Pregnant belly. Belly during pregnancy - changes by week. Does the shape of the belly matter?

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Pregnancy is the most wonderful time in the life of every woman. The feeling of the birth of a new life is inspiring, but at the same time it frightens: is everything going correctly, does the size of the pregnant belly correspond to the norms. And what kind of norms are they anyway?

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

It's hard to feel like a real, expectant mother when your stomach is the same as before pregnancy.

Even if you are constantly sick, you have an appetite for strange dishes - when you are still wearing pre-pregnancy clothes, pregnancy seems like an abstraction. Only when you stand in front of the mirror and you see a rounded figure does impending motherhood become more real.

First trimester

The first trimester is the time when you are aware of your pregnancy. Only relatives know.

At first glance, nothing has changed in appearance, but in the body a revolution is already taking place. Internal organs begin to move to make room for the growing uterus. Instead of the expected belly, the mammary glands first become larger. Only at the end of the third month does the skirt become a little narrow. Women expect changes in the middle part of the abdomen, but first the roundness appears lower, above the pubis - because that's where the baby is.

Second and third trimester

In the middle of pregnancy, most expectant mothers complain that the belly is not visible, or that it is too small.

But big changes will have to wait. At 20 weeks, the uterus is only the size of a large grapefruit, and the baby weighs approx. 350-400 g. Breakthrough occurs between 20 and 30 weeks. Now the belly is starting to appear in the middle, and will be high for a long time to come down before giving birth. This happens because the baby moves towards the reproductive canal. It is then easier for the expectant mother to breathe, but the pressure on the bladder increases and an unpleasant tingling sensation may occur in the lower abdomen or groin area.

There may be a feeling that the stomach is very low and sticks out more. At the end of the ninth month, already approx. 100 cm in circumference.

Belly during pregnancy photo by month

What to do if your belly is too small

If, despite the weeks that have passed, your belly is not growing, there is usually nothing to worry about. As women gain weight at different rates in the future, it doesn't make much sense to compare yourself to your friends who are expecting a baby. Every body reacts differently to pregnancy. If you have strong abdominal muscles, your belly will be smaller. Sometimes the cause is excess kilograms - with heavy forms, the belly is less noticeable.

Does the shape of your belly matter?

“A sharp belly is a boy, a round belly is a girl,” “a big belly is a big child, a small belly is a small child.” Have you heard such predictions? Unfortunately, there is no truth in them. The size of a child is often determined by hereditary character traits, good nutrition, and a hygienic lifestyle.

Often women who have gained a lot of pounds during pregnancy give birth to small children. And vice versa.

The belly may be higher or lower, larger or smaller, more or less compact, depending on the size and position of the baby, but also on the weight and size of your body.

How your figure changes during pregnancy

The most noticeable sign of pregnancy is a change in your figure. Read what changes your body undergoes.

  • The belly grows, the uterus becomes heavier.
  • The buttocks expand.
  • The center of gravity of the body changes - the baby moves forward in relation to the line of the legs, so you can easily lose your balance.
  • Breasts become larger - this is the effect of hormonal changes that prepare the body for pregnancy.

How much weight can I gain during pregnancy?

Eating for two during pregnancy has long been outdated. Excess kilograms, as well as excessive thinness, can negatively affect the health of the child, pregnancy and childbirth.

This is how much a pregnant woman should recover.

First trimester of pregnancy - approx. 1-2 kg,

Second trimester of pregnancy - approx. 6 kg,

Third trimester of pregnancy - approx. 5 kg.

During the entire pregnancy, a woman should gain from 11.5 to 16 kg. Only women who were very thin before pregnancy can afford a little more, that is, approximately 12.5-18 kg.

Abdominal growth during pregnancy, from month to month

How a woman's belly grows from month to month during pregnancy. During the nine months of pregnancy, a woman's body experiences certain important changes.

Her body undergoes various anatomical, chemical and physiological transformations that will contribute to the growth of the child.

One of these changes occurs in the belly of the expectant mother. Starting from the second trimester, the child begins to grow from month to month, changing and this will be noticeable in the size of his mother’s belly. She will need to adjust her clothing as well as her walking habits, sitting habits, etc. with a new abdominal volume.

There are no changes in the pregnant woman's abdominal cavity; the uterus is approximately the size of a tennis ball. Although you may notice some physical changes, such as enlarged breasts, heavier digestion or heartburn in the stomach. The embryo is shaped like a tiny tadpole and is smaller than a grain of rice.

– Second month of pregnancy

A pregnant woman may already notice her slightly rounded belly, and that her clothes are slightly tight at the waist. The size of the uterus will be the size of a bunch of grapes. The embryo is approximately 2.5 cm long. The placenta develops very quickly.

Third month of pregnancy

The uterus is slightly larger than a bunch of grapes and can be felt above the pubic bone. The embryo has a length of 6 to 7.5 cm and weighs 40 grams. It is approximately the size of an orange. You can hear the heartbeat using Doppler ultrasound.

Fourth month of pregnancy

The woman will already be able to feel the uterus 4 cm below the navel. The uterus is the size of a small melon. The embryo measures 12–13 cm and weighs 150 grams. The body grows faster than the head. The genitals are already visible and he is already sucking his thumb. The placenta is functioning at full capacity.

Fifth month of pregnancy

A pregnant woman is halfway through her pregnancy and the base of the uterus reaches the navel line. The waist becomes wider and pregnancy becomes noticeable. The embryo measures from 17 to 23 cm and weighs almost 400 grams, the muscles are strengthened, the nervous network develops and the bones harden. The baby's movements begin to be felt by the mother.

Sixth month of pregnancy

The uterus is already higher than 4 cm of the navel and is the size of a basketball. The embryo is more than 30 cm in size and weighs 800 grams, is already quite active and has quite a lot of coordination of movements. From now on, he can open and close his eyes. And he may have hiccups and small tremors can be felt by the mother.

Seventh month of pregnancy

The uterus is located 11 cm above the navel or about 30 cm above the pubic bone. The child measures 40 cm and weighs 1,200 grams. There is a lot of brain development going on. The lungs are the most immature organ during this period.

Eighth month of pregnancy

The height of the uterus from the pubic bone usually coincides with the period of pregnancy, at 34 weeks, measured 34 cm. Pregnancy is marked by discomfort and difficulty in performing certain movements. The child measures about 45 – 50 cm and weighs 2,500 grams. He has periods of sleep and less space for physical activity and his lungs have almost reached their maturity.

Ninth month of pregnancy

The uterus is now under the ribs. The base of the uterus is located 38–40 cm from the pubic bone. The abdominal skin of a pregnant woman is relaxed as much as possible and the pregnant woman moves a little awkwardly. The child moves with difficulty and at half of this month it is considered that he is fully formed and developed for childbirth. The placenta weighs 600 grams.

On the one hand, it would seem that everything is very simple: the belly grows because the child grows in it, and this happens to all expectant mothers the same way, because any normal pregnancy lasts 9 months. But in reality, everything is much more complicated, since the characteristics of the growth of the abdomen are much more eloquent than it seems.

What determines the size of the abdomen during pregnancy?

The height of the abdomen, that is, the height of the fundus of the uterus, normally corresponds to the period of pregnancy. For example, at the 32nd week of pregnancy it should be 32-33 cm. But the “fullness” of the abdomen depends on the individual characteristics of the woman. Sometimes it is influenced by the anatomical structure: in petite women with a narrow pelvis, the stomach is much more noticeable than in tall women with curvy hips. But most of all, the growth of the abdomen is associated with the general weight gain of the pregnant woman. And this is precisely what a woman should constantly pay her attention to.

What weight gain is considered normal?

Each woman's norm is individual, since everything depends on the body mass index. It is calculated like this: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. The normal index is considered to be from 19.8 to 25.9. But if you are expecting twins, add about 2.5-4.5 kg to these numbers.

Typically, women gain 40% of their weight in the first half of pregnancy and 60% in the second half. That is, if a woman had a normal weight before pregnancy, in the first trimester she can gain 1.5-2 kg, during the second - 0.5 kg per week, and for the entire ninth month - no more than 0.5 -1 kg.

Belly size depending on age

It is very important that the weight increases evenly and constantly, since the normal development of the child depends on it!

Excess weight makes it difficult for a pregnant woman to work her muscles, and also leads to swelling in the legs, anterior abdominal wall and arms. The back and calf muscles begin to ache, blood circulation in the veins of the legs is disrupted, and varicose veins worsen. As a result, this can lead to the development of a threatened miscarriage, impaired fetal development due to placental edema, placental abruption, premature birth, and even intrauterine death.

Therefore, if a pregnant woman gains weight too quickly, she should check the amount of fluid she drinks and excretes per day, and also limit her daily diet, especially the consumption of salt, as well as spicy, fried and fatty foods.

It is also recommended to carry out fasting days every 10 days. But this does not mean that a pregnant woman should starve! It’s just that these days you should limit yourself to certain foods, for example, apples, cottage cheese, kefir or meat in strictly defined quantities.

However, weight gain largely depends on improper functioning of the kidneys, for example, with urolithiasis or pyelonephritis. Therefore, we must not forget about changes in a woman’s hormonal levels during pregnancy, which contributes to the expansion of the urinary tract, which becomes an “open gate” for various infections that penetrate the kidneys. That is why all pregnant women need to conduct a bacteriological examination of vaginal discharge and constantly monitor urine tests.

Insufficient weight gain for a pregnant woman is no better, since it often leads to impaired fetal development, the birth of a too small child, premature birth, and sometimes even the death of the newborn.

Pregnant women need to strive for the “golden mean”!

It is very important for both the expectant mother and her loved ones to take care of an even and calm emotional mood during pregnancy. Indeed, in a stressful situation, some women begin to throw any food that comes to hand into their mouths, emptying the refrigerator. So much for being overweight. And about others, on the contrary, one can say: “sadness and melancholy eats her up.”

Take care of your health: exercise regularly and eat well. And most importantly, treat yourself carefully and carefully, because you are standing on the threshold of a miracle, namely, the birth of your dear little man.

Dimensions of the uterus during pregnancy

The uterus increases in size throughout pregnancy.

Before 12 weeks pregnant the uterus is completely located in the pelvis, although its size already corresponds to the size of the newborn’s head. After 12 weeks, the enlarging uterus can be clearly felt through the anterior abdominal wall in the lower abdomen, just above the pubis. As the period increases, it rises higher and higher.

IN 16 weeks pregnant The fundus of the uterus (the upper convex part of the uterus) is located midway between the pubis and the navel.

IN 20 weeks pregnant The fundus of the uterus is located 2 transverse fingers below the navel. At this time, the tummy is already noticeably enlarged; this is visible to the naked eye, even if the expectant mother is dressed.

IN 24 weeks pregnant The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel.

At 28 weeks fundus of the uterus determined 2–3 fingers above the navel.

IN 32 weeks pregnant the bottom of the uterus is located midway between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum (the part of the sternum that forms its lower, free end), the navel begins to smooth out.

IN 38 weeks of pregnancy fundus of the uterus rises to the xiphoid process and costal arches - this is the highest level of the uterine fundus, the navel protrudes.

Towards the end of pregnancy, the reverse process begins: when the baby prepares for childbirth and rushes to the pelvic area, the uterus moves down.

At 40 weeks fundus of the uterus descends to the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process. At the same level of the fundus of the uterus, at the 32nd and 40th weeks of pregnancy its dimensions differ in abdominal circumference by 8–10 cm.

How the fruit grows

The growth of the uterus is primarily determined by the growth of the fetus inside it. Currently, thanks to ultrasound, doctors are able to directly monitor the growth of the fetus in the uterus.

So, at the 12th week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus is 6–7 cm, body weight 20–25 g.
IN 20 weeks pregnant The length of the fruit reaches 25–26 cm, weight – 280–300 g.
IN 28 weeks pregnant The length of the fetus is 35 cm, body weight is 1000–1200 g.
IN 32 weeks pregnant The length of the fetus reaches 40–42 cm, body weight – 1500–1700 g.
IN 36 weeks pregnant these figures are 45–48 cm and 2400–2500 g, respectively.

Body mass full-term fetus by the time of birth it is 2600–5000 g, length – 48–54 cm.

Fetal growth in the uterus and the increase in the amount of amniotic fluid, the doctor monitors the pregnant woman at each appointment using external obstetric examination techniques. The woman lies on her back, legs straightened, and the bladder must be emptied before the examination. The doctor measures the distance from the upper edge of the symphysis pubis to the most prominent part of the uterine fundus with a centimeter tape, determining the height of the uterine fundus (UF), as well as the abdominal circumference at the level of the navel (UF). The measurements help you figure out the rate at which your belly is growing. Approximately, the height of the uterine fundus in centimeters corresponds to the gestational age in weeks. Abdominal circumference depends on many factors, primarily on the woman’s constitution and her weight. An increase in abdominal circumference and weight gain are directly related. On average, abdominal circumference changes by 1 cm every week, starting from 20 weeks pregnant.

Average dimensions of uterine fundus height and abdominal circumference in women with normal body weight before pregnancy

The size of the abdomen and its “visibility” to others is determined not only by the size of the fetus, the weight of the pregnant woman and the amount of amniotic fluid. There are a number of additional factors that influence the size and timing of the appearance of the belly:

  1. Women's physique: thin and short women have a much more noticeable belly than tall and plump women.
  2. Number of pregnancies: in multiparous women, the belly appears earlier and grows faster in the first half of pregnancy; later, the growth rate of the abdomen is compared with that of primigravidas.
  3. Number of fetuses: during multiple pregnancy, the size of the abdomen is significantly ahead of the norm.

Belly shape in late stages of pregnancy has some features. In a normal pregnancy and the correct position of the fetus before birth, the abdomen has an ovoid shape; with polyhydramnios, it becomes spherical, and with a transverse position of the fetus, it takes on the shape of a transverse oval. In primiparous women with a narrow pelvis, the abdomen is pointed, pointed upward, in multiparous women it is saggy.

Enlarged uterus

Normally, the rate of enlargement of the uterus, and therefore the growth of the abdomen, usually strictly corresponds to the duration of pregnancy. Changes in the rate of uterine enlargement can serve as an indicator of various complications of pregnancy, pathology of the mother and fetus. If at the next appointment the doctor discovers that the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to the gestational age, he prescribes additional studies, primarily ultrasound, to clarify the causes of this condition.
If the size of the abdomen is less than the expected gestational age, this may indicate an incorrect determination of the gestational age and the following pathologies:

  1. Fetal growth restriction due to placental insufficiency. With this pathology, the baby is born even with timely birth weighing less than 2500 g, he is weakened, more susceptible to various diseases, and in the future he may lag behind in mental and physical development.
  2. Low water. Its possible causes are fetal malformations, arterial hypertension (persistent increase in blood pressure), placental insufficiency (impaired placental function, leading to developmental delay and oxygen starvation of the fetus).
  3. Genetically determined fetal growth restriction often combined with other congenital defects and oligohydramnios.
  4. Transverse fetal position and low position of the fetus (one of the signs of a threatened miscarriage).

The size of the uterus is larger than the expected gestational age in the following conditions:

  1. Multiple births. Polyhydramnios, which may be caused by infection, diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict (when the body of a Rh-negative mother produces antibodies against Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus), fetal developmental anomalies.
  2. Large fruit. It may be a consequence of both genetic characteristics and gestational diabetes mellitus.
  3. Chorionepithelioma or hydatidiform mole. This is a tumor of the placental tissue, which consists of a large number of small bubbles. With such a tumor, the fetus dies, and the mother requires mandatory treatment.
  4. Breech presentation of the fetus- a variant of the location of the fetus in the uterus, in which its pelvic end is located below, and is located at the entrance to the woman’s pelvis.

Whatever the size and shape of your belly, it deserves the utmost care and attention. Under no circumstances should you tighten your developing belly with tight clothing. Any pressure on the abdomen increases the load on the uterine muscle, increasing the risk of miscarriage, and prolonged vascular spasm leads to a slowdown in blood circulation, reducing the access of oxygen to the fetus, which can cause insufficient weight gain and developmental delays. Try not to wear clothes with a belt, choose trousers and skirts with straps or suspenders, give preference to special tights with a belly allowance, and avoid tight elastic parts.

Skin on the abdomen during pregnancy stretches as it increases gestational age. If the belly grows quickly, this can lead to the formation of stretch marks or pregnancy scars. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman lead to disruption of the synthesis of two important components of the skin: protein polymers collagen and elastin. These substances give the skin the properties of rubber - extensibility, contractility and elasticity. With their deficiency, the skin begins to thin, especially in places subject to the greatest stretching, which in turn leads to the occurrence of intradermal tears.

The body quickly restores lost integrity by “covering up the cracks” with connective tissue, as a result, stretch marks of pregnant women (or stretch marks during pregnancy). They look like reddish stripes, sometimes slightly rising above the surface of the skin, and are localized on the mammary glands, lateral surfaces of the abdomen and thighs. A pregnant woman may experience itching and pressure, which indicates stretching of the skin. During pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, stretch marks are red because they contain blood vessels, and then they turn white, become thinner, but rarely disappear completely.

To prevent the formation of stretch marks, properskin care during pregnancy. Regularly use special lotions or creams made for pregnant women, especially after baths and showers. Such products contain vitamins A and E, substances that improve blood circulation and moisturize the skin, as well as increase the formation of substances such as collagen and elastin in the skin. For prevention, they should be applied to areas especially prone to stretch marks, at least twice a day from the third month of pregnancy. This will not protect you from stretch marks completely, but it will reduce the risk of their formation and relieve skin irritation. Remember that the firmness and elasticity of the skin does not increase immediately. The desired effect will appear only after a couple of months.

The belly during pregnancy is the object of close attention of expectant mothers. Often, only after learning about an interesting situation, a pregnant woman begins to look at her still flat tummy. Some mothers are looking forward to the appearance of a rounded tummy, while others are afraid of changes in their figure.

Indeed, the belly changes the most during pregnancy and communicates to everyone around you the proud title of a future mother. Moreover, not only the size and shape of the abdomen changes, the skin also undergoes changes, pigmentation appears, and possibly stretch marks (read ““).

How the belly grows during pregnancy.

The size of a pregnant woman’s abdomen depends on many factors: body type, muscle condition, the size of the child, its location and the amount of amniotic fluid. In large, tall women, the stomach may visually appear smaller, while in thin women, compared to the mother’s build, it may appear larger.

Naturally, with multiple pregnancies or polyhydramnios, the belly will be larger. The shape and size of the abdomen during the first and second (third) pregnancy will also be different. Most likely, during subsequent pregnancies, the tummy will become noticeable earlier than during the pregnancy of the first baby.

The uterus begins to grow almost from the first days of pregnancy; at eight weeks it is already the size of a fist, at twelve it is the size of the head of a newborn baby. But the belly is not yet visible, because the uterus is very low and covered by the pubic bone.

Only after 12 weeks the uterus begins to emerge from the pelvic area, and the doctor can feel the fundus of the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall. The longer the pregnancy, the higher the uterus rises.

At 16 weeks, the fundus of the uterus is located midway between the pubis and the navel, and at 24 weeks it is at the level of the navel. The height of the uterine fundus increases by 0.7-1.9 centimeters per week before 30 weeks, by 0.6-1.2 cm per week at 30-36 weeks, by 0.1-0.4 cm after 36 weeks. cm per week. After 38 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus, on the contrary, may drop slightly, which is associated with the lowering of the fetal head and the rapid onset of labor.

Doctors at the antenatal clinic begin to monitor the size of the abdomen after the 16th week of pregnancy. To do this, in a horizontal position, using a centimeter tape, measure the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus.

There are no strict standards for abdominal circumference by week or month of pregnancy, since each woman initially has a very different build, waist size, and abdominal fat. As pregnancy progresses, the abdominal circumference should increase and the doctor monitors its changes over time.

There are many errors in measuring the abdominal circumference and the height of the uterine fundus, so these parameters do not have much practical significance. However, if the height of the uterine fundus is much less or more than normal, then some deviations can be assumed. In such cases, the doctor sends the pregnant woman for an ultrasound.

A stripe on the stomach during pregnancy.

Due to hormonal changes, almost all pregnant women sooner or later develop a pigment stripe on their stomach. Most often, a stripe on the abdomen appears in the second, less often in the third trimester, but sometimes it can appear in the early stages of pregnancy.

Typically, the belly line starts at the very bottom of the abdomen and extends to the navel and sometimes to the chest. Our ancestors believed that if the line is light and ends at the navel, then the mother is expecting a girl, and if it is dark and stretches to the ribs, then the mother is expecting a boy. But these are just folk signs that have no confirmation.

You won’t be able to get rid of the stripe on your stomach during pregnancy, and there’s no need to, because it’s just evidence of your situation, normal hormonal changes during pregnancy. But after giving birth, the stripe will gradually fade and disappear, so there is no need to worry. In rare cases, the strip remains forever, but in any case, over time it will become pale, almost invisible.

Hair on the belly during pregnancy.

All the same hormonal changes sometimes lead to the fact that a woman begins to grow hair on her stomach. In principle, hair grows all over the body, but it is light, soft and fine, however during pregnancy these vellus hairs can become darker and therefore become noticeable. The life cycle of hair is also extended, meaning it falls out less often.

Due to these side effects of pregnancy hormones, body hair may become thicker. After childbirth, within a few months, the hormonal levels return to normal and excess hair falls out.

Of course, mothers are confused by the cosmetic effect, but removing belly hair using an epilator, hardware procedures or hot wax is contraindicated during pregnancy.

You can shave your body hair, but such a procedure is fraught with skin irritation, infection, and will have to be done often. It’s better to be patient a little and everything will return to its pre-pregnancy state. Many women experience the appearance of belly hair during pregnancy, but after childbirth this problem goes away.

A pregnant belly is what sets an expectant mother apart from the crowd of other women, attracts attention, evokes affection, and in some even envy. There is no need to be afraid of the changes that occur to your belly during pregnancy, because all this is temporary and after the birth of the baby it will gradually return to its previous state.

Pregnancy for any woman, without exception, is a step into a new life, from which many wonderful moments are expected in the company of her beloved child. One of the most obvious signs of an “interesting” situation is a pregnant belly, which is getting bigger and bigger every day. “Why does this happen, how does it grow and when does it become noticeable?” most expectant mothers are interested in. Especially if this is the first desired, and even more so long-awaited, pregnancy.

Initially, the answer seems obvious - the stomach increases in size because the child is growing inside it, and this happens the same for everyone, without exception. But it's not that simple. A pregnant belly has many individual characteristics, about which a specialist can tell you a lot of interesting things. In addition to the fetus developing in the womb, its size is affected by the enlarged uterus and, naturally, the amount of food the woman eats.

As noted above, during the first pregnancy the stomach goes unnoticed for a long time, because its muscles are still strong and have never been subjected to such strong stretching. But everything depends on the physiological characteristics and heredity of the expectant mother herself, because there are cases when already at the 10th week the presence of a “belly” can be traced. On average, the belly protrudes a little already at the 12th week of an “interesting” situation, and already at the 16th week it is impossible. This is where the joyful exclamations of those around you begin, especially your colleagues, rejoicing that your condition has been “declassified”. During this period, the uterus can be felt in the lower abdomen quite clearly, and as the weeks go by it rises higher and higher. As the baby prepares for the birthing process, the uterus moves downwards.

There are also exceptions when a pregnant belly appears in the seventh, eighth and even ninth month. Practice shows that such an amazing case has a place to happen, so you shouldn’t be surprised if your belly is not yet noticeable enough at a later stage. This absolutely does not mean that something may be wrong with the child. Cases where the abdomen is not traced until birth are called “hidden pregnancy.”

Very often, women are bothered by the stripe. I would immediately like to point out that this is a fairly common phenomenon, about which you should not worry. This brown stripe, located in the center of the abdomen, will disappear without a trace after childbirth. And no intervention is required for this. The same applies to darkened hair on the belly.

Another sensation that often worries expectant mothers is a tight belly during pregnancy. Sometimes it becomes so hard, as if made of stone. If this happens in the last weeks of the situation, it may indicate closeness. If in short periods, it indicates the tone of the uterus. In this case, you need to quickly get rid of this unpleasant moment, you need to relax and lie down on your side. To prevent a recurrence of hardening of the abdomen, you need to give up a bad mood, nervous work, and sudden movements. If the abdominal tightness does not go away within six hours, you need to urgently seek help from a doctor, because this indicates a threat to the fetus!

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion: a pregnant belly can appear at any time, or not appear at all. However, there are some factors that help determine its visibility and timing of its appearance. These are the anatomical features of the expectant mother, the type of presentation, the size of the child and its growth rate, overall weight gain and the count of pregnancy (first or not).

In any case, regardless of the size of the pregnant belly, a woman should treat her own body with the utmost care and attention.

The most “prominent” part of a pregnant woman’s body is her stomach.

It gives a pregnant woman a special femininity.

During their first pregnancy, most expectant mothers want to quickly see changes in the contours of their body.

Therefore, in the first months, until the belly increases noticeably, many women are very interested in when this moment will come.

And when changes in the figure begin to occur, they have the following question.

What rate of abdominal enlargement during pregnancy is considered normal?

Causes of abdominal growth during pregnancy

The most important reason for the increase in the size of the abdomen is the fetus developing in it.

By the end of pregnancy, it takes up so much space that all the organs of the abdominal cavity change their position, and the skin on the abdomen stretches until the collagen fibers rupture - then stretch marks, or stretch marks, form.

However, there are other reasons for the rounding of a pregnant woman’s shape: the first is the uterus, the walls of which thicken and stretch to accommodate the growing child, the second is amniotic fluid.

Their volume increases throughout the entire period of pregnancy, and may decrease slightly only shortly before.

In addition, a certain amount of space is occupied by the placenta, which ensures the connection between the fetus and mother.

When does the belly start to grow during pregnancy?

Watching her belly every day, a pregnant woman may not notice the moment when it began to grow. After all, these changes usually occur quite slowly.

In most cases, it becomes noticeable to others closer to the middle of the term (that is, by 4-5 months).

Some women manage to hide their interesting situation until the last trimester, or even until the moment of childbirth (this happens quite rarely). For others, on the contrary, the stomach begins to grow very early.

How the belly grows during pregnancy: photo

How the belly grows during pregnancy

There are cases when waist size even decreases in the first months. This happens if a pregnant woman loses weight, for example, due to severe toxicosis. But most often, abdominal growth fits into a certain schedule.

When a woman registers for pregnancy, the doctor takes measurements of some parameters of her body.

Interesting! Chorionic presentation by week of pregnancy

Data on the size of the pelvis is especially important - it will be possible to judge whether the child will be able to successfully pass through the birth canal.

From about 16-20 weeks, a tape measure will be needed at every routine examination - the doctor will measure the height of the uterine fundus.

This parameter shows the distance from the edge of the symphysis pubis (lower abdomen) to the upper part of the uterus - its bottom.

According to practice, the number of centimeters between these points normally corresponds to the number of weeks of pregnancy.

Only at 39-40 weeks the value of the height of the uterine fundus does not correspond to this dynamics - it decreases due to prolapse and reduction of the uterus due to a slight reduction in the volume of amniotic fluid before birth.

If we talk about abdominal enlargement during pregnancy in numbers, their meaning will be as follows:

1 The diameter of the uterus before pregnancy is about 4 cm, length is 6-9 cm, weight is 60-90 g. During gestation, its length (height of the uterine fundus) is maximum at the 37th week - up to 40 cm. Weight before birth - up to 1500 G.

2 Amniotic fluid appears in the amniotic sac at 8 weeks. By the 10th week, their volume is about 30 ml, then increases to 1-1.5 liters.

At 37-38 weeks, before birth, it decreases to 800 ml.

3 During intrauterine development, the baby’s body weight increases from 1∙10-6g (the weight of the zygote - the cell from which the future human being develops) to 2.6-5 kg ​​(the average weight of a newborn).

4 The placenta is actively formed in the uterus at 3-6 weeks and is able to fully function from the fourth month. At the end of pregnancy, its weight is usually 500-600 g.

5 The increase in waist size depends on the woman’s initial shape before pregnancy. For expectant mothers of normal build, without excessive weight gain, the waist circumference in recent weeks is 90-100 cm.

6 Normal weight gain also depends on initial anthropometric data. It is calculated by the doctor in each individual case, but on average it should be 7-16 kg during the period of gestation.

7 Weight gain during pregnancy, which does not directly affect the fetus, placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid (that is, the size of the abdomen itself), is associated with an increase in the volume of blood, adipose tissue, tissue fluid and mammary glands.

Belly shape during pregnancy

This is another issue that concerns pregnant women. The shape of the abdomen can really indicate the well-being of pregnancy or the presence of pathologies.

Interesting! Fifth month of pregnancy

But only a doctor can make such conclusions. An expectant mother without a medical education is unlikely to be able to figure out anything on her own based on the contours of her body.

Typically, pregnant women try to determine the sex of their unborn child by the shape of their belly, but modern science refutes any connection between these concepts.

As a rule, the shape of a pregnant woman’s abdomen depends on her own physique, the structure and relative position of the pelvic bones, the condition of the muscles and ligaments of the abdominal cavity, and the height of the uterine fundus.

It changes during pregnancy, a flat tummy in the first trimester becomes round in the second, and during the third trimester it usually takes on an ovoid shape.

Deviations from the norm in the size and shape of the abdomen during pregnancy

The concept of “normal” regarding pregnancy is quite loose.

If an expectant mother, for example, has a belly that grows faster than most other women, this does not necessarily indicate the presence of any abnormalities.

However, if the deviations are really noticeable, they may indicate problems in the health of the mother or baby.

  • Too large a belly is normal if there is a multiple pregnancy; in other cases, they may be signs of polyhydramnios, a large fetus, the presence of tumors in the uterus, and other pathologies.
  • The abdomen is smaller than normal at a particular period due to oligohydramnios, delayed fetal development and abnormal fetal position, and in the early stages it is a sign of ectopic pregnancy.
  • An uncharacteristic shape of the abdomen may indicate an abnormal position of the fetus or placenta previa, the presence of a narrow pelvis in a pregnant woman or poor fitness of the abdominal muscles.

A pregnant woman who is overly worried about her unborn baby may pay too much attention to the size and shape of her body.

Expectant mothers often make hasty conclusions about the abnormal course of pregnancy if any of the parameters, in their opinion, does not correspond to the norm. You shouldn't do this.

You just need to regularly visit your doctor - he will perform all the necessary measurements himself and will be able to competently make a conclusion about the state of health of the mother and child.

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