At what temperature can you beat pregnant women? How to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman using folk remedies? Childbirth and ARVI

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Fever in pregnant women is a fairly dangerous symptom and therefore requires special attention. Hyperthermic reactions have a teratogenic effect, which consists in the ability to negatively affect the fetal organism. Therefore, every mother needs to know how to lower the temperature during pregnancy so as not to harm the baby. It is equally important to establish the exact cause of hyperthermia, which only a doctor can determine.

For the full functioning of any organism, a constant temperature is required, which will remain at optimal levels. The generally accepted norm is 36.6°C, but in a pregnant woman it may differ due to the special situation. Therefore, thermodynamic indicators in the range of 35.8-37.2°C can be taken as the norm for pregnant women. Constant thermal values ​​are ensured by a balance between the processes of heat transfer and heat production. The thermoregulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus, is responsible for temperature.

If an unfavorable situation is created, then special bioactive substances - pyrogens - begin to be produced in the body or penetrate from the outside. They affect thermoregulatory structures and provoke the development of hyperthermic reactions, which involve an increase in temperature. Moreover, hyperthermia develops in response not only to external pyrogenic effects, when substances enter the body from the outside with bacteria and viral microorganisms, but also to the production of these substances inside the body. In the latter case, hyperthermia occurs against the background of:

  • Autoimmune pathologies, in which immune cellular structures are activated against their own cells, destroying them;
  • Hormonal disorders and endocrine pathologies;
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes or allergic reactions;
  • Blood pathologies such as anemia, which is characterized by a deficiency of hemoglobin protein;
  • Psycho-emotional stress or neurological pathologies that activate the thermoregulatory center.

Most often, fever during pregnancy is a protective organic reaction to an invading infection, because in such patients the immune defense is weakened, so they get sick easily. In the process of increasing temperature indicators, the acceleration of material exchange and biochemical reactions occurs, the vessels dilate, which leads to an accelerated elimination of pathogenic agents due to increased blood circulation, urination and sweating. Moreover, under hyperthermic conditions, an environment is created in the body that is destructive for harmful microorganisms.

Increased temperature in pregnant women

Only a specialist can choose the appropriate therapy

In fact, hyperthermia refers to physiological organic reactions, but during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, which is characterized by the processes of active laying and formation of organs and fetal tissues, such a condition can have adverse consequences. The dangerous effect depends on the degree of increase in thermodynamic parameters, their duration and gestation period. Indicators exceeding 38°C are considered the most dangerous for the fetus; reducing the temperature in such a state is simply necessary to save the baby.

A condition of hyperthermia in a pregnant woman, which remains above 38 degrees for 3 or more days, is considered dangerous. Weeks 4-14 are considered the most critical in terms of timing. It is during this period that temperature is most dangerous. In the earliest weeks, the body functions according to a simple principle - if the fetus is damaged due to unfavorable factors (including hyperthermia), then it dies and is rejected, and a miscarriage occurs. Sometimes girls don’t even know that they have had a spontaneous abortion, mistaking the bleeding for another period.

Hyperthermia during pregnancy is dangerous due to its teratogenic effect, i.e. such conditions can provoke the development in the embryo of congenital malformations of cardiovascular or nervous system structures, the bony skeleton of the face or limbs, peritoneum, etc. Under the influence of increased thermodynamic parameters in pregnant women, the formation of blood clots can occur, which can clog the vascular passages of the placenta, which will lead to the death of the baby inside the uterine body, miscarriage or fetal death.

Moreover, during a hyperthermic reaction, it is necessary to urgently reduce the temperature also because such a condition provokes active contraction of the uterine muscle tissue. And this is also dangerous for the development of miscarriage. Fortunately, hyperthermia after 14 weeks is no longer so dangerous and teratogenic, but still, with a prolonged increase in temperature, the fetus may develop a hypoxic state or premature birth. The situation is often complicated by the fact that not every medicine can be taken by pregnant women with a fever.

Why does the temperature rise

Common factors that provoke the development of hyperthermic reactions have already been described above. But in the case of carrying a baby, hyperthermia can occur due to suppressed immunity.

  • The processes of decreased immune strength are quite natural during pregnancy; they are necessary for the successful maintenance of pregnancy. After all, the mother’s body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism, and with increased immune activity, it will simply reject it, which will lead to a miscarriage.
  • Therefore, in the first weeks of gestation, a slight increase in readings to 37-37.4°C can be considered a completely normal condition.
  • However, against the background of suppressed immune defense, the mother increases the likelihood of catching a viral infection or flu, or developing pyelonephritis, and these conditions are also accompanied by hyperthermic reactions.
  • And the increased production of progesterone hormone also contributes its “two cents”, contributing to a slight rise in temperature.

These are the most basic increasing factors that are observed in pregnant patients.

Hormonal hyperthermia

While pregnant, you should not drink alcoholic beverages

As you know, the body reacts to pregnancy with a slight increase in temperature to 37-37.5°C. Simply, after fertilization, the female body begins to actively produce progesterone hormone, which is an endogenous pyrogen, affects the hypothalamic thermoregulatory structures and leads to hyperthermia. It is against the background of increased progesterone activity that mothers often experience sudden redness of the skin on the face, hot flashes, hypersweating or a feeling of unexpected heat. Such hormonal hyperthermic reactions are easy to distinguish from pathological conditions that threaten a pregnant woman.

Firstly, the hormonally determined temperature does not exceed 37.5 degrees and occurs only in the first weeks of gestation. In-
secondly, with such hyperthermia there should be no suspicious symptoms hinting at the development of an infectious-inflammatory process (for example, cough, rhinitis, painful urination, etc.). At the same time, the pregnant woman does not have a desire to take medication for fever, because she feels great and does not experience any discomfort or weakness.

Acute respiratory infections and flu

Viral infections or various variations of influenza are considered more dangerous, and suppressed immunity only contributes to such pathologies, especially in the off-season, when the likelihood of infection is highest. For influenza conditions, signs associated with an increase in thermal indicators to 39-40 degrees are considered typical. But there is little you can do to lower your temperature during pregnancy. In addition to fever, a pregnant woman experiences weakness and muscle aches, apathy and headaches, drowsiness and pale skin - these signs indicate intoxication of the body with toxins of viral microorganisms.

Usually, with the flu, on the second or third day, intoxication symptoms recede, replaced by a painful sensation in the throat, runny nose and dry cough. It is the reduced immunity that can play a cruel joke on a pregnant woman, because the flu in such a situation can easily be complicated by secondary conditions such as otitis media or pneumonia, sinusitis or laryngotracheitis, frontal sinusitis or sinusitis, and many others. etc. Such conditions do not bring anything good to a pregnant woman, but only force her to take antibiotic drugs and other undesirable remedies for fever during pregnancy.

Moreover, viral infections during the first trimester negatively affect fetal development, can penetrate embryonic tissues, infect the baby, etc. In any case, if a pregnant woman catches the flu or ARVI during the epidemic season, it is better to call a therapist at home, you should not go to the hospital itself. Firstly, the clinic is full of infected people, with whom mommy has absolutely no need to contact. And secondly, at a temperature during pregnancy, bed rest is necessary.


Another common condition during pregnancy, which is accompanied by hyperthermic reactions, is infectious inflammation of the kidney tissue or pyelonephritis. In pregnant women, this pathology very often manifests itself for the first time, and if the mother has already encountered it before, then during pregnancy it almost always worsens, accompanied by a number of specific symptoms, which is associated with the appearance of predisposing factors associated with pregnancy.

  1. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the ureters, which causes difficulty in urinary outflow.
  2. The activity of progesterone leads to relaxation of the urinary canals, which slows down the outflow of urine.
  3. An attack of pyelonephritis is characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees and even higher. At the same time, the girl gets chills and is bothered by a fever; her general well-being is disturbed, which is associated with intoxication.
  4. The pathology is also accompanied by a painful syndrome in the lumbar area, radiating to the abdomen, groin, and thigh. And the excreted urine acquires a cloudy-brown tint due to blood impurities or the presence of leukocyte cells.

Such processes have an extremely negative impact on pregnancy, provoking the threat of miscarriage or severe forms of gestosis, accompanied by hypertensive attacks, hyperedema, etc. Such conditions require urgent help from specialists.

Treatment is essential, otherwise the risk of chronic oxygen deprivation, fetal growth restriction, placental failure, or intrauterine infection increases. What pills to take are prescribed only by the attending doctor. It’s just that pregnant women can only take a strictly limited list of medications.

How to shoot down

If you feel unwell, you should get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water.

Perhaps the most popular and important question during a hyperthermic reaction is this - what can pregnant women do for fever? It is necessary to be very careful about how to treat such conditions in expectant mothers. If prolonged severe hyperthermic exposure is allowed, the risk of complications increases. But on the other hand, abstaining from medications will only benefit the developing baby.

In general, doctors warn that readings below 37.5°C do not require specific treatment, so there is no need to use antipyretics. Thermodynamic reactions exceeding this mark are dangerous. Temperature reduction is carried out using several methods: medication, physical methods and folk remedies.


The need to reduce the temperature by using an antipyretic drug arises only in a few cases: if the fever has exceeded 38 degrees in the first or second trimester of pregnancy, as well as when pregnant in the third trimester, you need to take the medicine without waiting for such pronounced hyperthermia. If mommy suffers from thyroid pathologies, kidney or heart ailments, then you need to start taking antipyretics at 37.5°C.

You should not take the first drug you come across from the medicine cabinet, because pregnant women can only take Paracetamol or its derivatives like Panadol or Efferalgan to bring down the temperature. You need to take 3 tablets per day, the duration of treatment should not exceed three days, because long-term use of Paracetamol can also provoke adverse effects.

Non-drug methods

It is often possible to cope with hyperthermic symptoms without any medications; physical methods help a lot.

  • Cool compresses on the forehead or temples relieve fever.
  • If thermodynamic parameters increase rapidly, and it is not possible to take medicine, then you can use rubdowns, for which you need to use warm water without alcohol or vinegar. The fact is that cold water can provoke vascular spasms, and ethanol can be absorbed through the skin pores, negatively affecting the child.

Such physical methods can be used without restrictions, but they have a short-term effect, so constant monitoring of thermodynamic parameters will be required. But they have no contraindications and no negative consequences for the child, therefore, in the first weeks of pregnancy, these methods of combating hyperthermia are most preferable.

Herbal-based folk remedies also effectively cope with feverish conditions. But during pregnancy, any herb can be dangerous, so it is better to use proven and safest means, for example, raspberries. This berry has antipyretic properties. Linden or chamomile tea is also useful.

What not to do

It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate or take antiviral or antibiotic drugs. Also prohibited, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, is Aspirin, which can provoke the development of fetal anomalies or spontaneous abortion.

Taking Aspirin in the last trimester can lead to severe blood thinning, which is dangerous for bleeding in the fetus or mother during delivery. Therefore, all prescriptions must be made exclusively by the attending physician.

Temperature during pregnancy is not the norm. The causes of this symptom may be diseases completely unrelated to pregnancy. During the period of bearing a child, a woman’s immunity is weakened, so it becomes easier to “catch” the disease.

NOT dangerous causes of fever during pregnancy

The most common, relatively harmless and easily treatable causes of fever during pregnancy include:

  • UTI - urinary tract infections (urethra, bladder, kidneys). Infections are usually easily treated with antibiotics and drinking plenty of fluids. By the way, about 10% of women experience UTIs during pregnancy.
  • Flu. Out of 12 months of the year, 9 women are pregnant: the chance of being targeted during epidemics is quite high
  • Cold(respiratory tract infections). In addition to high fever, it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, but can be treated very successfully at home.
  • Intestinal infection or virus.

Dangerous reasons.

Dangerous causes of fever in pregnant women include:

  1. Chorioamnionitis– bacterial infection of the membranes. If left untreated, damage to the fetus (meningitis, respiratory problems, sepsis) and uterus (endometritis, blood clots) is possible.
  2. Listeriosis– an infection that spreads in the body of a pregnant woman as a result of drinking contaminated water or food. If left untreated, the condition can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, stillbirth, or a baby with serious illness.

How is high fever treated during pregnancy?

No matter how much the expectant mother would like to protect her child from medications, in most cases she still has to resort to drug treatment, because the benefits outweigh the possible risks.

Depending on what is causing the fever, a single antipyretic drug or a combination of drugs may be prescribed to treat the problem. Let us immediately note that, a popular medication for fever, cannot be used - it can disrupt the course of pregnancy, especially with long-term use. It is better for expectant mothers to refuse this option, especially when there are so many safe remedies.

In mild cases, take the following antipyretics:

This drug is one of the most harmless and can be used at all stages of pregnancy. You can also use other paracetamol-based medications (Tylenol, Panadol, Efferalgan, Paracet), after discussing the dosage and treatment regimen with your doctor.

  • Acetaminophen

This medication is also considered safe at all stages of pregnancy. By observing the dosage, the expectant mother will get rid of unpleasant symptoms without compromising the health of the child.

  • Ibuprofen

This drug is safer than Aspirin, but it must be taken with caution (especially in the third trimester), strictly following the instructions received from the doctor.

When a pregnant woman’s temperature is caused by more serious problems (viruses and infections), a combination treatment is prescribed, which includes antibiotics. Many medications in this group are contraindicated during pregnancy due to certain risks, but an untreated infection is much more dangerous.

Medicines for fever during pregnancy: contraindications and precautions

It is necessary to undergo treatment. If left untreated, for example, if a urinary tract infection is ignored, serious complications can occur - premature birth, sepsis, low birth weight, etc. Similar complications can arise from dehydration if intestinal infections are ignored.

If you don’t bring down the fever for a long time, believing that it will be more beneficial for the fetus if the mother’s body copes with the problem itself, you can only harm both yourself and the unborn child. Consequences that can result from elevated temperature (over a long period of time) in a pregnant woman:

  • facial or central nervous system defects in a child,
  • mental retardation,
  • fusion of fingers,
  • muscle hypotonia, etc.
  • syndactyly (fusion of fingers).

In case of a slight increase in temperature (37-37.5 degrees), you can initially use folk remedies - teas and decoctions with honey, raspberries, etc. If the fever does not respond to treatment or gets worse, you need to consult a doctor and, most likely, drug treatment.

Do not hesitate to consult a doctor even with a slight increase in temperature - the doctor, like you yourself, is primarily interested in preserving the health of his patient.

Any person’s body almost always has its own specific reasons. And actually during pregnancy they undoubtedly also exist, but these very reasons are not always visible to the naked eye. One of the few such reasons is a sharp change in hormonal levels in a woman’s body and, of course, a change in thermoregulation as a kind of reaction to the onset of pregnancy itself. Such an unusual temperature increase may be a sign of a completely new situation or condition of the woman herself and, as a rule, it fluctuates within the general boundaries of low-grade fever. In addition, you need to know that this temperature may not decrease at all for quite a long time. And if some other reasons for its increase are excluded, you, of course, don’t have to worry and don’t take any serious measures.

However, sometimes it happens that some acute inflammatory process is already occurring in the body of the pregnant woman herself. Then know that when registering a pregnant woman, and subsequently, when scheduled examinations are carried out, the woman herself will undergo many different tests, which, if available, will probably be able to identify this existing problem.

And, nevertheless, most often elevated body temperature during pregnancy can be a symptom of an acute respiratory disease. And in this case, it will be necessary to start with a medical consultation. After all, it is the doctor who will have to give you an absolutely correct and accurate diagnosis and accordingly prescribe adequate treatment. Since during pregnancy, resorting to any medication is practically a last resort and, as a rule, requires special, fairly high qualifications. However, with very low, slight increases in body temperature, it may be possible to get by with home treatment: since during periods of epidemics and virus activity, a clinic is not at all the best place for a pregnant woman.

Non-drug treatment of acute respiratory infections is the best treatment during pregnancy

If your temperature is not too high, immediately start using the folk remedies you know for treating a cold. And the very first, and probably the most important of these, is to drink as much as possible. You will really need to drink a lot, but due to your special situation, you will need to drink extremely carefully. After all, excess fluid can also lead to extremely undesirable swelling at this time. It is worth remembering that, as a rule, there is not the slightest reason to limit yourself in daily drinking. But already in the second and, of course, in the third trimesters, the amount of liquid consumed per day will have to be constantly monitored.

Both sweet tea with the addition of lemon and a weak decoction of a medicinal herb such as chamomile or linden are suitable as such an abundant drink for a cold; fruit drinks and just raspberries are also suitable. Milk familiar from childhood with the addition of butter and honey can also help perfectly. Moreover, an important condition: such a drink should only be warm, but in no case too hot.

With a constantly rising body temperature (about 38 degrees), it will be quite possible for you to drink freshly brewed herbal tea consisting of raspberries (no more than two tablespoons), coltsfoot grass leaves (no more than four tablespoons), plantain grass (about three tablespoons) and regular oregano (about two tablespoons). But you need to take only one tablespoon of this herbal tea, and at least four times a day.

Another great recipe for helping with high temperatures. To prepare it, take one teaspoon of pre-chopped white willow bark as finely as possible and then pour it all with one glass of boiling water. After which the broth is cooled. Drink this decoction at least four times a day, approximately one tablespoon of decoction. Or you can also prepare a special pine cocktail for yourself (to be honest, you should do this a little in advance). To prepare it, you will need to chop 100 grams of young shoots of a plant such as fir, or you can replace such shoots with pine buds. Next, add 50 grams of chopped raspberry roots to everything. Then put everything in a glass jar, generously sprinkling the herbs with 100 grams of sugar. Next, add one tablespoon of boiling water to the resulting mixture, and leave it all for one day. Then the mixture will need to be heated in a water bath for about six or even eight hours. Then just leave the mixture to stand for two days under a closed lid. After two days, drain the already formed bright crimson juice. It can only be stored in a dark and cool place. You can take this infusion one tablespoon approximately 4 or even 5 times a day immediately before meals.

If the body temperature rises quite high during pregnancy, it is strongly recommended to use cool rubdowns with water. Cool compresses placed on the forehead are also equally effective. And remember, you shouldn’t bundle up - believe me, you don’t need overheating at all now.

You will, of course, have to monitor your body temperature more often than ever before. And that’s all, because a lot will depend on its indicators. But medicinal methods to lower it are extremely undesirable now when you are pregnant, but, of course, at certain levels, high temperature may well threaten the fetus actively developing in the womb. And, of course, then it will have to be regulated, perhaps even with medication.

If the temperature has risen very slightly, then all of the above remedies will be enough for you to cope with it. A slight fever, as a rule, does not pose the slightest threat to either the life or the development of the baby’s future. Therefore, in such cases, it will be quite possible for you to get by using traditional medicine methods. It will not have a serious harmful effect on the baby and just a short-term and insignificant increase in body temperature of literally 1 or 1.5 degrees. However, there are situations when you simply cannot waste your time on some traditional methods of teas or rubdowns and you should act as actively as possible.

In what cases should you urgently reduce body temperature that has increased during pregnancy:

  • If the high body temperature cannot be brought down by any folk methods, and for a sufficiently long period of time.
  • If, despite all the attempts made to reduce body temperature without medications, it still constantly and rapidly rises.
  • If a sharp increase in temperature is caused, for example, by a sore throat or other bacterial infections (possible intoxication can indeed be too dangerous for both the mother and pregnancy and, as a consequence, for the fetus itself).
  • If your body temperature has already reached 38 C and is in no hurry to stop.
  • It is also worth remembering that in the later stages of pregnancy you should bring down elevated body temperature even when it is above 37.5 C.

Why can elevated body temperature during pregnancy be so dangerous?

  • Firstly, severe intoxication of a woman’s entire body with harmful substances can actually cause severe disturbances in the functioning of her entire cardiovascular system.
  • Secondly, a high temperature in a pregnant woman that does not decrease for too long can even lead to a sharp change in protein synthesis in the body.
  • Thirdly, too high a temperature can also affect aging, condition, and even placental abruption, which in turn can very often lead to premature birth, and therefore to prematurity of the baby.
  • And lastly, too high a body temperature can become a real cause of a variety of disorders occurring in the development of all organs and their systems in the fetus.

During pregnancy, body temperature is considered to be quite dangerous, starting from 37.8 C. But when the temperature reaches 38 degrees, it can negatively affect the development of the entire nervous system of the unborn child and may even subsequently affect his future mental abilities.

What is the best way to reduce fever during pregnancy?

Let's start right away with how you can't lower your temperature during pregnancy. You've probably already heard that Aspirin is completely contraindicated for pregnant women today, especially in the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. So, immediately in the very early stages of pregnancy, acetylsalicylic acid can threaten the termination of the pregnancy itself, in the later stages - with real heavy bleeding and also a rather protracted and complex nature of the upcoming birth. In addition, science has proven that Aspirin can cause dangerous developmental defects directly in the fetus. So, if you need to bring down your body temperature, take something that is based on Paracetamol. These are, first of all, drugs such as Panadol, Efferalgan, as well as Tylenol, and Paracet. Indomethacin is also quite possible to use, as well as its derivatives, and these are Metindol, and Indomethacin-Darnitsa, and, of course, Vramed. But remember that you should always start with only half the usual dose and only as a last resort.

There is also, and today there is reliable evidence that too active use of a drug such as Paracetamol, in some cases, can also lead to real, dangerous disturbances in the functioning of both the liver and kidneys in a woman. Therefore, it would be advisable to still be able to get by with either a single dose of this medicine or generally only folk remedies. Otherwise, you should still urgently contact your doctor to clarify the correct and necessary dosage for you.

So, if the mark on your thermometer reaches the so-called critical point for pregnant women (that is, the point at 38 degrees), take half a Paracetamol tablet and urgently call a doctor at your home. And then believe me, the doctor will help you navigate your further actions.

The problem of fever is usually solved by taking any antipyretic drug that is at hand. During pregnancy, things are somewhat different, since most medications are potentially dangerous and can harm the baby. Let's talk about how you can lower your fever during pregnancy without harming your health, and what medications can help with this.

How can you lower your temperature during pregnancy, and at what levels is this necessary?

It is necessary to take active steps to bring down the temperature during gestation if the mercury column of the thermometer exceeds 38.0°C.

It should be noted that in the first trimester of pregnancy, under the influence of the hormone progesterone, body temperature can normally rise up to 37.5 degrees, which is the body’s reaction to hormonal changes. For the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the thermometer readings when measuring body temperature should not normally exceed 37.0°C.

IMPORTANT! Increasing fever during pregnancy poses a threat to the life of the mother and fetus and therefore requires immediate medical attention.

How can you lower your temperature during pregnancy without pills?

In adults, fever develops as a result of impaired heat transfer due to capillary spasm and decreased sweating. Based on this knowledge, the following methods of reducing body temperature, available at home, are based.

1. Drink plenty of fluids. To combat a fever, it is extremely important to drink more, as this increases sweating. For this, regular tea with citrus fruits or raspberries, dried fruit uzvar, weak linden infusion, berry fruit drinks, which have an antipyretic effect, are suitable. All drinks should be warm, but not hot.

2. Light clothing. Under no circumstances should you “bundle yourself” at high temperatures - this will worsen the heat transfer process. Clothes should be light, preferably made from natural fabrics. If you have severe chills, you can cover yourself with a thin blanket.

3. Fresh air. At high body temperatures, the room should be fresh and cool, which will help speed up heat transfer and reduce the concentration of the infectious pathogen in the air. For this purpose, you can ventilate the room and carry out wet cleaning.

4. Rubbing. During rubbing, sweat evaporates faster from the surface of the skin, taking with it excess heat. As a material for wiping, you can use a soft towel soaked in boiled water at a temperature of 37-38°C with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1:1 ratio).

IMPORTANT! Pale and cold skin is a sign of “white” fever in the expectant mother due to narrowing of the capillary vessels. In this case, rubbing to normalize body temperature is contraindicated.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy - safe medications.

If there is no effect from traditional methods, you can reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman with the help of pharmaceuticals.

1. Paracetamol. The safest antipyretic during pregnancy is Paracetamol (Efferalgan, Panadol). Studies have shown that the drug does not have a teratogenic effect, and without consequences for the mother’s health can be prescribed for a short period of time (1-3 days) in any trimester - a single dose of 500 mg, no more than 4 times a day with a break between doses of at least 6-8 hours.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that many cold powders are based on paracetamol, taking such antipyretics during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated due to the content of other dangerous components in them, for example, phenylephrine, caffeine, etc.

2. Ibuprofen. An alternative to Paracetamol is Ibuprofen (Nurofen), which also has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects, but is safe only for the first and second trimester of pregnancy.

The expectant mother knows how important it is to protect herself from colds and flu while expecting a baby, since infection is always a risk for the baby, especially in the first trimester. However, it is rare that a pregnant woman manages to protect herself from illness, especially during the off-season, when the body is actively preparing for new climatic conditions, and it is especially vulnerable to colds. If you do get sick, then first of all you need to pay attention to how to reduce the temperature during pregnancy, since it is the temperature that poses the main threat to the fetus.

Is fever dangerous during pregnancy?

A high temperature is usually a sign of a viral infection. In this case, both the infection itself, which can penetrate to the fetus through the placenta, and the rise in temperature are dangerous. At the same time, a short-term increase in temperature to 38°C is not considered a threat. Prolonged fever and higher numbers are dangerous, since the body may begin to coagulate proteins important for fetal development. That is why treatment of fever during pregnancy should begin immediately.

Medicines for fever for pregnant women

Any medications during pregnancy must be taken with caution, and many are prohibited altogether. In terms of medications that reduce fever, this especially applies to any medications that contain aspirin. The cure for fever during pregnancy is exclusively paracetamol and all its derivatives. However, before taking even regular paracetamol, be sure to consult your doctor. He will prescribe the optimal dosage and advise on its compatibility with other medications. The fact is that in high doses or when taken repeatedly, paracetamol loads the liver. This means that fever pills for pregnant women can cause no less harm than the fever itself.

As for vitamins, primarily shock doses of vitamin C, this remedy for fever during pregnancy should also be prescribed by a doctor. An excess of synthetically produced vitamins can harm pregnancy; for example, vitamin C in later stages accelerates the aging of the placenta.

How else to reduce a pregnant woman's temperature?

When you have a fever, you can and should take not only pills, but also use folk remedies. If a pregnant woman has symptoms of intoxication - body aches, headaches and general fatigue - she needs to drink as much fluid as possible. Water, tea, fruit drinks, compotes - all this will help remove toxins from the body. What can pregnant women do for fever? Eat fruit, wipe yourself with warm water (not vodka or vinegar). You can’t wrap yourself up and overheat, this can only worsen your condition. Some experts, when asked what to take for pregnant women with fever, allow the use of homeopathic medicines, which for the most part are approved during pregnancy.

Of course, every woman should know how to treat fever during pregnancy. However, the expectant mother should also remember that a common cold or even an uncomplicated flu can pass without consequences for the baby. Moreover, an increase in temperature itself to 37.3-37.5 ° C without signs of infection can be caused by the influence of the hormone progesterone, and is naturally observed in the early stages of pregnancy. However, if you are sure that it is a cold, the main thing is to take action in time and make every effort to recover quickly.

If symptoms of the disease occur, it is imperative to consult a doctor - only a qualified specialist can tell you how to reduce the temperature of a pregnant woman. Especially if the temperature is not reduced by traditional means.

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