Learning numbers with children 2-3 years old. Children and memorizing numbers: how to quickly teach them to get along. We follow the principles of learning

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Very often, parents, when trying to give their child a first idea of ​​mathematics, focus exclusively on ordinal counting or memorizing numbers. Naturally, both are useful activities, however, if you really want to teach your child to count, then you need to introduce him not to numbers, but quantities and not just memorize counting to ten with your child, but help him understand the spoken meanings and develop mathematical thinking. For a child, the words “Four apples” should not be an empty phrase; the child should clearly understand how many apples it is and understand that, for example, four is more than two.

Mathematics for kids. Basic principles

The math games that I want to talk about in this article are best suited for children 2-4 years old (and some even earlier). The main goal of these games is to teach the child to visually recognize a number, to understand which is larger, which is smaller, which are the same, which quantity corresponds to each number, and what will happen if you add one more to three apples. I would like to note that these are games, not lessons. Children at this age will not like it too much if you constantly torture them with questions like “Show me the number 3” “Tell me how many sticks are there?” They need to be interested by unobtrusively adding math problems to everyday story games. I notice the highest interest in my daughter when her favorite toy personally tells her about her problem and asks her for help (I’m talking about the toy, of course).

Don't try to play with big numbers right away! It is enough to limit yourself to 4-5 games. Agree, it is much more attractive to help a child master various operations with numbers not exceeding the number 4 and develop mathematical thinking than to simply learn to count to ten without knowing how to operate with each of these numbers. A child who has mastered operations with small numbers will then easily transfer his skills to large numbers.

So, math games for kids:

1. Ordinal counting in everyday life

First of all, draw your child’s attention to the fact that everything around us can be counted and introduce counting into your everyday life. Count the steps you climb, the cars in front of your house, the spoons before dinner, the pigs in a fairy tale, the stick candles on your sand cake, etc. So gradually the child will remember the sequence “one, two, three...” that you regularly pronounce and will slowly begin to relate it to the quantity he saw. This can be done as early as 1 year.

2. We study the concept of “The same amount”

Here are a few examples of our very first games with quantities (we played them at the age of about 2 years):

    We place 2-3 toys at the table, inform the child that today is one of them’s birthday, so all the guests need to be fed. To begin with, we count together how many guests there are and with the words “So, there are only 3 guests, which means we will need 3 plates too,” we count out three plates with the baby. We place them for the guests, check that there is enough for everyone, which means that there are as many , how many toys. Similarly, you can give tasks for distributing spoons or chairs for toys.

    Then, in the voice of the doll Masha, we say, “Can I please have 3 mushrooms?” We count out 3 mushrooms for Masha. Then we reason that the frog should be given the same amount so as not to offend him. We count out 3 mushrooms for him too. The concept of “ as many ».

In the game, you can use any available counting material (cones, buttons, counting sticks), or purchased ( mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes).

  • It is not necessary to limit yourself only to the topic of tea drinking; mathematics can be added to any role-playing games. For example, put the same number of houses as there are animals, draw the same number of berries as there are hedgehogs in the picture, etc. The main thing is to harmoniously weave the task into the plot of the game, telling the story that the animals were left without housing, etc.

3. Compare “More-less”

  • Continuing the theme of the birthday toy, we lay out 2 mushrooms for one of the guests, and 4 for the other, together we think about who has more and who has less. To begin with, we let the child try to determine by eye; if he makes a mistake, we recalculate together.

  • If the child is already good at comparing similar objects, you can offer him a more difficult task : put in front of him 2 different numbers of objects of different sizes, for example, buttons. For example, we put 3 large buttons and 5 small ones and ask which one has more. At first, kids usually get confused, pointing to large buttons. Your task is to explain that in this problem you are not comparing the size, but the number of buttons.

4. We study the concept of “Zero”

Even the smallest, one-year-old children can easily notice the fact that objects were and ended, and also grasp the moment when this happened. Therefore, having distributed candies, mushrooms and other joys to the toys, you spread your hands in bewilderment and say, “We have nothing left - zero candies.” The concept of “zero”, as a rule, is learned very easily by children.

5. Board games

Board games with cubes and chips are one of the best and most interesting ways to practice ordinal counting with your child. In addition, by constantly counting the same number of dots on a cube, the baby learns to recognize the number without counting, which is also very useful and will help in the future to easily operate numbers in the mind.

Taisiya and I started playing board games at 2.5 years old, at this age she could already understand that you need to play according to the rules, there is a sequence of moves, etc. I wrote in detail about all our first board games. Or you can download a walking game made especially for kids.

6. Countdown

Show your child not only forward counting, but also backward counting. So, for example, when putting rings on a pyramid, count as usual, and when disassembling the pyramid, count in the reverse order, thereby showing that the number of rings is decreasing. The same can be done by folding/unfolding something from a box, assembling/disassembling a path (turret) from cubes. This is a very useful game; it prepares the child well for the operation of subtraction.

7. Simple operations with objects: addition and subtraction

No, of course, I won’t write here that it’s time to solve the examples. We will simply unobtrusively, during the game, give the child an elementary and very simplified idea of ​​such mathematical operations as addition and subtraction. Everything is just in a playful way! If a child finds it difficult or does not want to count, we simply pronounce the conclusion from the game situation ourselves. “There were three candies, they ate one, there were two left.” Here are some examples of games with which you can train your child’s mathematical thinking (let me remind you that so far we only use the smallest numbers in our games - within 4-5):

    We take some toy and go with it into the forest in search of berries. For example, we played with a cat. Walking around the room, we found berries and pebbles of two colors under chairs and tables. Well, at the end they counted: “How many orange berries did the cat find? Three. How many yellow ones? Two. Now let's count how many berries he found. Five. It turns out that we collected 2 yellow berries and 3 orange ones, for a total of 5!”

  • The fixies gathered to repair the chair. They have 3 bolts. Let's calculate whether each fixie has enough bolts. How many more bolts do I need to find?

  • We transport the cubes in the car to the construction site (let's say 3 pieces). During transportation, one cube falls out. We count how many cubes are left.
  • We give the bear three candies, he eats two. We count how much he has left.
  • It is very interesting to play the so-called “hide and seek” game. For example, we draw four apples, then cover one with our palm, how many are left? Then we close two, etc.

8. Number composition

It is very useful to break down numbers into their components with your child (for example, 3 is 2+1, 1+1+1, 3+0). This will help the child with counting in the future. Game options:

  • Look, you and I have three apples, let's divide them between the bear and the bunny. We will give one apple to the bunny, and two to the bear. Try to redistribute the apples between the toys in different ways, showing different options for decomposing the number.
  • You can attach several clothespins to a hanger, place small toys along the edges and redistribute the clothespins between them, imagining that they are, for example, candy. It turned out to be an excellent replacement for the usual boring accounts. Another option: you can put the bagels on a ribbon and redistribute them in the same way, saying who got how much.

9. Get to know the numbers, establish the relationship between numbers and quantities

When the child has some idea of ​​the quantities, you can begin to introduce numbers. Now, having calculated something, you not only name the number, but also show the corresponding figure. Here are some more options for math games:

    We build towers from construction sets or cubes of the appropriate size;

  • We attach a suitable number of clothespins-hair ( YOU CAN DOWNLOAD HERE our head templates);

  • We select dominoes with the required number of dots (to diversify the game, you can invite your child to transport dominoes to numbered houses on a typewriter);

  • We lay out tracks from counting sticks and select suitable numbers - the length of the resulting tracks will help the child understand which number is larger;

  • We put the required number of matches into the numbered boxes;
  • We put the required number of cubes into the cars with numbers (the cars can be drawn on paper);
  • You can also use ready-made solutions, like this one games "Numbers" (Ozon,Labyrinth, My-shop)

or insert frame (Ozon, My-shop,Read)

10. Repeat numbers

To reinforce numbers, games will be useful in which the child needs to find identical numbers and combine them. For example, you can match houses to toys by numbers, place cars in numbered garages, etc.

Or play in the mathematical game "Train Engine" . To do this, draw a steam locomotive on paper or build a steam locomotive from a construction set, numbering the cars. Each passenger, as they approach, will call out the number of their carriage, and let the child seat everyone in their seats.

Books with poems about numbers like “Happy Counting” by Marshak (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop). We were lucky and the numbers in the book were exactly the size of our soft numbers, so we overlapped them as we read.

I also really like it “Merry Count” by N. Vladimirova (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop), I wrote about him before.

11. Sequence of numbers

In my opinion, before 3 years of age there is no need to focus the child’s attention on the order in which the numbers appear in a number series, so as not to confuse the child while he is forming his idea of ​​quantities. Well, after three children may already be interested in the following mathematical games:

  • « Baba Yaga mixed up the numbers" The child must put the mixed up numbers in order.
  • . In essence, this is the same game as the previous one, only more interesting, in my opinion, because by arranging the numbers, the baby can see a beautiful picture. Some examples of puzzles can be found DOWNLOAD HERE.

  • “Name the neighbors of the number.” Having added up the numbers by number, you can ask your child what kind of neighbors, for example, the number 4 has.
  • Connect the dots by numbers. The easiest number mazes, which are ideal as first ones, in my opinion, are presented in KUMON workbook “Learning to count from 1 to 30” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

Well, in conclusion, I would like to cite a few more useful books that will help you teach your child to count.

  • Zemtsov “Numbers and counting”. Sticker books (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

The books contain simple tasks for counting and memorizing numbers. The tasks are quite varied; the presence of stickers in the books definitely increases the child’s interest in them. The manuals will be a wonderful help in mastering mathematics.

  • Felicity Brooks "Playing and Learning Numbers" (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • Magnetic book-toy “Counting” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

  • Photobook “Learning colors and numbers” (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop)

In this book, the child is asked to look for different objects while counting them. An excellent book for practicing conscious counting and attention skills. We didn’t develop an interest in her right away, after about 2.5 years.

So, if you introduce simple mathematics into your everyday play situations with your child from an early age, then this science will be easy for your child. I wish you interesting and intense games!

Learning numbers is a necessary activity for 3-4 year old children. The ability to count will allow your child to easily master the school curriculum. Classes improve visual and auditory memory and help develop logical thinking. Parents of preschoolers are required to know how to properly teach their child numbers at 3-4 years old.

What time should you introduce your baby to numbers?

At 3–4 years old, a child should know numbers from 1 to 5. With regular practice, some children master these skills at 2–2.5 years old. During this time, they learn to remember numbers; at 3 years old they can already count in direct and reverse order and solve simple problems.

Required math skills for a 4-year-old preschooler:

  • knowledge of numbers from 0 to 9;
  • ability to count in forward and reverse sequence;
  • knowledge of cardinal and ordinal numbers, their correct use in speech;
  • the ability to name which number comes “before” and “after”;
  • identification of numbers by type, skill in writing them correctly;
  • ability to put in order from 0 to 9 and from 9 to 0.

If a preschooler does not have the necessary skills by the age of 4, it is important to interest him in playful activities and fill the gap.

Where to study?

Often parents believe that there is no need to study with their child at home. This point of view is wrong. In kindergartens, collective mathematics lessons are held, where children learn new information. Due to the large number of preschoolers, the teacher will not consolidate the knowledge of everyone. This role is assigned to parents.

Coming home, the baby shares with his mom and dad the knowledge he received in kindergarten with interest. The task of parents is not to miss this moment and direct his aspirations in the right direction.

If it is not possible to study at home, there are developmental lessons for the little ones, where an experienced teacher conducts mathematics classes in a playful way, paying attention to each preschooler.

It is important for parents to choose a place for their child’s additional education. The home option is more suitable for shy preschoolers: a familiar environment increases the absorption of information.

Lesson Basics

It is important for children to understand why they study numbers. The parents' task is to explain to the child the need to acquire counting skills. Before starting a math course, he must learn the basics. This can be easily achieved by following the following guidelines.

  1. We count everything. In everyday, habitual communication with a preschooler, it is necessary to count objects at every opportunity, involving him in the process.
  2. Buy counting sticks for home use. When reading a book or watching a cartoon, give your child simple tasks (for example, put aside as many sticks as there are characters in a fairy tale).
  3. Show your child what the numbers look like and lay out the required number of counting sticks.
  4. When a preschooler understands the purpose of numbers, you need to regularly play the “Guess the Number” game. The presenter comes up with a number and gives a hint which numbers are larger and which are smaller. The player's goal is to name it. A parent can be both a leader and a participant. Children love riddles. This develops logical thinking.

Ability to count quickly

With regular classes (in addition to lessons in kindergarten), a preschooler acquires the skill of fast counting. There are exercises to help develop it.

  • Greater than, less than or equal to learning. The preschooler is asked to choose a card with any number, count the required number of counting sticks, and arrange them into 2 piles (equally). This will introduce the child to the composition of numbers and help him remember what numbers each consists of.
  • Logic lessons will develop memory and thinking. The parent gives the child riddles that need to be guessed. This method involves mental functions. After such charging, the numbers are easy to remember.

Reinforcing the material learned

The acquired knowledge needs constant repetition. An effective way is to invite the child to play at school, where he is the teacher and the parent is the student.

The preschooler tells everything he has learned. Mom asks leading questions. This exercise will help identify gaps in mathematical knowledge and compensate for them. If he stumbles on the number 3, then next time we go through it.

Healthy interest

It is important for your child to show a desire to study mathematics. It is unacceptable to force someone to study. It is important for parents to instill in him a healthy interest. All lessons should be conducted in a playful way. It is advisable to introduce incentives. This will serve as motivation to further acquire knowledge.

Duration of classes

At 3–4 years old, preschoolers do not have perseverance and quickly get tired doing the same thing. The correct lesson length at this age is 30 minutes. If the lesson lasts longer, take a break for tea or exercise. In these cases, it is divided into 2 blocks with “related” tasks. A break will help kids understand what they have learned and consolidate it in the next part of the lesson.

  • Cramming will not help develop math skills. To count correctly, a preschooler needs understanding.
  • Home studies provide an opportunity to quickly and easily consolidate the material received.
  • It is unacceptable to force a preschooler to do math. It is better to develop a healthy interest.
  • All lessons for children should be carried out only in a playful way, which will improve the absorption of information.
Author of the article: Laukhina Ekaterina

Child development is an interesting and fruitful activity for loving parents. Their mental and mental processes are so mobile, and their thirst to know the world is so great that incredible results can be achieved in teaching preschool children. Knowing how to teach a child to remember numbers is an important task for parents.

Among the common developmental tasks for preschool children, memorizing numbers should be a fun process. To do this, we need the right early development methodology to help get kids interested and make this process effective.

A lot of visual materials and a playful form are the main components of a child’s productive learning. These should be educational games that convey information about number indicators. In counting, recognizing numbers is the initial stage of learning.

Here are some notes for parents to help them with their child's education:

  1. The earlier you start training, the easier it will be in the future.
  2. Children must remember the number of objects using different receptors: hearing, vision and touch.
  3. Teaching children numbers is no more difficult than helping them learn the letters of the alphabet or the names of animals and plants.
  4. Whatever method is used, the active participation of parents in the games is necessary. To help the child quickly remember numbers, the parent should include joint activities with him.
  5. Our little ones are much more logical than we think.

Conditions for remembering and learning

They are unlimited. These are not only specially prepared lessons, but also learning in everyday life. As soon as a parent demonstrates his creative ability, the endless possibilities of the surrounding world for this learning will be revealed.

You can count any surrounding objects while walking on the street or buying groceries in a store. Memorizing numbers will be more successful if you prepare cards with numbers and carry them with you. While waiting in line at the clinic with your baby, you can spend your time usefully: count the people standing in front and behind, checking their number with the cards. It will be even better if you compare the number of children before and after, correlating them with the cards. It will also be fun to compare who has more buttons on their clothes: the mother or the child.

The simplest thing is to count your fingers using a little count with their simultaneous extension: “One, two, three, four, five; The bunny went for a walk. Six seven eight nine ten; Let’s rejoice together.” You can put a poem to any melody and dance with your fingers. This technique will help the child remember numbers, starting from infancy. In two or three years you will be able to see the result, the baby will remember the digital sequence. Both auditory and visual memory are involved here.

You can teach your little one to distinguish numbers through planned short five-minute sessions, which should be regular.

Common activity: cards with numbers on them. You need to quickly show cards with numbers and circles indicating the composition of a given number. This number must be called at the same time. The lesson continues as long as the baby is attentive. Gradually he will understand numbers and their corresponding numbers. Later, you can complicate the lesson by laying out the cards scattered and asking the child to give any of them, according to the name of the number that he hears.

Entertaining numbers Cards with colored numbers can be hung in prominent places in all rooms.

It will be easier to remember them if you ask your child to bring, for example, as many beans as are shown in the picture hidden on the door, inside the closet or on the ceiling in the bedroom. Unexpected tasks arouse great interest and make it easier to memorize the number and the corresponding composition of the number. Even just hanging multi-colored bright digital signs in different places at their eye level will ensure their memorization. Fridge magnets

– a great help for parents. You can play with magnetic numbers using a lot of imagination. Can be done, in the carriages of which there will be numbers indicating the serial number of the carriage. And comic numbers cut out of soft material can dance, enlivening children's perception and memorization. For those who want to improve their child in mathematical terms, reading children's educational books and watching cartoons based on counting will be useful. This is very visual learning.

It is necessary to teach the child that a number “speaks” about the quantity of something. The simplest exercise is to write a number on a separate piece of paper and build a tower of cubes according to it. The number two “says” that the tower needs to be built from two cubes, and five requires five pieces for the tower. After this, the child will have fun dropping this structure.

Various applications, do-it-yourself drawings, modeling from dough or plasticine of different numbers and the elements that make up them will give impetus to creativity and comprehension of the science of numbers and counting.

Can be taught at any age

A 1-3 year old child shows a keen interest in numbers. It is important to support and develop this curiosity by saying them out loud, showing them visually, asking them to repeat after adults. Children from three to five can already recognize numbers and master sequential counting.

In this useful activity, it is important to remember the uniqueness of each child and the characteristic features of his mental processes.

He cannot be compared with other children, but it is necessary to understand what the baby’s leading memory is, auditory or visual, and use this in teaching. Parents should appreciate and encourage his efforts to master numbers. Such an individual approach, consistency and interest of the parents will soon help him remember all the numbers and operate with them in life.

Author of the article: Svetlana Syumakova When you begin to study the number 2 with your child, try to draw his attention to this material as unexpectedly as possible.. For this purpose, we recommend that you use riddles, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, poems

. Presentation, photo numbers with pictures are perfect. All of these manuals and materials can be downloaded from the website. They will certainly become excellent assistants for teachers who take a 1st grade math lesson.

Roman numerals


Beautiful photos of the number 2

Mathematics and speech development

Tongue twisters will help not only to consolidate the material, but also to develop clear speech. In the Russian language there are tongue twisters in which numbers are actively involved. They can also be downloaded from the website.

Proverbs and sayings are edifying genres of folklore. Use them in interesting stories involving the number 2 as the lesson progresses. Also, proverbs and sayings will be a great addition to an open lesson.

To develop speech and consolidate learned material, use poetry. You can take other modern authors as an example. On our website you will find a selection of poems whose protagonist is the number 2.

Riddles will help develop ingenuity and intelligence. Riddles are constructed based on a description of an object so that another person can guess from the description what is being said. On our website you will find a selection of riddles in which the number 2 is encrypted.

For the development of creative thinking, it’s not superfluous to ask the question: what does the number 2 look like? Don’t tell them yourself: let the guys think about what it looks like. Perhaps the figure will look like a hook, like a swan arching its neck. This exercise perfectly develops imagination. As homework, you can also ask the question: what does the number look like?

Visualization Aids

Visual aids in the process of studying the number 2 can be a presentation, photo, coloring book, copybook, or picture.

  • — presentation for first-graders.

A video presentation can be used by a teacher attending a lesson in 1st grade to attract children’s attention to the material. The presentation contains not only photos and pictures, but also explanations for them. The presentation can also introduce children to the fact that there are not only Arabic, but also Roman numerals 2.

Coloring pages

A coloring book is a picture that a child must paint with different colors. Coloring trains perseverance, accuracy, and attentiveness. When a child draws, he tries not to go beyond the lines and shows restraint in his actions. Coloring is a wonderful preparation for writing by training fine motor skills. Also, the coloring book can serve as homework for preschoolers or children attending 1st grade.

You have made enough efforts for your child to learn to speak. Now you are faced with the next task - learning to count. When should this be done? Does the baby need special conditions? How to teach a child to count by numbers? Which methods are most effective? We will try to help and make this process interesting for you and your child.

Before you start teaching numbers with your child, it is worth deciding when it will be appropriate. Studies conducted by scientists and teachers have shown that it is quite easy to explain number sequences and other new information to a child aged 2 to 3 years.

The fact is that children are now literally “absorbing” everything new, and it is during this period that parents must make sure that the information they will invest is most useful for the development of new skills and abilities in the child. During this period, the baby himself reaches out to everything unknown, take advantage of this to teach him to count.

  • At the age of one year, a child begins to realize that “1” and “2” are different concepts, although he is still too young to finally comprehend quantitative states. He is already interested in signs and numbers by their appearance, so from 1 to 3 years old you can teach your child mental counting in a playful way.
  • If you maintain curiosity and engage in development, children as young as 5 years old not only count by numbers, but also perform logical tasks. And when they go to first grade, they count numbers up to one hundred or more, and do tasks related to them. True, you can teach your child to write numbers earlier.
  • Remember that each baby is unique, each has its own character and characteristics of mental processes. And if a neighbor’s boy at 1.5 years old can remember numbers, and your baby, who is barely 3 years old, is not yet familiar with them, it’s not scary.

By not comparing your son or daughter with others, but by encouraging and engaging, you will help him or her quickly learn a series of numbers and even add them, as well as apply them in life.

Under what conditions do we teach?

There are no restrictions here. You don't need a specially equipped class for this. You can work with your baby both through special lessons and during everyday activities. The creative approach of mom, dad and other loved ones will help with this.

For example:

  1. Children are taught to count the objects around them while walking and, especially while shopping, adding up the number of products purchased;
  2. While in line, you can count the people standing next to you - how many are in front of you and how many are after you.
  3. Focus your baby's attention, for example, on the number of buttons on another mother's clothes and on the clothes of her son or daughter. Let your little one compare;
  4. You can recite various rhymes, starting from infancy, the main thing is patience and perseverance. In a couple of years you will see the result. This way, you use both auditory and visual memory.

How to teach your child numbers

A technique that also consists of planned and regular five-minute lessons will help with this. One way to learn the composition of a number is to print cards on which the number 1 is written and a circle is drawn, the number 2 is drawn, respectively, with 2 circles, etc. Show them quickly.

Next, close, for example, the number 5, and leave the pictures and let the baby name it himself. Over time, the baby will remember the learned signs and will be able, in this way, to learn the composition of the number without any problems. Scatter them in a chaotic manner and let him give you a specific number. These sessions should be short but regular.

Learning to count to 10

Logic says that initially we learn numbers up to 10, because having learned to understand single-digit numbers, it is easier to master counting up to 20 and up to 100. True, the number series up to ten is difficult to study. Therefore, the first number should be 5, and, accordingly, all those preceding it.

After the first five has been mastered, we move on to the second. The most successful methods to learn numbers:

  • Elementary counting- one, two, three, four, five, we lead, of course, with the help of our fingers. Next, taking this into account, you should print out image cards with various objects. We follow the logic - we study the number 1, showing a card with a picture of one object, 2 - two objects, 3 - three, 4 - four, etc. This way we will learn the first class of five numbers;
  • We use modern Internet resources. There are many opportunities to learn numbers for children using the World Wide Web - these are educational cartoons and programs in different languages ​​of the world, emoticons with numbers printed on social networks and using applications. In addition, you can print beautiful and interestingly designed icons in the form of numbers found on the Internet, for example, numbers for VKontakte;
  • Special toys. These could be sticks, abacus, cubes, etc.;
    There are always single-digit numbers in nursery rhymes and nursery rhymes - don’t forget to teach them with your little one;
  • In the process of household chores Give the baby the opportunity to wash 5 dishes. Connect them and say the quantity - one plate, two plates, three plates, etc. This study is one of the simplest ways to learn to count by numbers, and then solve logical problems. This is doubly cool - the child learns to help adults and count at the same time;
  • Let the baby remember what to buy and tell him a list of 5 items. When everything is purchased, connect and show the items together.

DIY book in pictures

It can contain anything related to calculus. You can print out the photos and paste them there.

  • Considering that digital photo processing does not take much time, this will not be difficult. Take photographs of objects familiar to the child and combine in his imagination the photo from the book with the real situation. Leave a place where you can paste icons and count them;
  • At the same time, learn to write by numbers. To make the writing process interesting for your son or daughter, draw emoticons with numbers;
  • You can make a coloring book with your children that depicts large symbols that should be learned and objects that correspond to the number. For example, a car and 4 wheels, or a classroom and several desks. The child will inevitably enjoy the coloring process, and he will unobtrusively remember everything he needs.

With these simple methods, even two-year-old children master numbers and operate with them easily.

  1. Don't force your baby. The child should not feel that in front of him is a classroom with a teacher, but rather a cozy and beloved home.
  2. Everything should be like a game. No matter what difficult tasks you set for your child, try to constantly play with him. Scientists and mothers around the world have proven that this way the baby masters any information faster.
  3. Spend enough time, but don't go overboard. Let it be 5 minutes a day, but daily.
  4. Remembering new information. Simultaneously develop visual, auditory and motor memory.

An equally important rule is not to compare your baby with other children. You shouldn't blame a child for not being able to count, but the neighbor boy can.

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