Holiday March 8th history of the holiday for children. International Women's Day. History and traditions of celebrating International Women's Day. There are no other desires for you

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March 8 - International Women's Day

History of the holiday March 8th for children

In ancient times, at the beginning of March in Ancient Rome, the festival of matronalia was celebrated. On this day, matrons (as the Romans called freeborn, married women) received gifts from their husbands and were surrounded by attention and love.

Slaves also received gifts, but less valuable ones. The mistress of the house gave the slaves a day off on this day.

Dressed in elegant clothes, with fragrant wreaths on their heads, the Roman women went to the Round Temple of the goddess Vesta - the guardian of the hearth and hearth of the Roman community.

In the 19th century there was no question that representatives of the fair sex had any rights. Women were prohibited from participating in elections and holding leadership positions. Women's labor was considered less skilled; they sometimes worked 16 hours a day, while receiving pennies.

In 1908, the first March demonstration of women took place in New York, demanding equal rights with men. The inspirer and ideologist of this movement was the German communist Clara Zetkin. The decision to celebrate International Women's Day annually was made in 1910 at the II International Conference of Women Activists of the Socialist Movement in Copenhagen.

The exact date was not established then. And only three years later they decided to celebrate this holiday on March 8th. This proposal sounded like a call to all women in the world to join the fight for equality.

In Russia, International Women's Day was celebrated for the first time in 1913 in St. Petersburg. On March 2, 1913, one and a half thousand people gathered in the building of the Kalashnikov Bread Exchange on Poltavskaya Street. The agenda of the scientific readings included the following issues: the right to vote for women; state provision of maternity; about the high cost of living. The following year, in many European countries, on March 8 and other days close to this date, women organized marches to protest against the war.

In 1917, women in Russia took to the streets on the last Sunday of February with slogans of “Bread and Peace.” This demonstration preceded a change of power in the country - four days later Emperor Nicholas II abdicated the throne. The Provisional Government that came to power guaranteed women the right to vote. This historical day fell on February 23rd according to the Julian calendar, which was used in Russia at that time, and on March 8th according to the Gregorian calendar.

International Women's Day March 8 from the first years of Soviet power it became a public holiday. Since 1965, this day has been declared a non-working day. There was also a festive ritual for him. On this day, at ceremonial events, the state reported to society on the implementation of state policy towards women.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the day March 8 remained on the list of public holidays of the Russian Federation. It is also celebrated in many CIS countries.

Much water has passed under the bridge since the advent of the holiday. The need for women to fight for their rights in our country seems to have disappeared. Women have achieved a lot in this struggle - they lay asphalt, they carry heavy loads that not every man can handle, they work on tractors, and they play football... It seems like there is nothing left to fight for - even if the holiday is cancelled! But for some reason they don’t cancel it.

Well, without irony, this holiday has long ago lost its political connotation, and we celebrate it as a holiday of Spring, Love, and Beauty.

Traditions of celebrating March 8th

In the family, according to tradition, women are relieved of household duties and given gifts. On this day there are especially many flowers on the streets and in houses. Indeed, flowers are a wonderful gift. But since Women's Day is a spring holiday, it is better to present out-of-season roses and carnations another time. And on this day, let the long-awaited fresh smell of spring come to the house along with daffodils, hyacinths, freesias, cyclamen, and tulips.

On the eve of March 8th, many cannot say why and why there is such a holiday, and what its history is. And the root of history is very important - whoever owns history rules the country and the people! Who and what they worship is like “what you look into is what you turn into” (an old Russian proverb).

Mother. The main link in explanation is to mom. Of course, the mother considers the child’s most sacred thing, and then the fairy tale begins to fall exactly in line. They begin to tell us that we carry love for our mother throughout our lives, how important it is to love and protect her. Everything sounds very touching to the children and, under the impression, they form an association for March 8 only with their mother to a greater extent. Kindergartens hold matinees and give mothers their handmade crafts.

All this ends well for education and is touching. The role of the mother is unshakable and you need to love your mother - but for this there is Mother’s Day, which is celebrated annually in Russia on the last Sunday in November. This is where the vector of force needs to be applied - in educating the role of motherhood! That children from birth aspired to families with more than 2 children. So that girls want to get married and give birth, so that they understand how honorable it is, so that they know that they will definitely be supported.

In many countries! Sounds like it's all over the world! Where they are officially celebrated: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, Georgia, Zambia, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, Kiribati, China (officially a common working day for everyone), Costa Rica, Cuba, Laos, Madagascar (day off for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Nepal, Russia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro, Eritrea, Latvia.

Remember your geography lessons. Do you see the whole world here? Name the modern developed countries of the Western world!? In Denmark, for example, this could even be considered an insult; there is complete equality and it is not ethical to single out a woman as the weaker sex.

How women were oppressed in the past. Children are told such horror stories, but you can’t go against nature. Everyone does their own thing, and in the family everyone has their own role, which everyone copes with well in their own way. In Rus', from time immemorial, girls have been respected, protected and maintained chastity. Now they want to spoil Russian history, twist it, saying that Ivan was always a fool, they lived in poverty, women were oppressed, etc.

March 8 – day of spring and beauty. There are other holidays for this, Maslenitsa, March 21, when they used to celebrate the New Year and rightly so! Through violations of the cultural and natural code, the connection with the family is interrupted and the separation from nature, and therefore from God.

March 8 – equilibrium on February 23. Nonsense, February 23 is Mother's Day! The latter is where the cultural code for procreation is formed, and the former for its protection.

Video presentation of the story

Who invented and promotes this holiday:

  • workers of the oldest profession serving harbor sailors in New York;
  • degenerates (medical term) such as Rosa Luxemburg and Clara Zetkin (both Jewish) - with the support of the Jewish movement in the world.
  • Gay girls with a clearly expressed power complex;
  • Emancipators;
  • Everyone who wants to degrade the entire Russian world;
  • And most importantly, it is sometimes propagated by fools who do not understand cause-and-effect relationships.

Why is such a holiday imposed?

  • Through women's feminism, destroy family values.
  • “What you look into is what you turn into” - the energy of feminists and degenerates flows through the initiators of the holiday.
  • Raises an army of henpecked men.
  • This holiday is especially promoted in the countries of the Russian world!
  • The imposed culture of giving picked flowers - in Rus' it was not customary to give such a gift to a girl - it was considered bad manners.
  • Tons of alcohol consumed by girls is a blow to children’s health for the future!

Orthodoxy has many ancient holidays dedicated to women, for example, September 30 - the memory of the saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. And the second Sunday after Easter is celebrated as the Resurrection of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. And most importantly - MOTHER'S DAY. And it would be appropriate and even historically correct to move Women's Day to one of these Christian holidays.

Yes, it’s not customary to talk about this! But if we want to build a strong society, we must understand family holidays and the history of their formation. Having destroyed the Russian institution of the family, the Russian world will be fragile.

Let's look at the weekends this year.

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History of the holiday March 8 for children

The first person we love in life is, of course, our mother. We carry this love, the most natural and selfless, throughout our lives. Many poets and writers turned to this topic in their work. Some are touchingly sad about the lost happiness of communicating with their mother, others are remembering with humor their childhood antics. But still, these works are distinguished by a common mood: mother is the basis of all life, the beginning of an understanding of love, harmony and beauty.

March 8 is one of the favorite holidays in our country; it is the day not only of mothers, but also of grandmothers, teachers, educators, as well as girls who will soon grow up and also be mothers.

Officially, this holiday is called International Women's Day, and it is celebrated in many countries.

More than a hundred years ago, women began to jointly fight for their rights, because until then they received lower wages for the same work as men, did not have the right to vote in elections and the right to receive vocational education. Housekeeping was considered the only activity decent for a woman.

But life developed in such a way that more and more often women were forced to work to feed their families. And of course, a working woman’s ideas about herself and her place in this world were very different from the ideas of a housewife. This is how the women's movement arose, the goal of which was to convince men in power that a woman is a full-fledged person who has the right to participate in public life on an equal basis with a man.

But even today, not in all countries a woman has the opportunity to study, get married of her choice and simply leave home without special clothing covering her face. Even in those countries where women's equal rights are enshrined in the Constitution, not all women's problems have been solved. In a traditional family, the housework still rests on her shoulders, while she works less than the man and raises children.

On March 8, 1857, a demonstration was organized by workers in clothing and shoe factories in New York. They demanded a ten-hour working day, bright and dry premises, and equal wages to men. Until then, their working day lasted sixteen hours! By this time, American men had already managed to achieve the introduction of a ten-hour working day, but women continued to be mercilessly exploited. After March 8, 1957, they organized the first trade union, which defended their rights.

In 1910, the International Conference of Socialist Women met in Copenhagen. One of them, Clara Zetkin, proposed celebrating International Women's Day. This holiday should have annually reminded the whole world that in all areas of life, women should have equal rights with men.

Almost a hundred years have passed since then. During this time, a modest housewife turned into a businesswoman, politician, and scientist. And she still remained the mistress and keeper of the home.

In our time, the warlike, somewhat aggressive nature of this holiday has changed. Now it is more like a day of spring and beauty, which any woman - big or small - personifies. Perhaps the only drawback of this holiday is that it falls during the Orthodox Lent - a time when one should think about achieving spiritual harmony, and not indulge in fun. Orthodoxy has many ancient holidays dedicated to women, for example, September 30 - the memory of the saints Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia. And the second Sunday after Easter is celebrated as the Resurrection of the Myrrh-Bearing Women. It would be appropriate and even historically correct to move Women's Day to one of these Christian holidays.

On March 8, we, of course, congratulate women on their professional achievements. But much more willingly - because they cook deliciously, create comfort in the house, and warm everyone with their care and love. After all, the most important thing in every person’s life is his family, which gives him support for the rest of his life, and the main person in the family is, of course, his mother.

Therefore, let's not limit ourselves to congratulations and gifts on this day, but simply try to make the lives of our close women a little easier and more festive every day.

The information is presented in an interesting and accessible form.

These are stories and poems for children senior preschool age and junior schoolchildren.

It will be useful for educators, primary school teachers and parents.

Grandmother, mother, Alyonka-sister

Sasha has been preparing gifts for a week.

He needs to be in time for Women's Day,

Grandpa and dad are happy to help him!


One day Sasha’s grandfather and father called: “Our girls will have a holiday soon. Will you help give them a gift? - they asked. Sasha was surprised: “What holiday?” Dad replied: “The best spring holiday is International Women’s Day!” And then he and his grandfather told the story of this holiday. Sasha listened and thought about what he could do for his dear grandmother, mother and sister.


Why is International Women's Day celebrated on March 8? What is the story of March 8? Previously, in many countries, women did not have the right to vote and could not work. Girls were not allowed to go to school. Of course they were offended by this!

Then women were allowed to work. But working conditions were difficult. Then, in New York (a city in the United States of America), more than 150 years ago, working women marched on the “March of Empty Pots.” They loudly beat empty pans and demanded higher wages, better working conditions and equal rights for women and men. This surprised everyone so much that the event was called Women's Day.

Then, for many years, women staged protests. They demanded voting rights and protested against terrible working conditions. They especially protested against child labor. Then it was decided to choose one common women's day for many countries. Women from different countries agreed that on this day they would remind men that women should be respected.

International Women's Day was first celebrated on March 19, 1911 in Germany, Austria, Denmark and some other European countries. This date was chosen by the women of Germany. In the Soviet Union, March 8 was a normal working day for a long time. But on May 8, 1965, on the eve of the 20th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, International Women's Day was declared a holiday.

In 1977, the UN (United Nations) declared March 8 as a day of struggle for women's rights - International Women's Day. This day is declared a national holiday in many countries. Therefore, mothers and grandmothers can relax a little on this day, go to a festive concert, and communicate with their children.

This is the first holiday of spring - the most wonderful time of the year. On March 8 we always Congratulations our mothers, grandmothers, who devote so much time to our upbringing, as well as sisters and girls we know. On this day, fathers congratulate their wives and mothers and give them flowers. And you can make a gift with your own hands - paper flower, postcard, drawing. Mom and grandmother will love everything you give from the bottom of your heart.

How and when do they congratulate mothers and girls in other countries? After all, March 8 is not an official holiday everywhere.

In the United States and Western Europe, Mother's Day is celebrated in the spring. Previously, on the fourth Sunday of Lent, people brought gifts to the local (“mother”) village church. Nowadays, children give their mothers greeting cards and gifts, and arrange an “obedience day.”

Spaniards celebrate Women's Day on February 5th. This is the day of remembrance of Saint Agueda, the patroness of women.

The peoples of South and North India worship the goddesses of happiness, beauty and home, Lakshmi and Parvati. These days are celebrated in September-October. People decorate their houses with flowers and give gifts to women.

On March 3, the Japanese celebrate Hina Matsuri, a girls' holiday. This day is also called the peach blossom festival. In ancient times, on this day, a doll was cut out of paper. Then the toy was burned or thrown into the water. Fire and water were supposed to carry away all misfortunes. But over time, the dolls stopped being destroyed. Now they are made of clay and wood, and dressed in silk dresses. Sometimes they even organize doll exhibitions.


Mother's day

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,

I found it.

I'll take the snowdrop to mom,

Although it didn't bloom.

And me with the flower so tenderly

Mom hugged

That my snowdrop has opened

From her warmth.


Very my grandmother -

I love my mother.

She has a lot of wrinkles

And on the forehead there is a gray strand,

I just want to touch it,

And then kiss.

Maybe I am like that too

I'll be old, gray-haired,

I will have grandchildren

And then, putting on glasses,

I’ll tie gloves for one,

And to the other - shoes.

She's all

Who loves you children more?

Who loves you so tenderly

And takes care of you

Without closing your eyes at night?

“Mom dear!”

Who rocks the cradle for you,

Who sings songs to you?

Who tells you fairy tales

And gives you toys?

“Mom is golden!”

If, children, you are lazy,

Naughty, playful,

What happens sometimes

Who is shedding tears then?

“That’s all she is, dear,

Mom dear!

My grandmother

My grandmother is with me,

And that means I’m the boss in the house.

I can open cabinets,

Water flowers with kefir,

Play pillow football

And clean the floor with a towel.

Can I eat cake with my hands?

Slam the door on purpose!

But this won’t work with mom,

I've already checked.

Grandma's hands

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her.

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.

Oh, how many are these hands?

They are doing wonderful things!

Now they tear, now they sew, now they wash,

They're making something.

The foams are spread so thickly,

The poppy seeds are sprinkled so thickly

They rub the steps so roughly.

They caress you tenderly.

Agile, - look, -

Ready every day

They dance in the trough,

Snoop around the pantry.

Evening will come - shadows

Weave on the wall

And fairy tales of dreams

They tell me.

By bedtime the night light will be lit -

And then they suddenly fall silent.

There are no smarter people in the world

And there are no kinder hands.

I'm helping

I will help my mother:

I'll sweep the floor

I'll wipe the dust everywhere

I'll put away all the toys.

I'll wash the dishes

And I’ll set the table for lunch.

I will cut the bread into pieces,

And I’ll water flowers everywhere,

I'll feed Matvey the cat.

Don't be afraid, I can do it!
