Decorating candles for a wedding with your own hands. Decorating candles for a wedding with your own hands. Chains and beads

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Beautifully decorated candles are often used to decorate a banquet hall. In addition, they participate in a beautiful and solemn ceremony of handing over the hearth. We will tell you how to decorate wedding candles with your own hands.

The wedding ceremony, as one of the most important events in a person’s life, has a magical and symbolic nature. Almost all details of the ritual have some hidden meaning, rooted in the distant past. Candles at a wedding also have their own meanings. Firstly, this is a reference to the Orthodox wedding ceremony, when the future husband and wife hold candles in their hands. The fire of the candles symbolizes the pure and fiery love of the young people for each other. Husbands and wives keep wedding candles for the rest of their lives. Nowadays, church weddings are more a rarity than a rule, but candles carry the same meaning.

In addition, a live fire correlates with the warmth and comfort of a home, warming the whole family. It is this meaning that is played out in the now popular ritual of handing over the hearth. This is a beautiful and deeply symbolic ceremony that will require three beautifully decorated candles. Each couple - the groom's parents, the bride's parents and the newlyweds - take a candle. The older generation lights their candles and together brings the fire to the candle of the young family, passing on to them a piece of their wisdom, experience and love. During this ceremony, parents usually give advice to the newlyweds and talk about how they managed to preserve and carry the fire of their love through all the years of their life together.

Now in stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of candles that will decorate the interior of a banquet hall. However, homemade decor is much more valuable. For which candles should you prepare an original design? Firstly, candles are required to be decorated for the ceremony of handing over the hearth. Secondly, if the newlyweds do get married in a church, then a modest, discreet, but stylish decoration is also prepared for the wedding candles. Thirdly, candles can become a key detail in the interior design of a banquet hall - in this case, you also need to prepare a special decoration for them.

Rules for decorating wedding candles

The choice of technique and style for decorating a wedding candle depends on its purpose. For wedding candles, the most appropriate would be a small wreath of fresh flowers, combined with flowers from the bride’s bouquet, or a wreath of artificial flowers created from ribbon and fabric. A small ribbon bow decorated with rhinestones would also be appropriate.

More interesting, complex and varied are the ways of decorating interior candles and candles for the ceremony of handing over the hearth.

The main rule for the first type of candles is that the decor should be made in accordance with the colors and style of the wedding. For example, for an orange wedding, you can make your own cheerful orange candles in the shape of an orange, or candles into which dried orange is fused.

Candles for the hearth should be decorated in the same style with other wedding accessories - glasses of the newlyweds, champagne, an album for wishes, a pillow for rings and others. Most often, ribbons and lace are used for decoration. We will look at all the ways to decorate candles for a wedding with your own hands below.

Fresh exotic flowers are a very bright and beautiful decoration. So decorating a candle in this way is very simple - just attach a bright flower matching the wedding colors to the candle using a glue gun or regular glue. An example of this design for wedding candles is shown in the photo:

However, more often flowers are used to create compositions for candlesticks or wreaths into which candles are inserted. Artificial flowers made from fabric and ribbons can also perform the same function.

Fabric decor is the most common: firstly, it looks very beautiful and stylish, and secondly, it is simple to implement. There are several techniques. First, create flowers from ribbons or fabric, which are attached to the surface of the candle with glue, creating a beautiful pattern.

The easiest way is to make flat multi-colored roses from ribbon. You can make flowers of different sizes and colors by securing them on a wide green ribbon in the center of the candle and additionally decorating them with rhinestones or beads. You will learn how to make the desired decoration from ribbons with your own hands from this master class:

The combination of lace and wide satin ribbons in a contrasting shade to the lace looks very beautiful. You can also combine satin ribbons of different widths and contrasting shades. They are attached to the candle using glue. A good master class on using this technique is shown in the video:

Decorating a wedding candle using decoupage

Decoupage is a very simple way to decorate a candle with your own hands, which gives a very good result. You will need a thick candle, an ordinary napkin or a decoupage napkin, as well as an iron or a hot spoon that can be heated over a stove or over another candle. A thin napkin easily melts into paraffin. The technique is shown in the video:

You can not use the entire napkin, but cut out individual designs - this will look more stylish. In addition, a small pattern will go well with ribbons or other decor.

Other ways to decorate candles for a wedding

Wedding candles decorated with beads, rhinestones, flowers or other elements made from polymer clay look very beautiful. These decorative methods can also be combined with decoration with ribbons or lace. There are many options. You can cover the entire surface of the candle with beads without leaving any gaps, as in the photo below - a good option for a disco-style wedding.

You can make a beautiful pattern from rhinestones of different colors and beads. The easiest way to attach these decorative elements is with a glue gun. Transparent glue holds well and will not be noticeable.
Another interesting option is to create original jewelry from polymer clay. Plastic can be bought at the store. The technique for creating such decor is shown in the video:

Usually, for decoration, ready-made candles are taken in white or a pastel shade of one of the brighter colors. However, you can make a candle yourself at home. These candles look the most original. An interesting technique is one in which sea shells, dried petals, flowers, coffee beans, and so on are melted into a candle. To do this, take two forms of different sizes (for example, two boxes), one of which is inserted into the other. Grains, petals, and dried fruits are poured into the gap formed between the forms. After this, the gap is filled with candle mass. To obtain it, store-bought candles, broken into pieces and freed from wicks, are melted on the stove. After the candle has hardened, the smaller inner mold is removed, the empty space is again filled with paraffin so that the candle is not hollow, not forgetting to insert and secure the wick.

Candles at a wedding celebration are not only beautiful, but also symbolic. At every wedding you will find candles. They will not necessarily be decorative elements. They are mainly used as a family fireplace, which is lit by all guests.

Subsequently, the newlyweds keep these candles for a long time, remembering the pleasant moments in their lives. In addition, the halls are often decorated with exquisite candles. They create a special mood: romance, tranquility, silence, solitude and a complete feeling of happiness.

If the bride and groom independently decorate candles and candlesticks for their wedding, then they will be able to fill them with deep meaning and their own warmth.

Why use and decorate candles?

Many people are perplexed and do not understand why candles are needed for a wedding.

There are several purposes for their use.

The main type of decoration is to easily add comfort and light to the room. Place candles in candlesticks on each table. They will create a special atmosphere of romance and comfort.

Transfer of the family hearth - many have heard about this ritual, but not everyone understands its meaning. The toastmaster should tell you about this. This tradition came to us from Ancient Rome. It was there that the goddess Vesta lived, who was considered a symbol of chastity and harmony of young families.

Nowadays the ritual has changed a little and arrived in a different form. Parents light a candle, say parting words and pass part of the fire to the young. Thus, they bless the married couple and pass on their love, wisdom, warmth, knowledge and strength to the children.

Many believe that the tradition of handing over the family hearth at a wedding celebration is the most touching moment. Subsequently, it is customary to keep the candle of the newlyweds in the house. For many, it is a talisman against evil spirits and intentions.

Beautiful decoration of candles and candlesticks with your own hands

Wedding candles are kept in the home of the newlyweds after the celebration, so they try to decorate them as beautifully as possible. In addition, they are part of the event itself and must correspond to the overall design, style and theme.

There are several types of decoration. The bride and groom should decorate the candle together, thereby lighting it.


A traditional way of decorating, this does not make it any less beautiful. Select materials based on general... Be sure to take into account the fact that a candle is a flammable material, so you should not completely cover it with tape.

You just need to wrap the bottom of the product.

Ribbons are considered a universal material, since they can be used for various decorations:

  • tightly covering the candle;
  • making flowers;
  • making beautiful petals.

Chains and beads

A simple type of decoration that does not require any special knowledge or skills. The beads and chains need to be slightly pressed into the candle itself so that they are tightly fixed. There are master classes on making candles using these materials.

They can be used either individually or when added to satin ribbons. In both cases it will turn out modern, original and stylish.


Real flowers have become a part of any wedding. They are reflected not only in, but also in various decorative elements. For example, they can be used to decorate a wedding candle.

To do this, they are placed on glue and carefully attached to the candle itself. Pay attention to the size of the plant bud. It should not be too large in order to successfully harmonize with the entire product. It is better to use several small inflorescences. They look much more beautiful and sophisticated.

Polymer clay

You can make a large number of types of jewelry from polymer clay. These can be flowers, petals, plants, or fancy patterns. Flowers are the most popular.

After all, subsequently they will retain their appearance for a long time, remaining just as beautiful and neat.

In order to fix polymer clay flowers to a wedding candle, you need to take a simple hairpin with a bead and insert it into the center of the plant. Then carefully insert the pin into the candle itself.

Master class on decorating wedding glasses

If you need to decorate your wedding glasses beautifully, then think about the method you will use. If you have no experience in this matter, then It’s better to take one of the simplest options. Don’t worry, this simple method can look beautiful and harmonious on the wedding table.

What will you need?

One of the easiest ways is to decorate with lace. To do this you will need to purchase in the store:

  • lace;
  • glue gun;
  • beads

Please note that before starting work, you must thoroughly wash and polish the glasses. To do this, use an alcohol-soaked napkin. With its help, you can remove all minor elements from the surface.

Step-by-step instruction

Strictly follow the step-by-step instructions, and then you can easily decorate the glass with your own hands.

  1. Wrap the lace fabric around the glass and measure the required length.
    In this case, you should not take it with a reserve. It should perfectly form a tight circle. The extra piece should be cut off.
  2. Using a glue gun, secure the lace to the glass.
    Try to wrap as tightly and evenly as possible. If something doesn’t work out for you, it’s better not to leave any rough spots. Remove the material from the surface using acetone and try applying the decorative element again.
  3. Tie a thin ribbon beautifully on the stem of the wine glass.
    Choose it to match the color of the main tone of the lace. It doesn't have to be traditional white. The black version looks no less festive and stylish.
  4. Various beads or rhinestones can be used as an additional type of jewelry.

The tradition of decorating candles for weddings has been around for a long time. Thanks to beautifully decorated candles, you can create a romantic atmosphere in the banquet hall. DIY decorated candles bring harmony and mutual understanding to your home. In this article, the reader will learn how to decorate candles for a wedding with their own hands.

In order to beautifully decorate candles, you need to create a sketch of the future finished product. During its formation, you need to take into account the width and height of the wax product. The decor should be selected only after the overall style of the wedding ceremony has been chosen.

Basic rules for decorating candles

  1. Candle decorations should be in harmony with the rest of the wedding attributes. This means that the decoration of the table of the bride and groom should be combined with glasses, candles and the overall decoration of the banquet hall.
  2. Candles should not be thin or too long. The best option is wide and short candles.
  3. Decorative materials should be used only of high quality, so that when burning they do not catch fire or begin to melt.

Candle decoration


Decorating with ribbons is the most common option for decorating wedding candles. There are many ways to create a unique decoration. Below is a master class that will show how to decorate candles with various materials.

Materials used:

  • Glue "Moment"
  • - Satin ribbons;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle and thread to match the color of the ribbons.


  1. We sew a medium-width satin ribbon in the center with large stitches. As a result, the tape should begin to gather, forming coattails.
  2. This tape needs to be wrapped diagonally around the entire candle. The base must be completely wrapped.
  3. From a ribbon of a contrasting color you need to make a small diameter rose.
  4. They must be attached to the surface of the diagonal tape using glue.


Wedding candles can be decorated using polymer clay flowers. Fresh flowers are not suitable for this purpose, as they will wither during the evening and may burn. Therefore, the best material is polymer clay. To do this, the craftswoman will need:

  • Polymer clay of different colors;
  • Pins;
  • Glue;
  • Colorless rhinestones;
  • Scissors.

How to do:

  1. You need to roll a small ball out of polymer clay. After that we give it the shape of a droplet.
  2. Using scissors, cut the bottom of the droplet into 5 equal parts, bend them and shape them into petals.
  3. You need to insert a tailor's pin into the center of the flower; in the future, the flower will be attached to the candle with its help.
  4. Using this principle, we make several more colors. Then place them in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  5. After they have cooled, we begin to decorate the wedding candle. If desired, transparent rhinestones can be glued to the surface of the product.

Sea themed candles

Such products can only be used for themed events. They are especially popular in the summer. To make a sea candle you will need:

  • Blue and white satin ribbons;
  • A jar or other transparent container;
  • Rough rope;
  • Shells and sand;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue.

How to build:

  1. Several candles need to be attached to each other using glue. You need to attach tape and rough rope over them.
  2. Pour some sand into a jar and place shells on top of it.
  3. After this, you need to place a composition of candles in this jar.

The most delicate decoration

If the main color of the wedding is white, then wedding candles can be decorated with pearls and silver ribbons. Such delicate candles will help emphasize the purity of thoughts and strength of feelings of the spouses. To make such a decor, the craftswoman will need:

  • Satin ribbon;
  • String of artificial pearls;
  • Decorative roses;
  • Scissors and glue.

Sequence of work:

  1. The lower half of the candle should be completely wrapped with a thread of faux pearls. The pearls must be completely adjacent to each other.
  2. After this, we make several turns in height with a satin ribbon. The upper part of the ribbon should remain free, and decorative roses should be attached to the lower part with glue. To make them fit into the overall style, you need to place pearl beads between them.

Below are photos that will inspire you to create a masterpiece.

Wedding table decoration with candles

Delicate sparkling items next to flower arrangements will look very beautiful on the wedding table. They are often placed in the center of the table or on its edge. The more wax products there are on the table, the richer and more festive it will look. After the wedding ceremony, such candles can be used for the home. With their presence, the house will be filled with warmth and comfort.

An interesting video on the topic of the article that will help you create amazingly beautiful candles:

Nata Karlin June 11, 2018, 16:00

Candles at a wedding throughout the centuries and to this day symbolize the hearth. They, like no other attribute, add special mystery and little touches to the holiday. If you go deeper into history, for the first time the candle was mentioned in ancient Egyptian chronicles. Today, not a single wedding is complete without this attribute. Candles are produced in traditional and unusual shapes, smooth and carved, they are decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones, feathers, fabric, etc. The stand designed for candles is equally important. After all, it plays the role not only of a container for flowing wax, but is also needed as an auxiliary platform for decoration.

Photos of decorating candles for a wedding with your own hands

Symbolism of wedding candles

In addition to the aesthetic satisfaction that candles provide, they carry a deep meaning. Decorated in a special way family hearth made of wedding candles is a symbol of fertility, parental blessing and the emerging spiritual fire of a new family.

There is another belief that says that a man should burn a candle at a wedding to show his beloved what kind of fire burns in his heart

In ancient times it was the woman was the keeper of the hearth, and brought fire from her parents’ cave. Therefore, the bride must light the candle.

DIY wedding candle: choosing material

Grandmothers or the Internet may tell you how to make a candle for a wedding, but in any case do not use paraffin as a base for the product. This is an oil refining product that releases a lot of harmful substances, and with them negative energy.

Everything should be at a wedding filled with positivity and happiness, so opt for wax. It burns much longer than paraffin, does not smoke, and is a natural product. In addition, wax candles are symbolic. It is customary to keep them for 4 years and burn them on the anniversary of the “Wax Wedding”. Wax melts a lot and a medium-sized candle burning for at least 50 minutes can leave a lot of drips. In order not to flood the tablecloth, you can make your own candlestick from plastic bottles as a stand or buy deep candlesticks in the store.

Photos of wedding candle decorations

An interesting option is gel candles. Somewhat unconventional, but with a lot of advantages. Gel candles burn for a long time, do not form soot, and are decorated with a variety of decorations. The gel can be transparent, pink, white, white-blue, etc. Any future bride will be able to make candles for her wedding herself by purchasing a special set at a craft store.

A curious and new material for candles - soy wax. We can say that it has only advantages and no disadvantages at all.

This is an environmentally friendly, odorless material. Candles made from it burn for a very long time, do not smoke and do not melt in drips.

Candle blanks in stores are available in blue, white, red, pink, yellow, orange, and green. Therefore, choosing the appropriate option even for a themed wedding will not be difficult.

How to decorate a candle with your own hands for a wedding

There are 2 ways to make a wedding candle:

  1. Purchase a blank, select decorations for wedding candles and decorate them the way you like.
  2. Make your own candle from wax mass, which you can buy at a craft store.

Photo of how to decorate candles for a wedding with your own hands

It should be noted that the second method is more complex, but it has its advantages. For example, The candle can be made in any shape and color. Today you can buy a wide variety of molds for making candles. However, it is worth recommending that the products be made cylindrical. These will fit into any interior and are much easier to decorate.

Before melting a piece of wax, cut it into small pieces. This way the material will heat up more evenly, and the candle will turn out to be of high quality, without flaws. Before pouring melted wax, grease the mold with vegetable oil, attach decorations in the form of beads, beads, rhinestones to the walls in advance. Herself the mold is heated, and only then the material is poured.

To cool, the product should be left at room temperature; the candle should be removed by gently pulling the wick

It's best to lower it first form with a candle in hot water and only after that remove the finished product.

Next, it is recommended to choose how to decorate a candle for a wedding with your own hands. This is the most interesting and creative stage. You can use anything for it: beads, rhinestones, chains, ribbons, textiles, wrapping paper, buttons, cold porcelain, etc. The most in common ways wedding candle decorations are considered:

  • decoupage,
  • modeling,
  • painting.

Making a candle for a wedding with your own hands

The decorations must correspond to the theme of the holiday. As a rule, these can be doves, swans, hearts, wedding rings, angels. To secure the decor to the candle, you need a glue gun or regular “Superglue” and thin needles. Professionals advise in advance cover the surface of the candle with special stained glass paint. It allows decorative elements to better adhere to the surface of the product.

Master class on decorating a candle for a wedding

Decorating wedding candles on the table begins with choosing the appropriate color scheme and design.

You need to remember that the color of the decorative elements should match the shades of textiles on the banquet table and the general color scheme of the holiday

Then choose or make the candle itself. The design process is simple, you just need to apply a little imagination:

  1. Draw with a needle on a candle contours of any figure. For example, a heart or a dove would look ideal.
  2. Using glue, attach small beads of the same diameter along the contours.
  3. Around in any order insert small needles with flowers and beads of a different color at the tips. Before work, it is advisable to heat the needles over a fire.
  4. With a matching nail polish, you can paint various curls and leaves.
  5. Decorate the base of the candles with ribbon or fabric.

Candle decor with ribbons and lace

Decorating candles with ribbons and lace is considered the simplest and most affordable. To decorate a candle, just take a small a piece of white lace, wrap it around a piece of candle. Tie a ribbon of the chosen color in the center of the lace strip. The junction can be decorated in the form of a batik or a rose. Decorate the composition with beads, rhinestones, angel figures, etc.

Another interesting option:

  1. Buy beaded ribbon from craft stores.
  2. Wrap the candle tightly (turn to turn) from bottom to half.
  3. Secure the end of the tape in the middle.
  4. Then decorate a small piece of the candle above in the same way, only using a satin ribbon.
  5. The junction can be hidden with the help of small roses on stiletto heels.

As a stand useCD-disk. Glue roses made from satin ribbons to it.

Wedding candle decoration

By the way, using the chosen technique you can decorate candles for a banquet table, for a “Wax Wedding”, wine glasses, bottles of champagne. Decorated yourself, these decorative elements will attract everyone's attention and become a real memory for many years. To get started yourself, watch the video on how to decorate wedding candles:

Wedding - The birthday of a new family is one of the most significant days in the life of all newlyweds. Every couple wants to make it perfect and memorable, individual and stylish. Usually, wedding decor is thought out in advance and down to the smallest detail. Rarely is a wedding complete without candles, which play the role of table decoration and are components of various rituals. DIY wedding candles will help make this day unforgettable and luxurious.

Often the bride herself prefers to make candles, but it happens that her close friends or future mothers-in-law take on this task. Skillfully made candles that match the overall style of the holiday will be an excellent and valuable gift. They will also harmoniously complement the wedding photos of the newlyweds, recalling a taste of the atmosphere of this great day every time you view the wedding album.

The tenderness of pearls and roses

It’s not at all difficult to make a chic candle for a wedding celebration; the main thing is to decide on the style of the celebration and the color scheme of the bride and groom’s outfits, tablecloths and the festive hall. The proposed master class will show one of the simplest ways to create the most romantic and delicate candle that will fit into your wedding interior and become an integral element of the festive table decor.

To create this beauty, you will need a thick candle (ready-made or homemade), a long string of pearls or small beads, a white satin ribbon, small roses from ribbons of a different color, preferably a pastel shade (here you need to focus on the color scheme of the rest of the interior or the clothes of the newlyweds), glue, pins with beads at the ends.

The sequence of actions for decorating a candle is as follows:

  1. Wrap a string of pearls around the bottom of the candle to about half its length, while applying a little glue to the beads.

  1. Glue white satin ribbon around the candle so that it fits snugly against the beads.
  2. Decorate the candle with ribbon roses at the junction of a pearl thread and a white ribbon. You can buy roses ready-made in the store or make them yourself. This video will help you with this:

  1. The final and optional touch is to decorate the candle with pins. To avoid damaging the candle coating, it is better to warm up the pins first.

Merry flowerbed

At any wedding, flowers are almost the main decoration of the celebration. And they also decorated the candles on the wedding table, so the wonderful mood of the holiday will stay with you for a long time. But decorating candles with fresh flowers is not recommended because of their fragility. It is unlikely that they will be able to last a whole day without losing their freshness and beauty.

But there is an excellent alternative - flowers made of polymer clay. Such decorations will look no worse than a real bouquet, but in terms of durability they will not be inferior to the candle itself. And making them with your own hands will not be difficult.

For this we need:

  • finished candle;
  • polymer clay of several colors;
  • thin stick or toothpick;
  • rhinestones;
  • glue;
  • pins with beads at the end;
  • nail scissors.

The process of making a flower from polymer clay is as follows:

  1. Roll a small piece of clay into a ball, then pull it out on one side. You should get a drop-shaped figure.

  1. Using nail scissors, cut the blunt end of the drop into 5 parts and unfold them using a thin stick.

  1. Place a pin in the middle of the resulting flower, with which it will be attached to the candle. The head of the pin will serve as the core.

  1. In this way, prepare the required number of flowers and place them in the oven, preheated to 120°, for 7-9 minutes.
  2. We attach the resulting flowers to the candle. You can cover it with rhinestones.

Personalized composition

The correct decoration of candles is to ensure that they are in harmony with the rest of the decor. So, you can make entire compositions that include glasses decorated in the same style, a large candle and 2 thin candles for the newlyweds. And if the names of the happy couple are written on them, then such a composition will be considered a real exclusive.

In this master class we will look at a way to decorate a whole set of items for a wedding using one candle as an example.

To work you will need:

  • finished candle;
  • acrylic paint of several shades;
  • small flowers made of polymer clay or satin ribbons;
  • pins with beads at the ends;
  • a small flat white saucer.

Glue the heart around the outline with rhinestones. We stick flowers from ribbons around it randomly using pins.

To tighten the pattern of flowers and rhinestones, you can glue beads and seed beads.

We will draw patterns around the entire composition using acrylic paints or nail polish.

We tie ribbon bows at the base of the candles. Inside the heart you can write the names of the newlyweds or paste a photo of them together.

We also decorate a saucer that will serve as a stand for candles.

This way you can create any composition design in a variety of styles.

Video on the topic of the article

We invite you to watch the video for this article to see additional ideas and ways to create unique candles for your wedding celebration.

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