What is a quest - types of quests and rules for passing them. How to get more pleasure from the passage of the quest? How long does the quest take

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You can take a break from work and just diversify your leisure time with the help of the game. And if some choose passive rest in front of a computer monitor, others are happy to take part in active games. We offer to talk about what a quest is and why it is so often chosen by active people of different ages.

Quest - what is it?

Not all modern young people and teenagers know about the quest - what kind of game it is. Quest or adventure game is called one of the main genres of computer games. Such games are an interactive story, where there is a protagonist controlled by the player. Important elements here are the narrative and, in fact, the examination of the world. A key role in the game is given to solving problems and various puzzles. All of them require the application of mental effort from each player.

What is a quest room?

Many fans know that a quest room is a room where an interesting and, as a rule, very exciting game takes place, in which there is a certain plot. Such a quest room is not just a game that is based on thinking. Here, each player will face a difficult choice, show ingenuity, learn how to properly coordinate their own movements, use dexterity and logic. Scenarios for passing such quest rooms can be very diverse. Moreover, each participant can choose or order for himself a task corresponding to his life rhythm.

Quest Purpose

Everyone who knows what a quest is is often interested in what is the purpose of such an active pastime. Why do people of different ages play these games, why is it interesting to complete quests? Such games help a person:

  • become more attentive;
  • develop logic;
  • improve coordination of movements;
  • become smarter and smarter;
  • get new knowledge.

Quest types

There are different types of quest:

  1. escape room is a classic loved by many fans. Here the main task is to get out of the closed room. To this end, the team will have to solve all sorts of puzzles and find solutions to even the most seemingly non-standard situations.
  2. performance- one of the most unusual and enticing types of quest. The game is that you need to find a way out, solving many different problems, or. However, here each participant receives his own role (the main one), and trained actors play secondary roles.
  3. Quests in reality("live quest") - here a special scenario is assumed, which should be lost using the phased completion of tasks. It is important to try to repeat a certain scenario.
  4. Morpheus– is an unreality quest taking place in the imagination. Here the technology of the quest is not easy. Each participant is blindfolded, which forces the person to connect other senses. So, the team must complete all the tasks assigned to it.
  5. Sports Quest- This type will appeal to everyone who loves physical activity. Among the tasks the team will have those where you have to use the muscles.

Ideas for quests

The simplest in terms of the level of preparation can be called questions in notes. There are very interesting and unusual ideas for the quest:

  1. Rebuses and various charades. Here you can use pictures, numbers, letters, punctuation marks, which, if interpreted correctly, can give clues about the further route of movement.
  2. The use of flowers of a certain type, or, alternatively, traces of an animal. In such forms, tasks for a children's quest are often made.
  3. Hints written on paper using melted wax. You can find out the answer by painting the leaf with multi-colored pencils.
  4. The use of digital ciphers of words. So, instead of each letter, you can write its serial number in the alphabet. The clue is guessed or won at the previous stage.

How to pass quests?

Before starting the game, beginners may have fears and ask experienced players how to complete the quest. In fact, the passage of the quest is not very difficult. You need to remember the basic rules:

  1. It is important to understand that others have completed this quest before you, which means that this task has a solution.
  2. Slowly read the description of the quest. No need to skip dialogues with an uncontrollable player. In this genre, all dialogues and hints are an integral part of the game.
  3. When playing the English version, you need to make sure that everything is translated and understood correctly. No need to be shy about using online translators.
  4. Some quests are multi-stage and many characters take part in them. For this reason, it is important to keep a notebook handy and write down all the necessary information. It may be that at the end of the quest you will be asked questions that were answered at the very beginning of the game.

Hello Lifehacker reader. Today I want to play a little game with you to tell you about the increasingly popular form of recreation - quests in reality, as well as how to increase your chances of winning in these exciting games.

We all love thrillers, mysteries, mysteries, investigations. When watching such a movie or reading a book, you simply merge with the characters of the story, empathize with them as if you yourself are in their place. Actually, the games of the "Get out of the room" series just give us the opportunity to become the heroes of a detective story in reality, solve tricky riddles, puzzles and puzzles scattered in the limited space of the room in the allotted time, find the key and finish the game as a winner.

There are companies organizing such quests in almost all cities. Even in our provincial Ulyanovsk, you can go through two scenarios. Unfortunately, the quality of elaboration and execution of small-town scenarios leaves much to be desired. But in the capital, you can already enjoy dozens of top quests from the most experienced international teams of architects who have collected the best scenarios from around the world in one space.

Let's say right away: professionally created quests are characterized by increased complexity. At best, only 10% of people manage to leave the room they see for the first time, and sometimes the number of winners is limited to only 2%. If you don’t believe it, it means that you simply didn’t have a chance to participate in really high-quality tests.

We will tell you about where to find such challenges below, and now we offer you some relevant tips that will help you prepare for the next quest in reality and successfully complete it.

  1. Do what you do best. Take the time to ask your teammates for the things they tend to excel at. For example, I have one friend. He's just Sherlock, the master of logic. The other one is great at solving puzzles and is good at math. Each person has his own talents, and these talents must be taken into account when assigning roles. Let the riddles and puzzles be dealt with by the one who loves to solve them and ate a dozen dogs on this, but the search for clues must be puzzled by an attentive person, with good instinct and logic.
  2. Don't play conspiracy theorists. Remember, this is a game against the clock, and no scriptwriter will use some incredibly difficult riddles with dozens of steps. In fact, everything is in front of your eyes and quite consistently. If you notice that your reasoning has gone far beyond the room in which you are, then know that you have gone astray.
  3. Attention to detail and naturalness. If you ask any screenwriter about the easiest way to find a hook, they will tell you: "Notice unnatural things." As soon as you learn how to simply analyze the environment in terms of the meaningfulness of the presence of this or that object in it, the solutions will appear by themselves.
  4. Don't get hung up on time. If you don't free your brain from constant worries about passing minutes, you won't be able to focus on solving puzzles.
  5. Team spirit and humor. A bit of laughter and the support of comrades is the best way to restore the mood and desire to fight desperate companions. And don't be too serious. In the end, quests in reality are primarily recreation, and getting upset because of an unyielding room is pretty stupid. It will definitely work the second time, and there are a lot of other scenarios.

Where to find the coolest scripts? Back in 2007, for quality sensations, one would have to fly to the town of Kyoto in Japan. This place is considered the cradle of this genre of games. Over time, high-quality scripts appeared all over the world, but experienced connoisseurs will advise you to go to Budapest and Beijing. There you can go through more than 100 different quests without having to spend time traveling from one entertainment center to another.

Now top quests are available in Moscow. The oldest team of architects in the industry, ExitGames, which built the very first quests and created more than 1,000 scenarios, opened the ExitGames Russia division and brought 22 of the best plots from all the playgrounds of the world to our capital.

The complexity of their tests is really high, but the quality of execution and elaboration is absolutely out of reach for any local amateur organizer.

Unravel the secret of a prisoner who has found a way to escape his cell in a maximum security prison.

Be in the shoes of a restorer trying to unravel the mysteries of ancient relics with the help of modern technology.

Get to the bottom of the main secret of the room in which the nerd sister and her crazy brother live.

Find out the secrets hidden by an ordinary, at first glance, office of an ordinary Russian company.

Cool? And that's just what's open right now. More and more new scenarios appear in the announcements, the installation of which will be completed in the near future.

About prices. There is no markup for the brand. A day visit will cost 2,000 rubles, and evening games cost 3,500 rubles for a room that can accommodate from one to eight people.

If there is no experience in completing quests in reality, and going straight into battle without preparation is somehow boring, then you should start with the online version of the script on the ExitGames website. In fact, this is an emulator of a real scenario, which gives a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat you will encounter in a room. Passing it makes sense also because for the successful completion of the virtual quest they give a 10% discount on the ticket and a few extra minutes in the real room.

You have never been to the quest rooms and you have questions? We will try to answer the most common ones.

1. What is a quest in reality?

2. Which quest to choose for the first time?

We have compiled a small list of quests that are suitable for newcomers. If the choice caused difficulties or you prefer to communicate with our consultant, then just call us at +7-900-300-5744 - we will be happy to select a quest just for you.

Be prepared to answer basic questions about the number of players, gender composition, age and preferences (hidden object quest, technical quest, scary, family or children's quest).

3. How is the game booked?

You need to choose a date and time convenient for you. Our consultant will check the availability of a free game and book it for you. After that, the quest administrator will contact you to confirm the reservation.

As a rule, on weekdays, many of the quests have free time, so you can complete the quest today. The greatest demand for quests occurs on weekends and holidays, so it is better to book games for a weekend in advance (2-4 days in advance).

4. How is the game paid for?

Payment for the game occurs directly in the quest itself before the start of the game. The price is indicated for the entire team (up to 4 people), on average it is 2000 rubles. on weekdays and 2500 rubles. on the weekend. For the 5th and 6th players (if the room allows you to increase the number of players), as a rule, there is an additional payment of 300-500 rubles per person.

5. Is it possible to give the game to a friend or loved one for a birthday or other holiday?

Yes, sure. You can come to our office (or order delivery) and purchase gift Certificate to complete the quest. The certificate is universal and is valid in any of the more than 40 quests in the city. The cost of the certificate is 2500 rubles.

6. How long does the quest take?

The game itself usually lasts about 60 minutes (there are quests up to 90 minutes). We recommend that you arrive 5-10 minutes earlier than the booked time so that you can find the quest without haste (as a rule, most quests are located in the basement), take off your outerwear and listen to a brief briefing and background.

7. How many people can play the quest?

Usually a team of 2-4 people is allowed in the room. The optimal composition is 3-4 people. This limitation is due to the small area of ​​the rooms themselves (it will be cramped for a large number of players) and the number of puzzles designed just for 3-4 people.

Some quests (with a larger area and several locations) allow teams of 5-6 people to play, but in most cases you will have to pay an extra 300-500 rubles for each additional player. You can find a list of such quests at this page.

8. And if there are more than 6 of us?

Unfortunately, Voronezh quest rooms are currently not ready to accept a team of more than 6 people. But you have 2 options:

  • Choose a quest where 2 or more rooms are available, split into 2 teams (4 players each or 3 and 4 players) and go through different quests at the same time. You can find a list of such quests on the page corporate ;
  • Divide into 2 teams (4 players each or 3 and 4 players) and go through the same quest in turn, arranging a small competition with each other.

The quests have comfortable receptions where one team can drink tea or play board games while the other team is on the quest.

9. If I am alone or are there only two of us?

If the proposed options do not suit you, then you can call us, and our consultant will be happy to select a quest according to your preferences.

10. What will happen if we do not understand anything and do not know what to do and how to get out of the room?

This happens very rarely. The quest itself is difficult to explain, but very easy to understand on the spot :)

In any case, the quest administrator will look after you through the cameras, and if you find it difficult to pass, you can ask him for tips. If 60 minutes has elapsed, but it was not possible to get out, the administrator will let you out. You can ask him questions about the quest and find out the answer, or return to the quest in order to defeat him on your own from the 2nd attempt.

11. Can children play quests?

They can and love it. For children, special quest rooms have been developed with simplified tasks and appropriate surroundings. Most children's rooms are designed for children aged 7-12 years. Some quests can be completed by children from 6 years old, accompanied by an adult - a parent or an animator of the quest room. .

As for age, there is practically no upper bar. Although most players are between the ages of 14 and 35, quests are also very popular with the older generation. So, up to 60 years old, you can definitely go for this entertainment, especially since among the quests there are also historical quests that cause nostalgia, for example, Time machine - back to the USSR.

12. Is it possible to drink tea or celebrate the birthday of a child or an adult player in the quest?

If you came to the game on the birthday of one of the players and want to drink champagne (strong drinks are prohibited) or eat cake (very in demand for children), then in some quests you can rent a room for 1 hour at a price of around 1000-1500 rubles.

13. How to dress for the quest? Do you need a change of shoes?

We recommend dressing in comfortable casual clothes such as jeans, sneakers or boots. White or light is better not to wear. In many quests, you will have to look somewhere, climb somewhere, unscrew something, so high heels or evening dresses are best left at home, replaced with something more versatile.

14. We are late for 5-10 minutes. Should we call and worry?

Punctuality is the courtesy of kings. However, there are situations when, due to circumstances, you are a little delayed. 5-10 minutes will not play a role (especially if there is no other game after you), but if you are late for 15 or more minutes, we recommend calling and notifying the administrator about this.

Quest restrictions.

In addition to age restrictions (there are quests with a limit of 18+) and a limit on the number of players, there is also a “classic” ban - you cannot play quests while intoxicated or intoxicated. The administrator will not allow you to play in this state. In addition to the fact that in this state you will not enjoy the game, the game can become dangerous for your health.

Have a good game!

Do you have any questions? Call +7-900-300-5744. We will be happy to answer you!

The legend is off the hook

The first mistake in all respects is that players often do not listen to the legend, which is told by the operator or voice from the speakers, at the beginning of the game. In the legend, as a rule, the framework of ongoing events is outlined, some restrictions are introduced, tasks that need to be performed, their sequence, and options for performing are voiced. The whole subsequent game will depend on the legend, it's all one story. If you listen carefully and remember the legend, it will be easier for you to navigate the quest itself. You will simply ignore some of the actions, because they are impossible according to the legend and it makes no sense to perform them.

Transmission non-linearity

Most quests are linear. Modern scenarios stipulate that players cannot do anything out of turn, but there are still many quests where some actions can be performed out of order by simply turning the location upside down. At first glance, it may seem that this way you will complete the quest faster, but most likely the opposite will happen. You will lose the legend, you will get confused, the operator will try to return you to the place where you left the story, you will not understand how this relates to a new find. As a result - a spoiled impression of the quest and lost emotions. But this problem is gradually being solved by the creators of quests and should be eradicated soon.

Selection of options

In quests, there are often locks, ciphers, safes and other caches that open when you enter some value or when you follow a certain sequence. Some players, especially beginners, like to solve such tasks by selection, simply sorting through all possible solutions. This, of course, is a way, but by passing the quest in this way, you lose all the fun from solving tasks. As a result, the quest will not leave you with such strong emotions that you could get by solving all the tasks, as it was intended by the authors. If you cannot decide something, I would recommend taking a suggestive hint, but not picking.

Single player game

Many people play the quest with a team of 4 people, but often forget about it. There are players who try to complete the quest on their own. Do not share the information received with other players, solve riddles in isolation. There are several downsides to this strategy. Firstly, other players will not receive enough emotions from solving individual tasks, and after the quest, debriefing awaits you. Secondly, collectively one task can be solved several times faster, because Everyone's logic works differently. One player can solve the problem in one plane, and four at once in four.

Inconsistency of actions

This is a consequence of the previous point, but it is still worth highlighting it in a separate category of errors. Inconsistency occurs when several players try to perform the same action one after another with some time difference, because no one knows who and what has already been done and what options have been checked. The most correct thing would be to appoint a leader or team captain who controls the entire process of passing, coordinates the actions of other players, voices the finds and current knowledge within the framework of the legend.

Trust but check

There are several tasks in my quest that are consistently not solved the first time. This happens due to the inattention of the players, because the tasks require extreme concentration. Typically, after one player tries, he announces that this option does not work, and the rest silently agree, despite the fact that this option is the most logical solution. I recommend that you duplicate every logical action, even if it didn’t work out the first time. During the passage of the quest, the players are pressed by the time limit, and in horror quests and other circumstances in which the probability of error due to the human factor is very high. Check the solution with other players several times if you are sure of it.

Ambiguity of the proposed solution

The very specificity of almost any quest in reality involves its passage by people of different ages, gender, social status and education. This obliges the creators of quests to make the solutions to the puzzles as unambiguous as possible. If you're pulling a solution by the ears, just think about whether 99% of other people will agree with you. If in doubt, then most likely the answer is wrong, do not waste time on it, think again.

Distraction props

Useless items in the quest. How to understand if the item is related to the passage of the quest or is it just a distracting prop? Most often not, but there are some subtle points that can help in the passage. First, the items playing in the quest are usually easy to figure out visually by their state. Dozens of people pass through the quest every day, and everything that is frequently used wears out very quickly. This, of course, is a flaw in the quests themselves, but, perhaps, no one is immune from it. It is physically impossible to change all the props every day. I sometimes use this method, although it lubricates the impressions of the passage of the quest. Secondly, quest creators try to avoid random items that can distract from the progress of the game or knock them off the linearity, so you most likely will not find such items in the quest. If you find something interesting and obviously playing - then remember it well and do not take it far away.

Mess in the quest

This is already an account for minutes, but nonetheless. When passing the quest, I recommend to be careful. Put all suspicious items neatly in one place so that everything is visible. Players often take away items throughout the quest, forgetting what they found where and where they took it. While the entire history of events is being restored, precious time is wasted. Make sure everything is at hand.

Haste at the beginning of the game

Personally, the rush really bothers me, until I understand what's what. Some teams literally jump into the quest and start running around it. Most often, such commands do not fit into the timing. Therefore, when you find yourself in the quest itself, first of all, carefully look around. Do not hurry. Understand where you are and remember why. Build an action plan, break into roles and get started. Two or three minutes of planning at the beginning of a game can save tens of minutes at the end.

Hints - not for me

Here, of course, the taste and color, but I prefer to take a hint and go through the quest than not take it and not go through. Do not forget that quests are invented by people just like you. And if your team does not have enough logic to solve the task, then it is not a fact that you are about to have it. Perhaps, without a hint, you simply have no chance, because the tasks in the quests can be very difficult. There are several tasks in my quests that are extremely logical, but so unusual in terms of everyday thinking that even after a few almost direct prompts, players need 3-4 minutes to solve the task. But when they decide, emotions go wild!

Do not give up

I often see a picture of people giving up after several attempts. Don't lose faith. Get yourself together. Try to solve the problem collectively. Remember what options were, why they did not work? What else haven't you tried? Fight to the end - and you will definitely succeed.

I hope my advice and observations will help you get even more emotions from completing quests in reality.

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