Abdominal mesotherapy: pros and cons. Why is abdominal mesotherapy performed: an overview of the procedure from A to Z. The cost of pharmaceuticals and salon procedures

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Starting to lose weight is like getting married. With the right husband, you feel more beautiful and happier, but with an evil gnome, you acquire new shortcomings and complexes. To see yourself in the mirror as a goddess with a flat tummy, slender legs and a thin waist, it is not enough to sit on buckwheat for weeks and work out at the fitness club for days. Such weight loss, desired by many, sometimes leads to much more significant problems:

  • According to statistics, 27% of women who have lost more than 10-15 kg face the problem of sagging skin, primarily on the stomach.
  • The likelihood of developing unsightly folds after a diet increases with age. After 30 years, the skin loses its tone, and the process of cell regeneration slows down - the synthesis of collagen and elastin worsens.
  • The second most popular reason for the appearance of a flabby belly is pregnancy and childbirth. Here, in general, everything is very similar to the situation with weight gain and loss. To provide the baby with enough space, the skin stretches, and when the baby is born, it can no longer shrink to its previous size.
  • Women experience sagging more often than men. Unfair, but true. Testosterone, which makes our macho men so masculine and sexy, also has a positive effect on the thickness of the skin, its elasticity and moisture.

Liver hit

What does a woman do who has finally fit into size S after a confident “elka”? She suddenly discovers that she looks better in clothes than without them, and rushes to the Internet for advice on how to quickly fix the situation. “Eat more offal and legumes,” the Internet answers her, “take a contrast shower and apply cream to your stomach.” And now, having once again stood under cold water, smeared herself with another promising cosmetic product and eaten another portion of liver and peas, she understands: something is wrong here! The suffering continues, but the wrinkles do not disappear.

And all because beauty, like a precious box with a secret, requires a careful and, most importantly, professional approach. Well, folk remedies don’t help and that’s all, lotions and serums are useless. It’s like putting on a dress that’s a larger size, and when you find that it’s puffy with folds, you start praying that it will fit properly.

Mesotherapy for weight loss is an excellent alternative to plastic surgery. The procedure itself was created at the beginning of the 20th century, and it is still being improved all the time. Losing weight with the help of mesotherapy occurs due to the influence on the physiological and biochemical processes occurring in the human body. The manifestations of cellulite disappear, fat is “burned”, and lymph drainage improves.

What is mesotherapy for weight loss?

This is a method that involves injecting a mixture of nutrients, homeopathic extracts, vitamins and medicinal extracts under the skin with a thin needle. Microtrauma of the skin layer leads to activation of metabolic processes and improvement of local blood circulation. All this contributes to high regeneration, which at the cellular level leads to tissue renewal.

If a medicine is administered using a needle, then it begins to affect the body as a whole, so the goal is only partially achieved. If injections are given using the mesotherapy method, then a local effect occurs, maximally achieving its main goal. The results after mesotherapy procedures are much better when combined with traditional methods of influence (physiotherapy and others).

Since the method of mesotherapy was developed back in the last century, quite a lot of experience has already been accumulated in order to boldly say that it is safe, although a little painful.

There is a national society of mesotherapists, the leader of which is cosmetologist from France Jacques Le Cos. He says that in France, more than 70 thousand patients, including women and men, use the services of mesotherapists every day.

Since mesotherapy for weight loss is a preparation of local action on a part of the body, it has found great popularity in the field of cosmetology. After the session on the part of the body where the injection was given:

Mesotherapy is widely used for weight loss of the buttocks, abdomen and legs - that is, the areas that are the last to lose weight when following a diet. This method can even be used to lose weight on calves or knees, cheeks. But with a large mass it may be ineffective. That’s why French mesotherapists refuse to give injections to fat people; first, they develop a diet for them to lose weight at home. Only after weight loss will mesotherapists get down to business, providing excellent results.

Mesotherapy can help not only reduce body weight, but also cure cellulite. Cellulite is considered eliminated when visible unevenness has disappeared and the area of ​​the body has decreased by about 3-4 centimeters. Thus, the fight against cellulite can be perfectly combined with mesotherapy for slimming the abdomen and thighs.

But the best effect can be achieved if the course includes fat burning wraps, anti-cellulite massage and sports.

This procedure involves the use of drugs containing several means at the same time. As a rule, these mixtures are prepared in homeopathic pharmacies by specialists. Ready-made cocktails are rarely used, since solving any specific problem requires the use of a drug that is prepared according to the original recipe.

For weight loss, they make a product that certainly contains:

  • drugs that help increase blood microcirculation and allow for good lymph output;
  • lipolytics – elements that promote the breakdown of subcutaneous fat cells;
  • collagen and elastin, which help increase skin tone and elasticity and smooth it;
  • mineral and vitamin complexes that nourish the skin from the inside.

The technology for performing a mesotherapy procedure consists of piercing a point or several places with a thin needle and injecting a certain amount of medication into the subcutaneous layer.

Usually, the puncture occurs to a depth of 1.4-1.6 mm. It is quite painful, but the feeling of pain can be reduced if you choose the right location on the body. Some clinics may offer patients local anesthesia.

In one place (on the legs, stomach or other place), as a rule, 0.02, but not more than 0.2 cubic meters, is injected. see. The course is prescribed by a mesotherapist individually for any patient. The duration of the course will depend on the initial data (the amount of subcutaneous fat, the condition of the skin, etc.) and on whether the patient will combine mesotherapy with other methods of losing weight (massage, sports, diet, body wraps).

For example, to remove cellulite it will be necessary 16-25 procedures with an interval of 7 days. The cost of a course for the purpose of losing excess weight is approximately a couple of thousand rubles per session. This means that the full complex will cost you quite a decent amount. If they are trying to offer you cheap mesotherapy, then this should certainly alert you: the drugs that are included in the cocktail are quite expensive.

Injections are given only in beauty and medical salons, but today mesotherapists have begun offering all sessions at home.

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

Before deciding whether to do injections for weight loss or not, you need to consider the advantages and disadvantages of mesotherapy.

First about Main advantages:

  • Shallow injections are absolutely safe for humans.
  • There are no age restrictions for mesotherapy.
  • There is a significant difference even in the photo before and after the procedure.
  • Small volume of administered medication.
  • There is no need to visit the salon every day; injections are performed once a week.
  • There is no toxic effect on the body of the administered drugs.
  • Few contraindications.
  • Possibility of injections in any area on the body. This method is even suitable for losing weight on your face.

Disadvantages of mesotherapy are as follows:

  • Possible complications, for example, in the form of allergies.
  • After injections there is a high risk of bruising. Since mesotherapy follows a course, injections are given once a week. This means that for a certain time (usually a couple of months) you will need to come to terms with this.
  • Painful injections.
  • High price.

Patients often complain that mesotherapy injections are quite painful. The pain will be less when you are in the hands of a professional. But if you find a clinic that does inexpensive mesotherapy, it is unlikely to be performed by specialists.

Reduce pain threshold possible with the help of analgesic drugs or alcohol taken before the session. But you need to consult your doctor; they will probably be incompatible with the drug. In some cases, anesthesia is offered, but this increases the risk of allergies.

Contraindications for procedures

If you are asked to undergo examination before mesotherapy, then this must be done: for example, if you have fibroids, then certain “cocktails” are contraindicated for you. The same applies to other diseases that you may not yet have identified. Contraindications for mesotherapy are as follows:

Possible complications

Before starting a course of injections for weight loss, you need to consult your doctor. The mesotherapist must show the results of the examination. The doctor must know them in order to comply with the basic rule “do no harm.”

If you deliberately ignored the contraindications that you have, or were not examined enough before injections, then you need to be ready for the following complications:

Sometimes you can drink alcohol to reduce the feeling of pain. But this is only possible if you are sure that you will not need to drive a car soon. But be sure to ask your doctor for permission: is alcohol compatible with the drug that will be injected under the skin?

Please also note that injections must be performed only with sterile instruments and only in sterile rooms.

If injection sessions are carried out in unsanitary conditions, then inflammation of the skin simply cannot be avoided. And this is the reason for the appearance of colloidal scars, which are much more difficult to remove than to prevent infection. This is why mesotherapy at home is undesirable.

Since mesotherapy causes strong feelings of pain, it sometimes instills fear in patients. Everyone wants a less painful, but still effective procedure. These procedures exist.

If fractional mesotherapy involves injection injections, then the last two methods considered needleless. Therefore, they have proven themselves to be excellent among people who are afraid of blood or needle contamination, or infection from injections. They leave only positive reviews about doctors and procedures.

I was very pleased with the result I received after completing the course of mesotherapy. It was scary, but after listening to the reviews of doctors and those people who had already tried this method of losing weight, I overcame my fear. In fact, it’s not as painful as everyone says.

After pregnancy, stretch marks appeared and my stomach sagged a lot. I decided to take a course of mesotherapy. At first, my stretch marks were red and stood out against the general background. After completing the course, they are barely visible, only if you look closely. The body has tightened up. Although I heard a lot of positive reviews about body mesotherapy, I had not resorted to this method before, and now I realize that it was in vain. Very pleased!

I gained a lot of weight after pregnancy. I did mesotherapy for the body and hips - the result was excellent. But we need to do everything in a comprehensive manner. I also exercised and visited a nutritionist. The disadvantages are pain and high cost. But for the sake of beauty, you can endure it, so I advise you!

The problem of sagging skin in the abdominal area can sometimes be quite difficult to solve. In such situations, many cosmetologists recommend mesotherapy The effect is achieved through injections, in which special preparations are injected under the skin at different depths (from 1.6 to 6 mm).

The technique helps in a short time:

  • burn subcutaneous fat
  • remove stretch marks
  • get rid of cellulite
  • improve skin tone

Mesotherapy of the abdominal area perceived by many as a means of losing weight, which does not require special physical effort. In fact, this procedure promotes weight loss to some extent; in some cases, women manage to lose up to 7 kg. thanks to mesotherapy. But first of all, this is a way to reduce volume and remove excess fat. strictly in certain areas. It is possible to remove the belly with mesotherapy if the patient has lost weight, but cannot get rid of fat in this area of ​​the body. Then, with local influence, there is a chance to achieve the desired result.

Drugs used

Mesococktails are selected depending on what problem the patient wants to solve:

For weight loss

This type of mesotherapy uses special substances - lipolytics. The principle of their work is based on the breakdown of fats and their gradual removal from the body. Due to this, a weight loss effect is achieved.

For cellulite

Compounds that have a lymphatic drainage effect are used. By improving caviar circulation and metabolic processes, excess fluid is removed from the affected tissues and cellulite disappears.

For skin tightening

Elastin, hyaluronic acid and collagen will help improve skin turgor, its elasticity and overall appearance.

For stretch marks

Enzyme-based products are used that are responsible for the destruction of fibrous constrictions.

Methods of drug administration

There are several ways to introduce the meso-cocktail into the skin:

1. Injection

The most popular type of procedure, in addition, it is considered the most effective, since it allows you to introduce cocktails to the desired depth and quickly achieve the effect. The main disadvantage of this method is pain.

This method is quite effective, but requires more time than the injection method. Substances from the drugs are delivered under the skin using various hardware techniques: electroporation, laser, etc.

3. Factional

A device with the finest needles is used. The technique allows you to deliver substances to strictly defined areas, but at the same time minimally traumatizing the skin.

Course duration

It is better to carry out injections in a salon with an experienced cosmetologist who will correctly select the cocktail and dosage required in your case. Standard course Abdominal mesotherapy consists of 8-10 sessions with an interval of 1-2 weeks.


  • late pregnancy;
  • any neoplasms;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • allergy to substances contained in the products;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • viral diseases;
  • renal failure.


The cost of abdominal mesotherapy depends on the region, the pricing policy of the selected clinic, the number of sessions and the selected drugs.

City Price in rub. *
Moscow from 1,000 to 80,000
Saint Petersburg from 1,500 to 15,500

*Prices are valid at the time of publication of the article





Photos before and after

Meso-cocktail therapy has long entered our lives as a means by which we can correct problem areas of the body. Injecting medicinal products into the layers of the skin helps get rid of signs of aging, pigmentation and other problems. One of the main advantages of the method is its low invasiveness and controlled therapeutic effect. Along with such areas as the face, thighs and buttocks, mesotherapy is also used for the abdominal area, in order to eliminate certain cosmetic defects.

What problems can be solved by abdominal mesotherapy?

The founder of the method, Michel Pistor, once gave a definition that remains relevant to this day. He said that mesotherapy is when “little, rarely and in the right place.” Mesotherapy of the abdominal area is the intradermal administration of medicinal substances in order to eliminate fat deposits, stretch marks and cellulite, as well as to give the necessary tone to the skin that has lost its elasticity.

Medicines are injected to a depth of 1.5 to 6 mm, depending on the problems that need to be solved. The basis of meso-cocktails should be those substances that have a targeted effect. So, for example, to restore elasticity and the necessary tone, they carry out. What drug should be administered if you need to remove fat deposits on the abdomen?

Undoubtedly, these are substances that can solve problems that usually arise in the so-called “fat trap” area. These include lipolytics, enzymes, elastin, collagen, vitamins, minerals, and preparations for lymphatic drainage. Thus, it is possible to improve the condition of the figure without complex manipulations and surgical intervention.

Types of mesotherapy used today

The latest technologies for introducing the necessary medicinal substances into the skin allow the procedure to be carried out quickly and painlessly. Several techniques are also used for abdominal mesotherapy sessions, each of which has its own pros and cons, advantages and disadvantages:

  1. , in which all medicinal substances are delivered using thin needles. The main disadvantage of this method is that it is traumatic and painful, and after injection, patients usually complain of burning, bruising, irritation, and inflammation at the injection site.
  2. – a method that allows mesotherapy drugs to be delivered with the least trauma to strictly defined areas using a device with the finest acupuncture sharpened needles.
  3. . Medicinal substances are delivered to the skin using hardware methods: electroporation (current of a certain frequency and strength), ultrasound, (exposure to compressed oxygen and a therapeutic cocktail), etc.

Mesotherapy of the abdominal skin, carried out in this way, is increasingly finding positive responses among cosmetologists and patients especially, since the non-injection method has many advantages over injection effects.

These benefits include:

  • Medicines are injected to the required depth at the location of the problem, bypassing the superficial layers of the skin.
  • The non-injection technique involves the introduction of a smaller amount of medicinal substances.
  • The meso cocktail may contain components that are destroyed by another method of delivery to tissue.
  • The procedures are virtually painless and therefore do not require anesthesia.

Using non-injection mesotherapy you can:

  • Mesotherapy lipolysis or weight loss procedures.
  • Correction of stretch marks and scars.
  • Cellulite treatment or anti-cellulite therapy.
  • Mesotherapy for lifting and increasing the turgor of the skin of the abdomen.

About the principle of action of mesotherapy cocktails

How does the therapeutic effect occur after the administration of drugs? Let's look at each type of procedure separately:

  1. Mesotherapy lipolysis(mesotherapy for belly slimming) – the purpose of the procedure is to break down adipocytes or fat cells. Lipolitics - substances that can break down refractory fat and easily remove it from the body - accumulate and then slowly dissolve over a certain period of time, removing extra centimeters from the waist.
  2. Mesotherapy for abdominal skin tightening– injections of elastin, collagen, connective tissue components and hyaluronic acid are used, which together increase skin turgor and improve elasticity.
  3. Anti-cellulite therapy– cocktails are used that can improve metabolic processes, carry out lymphatic drainage, improve microcirculation, and also help the body remove decay products into the lymphatic system.
  4. Mesotherapy for stretch marks– drugs containing enzymes and capable of destroying fibrous constrictions are administered.

It should be noted that almost all drugs are of plant origin, do not cause allergies and are non-toxic to the skin and the body as a whole.

How is an injection session performed?

How many sessions are needed?

The duration of the course is determined by a cosmetologist. The number of sessions depends on the patient’s age, as well as his individual characteristics. Typically, mesotherapy sessions are carried out at intervals of 1 week to 15 days, and their number can be from 4 to 8-10 visits.

The interval must be observed especially for those people who have liver problems, since it is the liver that is involved in the breakdown and removal of fats.

What result should you expect?

Since the medicinal substances included in the cocktail work gradually, the effect of the procedure will not be noticeable immediately. Over time, when destroyed fat cells begin to be removed by the lymphatic system, the skin in the abdominal area begins to tighten and becomes more elastic. Usually, cosmetologists measure the waist size before the start of the course and after the end of treatment to note the effect.

Abdominal mesotherapy goes well with procedures such as body wrap, LPG massage and other cosmetic services.

Immediately after the sessions, it is necessary to refrain from warming up the body, so it is not recommended to go to the bathhouse or sauna for several days. Also, you should not visit the beach, solarium, or go out in the sun with your stomach exposed, so that pigmentation does not occur at the injection site.

Photos before and after a course of procedures

Week 6. After 7 mesotherapy sessions in combination with diet and exercise. The patient lost 4.5 kg.

Who thinks it’s true or not, it helps or it doesn’t help, there is an effect or there is no effect.... My review is for you.

I'm not afraid of injections)))

So I can easily test for myself all the achievements of modern cosmetology and medicine, if only I had the money. And this pleasure costs quite a bit... In St. Petersburg 1900 for 1 procedure (summer 2015) Depending on the amount of fat on your body, you need to do from 5 to 15 for each zone! procedures. 5 is just the minimum, that is, 9500 turns out.

The procedures are carried out with a break of 7 to 14 days. So that the drug is fully effective and eliminated from the body. And so that there is no heavy load on the kidneys and liver.

I only inject the stomach (or rather the lower abdomen), this is 1 zone. For many women and even men, fat in the lower abdomen is a problem that is difficult to get rid of with diets and exercise.

So I went to extreme measures! even though I don't weigh much...

I was injected with fat burning F-PPC (Spain) 5 ml. But, in fact, I don’t know.. I need ampoules from a cosmetologist she didn’t show them and didn’t open them in front of me, so maybe not 5 ml, or maybe not this drug...

The procedure takes 10 minutes! No pain relief, no preparation, just a lot of small injections. I did it during my lunch break at work.

It hurts! The drug is painful, after the injection itself the injection site hurts for about 5 minutes! Very, very hard, as if you were beaten! During the day, the stomach (more precisely, the skin and fat) hurts like one big bruise. If you press with your finger, it feels as if you have a severe bruise and hematoma. For the first time, I even begged: “Let’s take a break.” Otherwise I can’t handle so many injections in 5 minutes. The second time, I ate 2 tablets of citramon an hour before the procedure in order to at least provide some pain relief (but this is not recommended).


AND Sometimes bruises remain at the injection site, sometimes small, and sometimes very huge! And they don’t go away for 2 weeks, my bruises take a very long time to disappear, I need to apply Troxevasin. After each procedure I was left with 1 large bruise.

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