New Year's cutout. New Year's stencils for windows for cutting out of paper (templates). Pig stencil templates for window decoration

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New Year's stencils expressively decorate windows for the New Year. People are always preparing for the New Year. With bated breath, they cut out templates and paste them on the windows in the form of: animals, snowmen, snowflakes, Christmas trees, deer, winter scenes, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Creating a template is quite simple; you can draw it and then cut it out with scissors or a scalpel. They can be found on the Internet, then downloaded and printed. Children love to do crafts. They love winter fairy tales and love making things with their own hands. Always cut and draw with your children.

Today you are invited to choose from a review of many cutting stencils that will help you beautifully decorate your windows for the New Year.

How to decorate windows 2019 using paper templates

Stencils for window decoration 2019 retain the symbol of the pig, the main zodiac sign of the coming year. The idea is simple: cutting out a drawn or downloaded template.

The creative pig on the template will make anyone who looks at it smile.

Download and print pictures of the pigs you like.

Place the picture paper on the cutting board. Prepare the necessary tools and start cutting out a template from paper.

This is the cute pig on the moon that we end up with.

Find a picture of a pig shaped like a snowman with 2019 written on it.

Cut out the stencils in a similar manner. Ready.

And this simplest template for windows represents a New Year's pig. It's instantly recognizable because it's similar.

Openwork paper pigs are a great solution for lifting the New Year's mood.

My favorite template to cut out with meaning.

Stencils with this method of cutting paper have a back and a front side.

The idea of ​​decorating window panes with such beautiful patterns continues. The examples are impressive.

And even creating a stencil with numbers can have a New Year's riddle. Where is the number 0?

This peaceful year of the pig is coming soon.

Beautiful New Year's patterns on the windows lift the New Year's mood and make you smile.

New Year's stencils for decorating windows using toothpaste

You can decorate a New Year's window very beautifully using templates, toothpaste and a sponge. Spread the holiday spirit on your loved ones with some tricks.

First of all, prepare the templates and cut them out. If your intended winter plot involves several deer, make many templates.

Dissolve chopped white soap in a small container. Additionally, pour a little water and stir. Glue the stencil coated with liquid soap in the desired place and press it with your fingers. Remove excess soap with a cloth. Ready.

Dilute the squeezed toothpaste in a jar with a small amount of water. Take a toothbrush, dip it in the solution and use your finger to spray it towards the deer.

Let the craft dry and carefully remove the template. The planned plot was a success - the deer kicks up the snow around itself with its hooves.

Stencils with snowflakes are especially relevant. Do the same with the snowflake templates and they will decorate your windows in a fabulous way.

Create your own templates in the form of toys with bows and stick them on the windows.

Or cut out figures of different angels from paper and stick them on the windows.

Squirt the toothpaste from the jar onto your toothbrush. Then remove the stencils from the glass. That's all - a winter fairy tale has come to your home.

This means that Santa Claus will definitely come to you, with gifts and gifts.

I would like to talk about the possibility of purchasing sheets with several stencils at once.

You come up with a concept for a fairy-tale decor, first lay down the templates with snowflakes. Using a clothespin with a foam rubber (sponge) clamped, dip it into the toothpaste squeezed out on the saucer. Apply toothpaste to the snowflake template.

Then you place another template with Christmas trees against the glass of the window and also apply toothpaste. You immediately remove the sheet with the stencils. There are forest Christmas trees with snowflakes on your window. In this example, no spraying is done.

Decorate the window frames around the perimeter with New Year's glowing garlands. There will be an elegant window both inside and outside the house.

If you know how to draw, make a composition using both stencils and an artistic brush, as in this video.

Decoration of New Year's windows using the “pull-out” method

The “pull out” method also allows you to decorate windows using stencils and templates. This is a common craft method involving paper cutting. In this case, cutting occurs in entire patterns. And it's very beautiful and interesting.

New Year's “vytynanki” are especially popular. When interesting patterns create an incredible fairy tale.

The New Year's script is cut out and attached to the glass in small pieces with tape.

This is how you can update a window on your balcony.

Or make a New Year's window in the room.

Simpler stencils, after cutting, are secured to the glass with adhesive tape. I suggest “vytynanka” in reverse. You need to cut out the inner template and paint over its cavity.

Apply white spray using artificial snow. In this way, you can create patterns that are connected in meaning.

The result will be a fabulous “vytynanka” made of artificial snow, with meaning, grouped into an interesting plot.

More complex designs are turned into a template using a utility knife and scissors.

Video about how to make “vytynanka” for a New Year’s window with your own hands

Get creative with paper cutting, decorate your home for the New Year, create openwork compositions on the windows. New Year is coming very soon!

The article will provide options for decorating windows for the New Year, the necessary templates and master classes.

New Year is a magical holiday that everyone around the world looks forward to. On this day, even the most gloomy hearts are filled with faith in something wonderful. For children, this holiday is especially important. To give your home a festive feel, decorate it. You can start with the windows.

In the New Year, they become the main object of decoration. Through them you can see the street where the snow is swirling.

There are many ways to decorate the windows in your home.

  • The simplest one is to hang an electric garland on the eaves. Buy only high-quality products that are reliably insulated. And turn off the garland before going to bed.
  • Snowflakes. We have been familiar with them since kindergarten, when in class everyone unanimously cut out these attributes of winter days. You can cut out snowflakes with your children using templates or diagrams.
  • Decorating with stencils is a fun, but more time-consuming option for decorating windows for the holidays. With stencils, a real picture will appear on the windows, which will evoke a feeling of celebration.
  • All kinds of garlands, tinsel, rain and Christmas tree decorations. You can always decorate windows and other parts of the room with them if you’ve run out of ideas.

Think in advance where and how you will decorate the apartment. This will help prepare all the necessary materials and not make the decor cluttered.

Stencils for painting windows for the New Year

There are several ways to use stencils for the New Year. Let's look at a couple of them.

Decorating with stencils and artificial snow

  • For this method we will need a printed stencil, a stationery knife and a can of artificial snow. This snow is sold in Christmas tree departments before the holidays and comes in a variety of colors.
  • Print out the stencil and cut out the inside.
  • We mark on the window where the snow patterns will be placed. It is better to mark these places with a small piece of tape or stickers.
  • Now lightly wet the stencil. This is necessary so that it fits tightly to the window.
  • Now we attach it to the intended place. Remember, it’s better to check how evenly the stencil is placed a hundred times than to correct everything later.
  • Using the instructions on the can, apply snow to the stencil. Make sure that drops of the product do not fall on the area around the stencil.
  • If the product gets on the glass in an unnecessary place, remove it with a damp cloth.
  • The pictures below show stencils for cutting.

Artificial snow can be toxic. Therefore, do not use it with children.

Stencil for artificial snow

Decoration with painting

  • Painting windows is a more labor-intensive process, it takes a lot of time and requires patience. But the result is worth it.
  • Firstly, painting on windows lasts a long time.
  • Secondly, this method is safe and you can decorate the windows together with your child.
  • To make painting easier, you can use stencils.
  • In good weather, during the day, attach the stencil to the back of the window. So that it is behind the glass. This can be done using tape.
  • Now close the window and start creating. You can paint a window using acrylic paint, gouache, and children's stained glass paints. The paint can then be removed with water or solvent.
  • Below see the drawing and stencils for drawings on glass.

Patterns for paper windows for the New Year

Another simple way to decorate windows is with paper patterns.

  • Print out the pattern you like
  • Cut it out with a utility knife
  • Now we attach the finished pattern to the glass

There are many ways to attach. Choose the one that suits you

Methods for attaching paper patterns to glass:

  • Regular water. If the pattern is not large, it will last a long time.
  • Scotch tape. However, it may not be easy to wash it off the glass.
  • Soapy solution. It holds better than water and can be used for larger designs.
  • Glue stick or PVA. They are easy enough to clean with window cleaner.
  • The pictures below show patterns for cutting out and sticking on windows.

Window pattern

Window pattern

Window pattern

Window decorations for the New Year with garlands

Let's make a simple garland to decorate windows for the New Year

  • We need: Christmas tree decorations, colored ribbons, hot glue, tape
  • We cut ribbons of various lengths. We attach a Christmas tree toy to one end. To prevent the tape from unraveling, it must be fixed with hot glue.
  • We attach the tapes to the cornice with the other end. You can simply tie them. To prevent them from moving, secure them with a small piece of tape.
  • This garland can be changed at your discretion. Instead of toys, use figurines, fruits, candies or gingerbread cookies. Instead of ribbons - rain, tinsel or garlands.
  • See the pictures below for examples of window decoration with garlands.

Decorating windows with garlands for the New Year

Drawings on windows for the New Year

If you want to make drawings on windows for the New Year, then you will probably be interested in the question of what paints are best to use.

  • Draw on the windows not recommended by professionals stained glass paints. Yes, they are designed specifically for drawings on glass. But they hold up well, and few people need New Year’s drawings all year round.
  • Watercolor is also not a good paint. It spreads. And even if you manage to apply a pattern, it won’t be easy to wash it off.
  • From the colors that you can draw For temporary drawings, it is better to use gouache or finger paints. Acrylic paints are also suitable.
  • In addition to paints, you can make drawings on windows with toothpaste or artificial snow. These materials resemble real white snow and are easily washed if necessary.
  • There is another way to decorate windows for the New Year - these are special sticker designs. They are sold in stores ready-made. All you need to do is attach the drawing to the right place.

Vytynankas for the windows for the New Year

Vytynanki can be made using a template. Here are some interesting ideas in the pictures below:

Vytynanka on the window

Vytynanka on the window

Vytynanka on the window

Window decorated for the New Year

Window stickers New Year

  • Window stickers are sold ready-made. They have a special adhesive base that adheres tightly to the window. At the same time, they are easy to remove and do not leave marks on the glass.
  • There are a variety of stickers, the most common being vinyl stickers.
  • For window stickers to look attractive, they should not have a reverse side. In this case, they will be clearly visible both inside the apartment and from the street.
  • Stickers come in color and white. Usually, sticker manufacturers have a very wide range of products before the New Year holidays.
  • These stickers can be purchased at office supply stores or online stores.

Paper figures for windows for the New Year

Paper figures that can be placed as decoration on windows:

  • Snowflakes. This is perhaps already a classic. In almost every home or government institution, New Year's snowflakes hang on the windows.
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. These New Year symbols will be quite difficult to cut out. But they will delight the household throughout the holidays.
  • Santa Claus' reindeer. You can have one, or a whole team.
  • New Year tree with toys. Or just toys that seem to hang from the ledge.
  • The animal is a symbol of the New Year. It is known that every New Year has a patron animal, according to the Eastern calendar. To bring you good luck on New Year's Day, you can place this animal on the window.
  • Other holiday attributes: candles, New Year's gingerbread cookies, snowmen, gift boxes, stars and much more.

Window clippings for the New Year

It is better to make cuttings not from too thick paper. This paper will stick better to windows. Therefore, if the pattern is large, it is better to divide it into several parts, and only then print it and glue it to the glass.

  • The picture below shows cuttings that need to be made in 2 pieces, or on 1 sheet folded in half.
  • Glue the two halves together on the window.

Snowflakes for the New Year on the windows

Making a snowflake is very simple:

  • First, make a square from a piece of paper. Fold this square in half, diagonally.
  • Fold the resulting triangle in half again.
  • Notice how the new triangle is formed. This is done by eye. The main thing is that one side of the triangle touches the opposite fold.
  • Cut off the bottom of the shape and you can draw an outline along which you will further cut.
  • For photo cutting instructions and examples of snowflakes, see the pictures below.

Beautiful window for the holiday

Video: How to make a drawing on a window?

Drawings on glass are fun, beautiful and festive. By making such a New Year's decoration on all the windows in your apartment with your children, you will not only give a festive mood to yourself, but also to all those who, passing by your house, glance at your windows. And this is also a wonderful and very affordable way to and.

New Year's drawings on windows: draw with toothpaste

Drawings on windows made with regular toothpaste are the simplest and most cost-effective way that kids will really like, and you won’t have to worry about how to clean the windows, because the paste washes off well with water. There are two ways to draw with toothpaste on glass.

To create on a window, you will need:

  • sponge for washing dishes;
  • white toothpaste;
  • water;
  • Bowl;
  • scotch;
  • stencils of New Year's drawings;
  • toothpicks.

Roll up a piece of sponge and secure it with tape. Squeeze the toothpaste into a bowl and dilute it with a little water. Dip the resulting “brush” into the paste and draw patterns on the glass with it. You can paint with or without stencils. After the paste has dried a little, use a toothpick to draw in the details. And with a thin brush you can draw threads for toys.

For the next method of drawing with toothpaste on glass, you will need slightly different materials:

  • toothpaste;
  • water;
  • old toothbrush;
  • stencils.

This method is often used to decorate not only windows, but also mirrors in the house for the New Year. To begin, select design stencils. These can even be ordinary snowflakes cut out of paper. , you will find it at the link. Moisten the cut out stencil with water and glue it to the surface of a window or mirror. Remove excess moisture with a dry cloth.

In a container, dilute the toothpaste with water until smooth. Apply the mixture generously to the brush and bring it close to the stencil. Run your fingers along the bristles, thus sprinkling the paste onto the stencil of New Year's drawings until you completely fill the drawing.

Leave the drawing along with the stencil until almost completely dry. When the winter design is ready, the paper stencil will easily separate from the glass surface and the design itself will not be smeared.

What else to draw on windows: techniques for New Year's patterns on glass

For drawings on glass for the New Year, special washable paints for painting on glass, gouache with a brush, artificial snow in a spray can, regular soap, PVA glue and glitter are also ideal.

Drawings on windows for the New Year 2019: stencils and templates

To make New Year's drawings on windows neat, it is better to use stencils and templates. You just need to choose the scene you like, download the picture to your computer, print it and cut it out along the outline and in the required designated places. And then everything is as described above in the master class to draw with toothpaste on the windows.

How to paint windows for the New Year: 13 ideas for New Year's drawings on glass

We offer you several options for what you can draw on the windows in winter. You can look at such pictures with New Year's drawings on windows for hours and be inspired by these wonderful ideas.

A Christmas tree, decorated, hung around the house, “frost patterns” on the windows, painted with your own hands - all this will create a feeling of miracle and the approaching New Year 2019.

New Year is a long-awaited holiday. Young and old fall under his spell. There are snowdrifts on the streets, and on frosty days there is a special smell. The closer the New Year holidays are, the brighter and more beautiful it is on the streets and in the shops. Everything sparkles with garland lights and shimmers with tinsel. If you want to fully feel the approaching holiday, start decorating your home right now. Window decoration is also an integral part of New Year's decor. Make the world more beautiful and share the beauty you create with others.

We decorated the house last year, but don’t forget about an equally important place in the house - the window. Decorating windows is a more than noble task, because already from the street the festive mood will take over your guests and passers-by. You yourself will be pleased to stand out from the outside view among the many identical apartment windows. Moreover, for this you will not need special expenditures of materials and effort to create a fairy tale on the window.

If you have children in your family, you will probably have no problem finding watercolors or gouache with brushes. With their help, you can easily draw snowflakes on the window or depict frost along the edges of the frame. Don’t forget to involve your family in this action, the whole family will be delighted. There are also simpler options; you can purchase special stencils in advance, with their help, painting over the gaps in them, draw snowmen, crescents, Christmas trees, snowflakes, etc.

The room will take on an outlandish look if you attach satin ribbons of different lengths with Christmas balls tied to them to the curtains. I am sure that every home has a box of Christmas tree decorations and there should be no problems here. There you will also find tinsel, rain - all this can and should be used.

A light garland will definitely attract the attention of passers-by if you hang them along the cornice. To make it visible from the room, the curtains should be removed. This can be done using a clamp; there are special garters made of ribbons or with magnets. Here you can show your imagination and decorate the holding area, for example, with a composition of Christmas tree decorations with tinsel.

Place tangerines, pine cones, fir branches on the windowsill; you can also use New Year-themed figurines, if available. Cotton wool, oddly enough, can be used as artificial snow or you can use it to make a garland, it will be magical.

Finally, paper is suitable for creating a picture on the window. These can be simple A4 office sheets or cardboard, plain or colored, whatever you have on hand. And here, start imagining, maybe it will be a variety of snowflakes, or perhaps a whole composition of objects and characters.

Snowflakes on windows made of paper with stencils

Snowflakes are a miracle that winter has created for us. Surely all of you cut out snowflakes from paper as a child. A little imagination and originality - and here she is, an openwork beauty! Don't be afraid to experiment, you can't have too many snowflakes!

Today, it is not at all necessary to rack your brains if the desired result does not come out at all. A special selection of stencils for you is below.

Watch a master class on how to simply cut out a beautiful snowflake

How to paint snowflakes on windows with toothpaste

Stencils can also serve as a basis for beautiful snowflakes on the windows; they will look like a light drizzle without clear contours, which will make the pattern natural. We will apply it with regular toothpaste; by the way, the paste can be replaced with gouache if desired.

Toothpaste is generally a very versatile thing and is great for drawing snowflakes on glass. And pasta is easily accessible in every home. There is another advantage - cleaning up toothpaste is not difficult.

To create an image of a snowflake on a window, you need to select stencil templates that you like and cut them out of paper. Next, prepare a bowl of water, toothpaste, a toothbrush or sponge, and a soft cloth.

When all preparations are made, let's begin. The finished snowflake stencil should be placed in a bowl of water for 1 minute. If the size of the stencil does not fit into the bowl, place it on the table and blot it with a wet sponge. Place the wet stencil on the window glass and blot it with a dry cloth for a tight fit. It is also necessary to collect excess water from the glass so that the surface around the stencil is dry. Then squeeze a little toothpaste into a bowl and dilute with water to a light paste. By the way, for color, you can add watercolor paints of the desired colors to the diluted toothpaste. The result will be a light shade; you won’t get bright colors this way.

But now the fun begins, be sure to give the children the opportunity to carry out this procedure, they will be delighted. Take a toothbrush, it’s better to use a hard one, dip it in a bowl with toothpaste pulp, and shake it off a little. Spraying is very easy, just run your finger along the bristles of the brush directly onto the stencil on the window. If you want a more saturated pattern, repeat the procedure until the desired effect. You can replace the toothbrush with a sponge. To do this, also dip it in a bowl of paste and blot the stencil in and around it.

Decorating windows for the New Year 2019 with Pig stencils

The coming New Year is the Yellow Earth Pig, although we are probably still closer to the cute domestic Pig. Don't forget about her. Below are stencils of cute pigs that will decorate and complement your window paintings. I tried to choose simple drawings so that even children could draw them. With their help, you can recreate a whole story on the window and, together with your children, come up with a story on this topic.

Stencils for New Year's window decoration

Who said that there should only be snowflakes on the windows? There are many more options for creating art on window glass - these include deer, angels, bells, holiday balls, etc. and so on. The symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree can be decorated right on the window, and why not? This option will be very relevant if you have small children and there is no way to dress up the forest beauty. But no one has canceled the holiday and nothing should stop you from creating a New Year’s aura!

Garlands on windows for the New Year

It happens that the drawings on the windows are not to your taste, but it doesn’t matter. Very good Garlands that you can make yourself without much difficulty will look very stylish and impressive on the windows.

Paper garland of circles

We will need: white or colored paper, scissors, thread, if you have a sewing machine, this will simplify the task. Cut out circles with a diameter of 3 cm, then stitch them in the center. Let's make a few of these garlands of different or the same length as desired and attach one vertically along the entire length of the cornice.

Snow garland made of cotton wool or felt

White felt holds its shape very well; in the absence of such, we replace it with cotton wool. It is necessary to make balls of different diameters from cotton wool or felt so that they resemble miniature snowballs, then string the resulting balls onto a thread in random order. You can add foam snowflakes to this garland.

Original garland on a branch

Things made with your own hands warm your soul in a special way. When it comes to handmade toys, it’s doubly nice, since only you will have these. You can wrap simple Christmas tree decorations in scraps, sew funny figures from felt, knit snowflakes or the toys themselves from yarn. Then simply secure them to a branch and place them on the window.

I also described ideas with garlands; it is also quite possible to decorate a window with them.

Vytynankas on windows with templates

Vytynanka is the artistic cutting of patterns from paper. Ancient Slavic folk decorative art. Sheets of white paper are usually used for cutting. To cut out templates from protrusions, you can use a stationery knife, a special breadboard knife, or regular nail scissors.

Cutting out the protuberance is not difficult, as it might seem at first glance. Cut out the template and use a utility knife to cut out the pattern inside the template, you should get little windows. Remember, the middle of the template is cut out first, the outline last.

You can glue the protruding New Year's decorations to the windows using a soap solution or simply place the cut-out figures on the windowsill.

A few stencils for you below.

Decorating windows for the New Year in kindergarten

Who, if not children, is looking forward to the New Year holidays the most? In kindergartens, they prepare for them in advance; teachers, together with the children, decorate the rooms and prepare various New Year's crafts. If you haven't read the article, I recommend it.

And, of course, when passing by kindergartens, we always pay attention to the beautifully decorated windows. Perhaps this video will give you new ideas for decorating your favorite kindergarten or home.

Dear friends! Approach the holidays creatively, decorate the world around you and share the beauty with others.

I wish you to celebrate the New Year in a warm and cozy atmosphere. And I hope that today’s tips for decorating windows will help you turn such a magical holiday as the New Year into a fairy tale. With coming!

The New Year 2017 and Christmas holidays are already coming. All people are busy decorating their houses. Everyone tries to decorate their house in their own way, so that it is different from the others, and so that people passing by look at the house and rejoice. People's souls will be joyful and everyone will have only bright feelings. The most interesting and unusual of all the decorations are the stencils on the windows. You can simply stick them on or create entire compositions from them.

Stencils for the New Year 2017 for cutting out on the window: pictures.

They are also called New Year's piercings. This is paper from which various patterns and pictures are cut out. Decorating a window with these paper figures is very quick and, most importantly, entertaining. So, let's look at the technique of cutting out piercings.

First you need to choose what stencils you want to make. Enlarged to the size you need to print. You can make your images not only white, but also colored. Choose a color to suit your taste, but gold or silver would look better. Then prepare a place to work with stencils. There should be nothing unnecessary in your workplace. All you need is: a cutting board, a stationery knife, scissors, maybe a blade and the stencils themselves. Firstly, before you start cutting, place a cutting board on the table, or something that will not scratch the surface of your table.

Cutting them out is very easy. The silhouette can be cut out with scissors, but the details inside the silhouette are cut out with a stationery knife. But if you don't have a knife, you can take a blade, but be careful. Cut out all the details of the design more legibly so that passing people can understand what kind of figure you are on the window. After all the details for your winter painting are prepared, all that remains is to glue them. It is better to glue them with a soap solution. They do it as follows. Throw a couple of bars of soap into a cup of water, but if you want, you can also pour liquid soap. Mix your solution and apply it to the window. And glue your stencils.

2017 is the year of the Red Rooster. Let's see what kind of poking can be done from a rooster composition.

Interestingly, we cut out a rooster standing in the snow, around a snowflake, and under the rooster is the year 2017. Since it is the year of the red fiery rooster, we will therefore cut out the rooster

Where the stencil is red and needs to be cut out.

You can even make such a composition that this rooster goes to some kind of Christmas tree. For example, you can cut something like this:

This one is very easy to cut. The inside of the Christmas tree can be cut out with nail scissors.

The sign will look very beautiful: New Year's Christmas balls are hanging on ribbons. But the balls are not round, they will be in the form of 2017 numbers. And a rooster will sit in the zero. Smiling is interesting and unusual.

We suggest sticking these funny cockerels on the corners of the windows. But cut them out carefully. It’s difficult to cut out the wings, so if you can’t do it yourself, ask an adult.

So, let's create a composition “village in winter”. In the middle of everything we will have a house with snow on its roof. There is a Christmas tree next to the house, and large trees behind. There is a path and on the sides there are small bushes.

Stencil - house

On the left there will be a mill with an arch. Near it there will be a large tall tree, and on the arc side there will be a gate.

And to the right of our house we will place the church. It is in a triangular frame. In the foreground are bushes, behind it stands a church covered with snow. There is a Christmas tree on one side of it, and a tree on the other.

On top of the window (in the sky of our composition) we will glue a Christmas tree made up of large and small stars. And you can just glue small stars around it. If you add a little imagination, people will think that the stars themselves formed a Christmas tree.

Now we need to make some kind of planet that will illuminate our earthly beauty. This will be our moon. Or rather, the month on which the little bear sleeps. He also holds a bear in his hands. And stars hang from the month.

So we got this winter picture of the village. If you wish, you can stick small snowflakes on the window, and it will look like it’s snowing in the village.

Here are the cat stencils:

These are the photos!

This was a village in winter, and now we’ll make a winter forest.

You can stick three or four Christmas trees on the bottom of the windows, and between them comes Santa Claus with gifts. A fawn is walking towards grandfather. There is a month in the sky that smiles welcomingly at everyone. And in the sky around this there were little angels shining, looking at him and at what was happening on earth!

And here are the stencils for this painting.

Stencil for New Year 2017 Christmas tree

You can make window decorations in another interesting way. Take toothpaste and mix it with water until foam forms. Then we take our stencil and glue it to the glass with tape. Now let's take a toothbrush and paint over our figure. It barks in a peculiar way.

Window cutting template
Picture for cutting onto the window
Stencil for cutting out onto a window

You can make these window decorations yourself, it's economical and fun. Do this with your child, it will develop his creativity. You need to cut it out carefully, and then you will be carried away by your work, and when you cut out and paste your creation on the window, you will look and rejoice at the beauty that has flowed out of you.

Your fabulous winter paintings made by you will delight passers-by, lift their spirits and attract attention.

Now that you have dyed your hair, you will only be in a great mood.

All that remains for us is to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year 2017, the year of the red fiery Rooster, and wish you good luck next year.

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