What to do if your face is chapped. What to do if your face is chapped? Drink more tea

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Strong winds destroy the protective lipid barrier of the skin, which protects it from drying out. Losing moisture, the skin experiences sensations similar to a sunburn.

The first symptoms of chapped skin

If you come home from the cold with flushed cheeks, everything is fine. But if the redness does not go away for more than an hour, most likely the skin has already suffered from chapping. More serious signals are itching, burning and soreness of the skin when touched. Don't waste time: take measures to treat chapped skin!

1. Cancel bath procedures

In winter, we really love to bask in a sauna, steam bath, or just a hot bath, but the heat is harmful to chapped skin. So wash your face with lukewarm water, don’t steam your skin, and be sure to soften it with facial oils, olive or almond oil, and a gentle cream.

2. Check the composition of face creams

Until the skin recovers, the use of creams with salicylic acid is strictly contraindicated; it dries the skin even more and can aggravate the situation.


3. Avoid scrubbing and peeling

Chapped skin often flakes, but don't be tempted to "scrub" off the flakes. Against the background of dehydration, the skin is especially sensitive, and minimally abrasive products can lead to ulcers, microcracks and inflammation.

4. Apply cream or oil immediately after washing

Do not let the chapped skin of your hands and face dry out even for a second: the more actively you moisturize it, the faster the lipid barrier on its surface will be restored.

5. Humidify the indoor air

If you don’t have a special humidifier, just lay wet towels on the radiators and place (especially in the bedroom) containers with water.

6. No coffee

Not to mention alcohol. All substances that promote the removal of fluid from the body should be excluded.

7. Drink more tea

Better than green or herbal. And use the dried tea leaves to make compresses on the affected areas.

8. Drink through a straw

The lips are usually the first to take the hit, and any liquid that gets on them dries them out even more. So it will be safer through a straw!

9. Eat nuts and fish

The skin will recover faster if you add foods rich in Omega-3 acids to your diet: sea fish, walnuts, legumes. Another component useful for the skin is vitamin E. In the pharmacy it is sold in capsules that can be pierced and the vitamin applied to damaged areas of the epidermis.

Cold weather, strong winds and frost are precisely those negative factors that can ruin the condition of any person’s skin, but babies and small children suffer the most from this, because their skin is very sensitive and delicate. Cracks appear on the baby's face, and any touch to the skin causes pain, so if the child's face is chapped, treatment should be carried out immediately.

Causes of chapping

A chapped face is not only a problem during the cold season, it can also happen in the summer

In fact, the idea that frostbitten cheeks can only occur in winter is wrong. In the summer, this can be caused by injury from grains of sand, strong winds and too dry air, as a result of which the skin peels and turns red. First of all, the baby's cheeks, lips and nose become chapped, and much less often the forehead and chin.

The main causes of chapped face in a child:

  • Strong temperature changes. For example, when leaving a warm house into severe frost.
  • Gusts of wind. The skin becomes dry, the fat layer becomes smaller, resulting in skin injury.
  • Excessively intense heating using air conditioning or ventilation.
  • Long stay in the cold.

How does weathering occur?

Under the influence of strong gusts of wind and dry frosty air, blood vessels are pinched, and the skin begins to suffer from a lack of nutrition and oxygen. The functioning of the sebaceous glands deteriorates, as a result of which the skin becomes thin, dehydrated, and the water-lipid barrier is destroyed. As a result, irritation appears on the face, wounds and cracks form, which can itch and hurt, and the affected cells peel off.

Important! Chapping occurs least often in people with oily skin types - increased secretion of the sebaceous glands increases the protection of the epidermis.

Severe frost and wind have a negative effect on the skin.

Main symptoms

If your baby's face becomes chapped, the following symptoms usually appear:

  • Peeling of the skin, especially often on the cheeks and nose.
  • The formation of cracks, which is caused by drying of the skin. The resulting wounds can bleed and be very painful.
  • Burning, redness and itching.
  • Feeling of skin tightness.
  • Tearing.
  • Irritation. Blistering may occur.
  • The skin becomes rough and rough to the touch.

The first symptom of chapping is redness of the skin.

Chapping treatment

What should you do if your child’s face is chapped? First of all, get rid of the influence of negative factors and try not to take the baby outside for at least the first three days. Parents should ensure that the baby does not rub or scratch chapped areas or lick his lips, as this will only worsen the condition of the baby's skin.

What to do if your child has chapped lips

Important! When chapped, it is contraindicated to wash your face with hot water; it should be barely warm, otherwise it may worsen the situation. After water procedures, you need to gently pat your face with a towel, and then apply a moisturizing baby cream to the skin.

For chapping, the therapist may recommend antibacterial ointment and nourishing cream, which should be used to treat the newborn’s skin at least 3 times a day. If you start treatment at the wrong time, the rough cheeks will begin to peel off, after which wounds and cracks may appear on the affected area. Sore lips should be lubricated with cream or moisturizer every hour.

To replenish the water balance and accelerate the regeneration of the skin, it is necessary for the baby to drink more liquid - this can be juice or ordinary warm water. Low-fat fish, nuts and legumes can improve the condition of your facial skin, since they are saturated with such an important substance as Omega 3. Vitamin E, contained in vegetable oil, dairy products and olives, is no less useful.

Avoid offering coffee to your child as it can cause dehydration. It is also not recommended to give citrus fruits, spices and large amounts of salt to prevent skin irritation.

When chapping, you need to pay attention to the child’s water balance.


The following medications are most often recommended for the treatment of chapping in children:

  1. Bepanten - provitamin B-5 promotes regeneration and healing of the epidermis, accelerates metabolic processes in cells, and also nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It has a complex effect. Sold in the form of cream and ointment.
  2. Hydrocortisone ointment. Hormonal agent. Good for relieving puffiness, eliminating itching and softening flaky areas. The treatment period is two weeks; you cannot take the drug longer, as it becomes addictive.
  3. D-panthenol, active substance – dexpanthenol. The medication helps restore mucous membranes and skin, exhibits anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and helps improve metabolism in cells. Has a softening, moisturizing and soothing effect on chapped skin. Dosage forms: cream and ointment for external use.
  4. Dexpanthenol. The drug eliminates inflammation and irritation, redness and swelling. Sold in the form of ointment and cream, for the treatment of frostbite and chapping it is better to use the second option - thanks to the fatty base of the product, a special film is formed on the skin, providing nutrition, softening and protection of the dermis.

Causes of irritation from diapers, methods of treatment and prevention

Ointment D Panthenol is known for its healing effect

Prevention of chapping

To avoid chapping, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Approximately an hour before a walk, apply anti-chapping cream for children to open areas, which softens and nourishes the child’s delicate skin.
  2. When pushing a newborn in a stroller in frosty weather, be sure to raise the top (roof) and put mittens on the child’s arms.
  3. Do not wash your baby before going outside; it is especially not recommended to use soap - it can make the skin dry, causing the face to become chapped even faster.
  4. Before going outside, use anti-chapping cream or hygienic lipstick, since most of them have tasty and pleasant smells, children really like to use them. It is advisable that the product include vitamin E. Many doctors recommend “Morozko” and “Rosy Cheeks” cosmetics. You can also coat your lips with regular Vaseline.
  5. Constantly maintain an optimal level of humidity in the apartment. This can be done using special devices or placed containers filled with water.
  6. Make sure that your baby’s diet includes foods that include vitamin A. This includes: liver, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, butter and carrots.
  7. Teach your child to breathe through his nose in the cold to avoid chapped lips.

Important! Applying butter to your lips instead of hygienic lipstick is strictly contraindicated, since the product contains moisture, which tends to harden in the cold, as a result of which the risk of chapped lips increases.

Cold weather, sharp winds and dry air in rooms with central heating have a detrimental effect on the skin. The forehead and cheeks tighten, the eyelids turn red, and wrinkles appear under the eyes. What to do if your face is chapped? Cosmetologists say that it is necessary to eliminate the cause - skin dehydration.

The face becomes chapped.

Chapped face: cosmetic care in the cold season

In the wind and dry air, skin follicles quickly lose moisture. Because of this, red spots appear on the cheeks and chin, and the forehead and nose peel. There is a burning sensation and the so-called winter itch. Thin and dry skin is especially affected.

At the first signs of chapping, you need to start special moisturizing care. It includes:

  • daily use of moisturizing creams and masks. For sensitive skin, you should choose a cream without fragrances and lanolin;
  • applying skincare cosmetics immediately after washing, while the skin is covered with a layer of water;
  • reduction in washing. Excessive cleansing leads to dehydration. It is enough to wash your face once a day with warm water without soap. The scrub cannot be used until the skin has recovered. In case of “winter itching”, after washing, lubricate the irritated areas with Vaseline oil;
  • avoiding extreme cold. On frosty days, you should reduce your time outdoors as much as possible. Half an hour before going out, you need to lubricate your face with a rich cream and apply balm to your lips;
  • protection from sunlight. The winter sun is no less dangerous for beauty than the summer sun. People with sensitive skin, even in the winter months, should use a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 15.

If these methods do not help and you still experience dryness, itching, flaking, and skin cracks, you should visit a dermatologist.

Chapped face: home remedies for recovery

For skin irritation, an infusion of marshmallow root helps well. It is prepared from 1 tsp. dried root, pour a glass of boiling water for 4 hours. A softening infusion is made from flaxseed - 1 tbsp. l. seeds are brewed with boiling water and left overnight. You can wash your face with these drugs 4-5 times a day.

Masks based on natural products give good results. They are prepared like this:

  • mix 1 tsp. cream, carrot juice, cottage cheese;
  • grind 1 tsp. honey until white with a little milk;
  • combine 0.5 tsp. olive oil with raw yolk, add 5 drops of lemon juice;
  • Finely chop the pulp of fresh cucumber, mix with 1 tsp. warm milk.

All masks are applied for 20 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water and use a nourishing cream.

If your facial skin becomes chapped and red during the cold season, you should pay attention to your diet and lifestyle. The menu should include more dishes containing vitamins A and E. It is also worth getting rid of bad habits - smoking and alcohol additionally dehydrate the body.

As soon as cold weather sets in, the skin of the face begins to suffer quite severely, since it is the only exposed part of the body. Everything harms it - low temperatures, severe frosts, wind and biting snow.

Sometimes protective cream and a fairly impressive layer of makeup don’t help. An unhealthy tint appears on the face, the capillary network is outlined, and areas of dry and cracked skin appear.

If your face is chapped, what to do at home is an important question that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.

The reason is that this is not just a certain cosmetic defect, but also physiological discomfort, since the skin reacts very painfully to touch.

This problem can be solved using different methods - inexpensive drugs and folk remedies.

It is a mistaken belief that the face can become chapped only in winter. There is a risk of encountering this problem even on the hottest day if you stay in the sun for a long time under the influence of strong wind and dry air.

The mechanism of skin chapping is based on the following stages:

This process must be studied, so that in the process of deciding what to do if your face is chapped, you can eliminate the symptom one by one.

The chapping mechanism is characteristic of each skin type, only oily skin on the face is protected a little better, since it is protected by natural sebaceous secretions from the subcutaneous glands.

The average person rarely experiences chapping of the skin.. The problem is acute for people who engage in special sports or are forced to constantly work in the air, sun or cold.

Before you begin the process of skin restoration and treatment, you need to make sure that your face is actually chapped. It is important to exclude allergic reactions or simple vitamin deficiency, which is typical for the winter and autumn seasons.

Before starting treatment, you need to carefully examine the skin, pay attention to symptoms characteristic of chapping, such as:

Even if there are no serious symptoms at all, if there is simple redness on the skin, it needs to be saved as quickly as possible.

The main effective resuscitation measures depend on the degree of skin damage. The scheme of actions performed is determined and prescribed by the doctor.

In particularly advanced cases, you will have to carry out some procedures in the salon; for simpler chapping, it is enough to carry out simple procedures at home.

It is worth noting that if the skin on the face has been burned by the sun, it will take two weeks to restore it; if it is simple chapping, the epidermis can be restored in literally 4-5 days.

So, what to do if the skin on the face is very chapped, how to reanimate the skin, how to treat the chapped face of an adult and a child?

If an adult or a child’s skin is chapped, reddened and peeling, it is very important to take action as promptly as possible.

There are several proven methods that will help quickly return the skin to normal condition, provide it with the most timely help and prevent an even worsening of the situation.

Here are the most effective of them:

If the skin on a man’s face is chapped, in addition to all the rules listed above, you can add proper shaving.

If at first it is not possible to completely abstain from this process, you need to do this as carefully as possible, performing movements along the hair growth.

If a child's skin is chapped, first aid for him will be to apply a moisturizer to the skin and drink plenty of warm drinks.

In order for chapped skin in adults and children to quickly return to its normal state, it is worth consuming as much of the substance known as Omega-3 as possible.

The component is present in large quantities in fatty fish, nuts, and all types of legumes. These products help moisturize the skin and restore it more quickly.

It is equally important to include foods that contain vitamin E into your diet - vegetable oils, dairy products, olives and nuts.

It is advisable to take all actions to restore the skin after chapping after consulting a dermatologist.

The help of a specialist is especially important in case of pronounced signs and in advanced situations, for example, if the skin is very red and cracked. The doctor will conduct a simple examination and prescribe effective remedies.

Among the most effective drugs are:

  1. Cream with hydrocortisone 5%, designed specifically for chapped skin. The course of treatment with this drug is 2 weeks. No longer necessary to avoid skin addiction.
  2. Bepanten.
  3. Dexapanthenol is a product based on pantothenic acid.

Instead of a dermatologist, you can visit a cosmetologist. After an examination, the specialist will decide what to apply to the chapped face, and will also carry out several restorative procedures aimed at treating chapped skin.

If the skin on your face is very chapped, the help of a professional will be the ideal and necessary solution to the problem. This is an ideal opportunity to return your skin to its ideal condition in the shortest possible time.

Traditional medicine

In folk cosmetology, there are quite a lot of different recipes that will help quickly eliminate various unpleasant symptoms of chapping. These are a variety of masks, compresses, the use of infusions and solutions. Here are the most effective options for affecting the skin.

Masks based on yogurt and honey will be very effective.. You can use oatmeal with milk.

The main components are taken in equal quantities, mixed and applied to the skin. The average exposure time is 15 minutes.

These masks are not only a unique means of restoring the skin after chapping, but also nourishing and rejuvenating it.

Green mask

This composition helps very well in the process of restoring the skin after chapping. Prepare a mask from the following ingredients:

  • two sprigs of parsley;
  • 5 tablespoons of boiled cabbage;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • yolk;
  • a spoonful of steamed oatmeal.

First of all, oatmeal is brewed, the resulting flour is poured with hot water. The amount of boiling water should be two fingers more than the edge of the flour.

Boiled cabbage and parsley are thoroughly chopped in a blender. The gruel is mixed with steamed oatmeal, and the yolk and olive oil are added to everything. Everything is mixed again in the blender.

Before applying the composition, the skin is cleansed with lotion and only then a mask is applied. After waiting 20 minutes, all residues are washed off with a damp cosmetic wipe.

To complete the care step, the face is washed with water and a moisturizer is applied. This is a rather complicated mask to prepare, but you should not neglect it. The product provides a unique restorative effect.

This is an effective mask for chapped skin. To prepare it, you need to take and mix one teaspoon of olive oil and honey.

One yolk is added to the resulting composition and the whole thing is applied to the face for about 15 minutes.

It is advisable to wash off the composition with herbal infusion or milk.. The product must be applied carefully, since the honey contained in the composition is a strong allergen.

Oil compresses

Various vegetable oils have a positive effect on chapped skin. They can be used as moisturizing compresses.

Almond, sea buckthorn, olive oil and jojoba-based products work ideally..

Before applying, you need to warm up the oil a little, moisten a cotton pad in it and very carefully wipe the skin with it or simply apply it to the damaged area.

This is one of the most effective remedies for seriously chapped skin.

To prepare the product, you need to take two tablespoons of the raw material, add a glass of water and leave for about 20 minutes. After this, the product is filtered and used in the form of a regular cosmetic lotion.

You can use this infusion as a contrast compress.. You will need to divide the infusion into two equal parts. One of them is heated and used as a compress.

To carry out this procedure, you will need to moisten a piece of gauze in a warm solution and another in a cool one.

Hot and warm compresses should be applied alternately to the face, keeping each for 2 minutes. It is advisable to do 3 to 5 repetitions. You need to finish the procedure with a cool compress.

After the event, be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin. If the chapping was very severe, the most damaged areas can be treated not with cream, but with sea buckthorn oil.

To carry out such contrasting restoration, you can use not only calendula, but also chamomile, lavender and cornflower. These herbs ideally nourish, restore and disinfect the skin.

Apples not only significantly strengthen the body, but provide an opportunity to completely eliminate skin problems.

To prepare a remedy for apples, you will need to mix apple juice, cream and apple juice in equal quantities. All components are thoroughly mixed and the finished composition is applied to the skin of the face.

It is advisable to wait 30 minutes and wash off the mask with warm, clean water.

At the same time as this mask, you can apply honey or olive oil to your lips, which moisturizes the skin of your lips very well.

Caring for chapped skin may seem very difficult, but all such measures are extremely necessary for damaged skin to maintain its normal condition.

From all the different methods of skin restoration, you can choose the best option and quickly bring your skin back to full order.

Mask for chapped face


As a conclusion, we can give a few tips that can nourish the skin and make it more protected from winds and winter cold. These are a kind of preventive measures that make the skin resistant to winds and winter cold.

In the process of daily washing, you should not use soap, but only special gels, foams and milk.

It is advisable to replace the towel with soft napkins. There is no need to wipe yourself, just blot your skin to remove excess moisture.

It is very important to nourish and moisturize the skin in winter, using fatty creams and applying Vaseline to the lips. Before going outside, you need to apply a special protective cream to your face about 30 minutes before going outside.

Proper nutrition and drinking plenty of water will have a positive effect on your facial skin. In winter and in the off-season, it is advisable to take multivitamin complexes.

It is advisable to completely give up cigarettes and alcohol. The decorative cosmetics used must have filters from the summer sun and a large number of moisturizing ingredients for the winter.

At least twice a week you need to make softening and moisturizing face masks.

Initially, it may seem that the complex of activities associated with facial care is difficult to implement and time-consuming. This is not true, if you follow all the tips listed above, you can prevent severe skin damage.

If you take time for prevention, you can significantly reduce the risk of chapping during unfavorable times of the year.

A chapped face is not uncommon; this phenomenon is in no way related to frostbite. It can also occur at other times of the year due to wind, cold and temperature changes. These factors greatly affect the condition of the skin, make its protective layer thinner and disrupt its structure.

In addition, this is accompanied by redness, peeling and a feeling as if the skin has instantly lost moisture and dried out. The main reason for this is dry skin. But if the skin has already been damaged, then it can be restored as soon as possible, the main thing is to start doing this right away.

How to save adult skin

As soon as you come home, you discover that the skin is damaged, has a reddish color and flaky edges, you should immediately wash your face with cool water. Then you need to gently pat your face with a soft towel, without making sudden movements. After this, you should lubricate your face with moisturizing cream that you have in the house.

The video explains what to do if the skin on your face is chapped:

Apples not only strengthen the body, but also help eliminate skin problems. To prepare the apple remedy, mix apple juice, oatmeal and cream in equal proportions. The components are mixed. The finished composition is applied to the face and left for half an hour. The mask is washed off with warm water. It can be applied in winter to prevent chapping.

The lips suffer from chapping no less than the face, and often even more. Therefore, a honey mask will help to save them and eliminate their cracking. It should contain two components mixed in equal proportions - vegetable oil and liquid honey. They are applied to the lips in the evening and left overnight to ensure their effect lasts longer. If you suddenly have an allergy to honey, then you can lubricate your lips only with oil.

The video explains what to do if your face becomes chapped in the cold:

If you don’t have the desire or the necessary ingredients to prepare a mask, you can buy vitamin E in liquid form at the pharmacy. They need to treat their lips daily until they return to normal. Or you can simply buy a hygienic lip balm that already contains this vitamin. You should use it constantly when you are going out.

Aloe juice has an excellent effect on the skin of the lips; with its help, you can eliminate chapping in a day. A leaf is plucked from a plant that has reached five years of age, and then cut, and the lips are moistened with the released juice. The flower leaf can be stored in the refrigerator. Also read about how.

Child's problems

Children should be lubricated with protective cream before going out in windy or frosty weather. Now many cosmetic companies producing children's series have developed special weather protection products that are hypoallergenic and suitable for all children.

To prevent your child from becoming chapped, you must follow simple rules:

  • After returning from the street, be sure to give your child warm tea or cocoa. This will replenish the loss of moisture in his body. And it is better not to drink drinks outside in extreme weather conditions.
  • Ventilate the room where the child sleeps more often. It may be worth purchasing a humidifier. As a last resort, you can put a damp towel on the battery or place a plastic container with water.
  • After water procedures in winter, children's skin should be lubricated with nourishing cream or oil.
  • During a walk, you should try to cover your baby's face with a scarf, protecting him from the wind and frost.

The photo shows what it means to have a weathered face:

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