How to remove chewing gum from silk clothes. How to remove chewing gum from clothes: effective methods. About other solutions to the problem

home / beauty and health

How to remove chewing gum from clothes that is firmly stuck to the item and penetrated into the fibers of the fabric? There are many effective ways to remove chewing gum that you can use at home. But some of the methods have disadvantages, for example, they leave marks in the form of stains on the fabric or an unpleasant odor after using gasoline or alcohol. In this case, you will need to immediately wash the clothes with washing powder or stain remover.

To remove the sticky mass, the item is dry cleaned. Since sending things to the dry cleaner is not a cheap pleasure, it is better to learn how to remove them yourself without wasting time on eliminating unpleasant odors. You can perform this procedure if you use the methods below at home.

Different approaches to solving the problem

The material used to make chewing gum softens at high temperatures. This can be used to salvage a skirt or jeans. Changes in the properties of gum occur under the influence of not only low temperatures, but also high ones. In the cold, the gum hardens, and when heated, it begins to soften. Based on their properties, methods for removing elastic from various fabrics are divided into hot, cold, etc.

For example, if there are concerns about the possibility of damaging the item, then it is better not to subject it to mechanical processing to remove the gum. The easiest way is to put the item in the freezer, which is most suitable for wool items, sweaters, jumpers, etc. If there is no positive result, they move from one method to another until the clothes are clean. It is important to be careful when doing this.

Consider the hot method

There are several ways to remove chewing gum from clothes by heating. For example, a hair dryer will help to remove chewing gum from jeans or other types of clothing, with the help of which you heat up the stuck mass, and then take an unnecessary toothbrush and scrub the gum with it.

If you heat the chewing gum over steam, it can then be removed without difficulty. This hot method involves using steam from boiling water in a kettle or pan over which you can hold the item. The area of ​​fabric with the elastic band softened over steam can be cleaned and quickly removed.

If the item is not made of delicate fabric, then you can remove chewing gum using table vinegar, which should be heated on the stove or in the microwave. While the vinegar has not cooled down, take a brush and, having dipped it in it, begin to remove the chewing gum from the fabric. When the vinegar has cooled, you should heat it again. You will need to dip the brush in vinegar the required number of times to completely remove the gum from the clothing.

You can use boiling water to remove gum. Then it’s better to call an assistant to pour boiling water over the area of ​​clothing with chewing gum. The second person will clean the dirty area using an unnecessary toothbrush.

Before removing gum from clothing, you can place the contaminated area in boiling water and wait a few minutes until the gum gets wet. It can then be removed using a sharp object, and the fabric needs to be rubbed and dried. After you have failed to remove the gum using this method, you can put the clothes in boiling water and repeat all the steps.

You can remove chewing gum from clothes at home by using an iron. The area of ​​contamination is ironed through gauze, napkin or blotting paper. If after this a stain from the gum remains, you should not immediately put the item in the wash. You need to purchase or find bleach or a suitable liquid at home to remove stains from the fabric. With the iron set to medium power, you should use it to iron the sheet of cardboard on which the item is placed, elastic side down. It should remain on the cardboard.

You can remove chewing gum stains from clothes by washing.

It is necessary to wash off ingrained chewing gum after soaking the damaged item in water with a cleaning agent. Suitable for both powder and stain remover or dishwashing detergent. The main thing is not to spare the substance, then the gum will soften. After this, the item is washed by hand or in a washing machine.

Cold removal

The most effective and proven way to remove chewing gum from clothing is to freeze it. You will need to fold the item in such a way that the elastic is on the outside, and the item of clothing itself can easily fit into a plastic bag. Avoid spreading the elastic to other parts of the clothing. Before removing chewing gum from clothing, wrap the item in plastic, making sure that the gum does not stick to the packaging. After putting the package in the freezer, wait about an hour or more.

When the gum is completely frozen, remove the clothing in the bag from the refrigerator. If the gum does not fall off on its own, you can use the method of scraping the gum from the fabric or use another removal method. It is important to do this quickly while the gum is still cold. If it was not possible to separate the chewing gum from the fabric, the procedure must be repeated.

If the item is large and difficult to place in the freezer, in most cases a piece of ice is placed on the contaminated area. After the gum has hardened, you can remove the gum from clothing using a stiff brush. This method is suitable for removing chewing gum from rugs, carpets, coats, fur coats or other large items.

To get chewing gum off your clothes, you can spray it with a gas lighter refill can. This will cause the chewing gum to freeze from the gas jet. Then the elastic should be carefully pryed with a fingernail or a sharp object to remove it from the material. Using this method does not require changing into different clothes, and you don’t even have to think about how to remove a chewing gum stain, since no traces will remain after using the gas spray.

It must be remembered that before removing the gum by freezing, you should not attempt to remove it mechanically. After some time, it will still turn into a small piece, similar to a stone, which can be picked off using any sharp object. There should be no traces of chewing gum on the fabric, which is important not only for nylon tights, but also for everyday clothes.

Use of solvents

If you don’t want to waste time and energy scrubbing gum out of your clothes, you can use dry cleaning services. Before cleaning the fur from chewing gum, the cloth is soaked in a solvent and wiped over the desired area. After this, carefully remove the gum with a brush. After using the solvent, the fur is combed with a comb that has fine teeth.

An effective way to clean clothes from chewing gum is with a solvent: nail polish remover, acetone, white spirit, gasoline, kerosene, etc. Using a solvent, wipe the area on woolen fabric or fur. For example, if there are no stains, you can remove chewing gum from jeans using the product that was used for trial purposes.

For many, a convenient way to remove chewing gum is the technical liquid toluene, which is applied to the place where the gum is stuck. After this, the item should be washed using powder. If the material from which the clothes are made does not fade, then acetone can be used. If you use nail polish remover that does not contain acetone, you can also easily remove chewing gum from outerwear, coats or fur coats. As a result, no stains will remain.

Effect of gasoline, spray, hairspray

If you want to remove old chewing gum stains, you can use gasoline to be sure of the results of the procedure. Stubborn marks will disappear after the fabric is generously moistened at the site of contamination. You will need to wait 5-10 minutes and then use a cotton swab or piece of paper to gently remove the stain. To eliminate the unpleasant odor, the product will have to be washed. It should be made only from natural fabrics. Gasoline is not applicable to synthetics.

One of the most effective ways to remove chewing gum is to use the gum itself. You should chew new gum and then attach it to the area of ​​contamination. This is done until the old chewing gum comes off completely.

To remove chewing gum from clothes, you can purchase Chewing Gum Removers spray. The product operates on the principle of using ice, that is, it freezes, cooling the surface that is contaminated. After sprinkling, wait a few minutes, and then scrape off the gum using improvised means. To remove chewing gum stains, you can use special stain remover sprays.

Hairspray also works well to remove gum. Spray a little polish onto any sticky gum. When it hardens, remove it with a dull knife.

Rub with orange or peanut butter

If you have orange oil at home, use it. Apply a little orange oil to the sponge and scrape off the gum with a toothbrush.

It is important to be careful when using peanut oil so that it does not come into contact with a clean area of ​​clothing. Peanut butter is applied only to the chewing gum itself that is stuck to the item. The product should completely cover the gum stuck to the fabric. Leave the oil on the fabric for 1 minute, making sure that it does not get on the item or stain it.

When the elastic is loosened, it is carefully scraped off with a blunt object so as not to damage the fabric. The tool must have a hard, thin surface. The cleaned item of clothing will need to be washed immediately by hand or in a washing machine using powder or stain remover. These products can also be used to remove the gum itself.

If you pour a spoonful of liquid laundry detergent directly onto the gum, all you have to do is use an old toothbrush and remove the gum. A scraper is also suitable for this purpose. Stain removers that contain grease-free ingredients also help remove gum with ease. The product should be absorbed into the gum, and after that it is cleaned with a scraper. You can use stain remover if peanut butter gets on your clothes. The stain remover is used only when you begin to wash the item.

Knowing how you can remove gum from clothes, wiping gum off other items will not be difficult. Hot and cold methods can be used to remove chewing gum from carpets, furniture, fur, etc. However, removing chewing gum stuck to the sole of a shoe using the above methods is not very convenient. However, there is a way out if you take a tampon and soak it in alcohol, nail polish remover or acetone. You can wipe the stained area for a few minutes. After this, the chewing gum will come off on its own or by using an old toothbrush or knife.

If you are afraid of ruining your clothes that are stained with chewing gum, you can go to a dry cleaner. It is also better to do this if not a single method of removing the gum has helped. The clothes will be restored to normal condition by specialists. To avoid having to waste time and money wiping gum off damaged items, you need to control the situation every time. This will make the problem of contaminating clothes with stuck pieces of chewing gum irrelevant.

When chewing gum gets on clothing or other surfaces, it creates a lot of problems associated with its removal. How many clothes, carpets and furniture upholstery have been ruined by these colored lumps! How to remove stuck gum? There are many simple and effective ways.

Rules for removing chewing gum stains from hard surfaces

In the case of stuck chewing gum, it is important to consider how long it has been on the material. Some experts believe that the sooner you start clearing the lump, the better. But a number of “experienced” victims have a different opinion: if you start removing the chewing gum right away, it can be smeared even more. It's better to wait until it hardens.

How to remove gum from wooden surfaces, floors, tiles, stone and linoleum

The main condition for completely removing chewing gum from a wooden table and other furniture is that its surface must be cold and dry.

  1. Wrap the ice cube in a bag.
  2. Move it over the contaminated surface for 2–3 minutes.
  3. When the gum has completely hardened, scrape it off with a spatula.
  4. Wipe the unvarnished surface with warm soapy water.
  5. Treat varnished surfaces with ammonia diluted with water (2 parts water and 1 part alcohol).
  6. Wipe dry to avoid streaks.

To remove chewing gum from granite, marble and tile, the stain must be frozen. The method described above for cleaning wooden surfaces is suitable. If the chewing gum is stuck to the linoleum, it needs to be cooled very much, but you will have to use the spatula with great care so as not to scratch the top layer.

This is interesting. In Forbes magazine's ranking of the top ten unusual things in the world, one of the leading places is occupied by rapidly decomposing chewing gum. It does not stick to the surface and is easily washed off with plain water.

How to clean glass, porcelain or earthenware

Kitchen utensils suffer from chewing gum no less often than clothing and shoes. The easiest way to remove sticky lumps is with hot water. If the material allows, then boil the dishes or limit yourself to a stream of hot water. Under the influence of high temperature, the chewing gum will melt and drain on its own.

The exception is dishes made of thin glass. It is better not to heat this material, but rather to cool it (just don’t freeze it, otherwise it will burst), and then carefully remove the remains with your fingers.

We remove sticky mass and greasy marks from iron, liquid crystal surfaces and plastic

For iron, you can use the “cold method” (as for wood, stone and linoleum) or the “hot” method. The second one is considered more reliable.

  1. Direct the hot jet of the hair dryer at the stuck gum.
  2. After softening, remove the residue with a napkin or brush.
  3. Rinse with cool water and wipe dry.

If the rubber band is stuck to your computer monitor or laptop, you need to act carefully.

  1. Turn off the device and let it cool to room temperature.
  2. Mix distilled vinegar and distilled water in a 1:1 ratio. Attention! You cannot use regular tap water - it will leave stains.
  3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  4. Apply it to a lint-free cotton cloth.
  5. When blotting the gum, try to remove it from the surface. Do this carefully, as you may damage the top layer of the LCD film.
  6. Repeat the previous step until all the elastic has been removed.
  7. Wipe the screen with a dry cotton cloth to remove any greasy residue.

How to clean the sole of stuck chewing gum: saving sneakers or boots

What could be more unpleasant than stepping on chewing gum, especially if you are in a hurry or wearing a new pair of fashionable sneakers for the first time. But you shouldn’t despair: there is a way that helps you quickly tear off the rubber from the sole.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in alcohol, acetone, or nail polish remover.
  2. Blot the sticky mass for 3-4 minutes, applying and lightly pressing on the tampon.
  3. Remove any residue with a knife or an unnecessary toothbrush.

Please note: if the gum is stuck to shoes with bright colored soles, then the above solvents must be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:0.5.

To scrub colored or smooth soles, use methods using vegetable oil.

  1. Drop any vegetable oil onto the stuck chewing gum.
  2. Wait 2 minutes.
  3. Remove the sticky lump with a napkin.

If you don't have oil on hand, use sand or coffee.

  1. Sprinkle sand or ground coffee onto the gum.
  2. Use your finger to roll it into a ball and remove it from the sole.

You can also remove chewing gum from shoes using the “cold” method, placing the shoe on it for 15–20 minutes. into the freezer.

How to wash a carpet, rug or rug

If chewing gum gets on the carpet, there are two ways to remove it. The first is suitable for short-pile coverings.

  1. Remove the gum with your hands as much as possible.
  2. Soak a soft cotton cloth with white spirit.
  3. Wipe away the remaining mark.

If the pile is long, use scissors.

  1. As in the previous instructions, remove most of the gum with your hands.
  2. Gently trim away any remaining tangled lint.

These methods are also suitable for cleaning fluffy car mats.

How to quickly remove dried gum from a sofa and other upholstered furniture

Chewing gum stuck to a sofa or chair is not a reason to get rid of damaged furniture. There is a chance to restore it.

  1. Apply makeup remover lotion to the area with the gum.
  2. Use a sponge to wipe the problem area.
  3. Remove any remaining gum using a napkin.

How to remove old chewing gum stains from a sofa - video

We remove chewing gum from thick clothing: jeans, knitwear, jackets, shirts, down jackets and bed linen

If the elastic has frozen on jeans, a cotton blanket, a thick blanket, linen bedding or sheets, a shirt or down jacket, then it is best to use the cooling method for removal.

  • freeze the spoiled item in the freezer or place a piece of ice on the lump of gum;
  • wait until the sticky mass freezes completely;
  • Remove the gum with your fingers or an unnecessary toothbrush.

You can also use a special Freeezer cooler, which is sold in radio parts stores.

  1. Apply freezing spray to stuck gum.
  2. Remove dirt with your fingers or a brush.
  3. After treatment, it is advisable to wash the item, as an unpleasant odor may remain.

Do not use an iron to remove stuck gum. It doesn't do a good job and leaves stains on clothes that are difficult to get rid of.

Old stains from gum stuck to thick jeans, school jackets or pants can be removed in unusual ways. For example, another chewing gum.

  1. Place fresh chewing gum on the sticky one and press with a knife.
  2. Quickly tear off both elastic bands.
  3. Repeat several times until the lump is completely removed.

Another simple way is to use tape or tape.

  1. Place a piece of tape or duct tape on the gum.
  2. Peel it off quickly.
  3. Repeat until all the pieces remain on the tape.

How to remove elastic from cotton trousers, skirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts or synthetic dresses

Thin knitwear, cotton shorts, leggings, and stretchy synthetics require special handling. When rubbed, they can stretch greatly and the item becomes completely deformed. If the fabric does not fade, use your regular nail polish remover.

  1. Soak a cotton pad in the liquid.
  2. Apply to the lump.
  3. Use your fingers or a knife to carefully remove any remaining gum.

Dishwashing liquid can help remove chewing gum from colored stretchy fabrics.

  1. Pour any dishwashing liquid onto the stain.
  2. Leave for 15–20 minutes.
  3. Remove the gum.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

Dishwashing liquid can be replaced with peanut butter. Drop it onto the stuck gum, carefully remove it with a napkin and wash the clothes.

Home and professional products for chiffon, silk items, leather jackets, briefcases and furniture

Silk, chiffon and other delicate fabrics require special care when removing a clump of gum. One sudden movement can irreparably damage the product. To remove the gum, you will need warm vinegar.

  1. Heat 9% table vinegar to 40–50 degrees.
  2. Soak an unnecessary toothbrush in it.
  3. Remove the gum by gently wiping the surface.
  4. Wash the item as usual.

To avoid damaging delicate fabrics, you can use a special spray called Chewing Gum Removers. Its effect is similar to freezing, only several times faster. With it, the elastic band is removed easily and without loss.

  1. Treat stuck gum with spray.
  2. Remove the frozen mass with a spatula, spatula or nail file.
  3. Let the fabric dry.

Please note: light shades may appear darker after applying Chewing Gum Removers.

In order to wipe off sticky gum from the leather surface, you will need saddle soap (a special detergent for leather items). Prepare a dense foam from it and wipe the lump with a sponge until it disappears completely.

There is another method suitable for leather furniture - cutting off the gum with a knife. After this, you just need to remove the residue with a stiff brush and lubricate it with special oil or regular Vaseline.

How to dissolve and remove chewing gum from different surfaces: from old jeans to a leather bag - video

Cleaning chewing gum from car seats

To effectively remove stuck chewing gum from car seats, you need to choose a method suitable for the material from which it is made. The most convenient and universal method is considered to be cooling using a piece of ice.

If you need to remove chewing gum from fabric seat upholstery, use the option of using warm milk.

  1. Moisten stuck gum with milk warmed to room temperature until it begins to crumble.
  2. Remove any residue with any cleaning agent.

After chewing gum is removed, a greasy residue often remains on textile surfaces. Any stain remover or dishwashing gel will help get rid of it.

How to clean a car seat - video

How to get rid of gum stuck to fabric: rating of effective methods

First place goes to freezing, this technique allows you to remove the remaining elastic from any fabric. Moreover, after strong cooling, even old, stubborn chewing gum can be removed quite easily.

The second position is for solvents such as white spirit or nail polish remover. It should be remembered that these products are only suitable for dense materials of light shades. As for delicate fabrics, there is an alternative for them - vinegar. Third place is shared by dishwashing gels and makeup remover lotions.

Of course, special aerosols have no competition, but the question of their versatility remains open. After using them, white marks may remain on colored fabrics of any texture.

How to remove gum from skin or hair

If the elastic is stuck to the skin, moisten it with warm water and remove it with your hands. N Some experienced “rescuers” recommend wiping the lump with lemon juice, this will help the chewing gum come off faster.

Chewing gum on clothes is an unpleasant and persistent stain that spoils the fabric and leaves a mark. This can happen at home and away, in the office, transport or cafe, with adults and children. How to remove chewing gum from clothes at home, quickly and easily, without resorting to dry cleaning?

Four Basic Approaches

Viscous and sticky chewing gum eats into the fabric in a matter of seconds, making it difficult to clean. Natural and pile fabrics are especially affected by chewing gum. When you try to tear off the chewing gum, the structure of the canvas is damaged and the item deteriorates. First of all, you need to loosen the adhesion of the chewing gum to the material. Let's consider the main approaches using trousers as an example - after all, this item of clothing, perhaps, most often suffers from the problem.

How to remove chewing gum from trousers at home:

  1. Low temperatures. You can remove chewing gum from your pants by placing them in a plastic bag and putting them in the freezer for 1 hour. From the cold, the structure of the chewing gum will become fragile and brittle; it can be cleaned off with a brush or a flat, but preferably not sharp, object (a butter knife or the back of a regular kitchen knife will do).
  2. High temperatures. Under their influence, the chewing gum melts, softens and comes off easier from clothing. Heat the stain with a hairdryer, iron or boiling water. In the latter case, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure together: one person stretches the cloth with chewing gum, and the other pours boiling water over the contamination. Finally remove the sticky substance with a toothbrush or a rough sponge. Hair dryer: put on the crevice nozzle, turn on the device, treat the dirt with a stream of hot air at maximum power and try to clean the clothes. The method is effective only on freshly planted gum. Impact with an iron: you need to put a small piece of cloth, preferably light-colored, on the contaminated area and run the iron over it. Instead of fabric, it is permissible to use parchment paper. The high temperature should absorb the chewing gum into the auxiliary fabric or paper without leaving a trace.
  3. Chemical substances. Acetic acid is effective in removing gum stuck to pants. You should heat it thoroughly in a water bath, but do not bring it to a boil, dip a toothbrush into the liquid and try to remove the remaining sticky substance from the fabric. After the procedure with acetic acid, things must be washed in the usual way - by hand or in the machine.
  4. Household chemicals. A modern alternative to traditional methods of getting rid of chewing gum are special stain removers or sprays. Due to the high prevalence of chewing gum and the possibility of getting dirty with it anywhere, it is recommended to purchase a special bubble gum cleaner and keep it on hand. This solution is especially relevant for families with schoolchildren and teenagers.

Advice! The vinegar method is not acceptable for colored items, as the substance discolors the fabric.

How to save denim

Has chewing gum stuck to your favorite jeans or ruined your denim jacket or skirt? If you don't have time, it's best to try an ice cube from the freezer. Apply it to the chewing gum, or better yet, to the dirt on the reverse side, hold it for a while, then try to clean off the hardened substance with a brush.

Important! Use sharp objects with caution: they can cut or damage fabric fibers.

As with regular fabric, a special cooling spray is effective on denim. Before use, you should remove the item and make sure that the elastic has completely hardened. Otherwise, the chewing gum will leave behind an even more permanent stain. Treat the dirt with a spray and remove it with a soft bristle brush.

If you have enough time, you can deal with contamination from chewing gum without haste. If the stain is fresh, use a hair dryer. Turn it on to maximum power and heat the stain from the reverse side, then remove the gum and wash with stain remover.

If the elastic has dried out, place the jeans in a bag and in the freezer. Leave it like this for 1 or several hours. Frozen gum is easily removed.

Another way is to boil for a few minutes. However, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the material: not every paint can withstand this procedure. It is safer to pour boiling water over the fabric while cleaning the elastic.

How to remove old gum marks

Getting rid of chewing gum on clothes can be difficult, especially for old stains. And, even if the chewing substance itself is not detected, an unsightly greasy or greasy mark remains on the tissue. Hardened, ingrained formations are more susceptible to the effects of chemical compounds.

Pants with chewing gum stains should be soaked in hot water with plenty of quality laundry detergent. Next, wash the item twice in the washing machine on the intensive wash cycle. The stain should disappear without a trace.

In some cases, when chewing gum leaves greasy residue, dishwashing liquid works well. Apply a small amount of product to the stain, rub until foam forms, wait, and then wash by hand or in the washing machine. The stain should become completely invisible.

To clean clothing or old gum stains from jeans, trousers, blouses, shirts or dresses, treat the item with a small amount of toluene before the main wash. Carbon toluene is destructive to the composition of chewing gum, so it will disappear without a trace. Apply the product with a sponge, after moistening it in the chemical.

Any household solvent - gasoline, alcohol, acetone, nail polish remover, professional stain removers - will allow you to get rid of chewing gum on clothes if it is very stuck. They will remove the greasy mark from the gum. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad or swab with liquid and thoroughly treat the stain. Work with caution as the caustic substance may leave a streak, white spot or hole in clothing if it severely corrodes the fabric.

Advice! High temperatures are detrimental to delicate fabrics such as wool, silk, chiffon, so appropriate measures are not applicable to them.

Aggressive agents can ruin the color or texture of any fabric. All chemical compounds should first be tested on the inside, in inconspicuous places, and then used on the front side of the clothing.

Using vegetable oil and fresh chewing gum to peel off gum is fraught with unpleasant consequences - greasy shine and stains, as well as an even larger area of ​​contamination. When processing with oil, it is necessary to act accurately, without touching the area adjacent to the chewing gum.

There are many home methods for removing chewing gum from clothes; it is important to choose an effective and correct one, in accordance with the composition of the fabric and the quality of the product. A prerequisite is to act quickly so that the substance does not have time to penetrate into the deep layers of matter. Then cleaning the gum will be much easier. If none of the methods help, dry cleaning will do its job efficiently and quickly!

Chewing gum can freshen your breath in seconds. And just as quickly it can ruin your clothes. One awkward movement or innocent prank - and the sticky substance has already been absorbed into the fibers of the fabric and firmly fixed there. It's annoying, but fixable. Let's figure out how and what you can use to remove chewing gum from clothes at home.

Chewing gum stuck to clothing is not uncommon. But don’t despair: read our review on how you can quickly deal with this problem

Home Remedies

Of course, you can get rid of traces of stuck chewing gum using special modern sprays, stain removers or dry cleaning. But what to do when such methods are not available? How can you remove chewing gum from clothes? Let's look at simple and effective home remedies that you always have on hand.

It’s not just children’s clothes that have to be cleaned of chewing gum – similar situations often happen to older people as well.


One of the most common and effective methods is freezing. Place the soiled item in a plastic bag (with the gum on top and not touching it) and place it in the freezer. Once the chewing gum has hardened, you can remove it mechanically: gently scrape it with a knife or use an old toothbrush. The disadvantage of this method is time. It will not be possible to quickly remove chewing gum from clothes, since freezing will take at least an hour.


Since not every item (like a jacket) can be placed in the freezer, use ice to remove gum from clothing.

Apply an ice cube to the stained area of ​​fabric and hold for a few minutes. Once the gum has hardened, scrape it away using a knife or stiff-bristled brush. If marks remain on the fabric, the procedure can be repeated several times.

The ice method is suitable if you are in a hurry or do not have the opportunity to remove the soiled item.

Boiling water

Another way to remove chewing gum from clothes using temperature is to use boiling water.

Boil water, pour boiling water over the stain and, continuing to pour water in a thin stream, gently scrub the stained area with a brush. This method requires skill or an assistant.

If the fabric allows, you can soak the item in boiling water. Once the gum has softened, remove it by rubbing it with your hands or an old toothbrush.

The boiling water method is not suitable for bright synthetic fabrics (they may fade), as well as for wool and delicate fabrics


You can remove chewing gum from clothes using an iron. This method is good for things made of thick fabric (trousers, jackets, jackets).

Place the item on cardboard (or blotting paper) with the stained side down. Turn your iron to medium setting (eg wool) and press to the wrong side of the fabric until the gum remains on the cardboard. There is no need to iron the item or hold the iron for a long time - just place it on the fabric for a few seconds.

If there is a greasy stain on the fabric after removing the gum, soak it with dishwashing liquid.

Do not lean the iron against the chewing gum or against the front side of the stain through additional fabric - you will damage both the device and the item. Use the iron on the wrong side only


Another “hot” method, but quite gentle on the fabric, is treatment with a hairdryer.

Heat the stained area with a warm air stream and clean the chewing gum with an old toothbrush. When exposed to high temperatures, chewing gum loses its stickiness and elasticity. Using this heat treatment, you can clean almost any fabric from chewing gum.

A hairdryer can remove chewing gum from delicate fabrics - wool, silk, viscose.

"Sticky" method

If you immediately notice that gum is stuck to your clothes, you can use adhesive tape (duct tape or duct tape). You will have a couple of minutes left until the chewing gum is deeply embedded in the fibers of the material.

Cut a suitable piece of adhesive tape, cover the gum and give it a sharp tug. If you didn’t manage to remove everything the first time, repeat the procedure.

You can replace the adhesive tape with electrical tape or a regular plaster


Vinegar is found in every home, and with its help you can quickly remove chewing gum from clothes. The disadvantage of this method is that the clothes will have to be washed immediately. Vinegar should not be used on delicate fabrics (silk, satin). In addition, if clothes are dyed with low-quality dye, they may fade.

Apply vinegar to the dirt and remove the gum with a toothbrush. The remains can be carefully scraped off with a knife, scraping them from the edges to the center.

Some housewives advise slightly heating the vinegar before the procedure.

Hair fixation spray

An easy and affordable way. Simply spray hairspray onto the stained area and remove the gum using an old toothbrush. Most varnishes do not stain clothes, so this method can be used outside the home.

Hairspray will help remove chewing gum from clothes quickly and easily


Alcohol (vodka) can help remove stuck chewing gum at home. Pour alcohol onto the stained area, let it sit for a few seconds and remove the gum with a brush. The alcohol will act as a solvent, and not a trace will remain of the chewing gum.

When removing chewing gum from clothing using a brush or knife, move from the edges to the center of the stain.

Nail polish remover

You can use products with acetone, but only for natural fabrics without bright dyes. Otherwise, use nail polish remover without acetone.

Gently apply the liquid to the chewing gum and the tissue around it and remove any traces with a toothbrush. The item must be washed immediately.

When applying acetone or nail polish remover, do not overdo it, otherwise you may end up with a new stain.

Washing gel

Many modern housewives use liquid detergents and gels for washing instead of washing powder. They will help you remove chewing gum from your clothes. Simply pour the gel onto the dirt and gently scrub with a brush. Do not forget to wash the item as usual immediately after the procedure.

Washing gel will easily remove chewing gum without leaving stains or marks.

Peanut butter

To clean the gum, you need to lose its elasticity. It is recommended to use peanut oil for this (but you can try using another vegetable oil). This method of removing chewing gum is considered non-standard - it is quite effective, but requires great care.

Apply the oil to the gum, wait until the gum loses its viscosity, and remove it. Residues can be scrubbed off with a brush, and then washed as usual.

Oil can only be applied to the chewing gum itself - if it gets on the fabric, it will leave a greasy stain that will have to be removed


In case of severe and stubborn contamination, heavy artillery such as gasoline can be used.

Soak a cotton swab in gasoline, apply to the stain and rub lightly. Wash the item as usual. Add baking soda or conditioner when washing to get rid of the pungent smell of gasoline. This method is not recommended for delicate fabrics.

Under no circumstances use regular gasoline from a car tank - to remove stains from fabric, use only purified gasoline, for example, for lighters


In addition to special sprays and stain removers from chewing gum, you can use other chemicals. In this case, it all depends on the type of fabric. For example, instead of freezing or using ice, some advise trying spray cooler for microcircuits. Apply the desired amount to the gum and once it has hardened, remove it with a knife or brush.

Instead of vinegar, alcohol or gasoline, you can use other solvents, for example toluene or solvents based on it.

As you can see, removing chewing gum from clothes is not that difficult. But still be careful - do not leave chewing gum on the table or bedside table

Regardless of which method you choose to remove chewing gum from clothing, you need to act quickly. The longer the chewing gum remains on the surface of the fabric, the less chance there is of removing traces of it without damaging the fibers of the material.

If you have already encountered a similar problem, share your experience in the comments. Describe what methods you used.


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Housewives often have to deal with complex stains on their clothes. Established stains are often difficult to remove, but what should you do if you accidentally get chewing gum stuck to your skirt or jeans? It seems that the thing is hopelessly damaged and cannot be saved. Is it really?

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? There are some home remedies that can help you deal with this problem. In fact, chewing gum can be removed from any fabric, without damaging the material. Let's figure out what can be done in such a situation.

Options for affecting chewing gum

How to remove chewing gum from clothes? You can remove it from trousers or skirts using different methods of influence. Depending on the density and nature of the clothing material, the variation is selected individually.

To help remove chewing gum from clothes:

  • cooling;
  • heating;
  • chemical exposure.

It is worth noting that thin and delicate materials do not tolerate high thermal effects. This means that heating should be turned off immediately. But a low temperature for cleaning is just right.

How to remove chewing gum from clothes if it has already hardened?

Of course, it is better to remove the sticky mass immediately. If it stays on the item for a long time, it will become much more difficult to remove chewing gum from your jeans, or to wash it off the fabric on your pants.

In addition, the elastic band can also smear on the fabric. But it is still possible to do this.

As for removing complex stains using household chemicals, this method is not suitable for brightly colored products. This is due to the fact that after such an aggressive impact, lightened skin may remain.

From all that has been said, of course, we can conclude that cleansing through cold is the most universal and effective option for dealing with chewing gum stuck to clothes. But other methods should not be discounted ahead of time either.

Well, now let’s learn more about all the existing methods of peeling off chewing gum.

Cold cleaning methods

How to remove chewing gum from trousers or jeans? Cold cleansing methods will come to the rescue. They are also suitable for delicate, thin, bright and fading fabrics. There are two effective options that do not require a lot of time and effort.

So, how do you get gum off your pants? A freezer or ice will help.


Using a freezer is the most commonly used option when dealing with chewing gum.

How to remove chewing gum from jeans and other things? To clean clothes, you will need to fold them with the dirt facing out and then place them in a regular bag. Place it in the freezer for about 1 hour.

During this period of time, the sticky mass will harden, and the chewing gum will no longer stick so firmly, which means it will become much easier to peel it off from the material.

Most often, you just need to pry the rubber band and it falls off on its own. But if this does not happen, then you can help yourself with some pointed object. This could be a nail file or a regular knife.

Ice cube

How to remove chewing gum from jeans or any other clothing in a faster way? If you don’t have time at all, and the stuck-on dirt needs to be removed urgently, then you can use ordinary ice cubes.

Ice wrapped in a plastic bag is simply applied to the attached rubber band. The cubes should be changed as needed until the adhesive mass hardens.

Then it should be scrubbed with a stiff brush or knife. Sometimes the sticky stain can simply be torn off entirely.

Instead of ice, it would also be a good idea to use special freezing products that are sold in household stores. There are a sufficient number of brands of freezing sprays - there is plenty to choose from.

Hot cleansing methods

How else can you get chewing gum off clothes? In some cases, if the fabric is dense and does not fade, it is worth trying hot cleaning methods. On the contrary, unlike cooling, they heat and melt the gum, which helps to clean off the mass without extra effort.


How to get rid of chewing gum on clothes using an iron? It’s very simple, first peel off the part of the chewing gum that lags well, and then place a napkin on top of the stain and heat it at medium temperature in the area of ​​contamination.

The remaining trace can be removed using dishwashing detergent or stain remover. The main condition is not to use this method with pure synthetics.

Using a hair dryer

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using a hair dryer? Just like in the previous method, it’s better to start by trying to tear off the Velcro partially. Next, heat the stained area with a hairdryer until the gum becomes very soft. Now use a toothbrush or any other old brush to clean off the dirt. Finally, simply wash the item in hot water with powder.

Hot water or steam

You will need to boil the water. In the case of hot water, you should pull a piece of clothing stained with chewing gum onto a bucket. This will make it more convenient to pour water directly onto the stained area. When the dirt begins to come off, it is cleaned off with a brush.

How to remove chewing gum using steam? You just need to pour half a bucket of boiling water, and also stretch the thing so that the steam passes through the stained area. The elastic will gradually begin to melt, and it will become easier to remove it from the material.

After removing sticky dirt using heating methods, a trace may remain.But you shouldn't worry. , and the chewing gum itself will help with homemade chemical remedies.

Home dry cleaning

How to remove chewing gum from pants using chemicals? What kind of means can dissolve a sticky viscous substance without harming the tissue? There are safe home methods, and will now be described.

And if you are worried about how to remove chewing gum stains from clothes that remain after hot cleaning, then these products will also help.


How to get rid of chewing gum on fabric using acetone? You can use not even pure acetone, but nail polish remover.

It is enough to drop a few drops of the substance onto the sticky area and rub it with your fingers. After 2 minutes you need to wash the item or with dish soap.

Medical alcohol

How else can you remove chewing gum from trousers or skirts? Alcohol will help separate the sticky substance from the material. It is better to use it only on plain and dull items, as the item may fade.

All you need to do is soak a cotton wool or sponge in alcohol and use it to saturate the area where the gum sticks. Now we wait a couple of minutes and remove any remaining tissue with a knife.


Ammonia can remove complex stains of all kinds, including traces of chewing gum. How to clean clothes from chewing gum with ammonia? You will need to soak a cotton swab in the product and apply it to the stain for 1 hour. The adhesive base will come off easily. All that remains is to thoroughly rub the contaminated area to get rid of the stain. Finally, wash your pants as usual.

Table vinegar

How to remove chewing gum from clothes using vinegar? The method is considered one of the most effective. It can be used safely for colored items as well.

To achieve a positive result, just warm the substance a little and immediately begin cleaning the stuck chewing gum. You can use an old brush to clean your teeth. It is dipped in vinegar and the dirt is carefully removed in a circular motion. This method is a godsend for cleaning jeans.

It turns out that chewing gum stuck to clothes is not so bad. The item can now always be cleaned, because you already know the methods. Such folk recipes have already helped out more than a single housewife in difficult situations. And all the magic lies just in knowing little tricks.

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