Cape for wedding with hood. According to the Orthodox canon: why do you need a cape for a wedding - choose it or sew it yourself. Color combination of cape and dress

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- a sacrament that requires a special approach. And it is especially important to choose the appropriate bride’s outfit, as well as accessories. One of the most important details is the wedding cape. What could it be like?

Why is it needed?

A cape is not just an accessory that complements the look (although this function is one of the main ones). In some cases it is simply necessary. As you know, you should not wear too revealing clothes in church.

And if the bride has a dress that has a deep neckline or opens her shoulders, then the cape will cover all exposed parts of the body. In addition, it will protect from the wind in cool weather if it is made of fairly dense fabric.

How to make a choice?

What should you pay attention to when choosing a cape for a wedding? There are several most important points.


Possible styles:

  • Classic cape. It looks like a cloak and is attached to the bride's neck. The length can be practically any: to the waist, to the buttocks, to the hips or even to the floor. This model looks feminine and gentle, but is not practical, so it is exclusively a wedding accessory. It will cover your shoulders, but will not protect you from the wind.
  • A cape with a hood can perform several functions at once: cover your shoulders, cover your head and replace a veil. The hood can be very beautiful, which will make the image even more feminine and delicate. But it must certainly be loose, otherwise the bride risks looking ridiculous and damaging her hair.
  • Bolero cape. It will not only cover all exposed parts of the body, but will also favorably emphasize the elegance of the shoulders and arms, and will also be a wonderful addition to the chosen wedding dress. Tight-fitting models with long sleeves look more interesting. If the bride only has her arms exposed, then you can buy a bolero without fasteners that reveals her chest. And if the décolleté area is also open, then you should opt for a model that covers the chest and fastens with buttons or hooks. One way or another, such an accessory will be ideally combined with a dress without a top or with a simple and tight-fitting top, since voluminous details will stand out and spoil the appearance.
  • Jacket. It will cover everything that cannot be shown to a girl in church, and will emphasize a certain severity of the image (this is very appropriate for a wedding). The jacket is best combined with laconic wedding dresses of a fitted or simple silhouette, knee-length or floor-length, without unnecessary details or frilly decorations.
  • You can purchase a hood for a wedding. Its upper part will completely cover the head and replace the veil, and the lower part will gently fall onto the chest and shoulders and cover them.
  • You can choose a shawl, scarf or stole. This accessory looks interesting, but it is not very convenient, as it can fall off the bride’s shoulders at the most inopportune moment, which will be very inappropriate during such an important sacrament.


A beautiful wedding cape can be made from almost any material. Openwork lace will complement the dress and look gentle. Silk or satin will fall onto the shoulders and make them elegant and graceful. Translucent chiffon is a great summer option for a stylish bride. Chic tulle would also work.

The cape does not necessarily have to be simple and strict; the church fully tolerates and even welcomes beauty, but not flashy and vulgar. The role of decoration can be played by interesting embroidery, beads or beads, braid and other not too flashy decorative elements.


In photographs of catalogs and magazines, classic white capes are most often seen. And this color is truly ideal, as it personifies the purity, innocence and tenderness of the bride. But the accessory can also be beige or milky. If you wish to choose a different color cape, be sure to discuss this with the priest, as not all colors are appropriate.

But the church allows lilac, soft blue, gray, peach. In any case, the color should be soft and calm. It is better to avoid dark tones. You should also forget about “acid” and bright ones.

How to sew?

You can make the cape yourself. The easiest way is to sew a scarf or stole. Prepare the fabric, cut out a rectangle of the required size from it, trim the edges (you can decorate them with braid or lace). For convenience, consider a clasp or tie that will hold the accessory on your shoulders.

To make a simple cape with a hood, take a fairly large scarf or cut a square piece from the fabric. Place the scarf over your head and mark a line along your neck with a chalk or pencil. Cut a strip of fabric, sew it to the wrong side of the scarf along the marked line, securing it at the edges and leaving free space. Thread the braid, which will act as ties.

With a cape, your image will be complete and appropriate to the sacrament.

When choosing clothes for a wedding, a girl should remember that she should look modest and discreet in it; one of the elements of the outfit that can help her with this is a cape with a hood, which will look elegant, but at the same time very modest.

A headdress for a bride is a special part of the outfit, because it is a mandatory attribute that must be present on a girl. Nevertheless, there are many options for this detail of the outfit and every girl will be able to choose exactly what she likes.

Girls who prefer classic options more often give their preference to a long and multi-layered veil, and some, on the contrary, advocate creativity by wearing flower crowns (by the way, this ancient tradition came to us from Ukraine, where girls did not wear a veil during their wedding , and wore colorful flower crowns).

But girls who honor Orthodox traditions most often give their preference to scarves and capes that cover their heads. And it’s worth saying that they make the right decision. After all, ordinary ones, like lace capes, are a tribute to Orthodox traditions.

Color combination of cape and dress

When choosing a cape for a dress, you first need to consider how they will look together, whether the colors will match

  • If the dress is snow-white, then the cape should be similar, or vice versa, contrasting (for example, gray or blue). If the cape is white, but a little darker, then against the background of a snow-white dress it may seem dirty;
  • Remember that in addition to the dress itself, the cape should also be combined with other accessories, especially if its color is different from the color of the dress.

Not only beautiful, but also a practical attribute

As you know, the church greatly respects and honors pure, innocent and modest girls.

Therefore, the outfit must match. Often, girls wear the dress they wore at the wedding to their wedding; in such dresses, their arms are usually exposed, their backs are open, etc.

During the wedding, the girl should not have exposed parts of her body, so a properly selected cape will help hide the necessary places, while also decorating the girl’s outfit.

  • The bolero is perfect for a dress in which the arms or back are exposed;
  • Bare dresses will be hidden by a shawl;
  • If the dress has too deep a neckline, then a poncho would be an excellent solution when choosing a cape;
  • But on a closed dress with long sleeves, a traditional wedding cape - a bonnet - will look great.

So we can say that a wedding dress is not the only attribute that requires special attention. Properly selected accessories will help make the outfit more interesting and beautiful.

  • The cape will not only emphasize the fragility of the bride, but will also warm the girl;
  • A cape with a hood is a very good option, because it will not only decorate the bride’s outfit, but also preserve her hairstyle;
  • The bolero will help hide the bride's bare shoulders and highlight her figure.

Why is a cape most often chosen?

  • Firstly, the aesthetic component. Such a cape is made of light and weightless fabric; such an attribute creates a feeling of mystery and mystery;
  • Originality. Brides more often give preference to the veil in which the wedding took place, but they pay less attention to capes and scarves;
  • Church canons will not be violated. As everyone knows, when entering a church, a girl must cover her head with a scarf, but during the wedding the bride’s face must be open; a veil in this regard will not be the best solution and will cause some inconvenience. Therefore, a cape will be the best choice for the bride; it will cover the head, but will open the face, as required by the laws of the church, will hide bare areas of the body, but at the same time will complement the image of the bride and make it lighter and more delicate.

How to make it yourself

I think many girls would be interested in creating a wedding attribute with their own hands. And believe me, there is nothing complicated about it.

First you need to purchase fabric that will match the event; it should be light and airy:

  • Silk;
  • Tulle;
  • Guipure;
  • Lace fabric;
  • Any other fabric that will meet the specified criteria.

What else will you need to sew a cape for a wedding:

  • Threads that will match the color of the fabric;
  • Ribbons, braid, bouillons, beads or any other decorations;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Pattern.

The work ahead will be easy, especially for those who are already familiar with sewing. The main thing is to approach the matter responsibly and carefully.

  1. First you need to cut a circle from the fabric, the diameter of which is determined based on the size of the future cape;
  2. The circle will need to be cut in a straight line exactly to the center;
  3. Next you need to make a cutout for the neckline. Please note that this cutout should not be positioned strictly in the center! The next step is to fold the second piece of material in half and mark a rectangle. The width is equal to the circumference of the neck, which was divided in two, and the height is equal to the estimated height of the hood. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you also need to take into account the height of the hairstyle that will be worn at the wedding;
  4. The hood is sewn to the cape, then the edges are processed and the clasp is sewn.
  5. If you want, then decorate the scarf as your imagination allows. But don't overdo it.

For many young couples, it is as important as registering a relationship in the registry office. In order to cement a relationship with the bonds of a church marriage, to swear an oath of fidelity to each other before God, a long preparatory period is necessary. It is necessary to prepare physically and mentally for such an important ceremony! Fasting, prayer, confession, communion - all this should be present in the life of young people who are about to go to the altar. In addition, you need to take with you to church icons depicting the Savior and the Mother of God, candles, rings, and a towel. The same article will discuss the issue of wisely choosing wedding clothes for the bride and describe the option of using a cape for a wedding with a hood.

Subtleties of choosing clothes

Like everything else, it requires a serious and thoughtful approach. As a rule, this applies to women's wedding attire. With men, everything is much simpler: a classic formal suit, a white shirt, tie or bow tie, or without any accessories at all. That's it, you can safely go to church!

It’s more difficult for a bride who is about to walk down the aisle, and as a result, it’s time to think about which outfit from her wardrobe is suitable for an important ceremony. The priests assure that you can come to the wedding in clothes a little more formal than usual, and that will be enough. It is important that the bride does not wear trousers, shorts or a short dress and has as little exposed body parts as possible. A chic neckline, short sleeves, an open back must be covered, and a hat is a must.

Most brides choose a wedding dress. From a Christian point of view, white color symbolizes purity of thoughts and deeds, innocence. On the other hand, in the twilight of the church, a thin figure in a snow-white outfit looks very beautiful, so after the ceremony there will be gorgeous photographs that record this important moment in the lives of the young people. Open wedding dresses will have to be decorated: for this you can use shawls, stoles, scarves. Wedding bonnets, hats, veils and scarves are suitable as headdresses for the church.

Wedding Cape with Hood

The best option, solving many problems at the same time, is a wedding cape with a hood. Its design is quite simple and at the same time original. A beautifully sewn item will simultaneously cover your head and shoulders, but will not fall off. The bride in such a dress looks very elegant, feminine, sophisticated!

It is desirable that the tone of the cape matches the color of the dress, and its length should cover the open back. When trying on a cape, it is important to pay attention to the hood. As a rule, its dimensions are not indicated, so it is necessary to select the accessory in such a way that it does not fit very tightly on the head and at the same time is not too loose (otherwise it will fall off). Another nuance: wedding capes with a hood can either be fastened with a button or tied with ribbons.

Stylists suggest choosing capes from the same fabric that is present in the bride’s outfit. The same goes for lace and decorative elements, for example, artificial flowers, ribbons, rhinestones, pearls. Shopping centers and wedding salons today offer many similar accessories for the bride, but only the girl decides which option to choose!

A wedding is a sacrament for which newlyweds prepare with special trepidation. If for painting in the registry office it is enough to take into account your own preferences, then the ceremony in the church is carried out according to certain canons. The bride cannot enter the church with her head uncovered. Some people complement the outfit with a scarf or veil, the upper tier of which is draped over the forehead during the wedding. But the best option is a wedding cape. This accessory creates a special atmosphere of mystery.

A bridal cape is an accessory similar to a cloak with a hood. It can be elongated below the waistline or shortened in the form of a bolero. The headdress is secured with ribbons or ropes in the neck area. The bolero-shaped accessory is fastened with a button or hook.

Another option is a poncho - a shortened cape without fasteners with a slot for the head. The bonnet, which covers only the head and shoulders of the hero of the occasion, is also popular among brides.

Reference! To prevent the accessory from falling off the head during the wedding and not distracting the bride’s attention, the accessory is secured with decorative bobby pins or hair clips.

Depending on the weather, choose a cape with long or short sleeves. The fabric from which the accessory is sewn also depends on the season. White lace hoods are the most popular. For choosing a cape made of dense fabrics. An alternative could be a light short fur coat, boa or jacket.


If a veil is a secular element that is usually used to decorate the head, then Covering your head with a cape or scarf is an Orthodox tradition.

This detail will always decorate the image of the newlywed in church. In such an accessory, the bride looks especially mysterious, fragile and innocent. Clothes are chosen for weddings in many countries around the world.

Choosing a stole for a dress

You can buy a wedding cape in a store or sew it yourself. When choosing an accessory for a church ceremony, it is important to ensure that it matches the bride’s outfit. This is especially true for the color scheme.

The traditional color of a wedding dress is white. It symbolizes purity and lightness. A white dress gives a special charm to the future wife. It is best to choose a cape of the same color.

Those who want to stand out choose an accessory in a contrasting color. Blue or gray capes are completely acceptable. But in this case, you should pay attention to additional accessories. They must match the color scheme of the entire image.

When choosing a cape for a wedding, you should take into account that the hood should be quite spacious so as not to hinder the bride’s movements and not disturb.

And some more useful tips:

  • Bolero is suitable for warm seasons and dresses with open arms, neckline and open back;
  • A poncho will help hide too much neckline;
  • A cape-hood suits better than others;
  • Brides who want to highlight their graceful figure and maximize the beauty of their dress will love the bolero;
  • If the top of the dress is decorated with voluminous details, then it is better to opt for a modest bolero with one hook clasp;
  • A maximally closed cape with long sleeves looks great with a tight-fitting dress;
  • A short bolero, a hip-length cape or even a cape will suit a tight-fitting skirt.

Benefits of a head cap

The cape is not just beauty and a tribute to Orthodox traditions. This accessory is quite practical and convenient. In the winter season, a correctly selected piece of clothing made of dense material will warm you up; in the summer season, it will correct the too open style of the dress.

In church, girls are prohibited from appearing with open arms and cleavage. But this does not mean that you will have to give up a dress with a deep neckline, and in the summer swelter from the heat in a dress with long sleeves. A lace bolero or poncho with a hood will come to the rescue.

Important! In bad weather, the hood will not only warm the bride, but also protect her hair. At the banquet the young wife will look impeccable.

Pros of models with a hood

Newlyweds choose hooded accessories for weddings for several reasons:

  • Aesthetics– the cape adds femininity and innocence to the image of the bride. This element of clothing makes any representative of the fair sex especially attractive and mysterious;
  • Compliance with church canons.- a special rite that believers go through. All traditions are observed in the temple, including those relating to appearance and choice of clothing. A wedding bolero will help you comply with church canons and at the same time look attractive and luxurious;
  • Originality– modern brides believe that a veil is too traditional and even a banal element of clothing. Many people refuse this accessory in favor of capes.


The Church welcomes modesty. However, this does not mean that a headdress made of a plain dense white fabric will be the most successful option. Even in the temple, the bride wants to look beautiful and look better than everyone else present.

A wedding cape should not be vulgar. The accessory, decorated with beads, pearls, hand embroidery, braid and other details, looks delicate.

The ideal fabric for an accessory is openwork lace, tulle, satin, chiffon or guipure. The bride chooses an acceptable option, taking into account not only her own preferences, but also the wedding attire.

The fabric of the cape does not have to repeat the material from which the dress is made, but must be duplicated: in the fabric of the dress or accessories. So, a lace bolero with openwork gloves will go perfectly with a satin dress.

We sew with our own hands

Sewing a wedding cape yourself is not difficult, especially if you have at least minimal sewing skills.

To begin with, choose the fabric. It can be silk, tulle, lace, guipure, but keep in mind that many of the materials are difficult to process, so choose based on your own skills and the capabilities of your sewing machine (the presence of an overlocker or other type of edge processing).

We buy additional threads for the fabric, and also think about how to make ties. These can be ribbons, braid, pearl buttons, hidden hooks, broth. You may like the option with a beautiful brooch, and then you won’t have to make a special clasp.

We offer two simple patterns with step-by-step instructions.

Option 1: with hood

  1. Cutting out a circle, the diameter of which coincides with the size of the finished product;
  2. We mark the place for the neck, slightly shifting the circumference towards the chest;
  3. Draw the inner circle-neck;
  4. Cut straight from the front edge to the neckline. The cape is ready! All that remains is to make the hood;
  5. Fold a piece of fabric in half and mark a rectangle: width – half the circumference of the neck, length – the height of the hood (don’t forget to take into account the height of the hairstyle);
  6. Cut out a rectangle and attach it to the neckline of the cape;
  7. We trim the edges with a beautiful braid and sew on the ties.

Option 2: simple bolero

  1. Fold the material in half;
  2. Determining the dimensions based on the length of the bolero, for example, 40x55 cm with an allowance of 20-30 cm;
  3. We transfer the pattern to the fabric, taking into account that the upper dotted line is the cut, and the lower one is the drawstring line;
  4. We cut out the bolero, unfold it, and trim the edges with piping or using a decorative hem;
  5. On the outside, along the bottom dotted line, we sew a drawstring into which we thread a satin ribbon or a beautiful cord. You can decorate it with special end beads.

Useful video

It is especially important to choose the right dress and accessories for the bride for the wedding sacrament. One of the most important details of the outfit is the wedding cape. It will not only cover all exposed parts of the body, but will also favorably emphasize the elegance of the shoulders and arms. The video will tell you how to sew it yourself:


The range of wedding capes is so large that any bride will choose the right accessory for herself, taking into account her taste preferences, time of year and body shape. And if there are no opportunities for purchase or you want to be known as a skilled craftswoman, sew a cape with your own hands. In this case, you will get married in a unique outfit, and perhaps the wedding cape will become a family heirloom that you will pass on to your daughter or granddaughter.

Every bride is beautiful on her wedding day, but a bride in a lace wedding hood is doubly beautiful, gentle and mysterious. For a long time, this simple but elegant accessory served as a sign of purity, modesty and emphasized femininity of the newlywed; subtly set off her beauty and emphasized the solemnity of the moment... In a word, if you have to seal your union with sacred bonds, be sure to consider a wedding cape as an alternative to a veil. It will help create a truly unforgettable image in full accordance with church traditions.

What is a wedding scarf?

Girls who are committed to the classics choose a multi-layered fluffy veil. Romantic young ladies and desperate dreamers decorate their heads with wreaths of ribbons and fresh flowers. And Orthodox brides often appear before the altar in wedding capes with a hood. And I must say, they are not making a mistake at all! There are at least three reasons to try on an unusual accessory:

It is beautiful. Weightless lace fabric, falling in folds from the head and shoulders, will add another bright, and at the same time delicate touch to your outfit, helping you look cute, spiritual and a little mysterious.
This is original. Of the five brides, three go to the altar wearing the same veil, so the cape will definitely make the newlywed’s appearance interesting and memorable. Even if three or more couples are getting married in the church, you won’t be able to get lost among them.
This corresponds to church canons. Orthodox tradition requires a woman to cover her head in church. At the same time, it is believed that the newlywed’s face should remain completely open during the wedding. A veil in this case is not the best choice, since it is often attached to the back of the head, without covering the top of the head, or has several tiers, one of which the bride drapes over her forehead before entering the temple. The cape will allow you to comply with the principles without sinning against the beauty of the newlywed. And even choose a dress with a neckline and open shoulders! It’s not appropriate to appear in church like this, but a wedding scarf will solve this problem in an instant, masking all the “liberties” with its wide folds.

Types and styles of capes

It all depends on your taste, wishes and cut of the wedding dress.

A bolero fastened with several buttons or hooks with lace sleeves and a hood is suitable not only for brides who choose a revealing neckline, but also for girls in elegant, tight-fitting dresses without unnecessary details on the bodice. In this case, a closed cape will complete the look.

If the bodice of the wedding dress is decorated with complex embroidery, beads or artificial flowers, you should opt for models that are completely open or have only one clasp.

Romantic brides will appreciate the voluminous “cloak”, the length of which can reach the floor. Those who prefer simplicity and conciseness to all refinements will love the cape-scarf with a drawstring and satin ties.

...And natural seamstresses and simple handymen can easily build a wedding cape with a hood with their own hands.

How to sew a hood for a wedding?

First of all, stock up on a piece of silk, satin, guipure, high-quality tulle, lace fabric or other airy elegant fabric. Remember that the hood, like the veil, symbolizes the purity of the newlywed, so it is better to choose a boiling white color. Or - if, say, you are not getting married for the first time - milky, peach, soft pink and other pastel colors.

You will also need threads of the appropriate shade, a sewing machine (or a needle and a lot of patience), ribbons, braid, beads for decoration... And, of course, a pattern for a cape with a hood for the wedding. For example, like this:

The work you have to do is painstaking, but not difficult:

  • Cut a circle from the selected piece of fabric. The diameter is determined based on the size of the future cape.
  • Cut it straight to the center.
  • Make a cutout for the future neckline. Please note that it is not located strictly in the center!
  • Next, fold the second piece of fabric in half and mark a rectangle on it, the width of which should be equal to the circumference of the neck divided in two, and the height should be the expected height of the hood, taking into account the wedding hairstyle.
  • All that remains is to stitch the hood to the cape, trim the edges and sew on the clasp.

Second option:

  • Fold the fabric in half.
  • Adjust the size of the pattern according to your wishes.
  • Transfer it to the canvas and cut out the desired part.
  • Unfold and trim the edges.
  • Sew a drawstring in the place marked with a dotted line.

Thread a satin ribbon through it to tie it.
Attach beads or end caps specially purchased for this purpose to the ends of the ribbon.
And try on the finished accessory!

A little life hack: to ensure that the hood does not fall off your head during bows, secure it with pins in two or three places. Then nothing will distract you from the sacrament.

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