbalances can often be identified by acne, hair loss, unreasonable changes in weight, swelling of the face and legs.

Diseases of internal organs and systems

Malfunctions of any organ or system also affect the appearance of nails. Most often, such a defect is a consequence of improper metabolism associated with endocrine causes.

However, changes in the nails are often complications after illnesses of a different nature (flu, pneumonia).

Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body

Iron deficiency anemia is a common cause of wavy nails. Its presence will be determined by a clinical blood test. However, in addition to iron, a similar illness can also be caused by a lack of other microelements and vitamins.

Calcium is the main component of the nail plate, and its deficiency often explains why fingernails are wavy. Treatment and photos in this case indicate extremely undesirable consequences.

Vitamins such as A, B, E directly affect the appearance of the nail, creating strength and hydration. Thanks to their presence in the body, nails have a healthier and stronger structure, without brittleness or peeling.

Only a specialist can determine the lack of a particular microelement or vitamin in order to prescribe subsequent treatment. However, you can undergo a preventive course of treatment with calcium or vitamins without medical indications.

Stress and emotional stress

Doctors have proven that emotional instability leads to disruption of the entire body. Nervous outbreaks and depression often trigger a mechanism that causes an imbalance in the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Disruption of the functioning of any organ always leads to unpleasant consequences, including changes in the relief of the nail plate.

Treatment for wavy fingernails

It should be noted that the treatment of wavy fingernails always depends on the cause identified by the doctor. In case of injury, for example, it is worth waiting for the complete regeneration of the nail plate, that is, its fusion.

Many women wonder why their fingernails are wavy; they ask this question even when the nail plate requires serious treatment.

Sometimes filing and polishing the nail partially solves this problem.

Medications to help eliminate wavy nails

Treatment of wavy fingernails involves the use of medications, although for some reason this therapy is not always the first choice, which often leads to sad consequences (the corresponding photos are at the end of the article).

Among the mandatory ones are preparations containing iron, calcium, and B vitamins. In such a case, glycerophosphate, retinol, phytin, ascorbic and nicotinic acids, thiamine, cyanocobalamin are extremely necessary.

It is possible to prescribe vitamins A and E, which strengthen the resistance of nails to external factors.

In addition to medications that strengthen and correct the nail, it is necessary to prescribe general strengthening and immune-stimulating agents, as well as sedatives.

Important to remember! To effectively restore the health of the nail plate, it is necessary to simultaneously carry out mandatory treatment of the disease that caused the problem associated with the loss of aesthetics of the nails!

Vitamin therapy against wavy nails

In addition to taking medications, nail health requires the use of a balanced diet, including the consumption of buckwheat, liver, pomegranates, and apples in order to increase hemoglobin. In this case, nutritionists recommend avoiding flour and fatty foods.

For a clearer idea of ​​the content of nutrients in food, the following table is presented.

Vitamin BBlack currants, brown rice, broccoli, olives. B vitamins help convert food into energy, maintaining healthy nails, skin, and hair. By reducing inflammation, they accelerate tissue regeneration.
IronMeat, poultry, berries, zucchini, tuna play an important role in restoring fingernails if they have become wavy. Why is iron so important? In the human body, this microelement performs the function of storing and distributing oxygen in tissues. In the photos below you can see the positive results of iron treatment.
Fluoride, vitamin CCitrus fruits, tomatoes, nuts, chicken eggs. The amount of fluoride in the body determines the condition of not only nails, but also hair, teeth, and bone tissue. Vitamin C protects organic cells from destruction and improves tissue immunity.
SulfurOnions, oatmeal, buckwheat, garlic. These products relieve the nail plate from brittleness and delamination. Give it a natural shine.

Pharmacists have developed special multivitamin complexes that include both oral administration and use for home masks and baths.

The most effective for strengthening the nail plate are sesame and olive oils rich in essential vitamins. It is enough to rub them into your fingers during a massage.

Folk recipes for wavy fingernails

Considering the question of why fingernails are wavy, treatment (photos of diseased and healthy nails are at the end of the article) involves the use of traditional medicine methods.

There are many ways and means to combat such an ailment as wavy nails. All of them are simple and accessible:

  • Unrefined sunflower oil is an excellent remedy for applications on affected nails.
  • Oatmeal mask is very useful: To prepare it, you need to steam oatmeal (oatmeal), then put it on your hands for half an hour. After removing the mask, you should wash your hands under warm water and use a nourishing cream as a moisturizer.

  • Freshly squeezed tomato juice is used for nail baths, such a bath must be taken for at least 20 minutes.
  • In 2 tbsp. Warm water should be diluted with sea salt in the amount of 1 tbsp. l., add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil or iodine; use as hand baths 3-4 times a week for 2 months.
  • Prepare a herbal bath in the same way as the previous recipe, only the water in it is replaced with a medicinal decoction of herbs (oregano, chamomile, sage).

Cosmetology procedures

Currently, many salons have special equipment that restores damaged nails. For this purpose, treatment courses developed by specialists are successfully used.

Physiotherapy effectively uses diathermy, iontophoresis, phonophoresis with the use of essential vitamins. Courses consist of 10-15 procedures, with an interval of up to 8 weeks.

Non-device treatment methods are also popular. Therapeutic mud, natural wax, ozokerite, paraffin are often used in warm applications. For maximum effectiveness, such applications are generously applied to the nail area and the surrounding area.

Warm baths with the addition of various essential oils, sea salt, and pine needle extract are also effective. Such additives, by promoting blood flow, stimulate the nutrition of nail cells.

Carefully! The porous structure of the nail plate has the ability to maximally absorb various substances, including harmful ones. This is often the explanation why fingernails become wavy and require immediate treatment.

Uneven nails, as in the photo, are an indicator of disorders occurring in the body

The photos below show the results of such an impact. Therefore, you should avoid or completely eliminate prolonged contact with household chemicals, and use gloves if necessary.

What not to do during the treatment of wavy fingernails

In pursuit of beauty, do not forget about some methods and actions that can be dangerous. In order not to aggravate the problem, you should use the following tips:

Nail extensions do not solve the problem of deformation, but only aggravate it, since there is a high risk of chemical burns.

After using it, the waves will undoubtedly disappear, but the reason why your fingernails are wavy will not be eliminated. Treatment will still be necessary.

The examples in the photo prove that very soon the relief will appear again with a higher intensity.

Do not get carried away with diligently moisturizing the cuticle and hangnails when removing them. This leads to excessive depletion of the skin, leading to infection and injury.

Dry cuticles must be trimmed very carefully. To do this, you can seek the help of a qualified specialist, or take his advice.

How to prevent waves on your nails (prevention)

To avoid nail deformation and maintain their health, you should not forget about some very important points:

  • proper nutrition;
  • maximum restriction of nails from contact with household chemicals (doing housework with gloves);
  • maintaining the interval between nail extensions;
  • application of nutrients, use of baths;
  • filing nails in the process of creating a manicure should only be done at right angles;
  • mandatory application of a base coat under a layer of varnish;
  • careful attention to your body and health.

It is important to know! Healthy, strong nails require mandatory compliance with hygiene standards: having an individual manicure set, regularly treating it with disinfectants immediately after use.

Why the hands that show off in famous photos are beautiful and neat is often the result of considerable effort. If there is a problem with “wavy” nails, then treatment is required, which must be comprehensive in order to achieve a positive result.

Why are my fingernails wavy? What treatment will be effective?

What wavy nails look like, photo:

Beautiful and well-groomed nails are a person’s calling card. And the uneven surface of the nail significantly worsens the appearance, leading to an unaesthetic picture. Some consider this a minor defect, which they try to disguise in every possible way. But deformation of the nail in the form of a bumpy, wavy, ribbed surface may indicate a serious violation of the functionality of the body. Irregularities are different, as are the reasons leading to the pathological condition.

Types of irregularities in the nail plate

When the nail plates have changed, become wavy or bumpy, the problem does not go unnoticed. Sometimes this is a symptom of pathology, in some situations it is a cosmetic defect.

Ribbed nails

They are characterized by longitudinal stripes along the entire nail plate. And this picture really poses a health threat. The only time this condition should not be a cause for concern is in old age. This phenomenon is observed in 99% of cases due to age-related changes in the body. The problem cannot be corrected, so treatment is not required.

If longitudinal stripes appear at a young age, you need to go to the doctor. Ribbing can be the result of improper manicure or a serious violation of blood circulation in the body.

The surface of the nail plate becomes ribbed due to diseases:

  • Chronic skin diseases;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatoid form of arthritis;
  • Arterial hypertension or hypotension.

Such diseases are always accompanied by certain symptoms. If they are cured or permanent compensation is achieved, then the marigolds will soon acquire a healthy appearance.

Important: if the only symptom is an uneven nail plate, then it is recommended to examine the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

wavy surface

Even with a manicure, the transverse stripes are striking. Unfortunately, there is no way to hide the problem. If a girl uses varnish, then in most cases it goes on ugly and crooked.

Stripes are not only a hindrance during nail care, but also evidence that internal organs or systems are not working properly. Often the reason lies in the fact that a person becomes a vegetarian and refuses meat products. Of course, this is a personal matter for everyone, but a deficiency of certain components leads to various diseases.

If the waves are combined with detachment of the nail plate, then they speak of a fungal infection. In this case, long-term treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist will be required. The doctor will prescribe the necessary local and general medications, prescribe the dosage and frequency of use.

Lumps on nails

A lumpy surface never just appears. In 100% of clinical pictures, a provoking factor is necessarily present. As a rule, tuberosity is the result of a serious deficiency of nutritional components, in particular iron, B vitamins, selenium, and zinc.

Another reason is hormonal changes in the body. Hormonal imbalance disrupts the full functioning of the human internal system, which is reflected not only in the nails, but also in the hair and skin.

Etiology of nail deformation

If the nail on the hand is uneven, while the rest of the nails are still smooth and delight their owner with a healthy shine, then the etiology is due to mechanical trauma. Usually it occurs due to prolonged harmful effects of some factor. If you eliminate it, the new grown nail plate will be smooth.

In fact, there are a huge number of reasons that lead to changes in fingernails and toenails. In medical practice, all factors are divided into external and internal influences.

Irregularities on the nails occur for the following reasons:

  1. Injury to the nail plate due to improper manicure, rough cuticle removal, extensions. If there is a problem with your toenails, then you need to reconsider your shoes; perhaps strong compression of the toe has led to pathology. When the injury is shallow, the new nail will be smooth. In a situation where there has been a long-term, strong and deep mechanical impact, waviness may remain forever.
  2. Hereditary factor. Nails are not only an indicator of health, but also the individuality of each person. They have different shapes for all people. If certain genes are inherited, treatment will not help. The only thing that can help the patient is to disguise the defect. As a supplement, taking vitamins is recommended.
  3. Taking medications over a long period of time can deform the nail plate. Usually, after stopping the therapeutic course, the picture normalizes on its own.
  4. Poor nutrition may lead to changes in nails. If there are not enough vitamins and other substances, the body tries to signal a deficiency in this way. Changing your diet brings everything back to normal.
  5. If wavy fingernails itch, their color has changed, they have begun to crumble and peel, then the reason lies in a fungal infection. It is imperative to undergo a full diagnosis and identify the pathogen.
  6. Despite their natural hardness, nails are extremely susceptible to the negative effects of chemicals. The etiology may be based on household chemicals, low-quality nail polish, etc.

For your information, a fungal infection can affect the nail plates on the hands and feet; without conservative treatment, the situation only gets worse.

How to make your nails even and smooth?

The doctor will tell you what to do after the diagnosis. It should be remembered that the wavy or ribbed surface of the nail plate is not an independent disease, but a clinical manifestation of pathology or some factor. There are many provoking factors; it is unlikely that you will be able to independently identify the culprit of the problem. When contacting a medical institution, the doctor will prescribe a series of laboratory tests, determine the etiology, and prescribe appropriate treatment.

If the reasons are poor-quality manicure, then you need to contact another master. It is important to treat your nails with special products that will help them recover. You can make various baths at home.

When nail injury is a consequence of prolonged stress, neurosis and depressive syndrome, then medications are needed to relieve nervous tension. For example, Afobazol. Take tablets only as prescribed by your doctor.

  • Carrots, fish, red caviar, chicken eggs, potatoes, pumpkin, tomatoes, any greens, red meat are rich in vitamin A;
  • Buckwheat porridge, liver, walnuts, seafood, cauliflower, potatoes, dairy and fermented milk products, legumes - a lot of B vitamins.

For nail plate fungus, the type of pathogen is determined. Then topical medications are prescribed - gel, ointment, cream, etc. When the cause is hormonal imbalance, therapy with medications containing hormones will be needed.

Advice: in the modern world there is no remedy that will get rid of uneven nails in a few days, so you will have to be patient during treatment.

When a systemic disease is suspected, it is necessary to undergo a thorough diagnosis. They visit a cardiologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist and other medical specialists. When the factor is identified and eliminated, the waves on the nails are leveled out.

Preventive actions

To prevent deformation changes in the nail plate, doctors recommend a list of basic rules that allow you to maintain a smooth and healthy nail surface:

  1. Nails are filed during manicure strictly at right angles. It is strictly forbidden to tear off hangnails, and you cannot pull out the cuticle.
  2. Reduce nail contact with chemicals. When cleaning, washing dishes, etc., wear gloves.
  3. Do not overuse nail polish. Even the “safest” varnish coating contains synthetic derivatives that lead to negative consequences in the future.
  4. Taking care of your nails involves using specialized nourishing creams and gels. At home, you can make baths based on medicinal herbs.
  5. Always apply a base coat underneath the base coat of varnish.

We can confidently conclude that sometimes behind the waves on the nails there are serious health problems - hormonal imbalance, fungal infection, vitamin deficiency. These conditions affect not only appearance, but also well-being, quality of life, and sometimes even its duration.

Hiding the external defect with rough sanding and varnishing only makes the situation worse, the symptom remains, but the cause progresses. Only by eliminating the provoking factor will your nails be smooth and healthy.

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