"Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family." “Basic conditions for successfully raising a child in a family” Strengthen the child’s faith in himself and in his abilities

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The main conditions for success in raising children in a family can be considered the presence of a normal family atmosphere, the authority of parents, a proper daily routine, and timely introduction of the child to books, reading, and work.

A normal family atmosphere is the awareness by parents of their duty and sense of responsibility for raising children, based on mutual respect between father and mother, constant attention to educational, work and social life, help and support in large and small matters, with respect for the dignity of each member family, constant mutual display of tact; organization of family life and everyday life, which is based on the equality of all members, involving children in solving economic issues of family life, managing the household, and doing feasible work; in the reasonable organization of recreation in participation in sports and tourist trips, in joint walks, reading, listening to music, visiting the theater and cinema; mutual principled exactingness, a friendly tone in address, sincerity, love and cheerfulness in the family.

Family traditions, strong foundations and principles contribute to the creation of a highly moral atmosphere in the family. These include holding public and family birthday parties for adults and children. Preparing gifts by children and adults and presenting them with a special emotional upsurge creates that atmosphere of solemnity, joy and happiness that forms spiritual culture and “cements” the family as a collective.

Successful upbringing in a family will be provided that a clear daily routine for children is observed. The daily routine includes the child’s entire daily routine during the day - time for proper sleep, hardening procedures, orderly meals, all types of work and rest. The age and health status of the child are taken into account. The daily routine should have an educational value, which is only possible with the obligatory habituation to its implementation without adult reminders. Seniors must exercise control over the quality implementation of routine tasks and work assignments, evaluate them, and provide assistance in case of difficulties.

A special place in raising a child in the family should be given to reading. In preschool age, a child especially loves to listen to fairy tales that adults read to him, stories from the lives of people and animals. From books he learns about good people, about their deeds, learns about animals and plants. In the fairy tale, the strong, dexterous, fair, honest and hardworking person always wins, while the evil, unkind person is punished by people and society. Listening to a fairy tale, a child does not remain indifferent to the fate of the hero; he worries, worries, rejoices and is upset, that is, he develops feelings and gradually develops an interest in the book. When a child enters school and learns to read, it is important to consolidate interest and develop the skill of independent and systematic reading. This skill does not appear on its own; it requires coordinated and skillful work between school and family. Only this will introduce the child to reading, and he will begin to consider books as his companions in acquiring new knowledge. An emerging interest in reading will lead the child to the library or bookstore. He will have his own heroes whom he will imitate.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of work in a person’s life. Physical labor ensures high vitality of muscles and all human organs and improves all physiological processes in the body - proper breathing, blood circulation, metabolism, growth of the whole body and individual organs. Physical labor is a means of combating fatigue, especially for people engaged in mental work. Changing types of work and a reasonable combination of them in a child’s daily routine ensures his successful mental activity and maintains working capacity.

Labor education is an integral part of the comprehensive development of the individual. By how the child treats work, what work skills he has, others will judge his value.

An important condition for the successful upbringing of children is the unity of requirements for children by all family members, as well as the same requirements for children from family and school. The lack of unity of requirements between school and family undermines the authority of the teacher and parents and leads to a loss of respect for them.

Spiritual needs developed at an early age, the ability to communicate with peers and adults enrich the child’s personality and require the use of opportunities in society. And they can be applied by trusting in collective forms of education.

Parental love can be considered an important condition for the success of raising children in a family.

After all, parental love is the source and guarantee of a person’s well-being and the maintenance of physical and mental health.

Many parents believe that under no circumstances should children show love for them, believing that when a child knows well that he is loved, this leads to spoilage, selfishness, and selfishness. This assertion must be categorically rejected. All these unfavorable personality traits arise precisely when there is a lack of love, when a certain emotional deficit is created, when the child is deprived of a solid foundation of unchanging parental affection.

Deep, constant psychological contact with a child is a universal requirement for upbringing, which can be equally recommended to all parents; contact is necessary in the upbringing of every child at any age.

The basis for maintaining contact is a sincere interest in everything that happens in the child’s life, sincere curiosity about his, even the most trivial and naive, problems, a desire to understand, a desire to observe all the changes that occur in the soul and consciousness of a growing person.

But here it is very important to understand that it is necessary not only to love the child and be guided by love in your daily worries of caring for him, in your efforts to raise him, it is necessary for the child to feel, feel, understand, be sure that he is loved, to be filled these feelings of love, no matter what difficulties, clashes and conflicts arise in his relationship with his parents.

Only with the child’s confidence in parental love is the correct formation of a person’s mental world possible, only on the basis of love can moral behavior be brought up, only love can teach love.

In modern conditions, when there has been a radical restructuring of the political and socio-economic way of life of society and the state, the system of family education has undergone significant changes.

Family ties are being destroyed and weakened.

Let us highlight the main factors of this trend.

First- this is the almost complete disappearance of labor in the family. Previously, the center of all family life (educational, intra-farm, etc.) was, as a rule, the mother, who was always at home and protected the inner spiritual world of the family. The family worked as a whole. The labor unity of the family created favorable conditions for its social growth. Now all family members work outside the home. Nowadays, the home is increasingly beginning to turn from a place of work into a place of rest.

Second is a desire for a more comfortable life in cities. Most of the population, who lived in the countryside and communicated with nature, lost these connections by moving to cities. Naturally, the connection between the city and the countryside weakened. A special psychological and pedagogical problem arises: the departure of the population from villages to cities, the separation of man from nature, and therefore from the moral sources of our life, which leads to the loss of traditions, experience, and knowledge accumulated by many generations of people.

Due to the ongoing urbanization of society, the anonymity of communication between children and adults has increased. Previously, everyone in the village knew whose son or daughter was violating the rules of conduct and committing antisocial acts. Therefore, parents were ashamed to have ill-mannered children, and children were ashamed to behave unworthily.

Third- this is the absence in the modern family of a clear, living consciousness that its main task in relation to children is upbringing, in which three periods can be traced.

First period: the family provides and supports only the physical existence of children; second period: take care of their mental development; third period: moral education comes to the fore, when care must be taken not only to give children a diploma that will provide them with a good life, but, above all, to make children people in the best sense of the word.

Fourth factor is the change in the position of women in modern life. Previously, a woman's main concern was family. Now, due to the simplification of domestic work, a woman has the opportunity to work outside the family. In connection with the expansion of a woman’s independence, a change occurs in her psychology, associated, first of all, with material independence from her husband, giving her the right to build intrafamily relationships differently.

Due to a number of conditions associated primarily with the development of modern culture, the family in some cases ceases, in essence, to be a proper educational environment.

The main reasons for this.

1. Small number of children in the modern family. The children's environment is very important for a child; it is natural for him to live among people like him. Children are mutually attracted to each other. A small number of children in families (one, two) significantly limits and narrows family communication, depriving it of the lively children's atmosphere necessary for it. Growing up in such conditions, children do not receive practical skills in caring for and raising their brothers and sisters, which was typical in a large family.

2. Modern society tries to limit the scope of the family to parents and children. In such a family, children become the axis around which the entire life of the parents revolves. From infancy, the child’s whims are satisfied and wishes are fulfilled. With excessive care and tenderness of parents towards the child, the family atmosphere becomes closed and stuffy for him, so children are drawn to freedom. This is very difficult for parents who do not know how to further build their relationship with their child. Communication with other relatives is weakened. At the same time, this is an irreplaceable opportunity for children to enter into qualitatively new relationships with people. Although the time of strong family clans has passed, it is still important to maintain and strengthen relationships with relatives.

3. A child should be raised not only by his mother and father, but perhaps by a wider circle of people. You cannot raise children by isolating them from life. The child must have room for activity. If this is not the case, then education is unlikely to be effective.

It is no secret that the success of the educational process in any educational institution depends on how the relationships develop between teachers, students and parents.

To form cooperation between adults and children, it is important to imagine the team as a single whole, as a large family that unites and lives interestingly if joint activities of teachers, parents, and children are organized. This promotes unity, family cohesion, establishing mutual understanding between parents and children, and creating comfortable conditions in the family.

Therefore, it is advisable to organize a significant part of the educational work simultaneously with students and parents, and solve problems and assigned tasks together in order to come to an agreement without infringing on each other’s interests, and to join efforts to achieve better results.

Parents and teachers are educators of the same children, and the result of education can be successful when teachers and parents become allies. The basis of this union is the unity of aspirations, views on the educational process, jointly developed common goals and educational tasks, and ways to achieve the intended results.

Both teachers and parents want to see their children healthy and happy. They are ready to support the initiatives of teachers aimed at satisfying and developing the interests and needs of children.

Parents are adults with extensive life experience, knowledge, and the ability to comprehend events, therefore, in solving a number of issues and educational problems, the teacher can receive the necessary advice from parents. Cooperation between teachers and parents allows you to get to know the child better, look at him from different sides and positions, see him in different situations, and therefore help adults in understanding his individual characteristics, developing the child’s abilities, overcoming his negative actions and manifestations in behavior, and forming valuable life experiences. orientations.

Teachers play a decisive role in creating a union of teachers and parents and in establishing cooperative interaction between them.

Union, mutual understanding between teachers and parents, their mutual trust are possible if the teacher excludes didacticism in working with parents, does not teach, but advises, thinks with him, agrees on joint actions; tactfully leads them to understand the need to acquire pedagogical knowledge. If, when communicating with parents, the following phrases are heard more often: “What do you think?”, “Let’s decide together what to do,” “Would you like to hear your opinion?” The whole atmosphere of interaction and communication between the teacher and parents should show that the teacher needs parents, to join forces, that parents are his allies, and he cannot do without their advice and help.

Not all parents respond to the teacher’s desire to cooperate with him or show interest in joining efforts to raise their child. The teacher needs patience and a focused search for ways to solve this problem. We should start working with those who want to participate in the life of the educational group and support teachers, even if such parents are in the minority. Gradually, tactfully, the teacher involves other parents, relying on like-minded parents, taking into account the interests of each child and his family.

There are various forms of interaction between teachers and parents, that is, ways of organizing their joint activities and communication.

It is advisable to combine collective, group and individual forms of interaction.

I will briefly describe the most common collective forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Parent meeting– the main form of work with parents, where the problems of the life of the team are discussed. The class teacher directs the activities of parents in the process of preparation and is an ordinary participant in the meeting. The first meetings, providing an example of democratic discussion of issues, can be led by him himself, and in the future this role can be legitimately performed by the parents themselves.

Parent lecture hall – helps familiarize parents with issues of upbringing, improves their pedagogical culture, and develops common approaches to raising children. The name “lecture hall” is conditional. This does not mean that only lectures are given to parents. The forms of work are varied, and stimulate their activity, creativity, and participation in the discussion of issues.

Conference on sharing experiences in raising children. Can be thematic. It is advisable to carry it out if there really is experience in positive family education on this issue. This form arouses interest, attracts the attention of parents, and the information sounds more convincing to them and is perceived with greater confidence. To share experience, you can take several specific questions that are of greatest practical interest to parents. Many parents can speak out in this case, taking into account the problems in which they have achieved positive results.

Questions and Answers Evening is carried out after interviewing parents and identifying a list of problems that arise in raising children and relationships with them. A teacher can answer some questions; a specialist is invited to answer others (for example, in psychology, sex education).

Dispute– reflection on the problems of education is one of the forms of improving pedagogical culture that is interesting for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, allows everyone to be included in the discussion of problems, and awakens active pedagogical thinking. The participants in the debate themselves, having divided into groups, can formulate the most interesting questions, and then select and preliminarily discuss those that can be brought up for collective discussion.

Family education is carried out the more successfully, the better prepared both parents are for its implementation: father and mother. Therefore, ideally, one should strive to ensure that they attend the named thematic events together, at the same time. A lecture listened to together will certainly cause an exchange of opinions, possibly a discussion with agreement or disagreement.

In addition, in order to improve the educational process in an educational institution, it is necessary to organize joint affairs of parents and children.

It can be different forms of cognitive activity:

Public knowledge forums,

Creative reports on subjects,

Open lesson days

Holidays of knowledge and creativity,

Tournaments of experts,

Joint Olympiads,

Issue of subject newspapers,

Meetings, reports of student scientific societies, etc.

Parents can help with registration, preparation of incentive prizes, evaluation of results, and directly participate in events, creating their own or mixed teams. These could be competitions: “Family is an erudite”, “Family Hobbies”, “Family Reading Circle”.

Forms of work activity:

Office decoration,

Landscaping and landscaping of the yard,

Alley planting,

Creation of a library;

Fair and sale of family crafts,

Exhibitions “The World of Our Hobbies”, etc.

Forms of leisure:

Joint holidays,

Preparation of concerts, performances,

Watching and discussing films and performances,



Tourist trips and gatherings,

Excursion trips.

Family holidays and festivals are becoming widespread:

Mother's Day, Father's Day, Grandparents' Day, My Child's Day, Mutual Thanksgiving Day;

Game family competitions: “Sports Family”, “Musical Family”, family album competition, housewife competition, “Men in Test” competition (competition between fathers and sons), etc.

Joint activities in creative associations of various directions, museums, etc.

Thus, analyzing the role of the family in a person’s life, we see that the family is the social institution in which the formation of a person entering life takes place. It becomes the first home in which a person grows up and receives his first life lessons, in which he receives support and help. Of course, the role of family education in the formation of character, attitudes, and habits is not absolute - self-education and extra-family education that a person receives while living in society plays a large role. But the family can expand those bright qualities of a person that already exist in him, inherent in him from birth, and help a person overcome and eradicate his shortcomings and vices, and this is precisely the great and bright role of the family.

Psychologists shout at the top of their lungs that in a single-parent family, the parent often fails to raise the child.

In this topic I would like to destroy this stereotype. My daughter has been raised in a single-parent family all her life. Our dad died when the baby was not yet born. Girls, I assure you, even one parent can successfully cope with raising their child by following some simple rules.

Rule No. 1. Love for good

Yes, you can all exclaim now: “Who doesn’t love their children?” The situation when you lose your soulmate is very dangerous. Mental pain can drown out your whole life for a moment. In such a state, it is not surprising to forget about the child.

But, thank God, this didn’t happen to me. It was quite the opposite, my daughter became the only meaning of my life. I give all the love that overwhelms me, all my strength and time to it. My love is not blind and deaf, I try to take into account the individuality and needs of the child. After all, without understanding what your child needs, a parent cannot be of any use.

Rule No. 2. Maximum affection and tenderness

I won’t hide the fact that I am often overcome by fears and questions typical of single mothers. For example: “what if I miss my daughter”, “wouldn’t spoil me” and other similar questions. At such moments, I “turn on” my strict father and begin to limit tenderness and affection.

As practice shows, the result is very different from what was expected. Instead of a good, diligent child, I get an aggressive thorn. Through trial and error, I came to a certain conclusion. The more we cherish a child, the more protected he feels. The maximum manifestation of our feelings provides a certain foundation for the successful development of personality.

Rule No. 3. Correct criticism

I think that women who are in a similar position to me will now agree with me. All the same fears of not being able to cope with my upbringing, of making a mistake, push me to rash actions. Any outburst of negative emotions or statements can bring mental pain to the child and complicate relationships.

One day my excessive impulsiveness and nervousness played a cruel joke on me. Every day, without noticing it myself, I raised my baby with criticism. One of her actions caused dissatisfaction, then another. My dry remarks, with or without reason, ultimately alienated my daughter from me. I am infinitely happy that I was able to stop when it was not too late.

Having reviewed my policy, I learned to advise my daughter in a way that did not humiliate her. Now, if I consider it necessary to correct her actions, I start with praise. You know, there is always something to praise a child for. Next, I carefully, without negatively colored words, express my opinion and give the opportunity to correct the mistakes myself.

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Basic conditions

successful raising of a child in a family

The main conditions for success in raising children in a family can be considered the presence of a normal family atmosphere, the authority of parents, a proper daily routine, and timely introduction of the child to books, reading, and work.

A normal family atmosphere is the awareness by parents of their duty and sense of responsibility for raising children, based on mutual respect between father and mother, constant attention to educational, work and social life, help and support in large and small matters, with respect for the dignity of each member family, constant mutual display of tact; organization of family life and everyday life, which is based on the equality of all members, involving children in solving economic issues of family life, managing the household, and doing feasible work; in the reasonable organization of recreation in participation in sports and tourist trips, in joint walks, reading, listening to music, visiting the theater and cinema; mutual principled exactingness, a friendly tone in address, sincerity, love and cheerfulness in the family.

Family traditions, strong foundations and principles contribute to the creation of a highly moral atmosphere in the family. These include holding public and family birthday parties for adults and children. Preparing gifts by children and adults and presenting them with a special emotional upsurge creates that atmosphere of solemnity, joy and happiness that forms spiritual culture and “cements” the family as a collective.

Successful upbringing in a family will be provided that a clear daily routine for children is observed. The daily routine includes the child’s entire daily routine during the day - time for proper sleep, hardening procedures, orderly meals, all types of work and rest. The age and health status of the child are taken into account. The daily routine should have an educational value, which is only possible with the obligatory habituation to its implementation without adult reminders. Seniors must exercise control over the quality implementation of routine tasks and work assignments, evaluate them, and provide assistance in case of difficulties.

A special place in raising a child in the family should be given to reading. In preschool age, a child especially loves to listen to fairy tales that adults read to him, stories from the lives of people and animals. From books he learns about good people, about their deeds, learns about animals and plants. In the fairy tale, the strong, dexterous, fair, honest and hardworking person always wins, while the evil, unkind person is punished by people and society. Listening to a fairy tale, a child does not remain indifferent to the fate of the hero; he worries, worries, rejoices and is upset, that is, he develops feelings and gradually develops an interest in the book. When a child enters school and learns to read, it is important to consolidate interest and develop the skill of independent and systematic reading. This skill does not appear on its own; it requires coordinated and skillful work between school and family. Only this will introduce the child to reading, and he will begin to consider books as his companions in acquiring new knowledge. An emerging interest in reading will lead the child to the library or bookstore. He will have his own heroes whom he will imitate.

An important condition for the successful upbringing of children is the unity of requirements for children by all family members, as well as the same requirements for children from family and school. The lack of unity of requirements between school and family undermines the authority of the teacher and parents and leads to a loss of respect for them.

The authority of knowledge necessarily leads to the authority of help. In the life of every child there are many cases when he does not know what to do, when he needs advice and help. Maybe he won’t ask you for help because he doesn’t know how to do it; you yourself must come with help. Often this help can be provided in direct advice, sometimes in a joke, sometimes in an order, sometimes even in an order. If you know your child's life, you will see for yourself how to act in the best way. It often happens that this help needs to be provided in a special way. Sometimes you need to either take part in a children's game or get to know the children's friends. If there are several children in your family, and this is the happiest case, older children can be involved in such assistance. Parental help should not be intrusive, annoying, or tiring. In some cases, it is absolutely necessary to allow the child to get out of difficulties on his own; he needs to get used to overcoming obstacles. The child will feel your presence next to him, your insurance, but at the same time he will know that you are demanding something from him, that you are not going to do everything for him, to relieve him of responsibility. It is the line of responsibility that is an important line of parental authority. Well, in general, in order to know your child, you need to be able to listen and hear him.

Beginning of the form


3. Conditions for successful parenting

The conditions for successful upbringing can be defined as experimentally identified causes that influence the functioning of the system and relate to its environment.

G. Neuner writes: “The educational process... is influenced by certain spatial, temporal and social conditions, which are external conditions that influence the course of its course. These include social conditions, the corresponding current political and economic situation, social environment, territorial environment, material and organizational conditions, as well as broader (in relation to the educational process) social relations that affect the educational relationship between the educator and the educated.”

E. Drefenstedt lists social, territorial, intra-school, material and technical, local, temporary conditions; in addition, he especially highlights “the conditions arising from the state, trends and problems of development of the children's team, individual pupils...”.

At the congress of teachers of Karelia, held in 2003, the following conditions for successful education were put forward:


Creation of an educational system of a humanistic type;

Interaction with the environment;

Dialogue methods of education, a situation of trust.

Development processes are stimulated by emotional stability, the joy of being, a guarantee of safety, respect for the rights of the child not in words, but in deeds, the priority of an optimistic view of the child. The positive role of an adult is the role of an assistant-facilitator - helping the child in the process of his development. According to some data, in Russia there are about 10% of them.

It is especially worth mentioning the conditions of upbringing in the family.

The main conditions for success in raising children in a family can be considered the presence of a normal family atmosphere, the authority of parents, a proper daily routine, and timely introduction of the child to books, reading, and work.

A normal family atmosphere is:

Parents' awareness of their duty and sense of responsibility for raising children, based on mutual respect between father and mother, constant attention to educational, work and social life, help and support in large and small matters, respect for the dignity of each family member, constant mutual expression tact;

Organization of family life and everyday life, which is based on the equality of all members, involving children in solving economic issues of family life, managing the household, and doing feasible work;

In the reasonable organization of recreation: in participation in sports and tourist trips, in joint walks, reading, listening to music, visiting the theater and cinema;

Mutual strictness of principle, a friendly tone in address, sincerity, love and cheerfulness in the family.

An important condition for the successful upbringing of children is the unity of requirements for children by all family members, as well as the same requirements for children from family and school. The lack of unity of requirements between school and family undermines the authority of the teacher and parents and leads to a loss of respect for them.

In the early years of a child’s life, a family is needed for the formation of certain areas of human consciousness, human psychology, and its absence entails sad and far-reaching consequences, such as, for example, delinquency. The time that children spend at home, after nursery, kindergarten, school is enough for the family to play its intended role.

And whatever the social upbringing, where the ultimate goal is the formation of ideals, the formation of the child’s personality is laid in the family, under the influence of parental love for the sake of his future, under the influence of the authority of parents, family traditions.

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