Greeting cards for a boy of 6 years. Happy birthday boy, pictures. Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

home / beauty and health

Holiday .. With what impatience the children are waiting for it! By the age of six, the baby already knows exactly when his birthday is, so you can involve him in the preparation. Let the child feel that his holiday and his desires are just as interesting to you. Make invitations together, the son is quite capable of decorating them with an appliqué or a small pattern on his own. Give him the opportunity to invite the children he wants to see - from the kindergarten, from the yard. Don't make a problem out of not wanting the presence of adults you don't know. Let them bring their children, and after the holiday they will come for them. And to keep the guests interested, prepare small gifts together for participating in competitions. Let your child choose what it will be - small souvenirs, sweets or small toys. Don't forget about incentive prizes for each child's participation. They can be pencils, pens, fridge magnets or small postcards. The emphasis on food should not be done, children are children, and it is much more interesting for them to play than to sit at the festive table.

Happy sixth birthday my dear!
You are no longer a baby, but a boy.
You do not hide your mischievous look,
You read intelligent books yourself.
So I want to wish you
And there are reasons for this
Much joy in life to know
And grow up to be a real man

Happy Birthday!
Time - fun, jokes, trampling!
Two - charades and riddles!
Three - secrets, hide and seek, whisper...
And four is a dance floor!
Five - rustling gifts,
Six - sweets, overeating!
Here is the schedule
For you on your birthday!

Let any roads be smooth -
Ride through life easily and swiftly,
Be more resolute and more confident than many,
Strive for immodest success!
Let the desired goals be achieved!
We wish you countless victories
And so that everyone looks at you with delight,
Always be worthy of you only first places!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
And hurry with gifts.
Everyone around today knows
that you have grown so big.
And we have no doubt!
But remember our advice:
Be like dad in everything
After all, you are already 6 years old!

Another happy year has passed
He made you a little more mature, our boy.
Good luck with everything,
And you will become more confident, wiser.
Always be happy, cheerful and healthy,
Our boy, our dear sun,
And know that our tenderness and love,
Care, help - forever with you.
May all your timid dreams
Life will turn into victories and accomplishments.
Good luck, happiness, beauty,
Much love and friendship, happy birthday!

It's been six years now
How fast time flies
May God protect from all troubles
Like water, let joy flow.

So that luck is near
smile and success
Were always there
To make us all happy.

Happy Birthday, dear,
Our own child
Dad, mom love you
We are always with you.

6 years - your wonderful holiday.
Day of joy, fun!
Dreams come true, hero!
Good luck! Happy Birthday!

There are so many gifts - that you can’t count,
Toys as many as you want!
Well, we also wish you at 6
Everything you dream about!

Let any roads be smooth -
Ride through life easily and swiftly,
Be more resolute and more confident than many,
Strive for immodest success!
Let the desired goals be achieved!
We wish you countless victories
And so that everyone looks at you with delight,
Always be worthy of you only first places!

We congratulate you today
We sincerely wish you
Happy days and gentle caresses,
A cute princess from a fairy tale
A difficult victory in the struggle -
Let everything be yours!

So I want to be healthy
So that in a world strong and reliable
You've never known anxiety
Ominous atomic winds.
To calmly see dreams
Funny smacking lips
And were warm winds
The days of your spring are warm.

So that in your young life
There was more happiness
The delight of impressions
Native people of participation.
Good books and songs
interesting landings,
Discoveries, secrets and treasures,
For the world of the unknown.
Health, strength, growth,
And cheerfulness, and laughter,
Love, hope, friendship,
In all matters of success.

The baby has a birthday today
The baby is full of guests!
Whole showcases of gifts
You got one of your best days.
Happy birthday baby
And we wish you carefree days!

You, like September, be beautiful
And gentle, like an Indian summer,
And you are generous, like autumn,
Will be rewarded a hundredfold for this!
And don't try to get
Peace of mind is good.
There is no easy way in life
So be yourself a source of peace.

You became everyone's favorite
From the very first day!
Sweets, gifts, hotels,
Give friends and family!
This holiday is for you
So many balloons!
We love you, our joy,
Grow fast, be healthy!

Explore your home planet
On campaigns in the white world!
Pleasant, cheerful companies,
Gifts, surprises, dreams!
Let willpower be in you
And the joy of school!
Solve all problems, tasks,
Health to you and good luck!

You walked a glorious bright path
From the cradle to the school desk,
Ringing with music today
The bow runs freely!
So that you have the same days
Without an account it was further
Do not count so devoted friends,
And happiness to love!

You are already six years old - here!
Your years so quickly, boldly rush,
So you can prepare a backpack for school,
And what? It's time for you to pack up!
And at today's generous table,
Accept, my friend, congratulations from me,
I wish you my dear
Only happiness, games and great luck!

Today is a holiday in our house,
It turned out, our boy, six years old,
And today in honor of you we sing and dance,
So many sweets and sweets in honor of you,
And on this day, we all congratulate you,
And we want the angel to always keep you,
We wish you happy days
And we say from the heart that we love you!

Dad and I will look back, we didn’t have time at all,
And my son is already six years old,
How quickly those years have flown by.
Leaving a legacy in our hearts.
And we congratulate you on the Valentine's Day,
And we want to always win in everything,
Always arrive in high spirits
And do not know any insults and troubles!

On this wonderful and bright day,
I wish you interesting ideas
So that you can draw beautifully,
To be able, if you want, to compose poetry.
So that the folder with the mother would always love,
And so that you never freak out too much,
I could dutifully respect the elders,
And all problems are easy to accept.

We are on (boy's name) bright birthday,
Cooked a lot of different treats,
And now we will invite friends to the holiday,
We will treat everyone in the world today,
We will give them gingerbread and sweets,
Because (boy's name) is already six years old today.
Drink delicious tea with friends
Have fun and let's grow up.

Our beloved and dear son,
Know that we are happy only with you,
You are our hope and joy
May life be sweet for you.
You are 6 years old, everything is ahead,
May your steps be firm
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star,
May you be lucky in everything, always.

Our dear son,
It's your birthday today
There will be many gifts and surprises,
Sweets and treats - no doubt.
6 years old is a wonderful age, congratulations,
Let the mood be great
Let toys and friends surround you
May you have a lot - a lot of happiness.

You are 6 years old today
And all the relatives gathered at the table,
We sincerely wish you happiness
Good luck, joy, smiles and warmth.
May childhood be carefree
Let your life be a fairy tale
Live, our boy, have fun in the world,
May fate be generous to you.

You are growing up fast, our son,
You are already in your sixth year
Today is your birthday
The whole family is happy and happy.
May your days be bright
You are the pride and hope of the whole family,
Be always healthy, do not get sick,
Let everything be fine in your destiny.

Happy birthday! 6 years!
Everywhere the sun is bright!
These are games, jokes, laughter,
Your age is the most beautiful of all!
Let dreams come true
Everything will be as you want!
The whole world is in front of you
Smile on your holiday!

6 years - fun birthday!
We congratulate you today.
And today our opinions agreed,
We are close to family and friends.
Let's have fun, let's dance
And wish you all health and happiness together.
Let lemonade flow like a deep river,
The birthday boy will be very, very happy!

6 years only happens once in a lifetime
Accept all sincere congratulations from us,
Grow up, be smart and educated always,
May your dream come true.
Our dear child, congratulations,
We wish you joy, fun from the bottom of our hearts,
May your birthday bring you admiration
Let it give you a super mood.

Six years old is a great age
When everything is simple
And every day is fun
Don't have to go to school yet
You can walk, laugh,
play and smile
You don't know anxiety yet
Don't dream about the complex
Everything in life is simple, smooth,
And that means everything is in order!
So let in your future
Everything will be even better!
Good luck, good luck
We wish you a birthday!

There is a birthday boy in the house
And he's six today.
Who is this? There's an answer -
It's you! You are six years old!

We'll lift your spirits
And congratulations on the Day of jam,
Happy cake and cake day
And fruit still lifes.

We wish you sweet days
You grow and do not get sick.
Be inseparable with friends
And fun, not boring!

Congratulations on your sixth birthday
I wish you happiness
Have fun, don't be sad
Grow up quickly!

It's cool - six years,
Joyful dawn of life!
smile more cheerfully
You are among your friends!
Grow up! Walk straight!
Believe - luck awaits you!
Never be discouraged!
You are the best, you know!

You are 6 years old - wow!
Let's celebrate soon!
After all, a birthday is always
Fun to meet with friends!
Gifts, games, ringing laughter,
Good smiles all around!
Grow up and be happy
In a bright and big world!

6 years old for you! Let it be soon
Wishes come true!
Miracles and the brightest days!
Let the joy never end
And there will be games, jokes, laughter,
Gifts, entertainment!
In the year, after all, the holiday is the best -
Your birthday!

We did not have time to look back -
And now you're six years old
The years flew by so quickly
Leaving this wonderful trail!

We congratulate you on your birthday,
We only want to win
Be in the best mood
And do not know the trouble!

Be healthy and very strong
Love your loved ones
Be smart, cheerful and resourceful,
And grow up even faster!

Baby your day is so good
That you yourself look like the sun,
Today is your personal holiday
Guests congratulate and all relatives.
You are 6 years old today, congratulations,
May your birthday be amazing
Let luck always choose you
May the good angel protect from trouble.

The birthday boy is here.
How many years? Only six?!
And what a big one!
And what a serious one!
Happy birthday
We wish you luck
Joy, good luck, happiness,
Real achievements!

You have not been a baby for a long time -
Six whole years today.
You know the world quite well
You are looking for an answer to everything.

Soon to school. Without a doubt,
You won't be bored there.
And today is my birthday
To receive gifts.

Have fun, don't get discouraged
Laugh, rejoice, frolic.
Be brave and smile
Enjoy your childhood!

You've grown up a little, my friend.
Happy sixth birthday, godson!
Have fun, smile, play
Explore the world with interest!

You are 6 years old! Wow!
Let's celebrate soon!
After all, a birthday is always
Fun to meet with friends!
Gifts, games, ringing laughter,
Good smiles all around!
Grow up and be happy
In a bright and big world!

Our dear, mischievous and glorious child,
6 years have passed since you left the diaper,
You play with cars, build garages,
Your questions have become serious.
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you a fabulous life with all our heart,
May your path be bright
Let you pass all worries.

Today is a holiday in our house,
You are six years old
We will sing and dance in your honor,
Let's build a candy castle!
We congratulate you, dear,
May your angel keep you
We wish you happy years
Loving you with all my heart!

It's great - six years
Joyful dawn of life!
Smile more cheerfully
You are among your friends!
Grow up, go ahead
Believe: luck awaits you!
Never be discouraged!
You are the best, you know!

It's been six years now
How fast time flies
May God protect from all troubles
Like water, let joy flow.

So that luck is near
smile and success
Were always there
To make us all happy.

Happy Birthday, dear,
Our own child
Dad, mom love you
We are always with you.

Time flew by quickly
You are 6 years old today
We wish you happiness and health,
Candy fireworks.
May your wishes come true
May luck smile on you
May you be lucky in everything, always
May the golden angel keep you.

6 years! Your wonderful holiday.
Day of joy, fun!
Dreams come true, hero!

Six for you! happy holiday,
The best birthday ever!
Wonderful gifts await
Lots of games and fun!
Your life will be wonderful
The sun will smile!
They will be, like in a good fairy tale,
All wishes come true!

ringing bell
Laughter breaks out
Have a child today
Holidays are the best!
Celebrating a birthday
(Name) - as much as 6 years!
I sincerely wish
In the life of any victories!
Both in play and study
You be lucky!
Listen to mom and dad
And don't forget me!

Your birthday is a holiday of childhood,
With excitement and joy you are waiting for him,
There will be a place at the table for all guests,
We wish you all the best.
You are 6 years old today, congratulations,
We are happy to give gifts
Good health, good luck and kindness,
We sincerely wish you many more years.

Turned six years today
Your whole house is full of guests,
And you look great
And give joy at the table.

You will go to school soon
New friends are waiting for you
And hard work awaits you there,
But do not sit there in vain.

You suck in knowledge like a sponge,
After all, knowledge is important in life,
Do good deeds
Useful be you for the country!

Look! Straight out of a fairy tale
To congratulate from the bottom of my heart,
Together with Little Red Riding Hood
The gray wolf is rushing towards you!
Friendship, joy, luck -
Wishes of all do not count!
Say it out loud: Happy Birthday!
After all, you are six today!

So many adventures await
Happiness, joy can not be counted!
Games! Surprises! Entertainment!
After all, today you are 6!

For a whole year the boat sailed in the sea,
And on it your birthday slept,
And today he moored to the shore,
You've been looking forward to your holiday.
6 years came to you very on time,
Just in that month and date,
And sweetly reminded us all
Your wonderful birthday.

On this bright and festive day,
I want great ideas.
To be able to draw well
He made a bed behind him.

Mom and dad dutifully loved
And on the street, so as not to freak out.
Adults should always be respected
Accept problems calmly.

Hurry up to accept congratulations
And don't ever be discouraged.
After all, six years is a great date,
For you, for your sister, or for your brother.

Turned 6 - there is no more wonderful day!
Everything on a joyful holiday is like this, for you:
Games, fun, lots of gifts,
Pleasant surprises and sweet goodies!
Like in a fairy tale, miracles! Have fun, laugh!
Every wish will come true!
Let the sunbeam playfully sparkle -
He also congratulates you today!

You are six years old today
The years go by so fast!
Get your backpack ready for school
It's time to get together.
Well, at the festive table
Accept congratulations.
We wish you dear
Happiness and fun!

Let guests come at 6 years old
Celebrate birthday!
So nice to have fun
And receive gifts!
Play hide and seek, hide and seek,
Catch-up, "brook"!
Let from joy and happiness
The voice will become louder!

Day of happiness, laughter, joy -
You are 6 today!
May there be so many sweets
To not eat them for a year!

How to congratulate a boy on his birthday? Send a beautiful picture with a congratulation or a poem. Download for free.

Choose a children's birthday greeting

Happy birthday cartoon

Congratulate the boy on his birthday by ordering a cool phone call to him :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Click the left mouse button on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

Happy birthday to your son by ordering him a pleasant call:

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering a pleasant audio greeting-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations to load above this text
  2. Listen to audio greetings and wishes
  3. Choose the one you like the most
  4. Indicate which number you need to call and play the wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulations is delighted :)

What a wonderful moment.
The boy has a birthday!
6 is not enough at all
After all, he almost became a man!

I wish him courage
Take on any business
Be healthy and active
Be strong and be athletic!

You're already big
The year is sixth.
happy birthday congratulations
And I wish you soon:

Have fun and smile
You never give up.
You will go to school soon
And you will find friends there.

Always listen to mom and dad
Let there be many toys.
Learn a lot of new
Have fun and play!

happy birthday congratulations
And we want to be strong!
Always be always ready
Protect the weak and the young.

We don't want you to get sick
Don't be sad at all
And with good deeds
Manage without problems.

Let relatives be near
And friends - shoulder to shoulder.
We wish you all the best
What more could you want.

6 years ago a miracle happened -
You appeared in the world.
Such a wonderful, beautiful boy
Child of happiness and love!

So be always healthy
Always learn lessons
And put away your toys
And love smart books!

I wish you success
Help your parents
Be athletic, active, strong,
Don't give up on your goal!

You are 6 years old today
How fast are you growing
Finish kindergarten soon
And you will go to school.

Let it be for your birthday
Wishes come true
Miracles and magic
Let them happen in life.

And for me you are a miracle
The biggest
And I wish you
Happiness and health.

Happy Birthday to You,
Happy sixth birthday to you!
Got so big
It's become so cool!

You will go to school soon
Bring us five.
Always be the best
Success in everything awaits you!

You are exactly 6 today
Your merits are uncountable.
You, boy, are strong and strong,
Smart beyond his years!

So with the ability to surprise everyone,
Just be less naughty.
And make your friends
To play more fun!

You are six years old, which means
That you are already so big!
I wish you joy, good luck,
So that your life becomes colorful!

Let wishes come true
And all dreams will come true!
I want to smile more often
May you all be happier!

Happy Birthday. You are 6 years old, which means you are no longer a little boy, you are a real brave guy. And I wish you health, strength, support of the whole family and loyal friends. And let everyone claim that knights no longer exist, that it was a long time ago, and I wish you to grow up just like that - a real knight - brave, noble, fearless, dexterous and strong.

Cars, robot, ball, book
Huge hello to you.
You are a wonderful boy
Hooray! You are already six years old!

We give you a task, baby -
Eat porridge, sleep, walk, get smarter,
Master checkers, drawing,
Then to fly into space.

Grow, learn and be yourself.
Always, then and for a century.
We love you, we are with you
Our very valuable person!

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