DIY wedding plate. DIY beating plate. What flowers to choose for the floral table arrangement

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Where did this tradition come from?

For a long time in Rus', the tradition of breaking ceramic pots was honored and carried out at every wedding; it was better for the pot to break into small pieces, then they said about the bride that she was pure and would be a respectable and faithful wife for life. Nowadays, this wonderful ceremony takes place in a number of different countries, the ceremony is carried out differently for everyone: the wedding dishes are broken by the young people, their parents, and witnesses. On the first and second wedding days. But wherever the ceremony takes place, it means approximately the same thing - the more fragments from wedding utensils, the longer and happier the couple’s family life will be. Although there is another belief - if the groom hits the dishes with his foot, left or right, then he guesses who will be born first in his family - a girl or a boy.

What style should you choose for your wedding accessory?

The beating plate has evolved from a simple, white one to being handmade by yourself or with the help of a designer. Currently, plates are made to suit almost any wedding style:

· Classic;

· Marine;

· Provence;

· Retro and many others.

Of course, it would be appropriate to choose a plate so that it meets the general provisions at your wedding, and if you have an eco-style, then it is simply impossible to choose a plate decorated with shells and small corals. Please note that this wedding attribute is sometimes made wrapped in a “transparent bag”. This is done so that large and small fragments remain in one place, immediately collected in a tulle bag. Consider all options when choosing your wedding plate.

Where to buy

It’s worth deciding right away who will make the whipping plate. It can be purchased at a specialized store, where it will probably be made by a handmade master. It is also possible to make this accessory yourself. Now on the Internet you can find a lot of video examples and master classes, where they will show step by step how you can decorate and diversify your plate; for this you need to have the necessary decorative elements and a little free time.

A wedding is one of the most important holidays in the life of not only the newlyweds, but also their parents, as well as other relatives. It is not surprising that marriage is accompanied by many customs and rituals.

To hold one of them you will need a special wedding plate for beating. To make this ceremony interesting and fun, it is worth considering the scenario of breaking a plate at a wedding.

The tradition of breaking plates at a wedding

It must be said that a similar tradition exists not only in Russia, but also in other countries. However, we will tell you in order - what kind of custom this is, what a plate for breaking should be, where and with what they break a plate at a wedding, and also about many other things connected with this.

In Germany, it is customary for the groom to break dishes in front of the bride, and the more plates he breaks, the better. In Great Britain, the newlywed throws a dish with pieces of pie or flatbread over the head of his chosen one.

If the wedding plate does not break, the groom or his friend, after the child picks up the cake, stomps on the plate until it breaks into pieces.

In former times, this magical rite symbolized confirmation of the bride’s innocence before marriage. In Rus', on the second day of a wedding, clay pots were broken in front of the guests. If the dishes broke, they said that the newlywed was clean, and if not, then her relatives had to make excuses.

The more fragments there were, the longer the spouses had to live in love and harmony. Perhaps the expression “breaking dishes for good luck” came from the custom of counting the number of future happy years in this way.

They also used the fragments to guess what gender the child would be born first in the family. If there were more large pieces, then the newlyweds were expecting their first child - a boy, if there were small ones - a girl.

The bride had to clean up the fragments, and the guests made fun of her and in every way prevented her from doing her job. The bride, in turn, had to carefully sweep away everything, no matter what. By how she handled this task, the guests judged how good a housewife she was.

The ritual of breaking dishes at a wedding is also often associated with the ancient custom of smashing a bottle against the side of a ship setting sail. If the bottle does not break, this is a bad sign, meaning an imminent shipwreck.

So in a young family, like a ship setting off on a voyage, dishes are beaten so that it floats on the waves, overcoming all obstacles on its way.

A similar tradition is observed at almost all modern weddings. However, these days, the meaning of breaking a plate has a different meaning. It is believed that the plate at a wedding is broken “in advance.”

The toastmaster often says that in many families, spouses often quarrel and break dishes. And to prevent this from happening in the newlyweds’ family, they need to break it up at the wedding - and not do it anymore.

Wedding plate breaking scenario

The ritual of breaking dishes at a wedding can take place as follows. The toastmaster invites the young people to break the dishes for good luck. These can be glasses from which champagne is drunk.

The presenter reads poetry:
– Drain the glasses to the bottom,
So that happiness enters your home.
So that from every window in the house
Happiness fell head over heels.
Let it be like the sweetness of wine in the family
There was the sweetness of carefree days,
And on a long bench in the garden
There were many of your children.
You break your glass on the floor,
Don't hesitate to break the glass!
Let that ringing sound for happiness,
Gives a lot of love and warmth!

Please note that old dishes will not be suitable for this purpose - you need to buy new ones. You can use special glasses made of fragile glass that break easily, resulting in a lot of fragments.

You can buy a plate for breaking at a wedding or make it yourself. Such dishes are decorated with lace, flowers, ribbons, rhinestones, pearls, and beads.

Keep in mind that the plate should be compatible in style with other decor of the wedding celebration: for example, if you preferred decor in the Provence style, then the plate should also depict delicate floral patterns in pastel colors; if the wedding is “maritime”, then the plate should also be decorate with shells, corals, transparent beads imitating sand, etc.

On the Internet you can find many master classes on how to make a wedding beating plate with your own hands, so that the bride can decorate it herself: let the groom know what craftsman he got!

Where and how do they break the plate at a wedding?

Usually the ceremony is carried out during a festive feast in the banquet hall, sometimes immediately after registration at the registry office. But then you need to take care in advance about where to put the broken wedding plate. Be sure to appoint a “cleanliness officer” or arrange in advance for the facility’s cleaning staff to remove the debris.

However, sometimes this wedding attribute is sold wrapped in a transparent tulle bag. This is done so that the fragments remaining in it do not fly apart and cause harm to anyone. You can wrap the plate yourself in transparent white or colored tulle, tie beautiful ribbons on top - and the original wedding accessory will be ready.

According to the scenario, the breaking of plates at a wedding is announced by the toastmaster, who reads poetry:
– We wish our newlyweds,
So that the path of their life is successful,
So that every year we live more beautifully,
And the house was always a full cup.
May your happiness last long
And like a plate, it didn’t break.

He hands the newlyweds a plate that they have to break. It is turned over and placed on the floor, then the newlyweds need to break it together, but... with one foot. To complete this task, the groom takes the bride in his arms and steps on the plate with one foot, after which it should split.

This ritual is believed to have symbolic meaning:

  • Firstly, it represents the unity of the new married couple.
  • Secondly, it symbolizes the responsibility of the future head of the family, who must take upon himself the solution of various problems.
  • Thirdly, this means that the spouses will overcome any obstacles in their path.

Let us recall another long-standing tradition: if one of the guests accidentally breaks dishes at a wedding, he should give the bride and groom a symbolic payment for it, for example, a small coin. This is done so that happiness does not go to someone else’s house.

Guests often give the newlyweds dishes. This could be a plate “For two”, in the middle of which there is...a state border with a barrier. If one of the spouses decides to take something from their side of the plate, they are subject to penalties.

Or you can give the newlyweds a plate with the inscription “For good luck”, which is accompanied by detailed instructions on exactly how to break the dishes in the event of family quarrels.

Setting the wedding table is one of the main points in preparing for the celebration. A well-set and decorated table, beautifully served dishes and a comfortable arrangement of guests create a cozy atmosphere at a wedding, and this is what is remembered first of all. Therefore, in order for guests to have a pleasant time at the holiday and leave with positive emotions, you need to understand in advance the rules and fashion trends for setting the holiday table.

Wedding table setting and decor: where to start?

If the wedding dress has already been sewn, the banquet hall has been ordered, the menu has been drawn up and the guest list is ready, you can start designing and setting the wedding table. Naturally, all serving details should be in harmony with the overall style of the celebration. After all, it will look very ridiculous if the table is set in eco-style, and the outfit of the bride and groom is made in the Gatsby style.

Table setting for a wedding is similar to preparing for a regular celebration, but is distinguished by greater chic, elegance and elegance.

Therefore, for the result to be positive, you need to skillfully arrange the tables and seat the guests:

  • Arrangement of tables. First you need to choose a convenient arrangement of tables depending on the technical capabilities of the hall and the number of invited guests.
  • If the celebration is intended for a small number of guests, you can use the European seating arrangement at round tables, and if there are many guests, then a beech “P” or “T” table arrangement will do. Chairs.
  • The comfort level of each guest depends on the distance at which the chairs will be located. The ideal distance between chairs is 50-80 cm.

Wedding table design: choosing a tablecloth, napkins and flower arrangements

Successful serving means not only amazingly tasty dishes, but also a tastefully decorated table. Agree that the impression of even the most delicious dessert can be completely ruined by a carelessly laid tablecloth or the limp appearance of flowers in front of your eyes. Therefore, in table setting, all details must be brought to perfection.

Which tablecloth to choose?

The tablecloth on the wedding table should be luxurious and impeccable. Several centuries ago, brides began to embroider it long before their wedding. Nowadays, the tablecloth is provided by the restaurant or purchased by the couple themselves, depending on the design of the feast.

The traditional table design option involves choosing a tablecloth in light colors with or without embroidery. The tablecloth can have water-repellent properties that help avoid contamination.

A rubberized fabric (molton) must be placed on the table under the tablecloth, which muffles the sound of cutlery and protects the furniture from damage. This detail should be immediately discussed with the restaurant manager, since the absence of such a special lining on the table will create uncomfortable discomfort at the table.

The length of the tablecloth may vary. A tablecloth with delicate embroidery and bows hanging to the floor looks very impressive, but it creates inconvenience. Guests will trample on its edges, get confused when leaving the table, and the tablecloth will quickly get dirty. It is better to choose a medium size tablecloth, when its edges are lowered by 30-40 cm, and decorating flounces with floral arrangements are attached around the perimeter of the table.

Selection of napkins

Over the past few years, napkins have become the hallmark of the holiday table. They are designed to place all the stylistic accents and emphasize the taste of the wedding hosts. Are there any special selection criteria? The only thing is that the napkins should open easily, and their appearance should match the stylistic design of the entire wedding.

Napkins can be of different sizes and made in different colors. It is better if they are rectangular. They can be secured with decorative rings, tied with ribbons and decorated with flowers that are present in the central floral arrangement.

What flowers to choose for the floral table arrangement?

Flowers on the table create a special atmosphere. But when choosing a flower arrangement, you need to take into account some nuances:

  • the floral aroma should not be intense, otherwise the intoxicated guests will not smell the food and drinks;
  • flowers can be of different types and sizes, but they should not interfere with wedding guests communicating and eating;
  • It is better to place very large compositions in vases with high legs, then the vases will not take up much space, and guests will be able to appreciate all the beauty of the flowers;
  • to decorate large rectangular tables, it is better to use low vases with small bouquets, which can be arranged as a path in the middle of the table; You can place bouquets near the appliances.

Advice! Flowers should be in perfect harmony with the overall design of the room.

Serving: wedding tableware arrangement


If we are talking about a wedding, it is better to choose classic porcelain dishes, designed in the same style and the same for each of the guests. Absolutely all devices must be thoroughly washed and polished. All plates are placed on the table two centimeters from the edge.

Advice! The presence of dishes with cracks, chips or other visible flaws is not allowed.

Stand plates

An important serving device for a wedding table is the placemat. Its average diameter is 27 cm. Before serving the main dishes, a serving napkin is placed on it. This plate serves as a stand for plates of food.

On a note! The presence of a stand plate prevents the tablecloth from getting dirty.

Knives and forks

Traditional spoons and forks are placed first. On the right is a meat knife and spoon, on the left is a fork for salad and meat dishes. Before arranging special devices, you need to consider what level the celebration will be and what dishes will be served.

There are different people who come to a wedding, so you shouldn’t bother them with the presence of unnecessary equipment. In any case, you will not lose anything if you serve special utensils immediately before serving oysters or lobsters.

Advice! The fork should lie on the table with its teeth up, the knife should “look” with its tip towards the plate, and the dessert spoon should be placed above the plate with the handle to the right.

Glasses, shot glasses and goblets

Any festive table is served according to basic rules. Wedding table setting is no exception. On the table there should be glasses for champagne and wine, glasses for juice and mineral water, and glasses for strong alcoholic drinks. If the menu includes other alcoholic drinks, such as cognac or whiskey, then additional glasses are provided for them.

On a note! Glasses and shot glasses are placed above the plate slightly to the right.

Salt and pepper shakers and bread plates

Sets of basic spices, bottles with vegetable oils and different types of vinegar should be evenly distributed throughout the table.

According to the rules of serving etiquette, salt shakers, pepper shakers and sauce bowls should be 2/3 full.

Before serving the salt and pepper shakers on the table, you need to check that the lids are in good working order and the holes can pass through so that guests do not have any difficulties.

Top 6 fashionable ideas for decorating a wedding table

If you want your serving to be just perfect, it won’t hurt to use this year’s fashion serving trends:

  • Royal style? pastel shades, light tablecloths and classic china.
  • A riot of flowers? living floral arrangements and tall centerpiece vases.
  • Hanging decorations over the table? flower balls, twig lanterns, vintage boxes.
  • Candles? lanterns with candles, chandeliers with shades in the form of candles.
  • Metallic accents? vases, dishes and other attributes on the serving table with elements of silver or gold.
  • Colored glass? multi-colored glass vases, candlesticks, balls.

A well-chosen style and impeccable table setting will make your wedding the happiest and most memorable day of your life. And so that minor shortcomings and mistakes do not spoil the mood of you and your guests, be sure to adhere to the important rules for setting the festive table.

It is not always possible to find things in the store that are ideal for a wedding. In such cases, master classes come to the rescue; after seeing what is being done and how, you can modify the idea yourself and create what you want.
This master class is dedicated to unusual painted plates. And in order to make such things, you don’t need to be an artist, you don’t even need to be able to draw. We will see below exactly how to make such plates.

To create painted plates we will need:

– white plates
– porcelain paint
– brush
– water

Step 1. Dip your brush into the paint, pick up more, don’t skimp on it.

Step 2. Draw a blot on the plate. No, this is not a typo, just a blot. Anywhere, and don't even think about its shape, this is not the final version.

Step 3. If you still have some paint left on your brush (if not, fill it up quickly), then dip it a little into the water.

And now spray the brush onto the plate.

Step 4. Fill your brush with some water and add it to the blot. If necessary, add more, the main thing is that the blot floats.

Step 5. Now take the plate in your hands and spin it to form a puddle.

Step 6. To create a more beautiful “puddle” pattern, add paint to the place where the original blot was. If you wish, you can wait 10 minutes and then turn the plate again. It all depends on you and your inspiration.

Step 7 Usually porcelain paints do not require baking, but in our case we used too much water, so it is better to bake the plates (in the oven on low heat for 45 minutes) to be on the safe side.


The plates turned out bright and unusual. A bouquet of flowers will go well with these plates.

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