Brazil nuts - beneficial properties and contraindications, how to use, select and store. Brazil nut and how it is useful Brazil nut beneficial properties appearance

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Even in the photo you can see that the trees on which the amazing Brazil nut ripens grow in groups consisting of real giants. Distribution area: South America; Brazil nut grows in Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Brazil. This article contains everything about the beneficial properties of nut fruits, the benefits and harms of consumption, and possible contraindications.

Bertoletia talla or Brazil nut: places and growing conditions

Bertoletia grows in the humid forests of South America under the bright rays of the sun, on soils rich in humus. The tree lives up to 500 years, while the growth of gigantic specimens reaches up to 45 meters, and the girth of the trunk is up to 2 m. The plant has a straight, smooth trunk with light gray bark, the leaves begin to grow only at the top of the trunk, so in appearance the tree resembles a palm tree.

Bertholetia tree

Small flowers are located at a high altitude among large leaves; when flowering, they emit a faint sweetish aroma that attracts insects for pollination. Brazil nut fruits ripen a long 14 months after pollination, on mature trees that are more than 12 years old. The fruits of the plant look like coconuts; inside they are nuts, lying inside like orange slices.

The plant has one peculiarity - the nuts ripen only on trees grown in the wild; the plant cannot be cultivated. Throughout South America, it is strictly prohibited to cut down thickets of Bertholetia.

The main supplier of Brazil nut fruits is Bolivia, the share of global supplies is almost 50%.

Beneficial properties of Brazil nuts: historical background

The beneficial properties of the nut became known to the Spanish conquerors during their stay in South America. The huge army experienced interruptions in food supplies, so the soldiers were forced to look for food in the surrounding jungle. The sweet, buttery nuts were to the taste of the conquerors, especially since it was noticed that after consuming them, strength and energy returned.

Bertholetia fruits

Composition, calorie content, beneficial properties of Bertholetia nuts

Brazil nut is a high-calorie product; 100 grams of nut kernel contains up to 18% protein, 13% carbohydrates and 69% fatty acids. In addition, the nut contains unique proteins; fiber; vitamins E and B6; macro and microelements.

The unique substances that make up Brazil nuts prevent and cure many diseases:

  1. Flavonoids have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and inhibit the development of tumor processes.
  2. Unsaturated fatty acids significantly reduce cholesterol in the body.
  3. The maximum high content of selenium in nuts fully satisfies the body's requirements for the mineral, and also inhibits the development of tumor diseases in the male and female sphere.
  4. The storehouse of nutrients in the kernels of the nut prevents diabetes mellitus, male infertility, and has a beneficial effect on cellular metabolic processes.
  5. Nuts help to quickly remove free radicals from the body.

Advice! A few nuts, when consumed, can quickly restore the body after stressful situations.

Benefits of Brazil nuts for female beauty

Brazil nuts in moderate doses are very beneficial for human health.

The use of preparations with nut oil smooths out fine wrinkles, nourishes and gives a healthy appearance to the hair, enhancing its growth.

The flavonoids contained in the nut are extremely beneficial for women; their structure resembles the female hormones estrogens. Regular consumption of several nuts a day will prevent the development of cancer of the breast and female genital area, and will alleviate the condition during menopause.

Women can easily cope with excess weight by consuming Brazil nuts regularly.

The dangers of Brazil nuts

Uncontrolled consumption of Brazil nuts causes uncontrollable deterioration in health in the body: nausea, vomiting, stomach discomfort, the development of caries, hair loss, inflammatory processes and various disorders of the nervous system, allergic manifestations.

The maximum consumption of nuts is from 1 to 3 pieces per day.

Useful properties of Brazil nuts: video

Brazil nut: photo

The Brazil nut is the largest tree in the Amazon tropics, reaching a height of 30-45 meters and a trunk diameter of up to 2 meters. Another exceptional feature is its longevity (average age is 500 years, and some specimens live up to 1 thousand years). The trunk of the tree is smooth and slender, the side branches are located only in the upper quarter and create a crown in the form of a ball. The bark is smooth, grayish in color. The leaves are simple, elongated (20-35 cm long and 10-15 cm wide), and may fall off during drought. Small greenish-white flowers are collected in panicles up to 10 cm long. Brazil nuts are native to South American countries such as Guyana, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Bolivia and, of course, Brazil.

Homeland: South America.

Flowering: once a year.

Height: can reach a height of 45-50 m.

Light: light-loving.

Temperature: thermophilic.

Feeding: no need.

Replanting: grows mainly in the wild.

Reproduction: using grains contained in the fruit.

Brazil nut - Bertholletia excelsa is found primarily in the wild. Repeated attempts to cultivate the tree led to a significant decrease in yield and the economic infeasibility of growing the crop. That is why the number of cultivated plantations of this nut is very small.

The second name of the culture is Bertoletia. It appeared in honor of the famous chemist from France Claude Louis Berthollet.


Brazil nut is the only species also known under such names as American nut and Bertoletia alba. The Brazil nut tree cannot be missed. It towers above most of the Amazon rainforest vegetation (pictured above).

Brazil nuts are considered long-living. Many trees live for more than one century, and under favorable conditions, according to experts, Bertoletia can live up to 1 thousand years.

As can be seen from the photo, the tree has a bare trunk at almost three-quarters of its height. And only near the very top a large spherical crown is formed from long branches. Thanks to the height of the tree, this ball of Brazil nut branches is visible from afar.

The walnut serves as a kind of cover for the surrounding vegetation, protecting it from the hot sun and rain.

Walnut wood is very prized; it has a light brown tint on top, and closer to the middle it changes to crimson-chocolate. Wood products are durable, easy to machine and polish.

Brazil nut blooms very beautifully. The cream-colored flowers have a rather unusual shape: each peduncle consists of six curved petals, and the stamens fit very tightly to each other. It is this unusual structure of the flower (in the next photo) that creates certain difficulties in the propagation and cultivation of Brazil nuts.

After all, only insects with a long proboscis and relatively heavy weight can get to the stamens.

After pollination, fruits begin to develop on the branches. Nut ripening time is 14 months.

Walnut flowers

  • Brazil nut has a very interesting fruit. Outwardly, it is very similar to a coconut nut.
  • The diameter of the fruit can reach 15 cm, one fruit weighs about 2 kg.
  • The nut consists of a tree-like, fairly hard shell, which can be more than 1 cm wide, and the fruit itself: triangular-shaped grains up to 4-5 cm long.
  • The number of such grains inside the nut varies and can vary from 8 to 24 pieces.

The fruit of a nut rarely breaks when dropped, so in order to get the grains, the shell has to be cracked with some effort. You can see what the nut looks like inside in the next photo.

Bertoletia nuts, also known as “cream nuts,” are considered one of the most delicious: they taste vaguely like pine nuts.

Brazil nuts are considered the leader in saturated fat content. In addition, nut grains contain a significant amount of useful microelements such as magnesium, selenium, and thiamine.

The fruits of Bertoletia high are recommended for use in order to prevent cancer diseases developing in the mammary glands and prostate. Brazil nut oil is also widely used. It is used as a lubricant for watch mechanisms, in perfumery and to make paint used for painting.


As we have already said, Brazil nuts are practically not grown in a cultivated form. In nature, the tree grows in numerous groups. The nut is most common in countries such as Bolivia, Brazil and Peru.

Recently, due to land clearing and the high value of timber, many natural Brazil nut plantations have suffered from logging. With the advent of people, the number of insects capable of pollinating a given crop also decreases.

Due to the decrease in the number of Bertoletia trees, the governments of Bolivia, Brazil and Peru have adopted changes in laws, and now the legislation of these countries prohibits the cutting down of trees of this species.


Reproduction of nuts occurs naturally and depends exclusively on bumblebees and large species of bees. Due to the complex structure of the Brazil nut flower, these are its only pollinators. Only these large insects with sufficiently long and strong proboscis can overcome all the bends of the petals and get to the stamens.

During the flowering period, the peduncles of Bertoletia talla begin to exude an aroma that attracts smaller males. Those, in turn, with the help of smell, attract heavier females to the flowers, which carry out pollination.

Once the grains have set and ripened, they are ready for planting and cultivation. This process occurs in nature as follows.

Capuchin monkeys are nut distributors

  • In the hard nut shell there is a small diameter hole on one side.
  • It is enough so that small rodents such as agouti can get inside.
  • Having reached the inner pulp of the nut, the agoutis become saturated, and take some of the grains with them.
  • Rodents create reserves by digging holes in the ground and placing the Brazil nut grains they bring there.
  • Some of these reserves germinate after some time, and new giant trees grow from the seedlings over time.
  • Capuchin monkeys (pictured) play an important role in the reproduction of nuts and monkeys.

Nut grains have long been a tasty food for these small primates. Since the shell of the fruit is quite hard and practically does not crack, animals have learned to break it using stones. Grains that fall out of the shell and are not eaten by monkeys germinate over time and replenish the number of nuts in the tropical forests of South America.

You can see a Brazil nut in natural conditions in the video.

Perhaps many of us are familiar with Brazil nuts - this food product is found everywhere, as it has found its use in almost all culinary areas. It can be eaten alone or is an ideal addition to all kinds of savory and sweet dishes. However, not many people know that, in addition to the properties that are valuable for the taste buds, this nut has a whole bunch of substances that are beneficial for the female body. Therefore, in this article we will try to reveal in more detail the properties of this product, and also find out when you can use it and how to choose the right one.

What is a Brazil nut

The fruits of the Brazil nut, or, as it is also called, bertolecia, are an extremely aromatic product found in many dishes that both adults and children readily enjoy.

Did you know?The plant received its scientific name “Bertholletia” in honor of the famous French chemist Claude Louis Berthollet.

What does it look like

The Brazil nut grows on one of the largest trees in the humid tropical Amazon. This species reaches a height of about 40 meters, while the trunk diameter can vary between 1-2 meters. Often the tree trunk is straight, and the side branches grow closer to the top: this creates a characteristic cap of a regular round shape.

The bark is smooth, its color is predominantly grayish. The leaves are simple, entire, and in some conditions may be serrated and elongated. Their length is about 20-35 cm and width 10-15 cm. During the flowering period, the crown is covered with small greenish-white flowers about 10 cm long.

After flowering, the plant ripens numerous fruit-boxes with a diameter of 10-15 cm, covered with a thick and dense tree-like peel. Its thickness often reaches about 10 cm. The appearance of the fruit resembles a coconut, the weight of each such fruit reaches about 2 kg.

Inside the fruit there are from 8 to 24 small triangular grains about 3-4 cm long, which in their shape resemble citrus slices. An average adult tree can produce about 300 kg of fruit during the growing season.

Where does it grow

The traditional area for growing and exporting this product is the humid tropical regions of South America.
This is mainly the territory of eastern Peru and Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana. Here the plant is found everywhere among densely planted forests.

You can find solitary trees in the Rio Negro, Orinoco, as well as along the Amazon River, in Sri Lanka and Trinidad, but in the wild this type of vegetation is found exclusively in South America.

Did you know?Bertoletia is one of the few agricultural species pollinated exclusively in the wild. That is why Brazil nuts are considered environmentally friendly products.

Taste qualities

For most residents of the northern regions, the taste of this fruit is quite atypical, which is due to its significant difference from other nuts. In most cases, this product can be identified thanks to its characteristic taste - these are the so-called “earthy” aftertaste notes, which are inherent only to Bertholia grains.
However, many gourmets around the world claim that a high-quality fruit, in addition to the main aftertaste, has a bright flavor that gives it a similarity to cashew nuts. It was this uncharacteristic combination that became the main reason for its popularization in many cuisines around the world.

Composition and nutritional value of Brazil nuts

In addition to its botanical records, Brazil nuts amaze with their nutritional value, as well as a huge amount of substances and valuable elements beneficial to the body. That is why nutritionists advise including it in the daily diet at any age, with virtually no restrictions.

Calorie content

Bertholic grains are record holders for their nutritional properties, so just 2-3 pieces of these fruits can satisfy hunger for a fairly long period, as well as saturate the body with a huge amount of energy.
And this is not surprising, since 69% of the total mass of the nut consists of complex oily compounds. That is why 100 g of nuts contains about 700 kilocalories, which is about 3000 kJ of net energy.

Did you know?Despite the fact that in everyday life the fruits of Bertholetia are considered nuts, modern botany classifies them as grains, since the shell of the nut is divided into halves and the pulp is separated from it, which is not observed in this fruit.

Water, fats, proteins, carbohydrates

100 g of Brazil nut contains:

  • proteins - 14.3 g;
  • fat - 66.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.8 g;
  • water - 3.4 g;
  • mono- and disaccharides - 2.3 g.

Vitamins, minerals and other components

The product is rich in all kinds of microelements, as well as valuable vitamins, which is the reason for its super-usefulness for the female body.

The following were found in the nut:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, PP;
  • trace elements - selenium (record content), manganese, copper, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, calcium.
  • choline;
  • amino acids - arginine and betaine;
  • a huge amount of fiber that helps cleanse and support the gastrointestinal tract.

What are the benefits of nuts for women?

As mentioned above, daily consumption of Brazil nuts has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, and in addition, makes it possible to avoid many ailments, as well as alleviate the course of chronic diseases.

The most important for the body of every woman are the following beneficial properties:

  • has an immunomodulatory effect - due to the high content of readily available selenium, the product helps to increase the synthesis of various specific cells of the immune system;
  • improves digestion and gastrointestinal activity - achieved due to the high fiber content and its cleansing effect on the intestines;
  • removes complex toxins - the components of the nut are able to bind and instantly remove heavy metals from the body, including arsenic compounds;
  • protects the cells of the body - the components of the product prevent pathological mutations at the gene level;
  • protects against atherosclerosis and diabetes - achieved by reducing high blood sugar levels;
  • prolongs youth and protects against premature aging due to the inactivation of free radicals.

Important!The nut shell contains many substances that are toxic to the body, so if you purchased unpeeled fruits, you should carefully remove the husks and also avoid using them for any economic purposes.

In addition, the product supports the functioning of the thyroid gland, which is incredibly important during pregnancy, supplies the body with vitamin E, without which it is impossible to maintain healthy appearance of skin, hair and nails, and also reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, which helps to quickly get rid of extra pounds .

Separately about the benefits of selenium

As mentioned above, Brazil nuts hold the record for the content of such an important trace element as selenium, without which the healthy functioning of organs and systems is impossible. Compounds based on it are the main component of all kinds of biochemical reactions in organs and cells.

Without them, the necessary enzymes are not produced, which is the main cause of various malfunctions in the body. Selenium is also important for the reproductive system, as it is one of the few elements that ensure a successful pregnancy.

Its absence during this period threatens serious pathologies of the fetus, miscarriage, and also reduces the protective abilities of the female body against infectious diseases.
In addition, this microelement is involved in the processes of production and maturation of eggs.

Selenium is involved in the synthesis of substances important for the female body, such as:

  • selenoprotein P is a protein compound that helps protect the body during stress and also has a powerful antioxidant effect against many toxins;
  • selenoprotein W is a substance responsible for muscle function. Without a sufficient amount of the compound, sagging muscle tissue is observed, which leads to premature aging, as well as the accumulation of excess fatty tissue in the body;
  • Iodityrinine is an amino acid that promotes the proper functioning of hormonal levels.

Can I eat Brazil nuts while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Most experienced doctors and nutritionists consider Brazil nuts to be among those products that are especially important for the female body during pregnancy, regardless of the period.
Without arginine, which the product is rich in, the full development of the baby is impossible, and in the absence of selenium, successful pregnancy is impossible.

In addition, a pregnant woman’s body is susceptible to a variety of infectious diseases, so the immunomodulatory properties of the fetus during this period are simply irreplaceable.

Important!Brazil nut is quite heavy for the stomach and a highly concentrated fruit, so pregnant women should not abuse it: this can negatively affect both the pregnant woman’s body and the health of the child.

When breastfeeding, the beneficial properties of the product are also irreplaceable: Brazil nuts make it possible to restore the balance of necessary substances lost during childbirth, and also improves milk secretion.

However, during breastfeeding, this nut should be consumed with great caution, as it can negatively affect the health of the newborn.

When consuming Brazil nuts during lactation, you should carefully adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the amount of fruit consumed should not exceed 6 grains per day;
  • It is best to eat nuts in their pure form, between main meals;
  • It is prohibited to eat nuts with a strong bitter taste;
  • You should definitely refuse the product if at least one of your close relatives suffers from an allergy to any type of nuts.

Harm and contraindications

Like many other food products, Bertholia fruits are not an absolutely safe product for everyone, so they should be consumed with caution.

You should not get carried away with nuts if you are obese, pregnant or lactation. You should not include the product in your diet if you are allergic to any type of nuts or have hypertension, as this can cause serious health consequences.
The most optimal amount for consuming the product is no more than 2-3 nuts per day - this amount can fully saturate the body with the necessary substances and help to effectively support it during the period of vitamin deficiency. During pregnancy, this norm can be increased to 5-6 pieces per day.

However, you should not overuse the nut, otherwise it may cause:

  • serious allergic manifestations on the body;
  • deterioration of the skin, nails and hair;
  • nausea, vomiting and other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • pneumonia;
  • liver failure or cirrhosis;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • confusion.

Important!If the baby developsallergiesDue to the consumption of milk rich in Brazil nut components, it is necessarystop using it completelyAndConsult a doctor as soon as possible.

How to choose and store nuts correctly

Today, the market is overflowing with a variety of food products, and Brazil nuts are no exception. It can be found in supermarkets and specialty stores, but the purchased product is not always of high quality.

Therefore, before purchasing, you should definitely read the information about what a high-quality nut should look like. Most often, nuts are sold in shells. To determine their quality, you should take several nuts and shake them - a sign of a spoiled fruit is a characteristic knock inside.

This means that you are looking at an old, dried out product that is absolutely unsuitable for food, since high-quality nuts do not rattle when shaken. It is much easier to choose peeled fruits.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the appearance of the nuts: they should be elastic, fleshy, heavy and with a pronounced aroma. The slightest deviation from the above signs indicates insufficient quality of the fruit.
It is best to store nuts purchased at home in a glass, porcelain or metal container with a lid in a dry, dark and cool place, away from fragrant foods. Under such conditions, Brazil nuts can be stored for up to 2 years.

A small amount of fruits can be stored in a plastic or paper bag in the refrigerator, but in this case, after a couple of days they will absorb all the flavors of nearby food.

Important!Due to the development conditions, Bertholetia fruits contain the radioactive element radium (in amounts from 40 to 260 Bq/kg), so active periods of consuming nuts should be combined with foods rich in antioxidants.

Brazil nuts are an important and healthy product that can be included in your daily diet. It contains many highly active substances that help prolong youth and improve the condition of the epidermis, nails and hair.

In addition, during pregnancy it is indispensable, since its components contribute to the correct course of the process and the favorable development of the child. But you shouldn’t get carried away with Brazil nuts, since excessive saturation of the body with its components can negatively affect your overall health.

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Castaneiro, cream nut, American nut - all these are the names of one type of nut that grows on the Brazil nut tree; This is where the most common name of the same name arose - Brazil nut. The Brazil nut tree - Bertholletia excelsa of the Lecythidaceae family is one of the largest trees in the Amazon rainforest. It reaches up to 45 meters in height, the trunk diameter can reach 2 meters. Brazil nuts are long-lived and can grow on the ground for as long as 500 years or even more. For example, according to some experts, the age of Brazil nuts often reaches 1000 years.

The Brazil nut grows wild in the forests of Brazil, Venezuela, eastern Colombia, eastern Peru and eastern Bolivia. It is cultivated on a limited scale in Trinidad and Sri Lanka. Brazil nut is easily distinguishable among other trees. Its trunk is straight and slender and usually does not produce lateral branches until a certain height of the tree, then branches and produces a large regular spherical crown of long branches located above the canopy of other surrounding trees. The bark is smooth, gray in color.

Brazil nuts bear fruit exclusively in forests where no human has set foot. In populated areas, there is a shortage of native bumblebees and bees, the only pollinators of this tree. The nectar of Brazil nut flowers is very sweet and attracts insects, however, it is very difficult to pollinate nut flowers, this is due to the structural features of the flowers. But if it so happens that pollination of flowers has occurred, then the fruits ripen after 14 months.
The fruit is a large capsule up to 15 cm in diameter, similar in size to the inner fruit of a coconut. The fruit weighs from 1.5 to 2 kg. The shell is hard, tree-like, and contains from 8 to 24 triangular grains 4-5 cm long inside. These grains are Brazil nuts.
Despite the name, the largest exporter of Brazil nuts is not Brazil, but Bolivia, where they are called almendras. By the way, Brazil nut is a Russian name; in Brazil these nuts are called castanhas-do-Pará (chestnut from Para). Cream nut is one of the historical names of the Brazil nut, which is used in America.

The nuts are collected by migrant workers. For international trade, nuts are collected exclusively from wild trees. The annual harvest is about 20,000 tons, of which Bolivia's share is estimated at 50%, Brazil at 40% and Peru at 10%. In the last century, in 1980, the annual harvest was about 40,000 tons in Brazil alone, and in 1970, Brazil reported a harvest of 104,487 tons of nuts.

The nutritional value

Brazil nuts are high in calories and highly nutritious. They contain 18% protein, 13% carbohydrates and 69% fat (25% saturated fat, 41% monounsaturated fat and 24% polyunsaturated fat). Brazil nuts are superior in taste and nutritional quality to coconut and macadamia nuts and often replace them in cooking. However, the substitution is treated with caution, because during storage, the shell of the Brazil nut quickly turns bitter and this gives the whole nut a very unpleasant taste.

Brazil nuts are the richest source of selenium. A number of studies indicate that a dose of selenium reduces the risk of breast cancer and prostate cancer, but later these studies were not confirmed, but the fact that selenium is beneficial for the body cannot be disputed. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant. Its chronic deficiency leads to decreased immunity, frequent inflammatory processes, diseases of the skin, hair and nails, glaucoma and cataracts, and slowed growth during puberty. Selenium deficiency can lead to the development of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, and myocardial infarction.

Brazil nuts are a good source of magnesium and thiamine. A sufficient amount of magnesium in the body is responsible for tone and energy. Nuts are very useful to carry in your purse. As soon as the first sensations of hunger appear, you need to eat just a couple of nuts.

Nuts in cosmetology

Brazil nut oil is obtained from the fruit by cold pressing. The oil has wound-healing, tonic and softening properties.
In cosmetology, Brazil nut oil has established itself as an excellent moisturizer and nourisher for skin and hair. The oil is also very effective for treating problem skin.
The oil is used to care for hair, especially dull and dry hair, to eliminate inflammation, redness, cracks in the skin, to prevent and eliminate wrinkles, increase the elasticity and protective functions of the skin, and improve complexion.

Nuts in cooking

Brazil nuts are used in almost the same way as any other nuts, you just have to remember their high calorie content. You can sprinkle nuts on baked goods, add them to seasonal salads of vegetables and fruits, and prepare side dishes. The nut is especially appreciated by vegetarians, because... Its nutritional value can compete with some types of meat. Vegetarians use Brazil nuts to prepare various pastes, soups, cocktails, flour for baking bread, and also use them to make vegetarian mayonnaise, because... nuts contain a large amount of oil.

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