Lemon for teeth whitening at home: benefits and harms, recommendations and recipes. Features of teeth whitening with lemon and soda Teeth whitening with lemon juice

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Many of us dream of a white-toothed smile, just like in advertising. Unfortunately, teeth whitening procedures in dental clinics are quite expensive. In this case, folk recipes come to the rescue. Lemon is especially effective for whitening teeth. The acid contained in citrus breaks down and removes coloring matter that gives a dark tint to the enamel, and helps get rid of the yellowness and grayness of the teeth. There are many lemon whitening recipes that are easy to make at home.

The benefits and harms of lemon for teeth

Lemon effectively brightens enamel, but citrus should be used with extreme caution and provided that your teeth are in perfect order. Acid negatively affects the enamel, gradually destroying it and increasing the risk of developing caries.

Lemon has the following positive effects on teeth:

  • cleans tooth enamel from all age spots and yellow plaque that cannot be removed by simple brushing of teeth;
  • strengthens soft tissues in the oral cavity;
  • due to the large amount of vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system, which is useful for the body as a whole and for the oral cavity in particular;
  • citrus helps with stomatitis: its juice is diluted with boiled water, mixed with honey and the resulting mixture is treated with sore spots.

It should be remembered that bleaching is an aggressive procedure. Before carrying out it, you need to make sure that your teeth are healthy and strong, otherwise you can harm them. Unfortunately, citric acid, although it whitens enamel remarkably, at the same time quickly destroys it. To reduce the negative effects of acid, after using lemon as a bleaching agent, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.

It is advisable to start consuming more products containing calcium and fluorine long before the course of procedures in order to strengthen the enamel.

An excellent auxiliary tool will be the intake of a complex of vitamins and trace elements. This is important because the abrasive acids in lemon cause calcium to leach out of the enamel.

As a raw material for the preparation of home bleaching agents, the following are suitable:

  1. Chopped peel.
  2. Juice freshly squeezed.
  3. A mixture of crushed citrus and oil. This option acts on the enamel softer, preventing damage.

There are several effective recipes for making lemon "bleach":

Whichever whitening method you choose, remember that not only does it help lighten your teeth, but it is also aggressive to tooth enamel. This applies not only to home procedures, but also to dental ones.

If the cause of darkening of the teeth is addictions like smoking, it is better to get rid of them than to suffer regularly.

Precautions to be taken during the procedure

Considering that teeth whitening is an aggressive way to get a snow-white smile, you need to take care of the precautions in advance:

In what cases is lemon contraindicated?

The use of lemon as a tooth enamel whitener is strictly prohibited in such cases:

If you have a general acid intolerance or an allergy to citrus fruits, avoid this whitening method. Don't hurt yourself chasing a Hollywood smile.

A beautiful smile is not just a decoration. It requires careful care not only for the teeth, but also for the entire oral cavity. Any bad habits - alcohol, smoking, unhealthy diet - only worsen the condition of the teeth and the body as a whole. Take care of yourself, and then you will not need to be ashamed of your smile.

Citric acid belongs to the class of carboxylic acids. It is a white crystalline substance with a sour, non-astringent taste. It has virtually no calories. It is highly soluble in water and some organic solvents. It melts at a temperature of 175 degrees, and upon subsequent heating, it decomposes into water and carbon dioxide.

This acid is actively involved in metabolism and cellular respiration. Thanks to it, skin cells can be renewed. It becomes elastic, elastic and beautiful. The complexion becomes pleasant, defects gradually disappear. To do this, once a week make a mask with the addition of lemon juice. It can also be added to almost any cream.

Citric acid is found in all citrus fruits, pomegranates, needles and even shag. In the old days, it was obtained precisely from shag. In modern industry, citric acid is produced by fermenting substances with a high concentration of sugar (for example, molasses). Often use special moldy fungi.

Citric acid is known as food additive E330. It is used as an antioxidant. The addition of citric acid improves the taste of many carbonated drinks and the consistency of processed cheese: it spreads much better on bread.

Citric acid for teeth whitening

Some people use it to whiten their teeth. This is indeed a very effective remedy, but it must be used with caution. The fact is that any whitening process adversely affects tooth enamel, destroying it and provoking the appearance of caries. These destructions are microscopic, but they affect the health of the teeth, and then the state of some organs. The dental nerve becomes several times more sensitive. It comes to the point that it becomes chewing rough food. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately contact your dentist.

The procedure can be carried out no more than once a week. After that, it is not recommended to eat some foods (cherries, beets). They can "color" your teeth. Also avoid coffee and tea.

You can whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. However, these substances also destroy tooth enamel. After using them, rinse your mouth very thoroughly with warm water. Perform the procedure no more than once a week to maintain the health of your teeth.

Most people want to have beautiful white teeth. However, not everyone has the opportunity and desire to periodically visit a dental clinic for a whitening procedure.

And some even think that you should first try home methods before using the services of a professional.

One of the most well-known home remedies for whitening enamel is lemon.. There are many recipes that tell you exactly how to use this fruit to achieve whitening of tooth enamel.

In this article, we will consider in detail not only the possible techniques and recipes, but also talk about their positive and negative sides.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Like most home whitening techniques, using lemon for this purpose has its pros and cons.


  • An important advantage of the technique lies in its availability and low cost, even when compared to other home whitening remedies.
  • Effectively whitens tooth enamel giving it a lighter shade.
  • During the procedure, there is also disinfection of the oral mucosa, which eliminates microbes and helps prevent cavities.
  • The use of this fruit boosts immunity(including local).
  • Gives freshness to breath without the use of artificial conditioners.
  • Lemon juice helps reduce toothache.

The vast majority of people can use this whitening agent, which makes it universal. The exception is patients who are allergic to this fruit.


The method has practically no disadvantages. One has only to say that the acid in lemon juice can have a negative effect on the structure of the enamel, so it should be used very carefully.


There are many homemade variations of using the properties of lemon for teeth whitening. However they all have a few things in common. In order not to repeat in each recipe, we will tell about them separately:

  • Before each procedure, as well as some time after it, do not eat foods containing strong dyes, for example, beets, red wine, strong tea (both black and green), coffee and others.
  • Also, before starting the procedure, brush your teeth well using the usual brush and paste.

By following these tips, you can make whitening more effective.

One-component recipes

Rubbing with a slice

It is necessary to cut a thin slice from a fresh fruit.

She needs rub the surface of the enamel and do not rinse for several minutes. Depending on the degree of darkening and the individual characteristics of the teeth of each patient, the exposure time may vary.

For more efficiency while waiting for the effect, do not close your mouth tightly.

After the effect becomes noticeable externally (usually this should be waited for about 5 minutes, sometimes longer), the remaining lemon should be washed off well without the use of paste and other artificial means.

Rubbing with zest

This method is considered more gentle than the first, since there is a little less acid in the zest than in the pulp itself.

The fruit should be peeled so that sufficiently large pieces of it remain. Lemon itself can be used in any way, as to lighten the enamel, only zest is needed.

The outer side of each tooth must be carefully grate with a piece of peel, using its inside. After that, leave your mouth open for free air access for several minutes (but not more than 3–5).

Usually this is enough for a visual effect - the enamel becomes lighter right during the procedure. Next, rinse your mouth.

Lotions from the pulp

The method is suitable for those people whose teeth darkening is strong enough, but the enamel has a sufficiently large thickness and strength.

From the pulp of a pitted lemon and dense inner films, you need to make a gruel. It is applied to the surface of the teeth and held for up to five minutes, leaving the mouth slightly ajar, as in previous recipes.

After the procedure, the pulp should rinse with a rinse, but not with a toothbrush.

The easiest way

It lies in the fact that for 2-3 minutes you need to chew a piece of lemon pulp.

The effect of this procedure will also be quite noticeable. However, the disadvantage of the technique is that when chewing, the surfaces of different teeth are exposed to citric acid to varying degrees.

For better penetration into hard-to-reach places, as well as to simultaneously reduce the negative effects of citric acid, patients with hypersensitivity can chew not the pulp, but a piece of zest.

For the effectiveness of another recipe, see the video:

With additives

Softer ways to whiten, which can be used 1-2 times a week for 1.5-2 months.

Simple rinses

For whitening rinses, use a solution that is prepared from clean water at room temperature and fresh lemon juice in a ratio of one to one. For one procedure, a small amount of solution is enough - about 100 ml.

Rinse thoroughly so that the effect of the acid also extends to the interdental spaces and gingival grooves. After all, it is in these areas that dental deposits are collected, which are much darker than other surfaces.

Pasta with juice

It is included in brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste enriched with a few drops of lemon juice. Such a paste for each procedure is prepared anew.

Have the same efficiency both cooking options:

  • In the first, more complex case, a small amount of paste sufficient for cleaning is thoroughly mixed separately with 5-6 drops of freshly squeezed juice.
  • The second option is simpler - just place the paste directly on the brush, and add a few drops of juice on top.

complex pasta

Here one more ingredient is added - activated charcoal.

To prepare a bleaching agent, you need to crush one tablet of charcoal and mix it with a small amount of paste. After mixing, add 5-7 drops of lemon juice.

By this means brush their teeth as usual, but not more than twice a week Yu.

Charcoal acts as an abrasive, effectively removing hard particles of plaque, as well as an absorbent - absorbing various dyes and pigments.

with soda

There are also various options for preparing a bleaching agent and directly carrying out the procedure itself.

Soda is used in all cases as an excellent abrasive, which allows not only to whiten the enamel, but also to remove the hard plaque that forms on it:

  • The first way - 5-7 drops of squeezed lemon juice are added to 1/3 teaspoon of baking soda, mixed thoroughly and rubbed with this composition on the teeth with gauze or a brush.
  • The second way is first wipe the surface with juice or apply chopped pulp for a few minutes, and then clean with soda.
  • The third way is prepare a mixture of soda (0.5 teaspoon), juice (5-7 drops) and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

    The composition is applied to the enamel (this can be done both on the outer and inner surfaces) using a piece of gauze or cotton wool. It should not be rubbed too hard. Wash off with warm water 10-15 minutes after application.

  • The fourth way - mix one teaspoon of soda and vinegar with 10 drops of juice, sometimes salt is also added. The composition is used to wipe the enamel with gauze.

Use of "derivatives"

Suitable for whitening not only fresh lemon, but also its various components and derivatives.


After the usual daily hygiene procedures, you can rinse with a special composition that contains lemon essential oil. According to reviews, this method gives a noticeable effect only with prolonged use, however, is the most sparing procedure of all possible.

To prepare a rinse solution, you need to add 5-7 drops of lemon oil to a glass of lukewarm water and mix well. Additionally, you can also use tea tree oil, which has a bactericidal effect.

How it works, read the next post.

In a separate article, we will talk about ways to lighten enamel using activated charcoal.

Food grade citric acid

Instead of fresh fruit, you can also use citric acid, which is used in cooking.

One of the best recipes for using it is to brush your teeth with a toothpaste that is sprinkled with a pinch of salt and a few crystals of acid on top. Can pre-mix all the ingredients - so the effect will be softer with good efficiency.

Precautionary measures

You should know that it is relatively rare to whiten your teeth with lemon. Frequent use of the product exposes the enamel to the aggressive action of citric acid, which can weaken it.

Also after each procedure, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm, clean water after a short time. Sometimes soda is added to it, which, being an alkali, reacts with an acid, neutralizing its residues.

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We will describe in this article teeth whitening with lemon - 9 best ways. It is such a simple and affordable product that can brighten the dentition and return a snow-white smile to its owner without any special costs.

True, the effect of lemon is quite aggressive, so you should not get carried away with it, and before using it for whitening purposes, be sure to read the tips and recommendations that you need to follow to maintain healthy teeth.

Useful properties of lemon

Lemon is considered one of the most valuable foods for the human body. Whatever it concerns - the treatment of colds, strengthening the immune system, recuperation, recovery from various diseases. Including teeth, nails and hair, this citrus can affect in the most positive way.

Among the many useful trace elements, an increased concentration of vitamins C, B, P and D stands out. It is this complex that actively fights the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, disinfects and helps to regenerate tissues.

With the help of lemon, you can achieve a brightening effect on the surface of the enamel. It acts due to the high concentration of acid and directly affects the pigment substances. When they are split and removed from the surface of the tooth, a whitening effect appears.

In addition to the juice itself, the zest of the fruit also has an excellent lightening effect. In it, the concentration of vitamin C is much higher, besides, it contains a lot of calcium. It is due to their joint influence that an enhanced result can be achieved.

Indications and contraindications

With the help of acid, the inner layers of enamel or dentin cannot be affected. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that it is possible to whiten teeth with lemon only if they were such by nature, and yellowness appeared as a result of the use of colored foods and other external causes.

Applying a course of 6-8 weeks, you can achieve whitening of the enamel in smokers, coffee lovers and other people who have an unpleasant plaque on the surface. But if the enamel is dark due to the following problems, then whitening your teeth with lemon is unlikely to help:

  1. Gray or yellow shade of fabric from nature. It is difficult to get rid of it even with the use of expensive procedures in the dentist's office.
  2. The presence or other problems with the formation of enamel.
  3. Taking tetracycline drugs gives a long-lasting effect of darkening of the teeth and this cannot be influenced by any means, even potent ones.
  4. Enamel discoloration from various diseases or medications.
  5. from the increased content of fluorine in the body. Until its amount is normalized, clarification will not have an effect.
  6. After root canal treatment and subsequent complications.
  7. Various injuries that led to the darkening of one or two units.

In order not to get harm from brightening procedures at home, you need to follow certain precautions, and also do not use such recipes in the following cases:

  • Under the age of 18 until the enamel is formed. Indeed, in this period it is fragile and thin, it is very easy to damage it.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, due to hormonal changes in a woman's body, it is impossible to predict the reaction to bleaching.
  • If you are allergic to citrus.
  • The presence of infectious diseases that must first be treated.
  • Immediately after removing the braces, since at this time the enamel is significantly weakened and easily destroyed.
  • For any injuries, chips, cracks on the surface of the tooth.
  • Carious and other diseases in the oral cavity. They also need to be treated and eliminated, and only after that do aesthetic correction.
  • The presence of inflammation of the mucosa and any other damage to the gums.
  • and its fine structure. Before using such tools, you need to diagnose with a dentist and find out about the natural resistance of the tooth.
  • After taking strong medications, as they weaken the immune system.
  • With artificial tissue growth, which may be a contraindication for such manipulations.

It should be understood that if there are implants, fillings, crowns and other foreign objects in the mouth, they will remain the same color as they were. Lemon won't work on them. This means that when lightening at least 2-3 tones of natural enamel, you can notice the difference, which will negatively affect the overall impression.

Even with expensive in-office bleaching procedures, these materials are removed and new ones in the right shade are installed. The same can be done after applying home recipes. Veneers are also popular for correcting the shade of individual units.

Advantages and disadvantages

The following advantages of this whitening technique are obvious:

  • low cost of the product and availability for all segments of the population;
  • can be used at home;
  • quite noticeable whitening result;
  • elimination of infections and bacteria in the oral cavity;
  • additional strengthening of immunity;
  • fresh breath effect;
  • sometimes the analgesic effect of lemon is noticed;
  • universality of the method.

True, this method also has its drawbacks, especially if you violate the safety rules for its use:

  • The appearance of hypersensitivity, more often in the first days after using lemon.
  • From too long exposure to acid in the oral cavity, inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane may occur.
  • Sometimes there is a darkening of the enamel, that is, the opposite of the expected effect.

To prevent this from happening, you must follow clear recommendations for using lemon to whiten the surface of your teeth.
  1. This remedy should be used no more than once a week, since citric acid is quite aggressive and can damage the enamel.
  2. After the procedure, be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm and clean water.
  3. Since the tooth surface becomes susceptible to any substances from the use of lemon, all coloring products should be avoided for some time. It is because of this that it can darken, quickly absorbing the pigment.
  4. Also, do not combine the whitening process and taking certain medications, such as antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines, etc.
  5. The duration of the whitening procedure with lemon should also not be long. A few minutes are enough for the acid to act on the pigment.

Only the proper use of lemon will help to avoid any troubles, as well as get a snow-white radiant smile without overpaying for it.

TOP 9 best ways

We list the most effective recipes for using lemon at home to lighten enamel:

  1. In combination with toothpaste, the effect can be enhanced. In this method, you need to add 10 lemon crystals to the daily hygiene product and sprinkle everything with a small amount of table salt. Brush your teeth as usual and rinse your mouth with running water. Due to the strong impact, it is not recommended to use it more often than once every three months.
  2. A simple remedy is baking soda and lemon. Taking a little soda, you need to moisten it with fresh citrus juice. Apply the composition to the brush and treat the tooth surface. The duration of the procedure is no more than 20 seconds. It is not advised to press hard or rub your teeth.
  3. After peeling a lemon, do not throw away the peel, that is, the zest. Tear it into convenient small pieces and rub the inside of the surface of the enamel. After holding the remaining particles for about five minutes, you need to rinse your mouth.
  4. The peel acts in a similar way if it is simply chewed for a while. The same five minutes will be enough for a bleaching and disinfecting effect. And although this method seems natural and safe, you should not get carried away with it. The most common use is once a week.
  5. The pulp of a lemon due to the increased content of acid has the maximum effect in bleaching. Therefore, you can do the following. Take peeled lemon slices and apply them to your teeth. For convenience, you can grind it into a gruel and apply it to the surface in the form of applications. Lemon pulp should be kept for no longer than five minutes. After that, rinse your mouth thoroughly. It is important to remember that you can use such an effective, but aggressive remedy only after consulting a dentist and no more than once every few months.
  6. It is very good to use infusions or decoctions of herbs at the same time with lemon. Thus, the enamel will not only become lighter, but also healthier. So, it is recommended to combine chamomile or calendula and fresh lemon. It is enough to take 2/3 cup of broth, combine it with 1/3 cup of squeezed juice. After typing the liquid into your mouth, you need to hold it for about 10-15 seconds. Then spit it out and rinse your teeth with the remaining pure herbal decoction. You can use this tool once a week and after a month the effect of lightening by as many as three tones will be noticeable.
  7. Also useful is the action of not the citrus acid itself, but the essential oil from it. At the same time, literally a few drops of the product are taken, moistening a cotton swab or disk with it. Wipe the surface of the teeth and hold for no longer than 20 seconds. After that, rinse your mouth well. If you combine it with tea tree oil, then the benefits will be even greater.
  8. You can often find the following recipe, where they take three active ingredients. Grind two tablets of activated charcoal, add some toothpaste and a couple of drops of lemon juice. You need to brush your teeth with a similar composition for at least three minutes. It is enough to carry out such a procedure twice a week, and the whole course of whitening is 1-2 months.
  9. The most popular recipe consists of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and lemon. For one application, it is enough to combine 2-3 drops of peroxide, half a teaspoon of soda and juice. After applying such a composition to the teeth, it is enough to hold it for 1-2 minutes. After that, be sure to rinse your mouth with warm water. It is advisable not to drink or eat anything for an hour. It is enough to use this tool twice a week for a month.

Video: homemade teeth whitening with lemon.

A snow-white Hollywood smile is the dream of many. It's not surprising that "home" methods of teeth whitening are of great interest. Consider the most popular of them and think together with a dentist whether it is possible to make a smile whiter without contacting a specialist and, most importantly, without damaging your teeth.

Berry teeth whitening

The tastiest option of all home teeth whitening. You can grind strawberries and other berries in puree and brush your teeth with the resulting berry “paste”, or you can just eat juicy berries more often. Juice containing fruit acids, slightly dissolve plaque and make teeth a little whiter. This method will not bring much harm to tooth enamel, but you should not count on a super-effect either. The difference will be barely noticeable. For such teeth whitening at home, blue and purple berries are not suitable: their pigments can stain teeth.

Teeth whitening with baking soda

One of the most common and at the same time barbaric ways home teeth whitening. Many people take regular baking soda, put a pinch on their toothbrush, and brush their teeth vigorously. Enamel, of course, becomes whiter, but such a procedure cannot be called useful for teeth. Soda disturbs the acid balance of the oral cavity and is a very strong abrasive. Its particles can seriously injure the enamel, literally erasing its top layer. . Systematic use of baking soda for teeth whitening It can also cause bleeding gums. If you still want to try this home whitening method, remember: brush your teeth with baking soda no more than once a month.

Teeth whitening with lemon

Lemon acid can actually lighten the enamel a bit. Rub the teeth with lemon zest, leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse. You can also rinse your mouth with lemon juice. But if there are wounds, scratches or inflammation in the oral cavity, it will hurt. In addition, acid can erode tooth enamel.

Elena Selifanova

Dentist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Dental Diseases, 1st Russian State Medical University named after I.I. THEM. Sechenov

The color of tooth enamel is inherited, and it is individual for everyone. Normally, teeth may be yellowish. There are two ways to lighten teeth - mechanically removing plaque and tartar, or using chemical bleaching (for example, hydrogen peroxide or acids). In the first case, we simply open the natural color of the enamel and clean the teeth. If we talk about the benefits, then this method is preferable. Every person who cares about dental health should have professional teeth cleaning and remove plaque and tartar in the dentist's office twice a year. As for all the listed methods of whitening, eating strawberries is the safest. Although it can be allergic!

Teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Hydroperite, used for, can also become a whitener for teeth. In any case, the action of many professional whitening products is based on hydrogen peroxide. But if you try whiten teeth with hydrogen peroxide independently, at home, it is very easy to get a severe burn of the oral mucosa. In addition, if your teeth have cracked enamel, cavities, or if you have periodontal disease, you risk exacerbating the situation. Yes, and painful sensations from this teeth whitening at home will be very strong.

Teeth whitening folk remedies: ash or coal

This method was very popular in Ancient Rus'. Charcoal is also an abrasive, contains potassium hydroxide, with which you can really remove soft plaque. But this method was good only for that bygone era: after all, the inhabitants of Rus' simply had no other choice for brushing their teeth. Coal, like the mentioned soda, can injure tooth enamel. Moreover, these simple home remedies for teeth whitening will not be able to cope with hard plaque and tartar.

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