Wedding in Marsala color, hall decoration. Chic wedding: details of decoration in Marsala color Decoration of the Marsala hall

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In the coming wedding season, one of the most popular shades for decoration of celebrations is the color of Marsala. This is not the first year that it has held a leading position, which is quite natural: a ceremony in this color looks luxurious and noble at any time of the year.

This amazing red shade with a light brown undertone gets its name in honor of a dessert wine originally from Sicily. When decorating a wedding in Marsala color, they use various shades: burgundy, cherry, garnet or wine. A distinctive feature of Marsala color is that it changes its appearance when surrounded by other shades.

Important! A wedding decorated in Marsala color symbolizes luxury, the newlyweds' unsurpassed sense of style and elegance.

Warm wine color goes well with neutral shades:

  • light blue;
  • emerald;
  • pink;
  • chocolate;
  • light gray;
  • pearly;
  • beige;
  • ivory.

Idea! It is not necessary to choose candles of the same shade. A combination of Marsala-colored accessories with emerald, brown, orange, pink, pearl or beige looks elegant.

It is important to arrange flower arrangements so that they do not interfere with guests’ communication. Instead of table vases at a Marsala wedding, wine bottles are used. They are decorated using decoupage technique and decorated with sequins, feathers, braid or imitation precious stones. Continuing the wine theme, wine glasses are used instead of candlesticks.

A large amount of burgundy textiles often looks heavy, so light shades are chosen for tablecloths. The same goes for napkins. They must be textile and match the additional design shade.

You can make an accent on the festive table with the help of dishes. Cherry or burgundy plates look beautiful on a white background. Gold-plated cutlery will complement the setting.

Particular attention is paid. They focus attention on it with the help of playful streamers, garlands of ribbons or balls. The side parts are draped with fabric in the main color palette. A collage of joint photos of the newlyweds is placed behind them.


Depending on the style of celebration, the wedding cake is made in one variation or another:

  • The classic dessert is a plain marsala-colored crust with a minimum of decorations;
  • For a wedding in a romantic style, you can ask the pastry chef to add mastic patterns and marzipan figures. They will symbolize the bride and groom;
  • Baked goods for a ceremony in boho style or decorated with berries, flowers, wine-colored glaze;
  • As an original dessert, you can order a cake with artistic painting;
  • In the summer, they do not spare fruits and berries of the desired shade for the cake - plums, cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants, grapes.

A white, brown, gold or beige cake with bright decorations - raspberry, cherry or burgundy - looks impressive.

As an alternative, you can choose a candy bar decorated in marsala color. The sweet table menu usually includes cakes, lollipops, chocolates with cognac or cherries, chocolate-covered strawberries, cupcakes and cookies.


To decorate wedding details in Marsala color, it is not necessary to hire a professional designer. You can do this yourself, if you are not afraid to fantasize:

  • The bride's garter is made of Marsala-colored lace and decorated with bows and rhinestones;
  • The cushion for the rings is made from a piece of velvet or burgundy-colored satin. Decorate the accessory with gold embroidery or braid;
  • The glasses are decorated with fabric hearts and ribbons;
  • Banquet cards are cut out of thick paper or cardboard. Decorate with colored sand, appliqués, and artificial pearls. In addition, they also draw up a seating chart for guests at the tables. This will help all invitees quickly find their place and avoid confusion;

Idea! Instead of place cards, use empty wine bottles and write the guest's name and table number on them.

  • Bonbonnieres are decorated in the form of beautiful boxes. They contain marmalade, lollipops, macaroons, and chocolate candies with cherry filling. After the ceremony, guests will take them home as souvenirs. As a gift, guests are often presented with miniature bottles of cherry juice or wine;
  • A chest for greeting cards and money is left on a tray near the entrance. It is decorated with a photograph of the bride and groom, burgundy wine ribbons or lace;
  • It's easy to make a wish book with your own hands. Thick burgundy cardboard is used for the cover, and cream-colored paper is used for the sheets.


A natural landscape will be an excellent backdrop for a wedding photo shoot in Marsala color:

  • forest edge;
  • rose garden;
  • bank of a river or lake.

For photography they use masks with feathers in Marsala color for guests and newlyweds, hats, glasses of wine, and garlands of balloons. By placing antique furniture, bookcases and other interior items among the trees, they create a unique photo zone, while the photo arch is decorated with lace, burgundy fabric and flowers.

The banal background in the studio is replaced with an old mansion, a beautiful theater building, or filming is carried out near high-rise buildings. The dynamic and bright shade of Marsala looks great against a gray urban background. Accessories include bright umbrellas, an antique wine-colored car, or books with bright covers. During a photo walk, lovers can visit their favorite places, architectural monuments, or take a few memorable shots on an inconspicuous bench in the park where they first saw each other.


When planning their wedding, most newlyweds want to make the day special for both themselves and their guests. The idea of ​​a wedding in the color Marsala is an excellent choice, the photos will help you see this:

Useful video

Sophisticated, luxurious, fashionable - all this is about a wedding in the beautiful color of Marsala. It has many unusual shades, thanks to which the wedding celebration will sparkle with different colors.


Marsala is a solemn and unusual shade, but we must not forget that it is a very complex color. To correctly combine with other shades you will need not only inspiration, but also good artistic taste. If you are not afraid of experiments and strive to get the best from life, then weddings in the shade of Marsala are the ideal choice.

Temperamental Sicily. Seductiveness in wine with the taste of dark chocolate. How glad I am for our new meeting, my friends and newly arrived guests. You are welcome to our hut and may this day be sunny and positive from all sides! Have you heard anything about such a mysterious and euphonious word - Marsala? So I’m talking all about him! Not a bad start today with a strong Italian dessert wine, right? So, if you want a stylish and sophisticated wedding, then Marsala wedding decoration is a great idea for this!

And don’t let the basic red-brown shades of such a themed ceremony scare you. Believe me, a Marsala wedding is truly a royal and luxurious celebration. Let's take a sip of sweet and noble wine, enjoy its aroma and plunge headlong into the atmosphere of chic and nobility at the holiday.

The truth is in the wine

Themed weddings are at the peak of popularity today, but the banal shades of red, pink and purple have already become boring. I wonder, have you ever thought about the meaning of wedding colors? After all, by choosing a wedding decoration in one color, you will set the tone for the style and mood of the holiday - the day when two loving hearts become one. And this choice, of course, is not as important as the choice of your soul mate, but still bears its imprint on the overall impression of the solemn wedding day. So, we will talk about the complex and sensual color of Marsala and its bold and provocative role at a wedding - your main day in life, after which, of course, there will be other equally important events, such as the birth of children, but everything in order!

And if the truth is in wine, then we can say about the color of Marsala that its shade is close to the natural palette, it’s not for nothing that it was named after a noble drink, and in such a wedding the main emphasis will be burgundy and dark red shades with delicate tones yellow-brown flowers. In 2016, Marsala was recognized as a major trend by Panton color experts. A rich red-wine shade with hints of chocolate looks very natural; by choosing it, you condemn your guests to enveloping warmth and tranquility, and yourself to seductiveness and sensuality. Well, do you already want your wedding to be held in the intoxicating colors of Marsala? Then we’ll take a look at what this mysterious Marsala wedding is and how to serve it deliciously.

The spotlight is on the newlyweds

This is where I want to stay longer, the bride and groom are the main characters of the wedding ceremony. Tens and hundreds of eyes of invited guests will not take their eyes off them throughout the day, and in photo and video shooting they should be the standard of style and impeccability. So, I’ll reassure you right away, the languid and sensual color of Marsala will harmoniously fit into absolutely any color palette, so we choose outfits for the main characters with feeling, with sense, with arrangement.

Unique image of the bride

A classic white wedding dress will need to be complemented with bright details made in the appropriate color. Perfectly selected shoes, neat and high-quality manicure, jewelry and bright wine lipstick - all this will complete the look. If the style of your dress requires the presence of gloves, a handbag or a hat, then take care of searching for these accessories in advance; it may not be possible to find everything in Marsala color the first time, but as they say, whoever looks for will always find.

Your best assistant in preparing for a wedding that is distinguished by sophistication and originality, in Marsala style, will be the reserve of time to find everything you need. So that later it doesn’t turn out “Oh, time has flown by! And I didn’t have time to do anything” - don’t lose it!

A snow-white dress with graduated coloring, turning from innocent white to burgundy-chocolate shades, will look charming. And wine patterns will incredibly refresh any snow-white dress. Do you like to surprise? Then away with established templates! Choose a Marsala color dress. Unique, chic and stunning - that’s what everyone will say about you. And in the registry office, against the general background of snow-white brides, you definitely will not go unnoticed. I wonder, have you met such outrageous brides in your life?

Photos of the dresses of these happy brides cannot leave you indifferent. Do you agree?

Think over your makeup with your stylist, or try to do it yourself, having previously stocked up on high-quality and proven cosmetics; in this matter, rely on the reviews of professional makeup artists.

I always worry about the spoiled mood of brides who find themselves in an awkward situation with running mascara or smudged lipstick; try to avoid such mistakes.

How beautiful the brides' hairstyles are in these photos. Maybe you'd like to repeat it?

Stylish image of the groom

The groom will look incredibly chic if he matches the bride's outfit in the same rich dark red color. A shirt in light shades will only emphasize the depth of luxury. If you couldn't find a suit for the groom in this shade, don't worry. There is an exit! You can always order trousers, a jacket, and even a Marsala-colored vest from the studio; play with this shade with a matching bow tie or tie. And that’s it, the perfect couple is ready! Gorgeous photos of the bride and groom are guaranteed to you, I guarantee!

Dress code for guests

Agree with your bridesmaids to support the theme of your wedding with the color of their evening dresses. Invite them to choose a model and style, and perhaps everyone will want to be in the same style, the main thing is that their outfits are in Marsala color. Then the wedding will turn out incredibly fabulously beautiful.

The noble wine color of the bridesmaids' dresses will advantageously emphasize the charm and youth of the bride in a snow-white outfit.

If the groom's friends choose the main blue color for a classic suit, to which they add a wine-colored tie to match the girls' dresses - you will get a mega stylish and fashionable company! After all, the color combination of Marsala and blue is gorgeous, I won’t say otherwise.

A photo session of such a luxurious company with the newlyweds in the center will be the envy of everyone, you'll see!

Well, where would we be without the mother of the bride? Nowhere! Her outfit should definitely echo the image of her daughter, because she gave the world such a beauty, which means she should look stylish and tasteful. A wedding dress for the mother of the bride can be chosen in Marsala color with silver decoration, perhaps embroidery or accessories. If mom prefers gold, do not deny her this, because the deep color of Marsala and gold look very rich and elegant.

The image of the guests should not stand out from the overall color scheme of the ceremony. Here are some tips on how to dress for guests.

  • For the fair half of humanity: add a wine tint in the form of details or accessories. Maybe it will be a Marsala-colored silk blouse or a pencil skirt, a stole or cape, a handbag or shoes. There are enough options, everyone will choose what suits them.
  • For men, a wine-colored shirt is enough, or complement a light shirt with a dark red tie or bow tie.

Just please, do not impose strict dress code requirements on your guests, otherwise, perhaps, some of them will not want or will not be able to come to your holiday, just because they do not fall into your wedding range. But you want your loved ones and family to be next to you?

The bride's bouquet

Among the colors, there aren't many dark wine reds, but you can use a similar palette of colors. Among roses, dahlias, calas, peonies, hydrangeas and orchids, you can always find similar shades. Professional florists will competently select the right combination for you; alternatively, you can use pink and white flowers with wine berries; such bouquets will look elegant and unusual. As a last resort, you can choose a bouquet in light colors and decorate its handle with ribbon or lace in Marsala color.

Banquet place


When choosing a venue for a wedding, for example a restaurant, pay attention to its interior and decorative elements. After all, decorating a wedding in Marsala color suggests that you will be decorating the hall, and not completely remodeling it. Look for a banquet room with rich wine-colored curtains and classic, beautiful furniture.

Provide a place in the hall to create a photo zone; guests will be happy to take pictures with you.

If your wedding is planned in the summer, consider the idea of ​​renting a tent or finding an outdoor venue, and in Moscow and other large cities, this option is very popular.

Do you want a banquet in eco-style? Then a rustic wedding is perfect for you. The deep and warm color of Marsala will further emphasize the naturalness of the ultra-fashionable rustic wedding theme. Here is a photo of the decoration of the hall in Marsala color using natural elements.

We combine

When decorating a wedding hall, the color combination of marsala and gold will be harmonious, so don’t be afraid of gold elements in the interior. A rich wine shade is also beautiful in a duet with gray or white, blue or blue, beige or silver.

The color Marsala should be used as the main idea of ​​the decor; it will be the main accent in the wedding design. When choosing a wedding in the summer under a tent, on a snow-white background, the color of Marsala will play a bright and sophisticated role in the design of the wedding banquet. If you want the color of Marsala to reveal itself even brighter, add white and coral, green and burgundy shades; when decorating the table for the newlyweds, this combination will be very By the way.


Professional florists and decorators will help you create the perfect picture for your banquet. Trust their experience and taste. Decor for a wedding with an emphasis on Marsala involves the presence of heavy fabrics and draperies, satin ribbons and delicate tablecloths. Add candles and flower arrangements, glass vases and candlesticks of unusual shapes to your interior.

Glasses, invitations and place cards, wedding invitations and gifts for guests - you can have everything for a wedding purchase in online stores or arrange it yourself, but keep in mind this will take time and, of course, experience.

It is quite possible that you will have time to prepare beautiful accessories for the holiday. What if there are only 30 invitations and this is only one item from the required list? So decide for yourself whether it’s worth the risk and spending precious time on the little things, because all the chic is in the details!

A wedding cake

The cake will be the culmination of the festive dinner, and of course the guests will be impressed not only by its shape and taste, but also by its design. Whatever you choose: classic white, decorated with fruits or berries, or a cake with artistic painting from pastry chefs, remember the presence of wine shades in the decor.

And don’t overdo it with the weight of the cake; on average, they recommend 150 grams. per guest. When guests are well-fed and satisfied, this is wonderful, but if they only have memories of the table and dishes, then you failed to place the accents correctly!

To summarize, I want to say that a wedding decorated in Marsala color will look spectacular and expensive at any time of the year: summer and winter, spring and autumn!

Try to penetrate the world of the color of a noble and exclusive wine and let it remain a sweet aftertaste on your lips, and let your guests remember the chic themed wedding in Marsala color for a long time!

Thank you for your attention and interest in my blog, subscribe to the news and share with your friends! Ask your questions and write comments! I am always open to communication! See you soon, my dears! And may your life be filled with bright and happy events! Bye bye!

To celebrate a wedding in modern fashion trends, the newlyweds have to choose what style the celebration will be in. To decide what color palette will be used in the design of the banquet hall, the festive procession and, of course, in the vestments of the newlyweds, it is necessary to take into account the place where the celebration will take place, the time of year and the newlyweds’ own preferences. If a wedding is decorated in the color of Marsala in the summer, you can be sure that many will remember such a beautiful feast for the rest of their lives.

What does the marvelous color of Marsala go with?

Marsala color - gives a feeling of grace and nobility, subtle, sensual taste. Undoubtedly, the interior, decorated in the heady colors of Marsala, will literally absorb you into the enchanting atmosphere of a luxurious holiday. The natural shade of this color can be dark red, wine or burgundy. Winning combinations in the design of a wedding event are combinations of Marsala shades with white, vanilla, green, coral, blue, yellow shades and even deep gray, it will look great.

We make accents in the image of the newlyweds and guests

The newlywed's look can be complemented with stylish jewelry in the chosen shade. A bride with a manicure and Marsala-colored lipstick, with matching gloves and sandals will look very seductive. A brave girl who does not respect traditions so reverently can dress up in a wedding dress made of fabric of a similar color.

The groom's decision to support his beloved and wear a suit in the same color would certainly lead to the enthusiastic admiration of the invited guests. The image of the newlywed can be played up with different color schemes. The jacket and trousers can be left in classic blue, and the tie or bow tie, scarf in the breast pocket or boutonniere can be made to match the bride’s dress.

If the newlywed chooses an outfit in white, then it is better to dress her bridesmaids in dresses in fashionable wedding colors. Whatever the style of the dress, its length, on girls, a product in this color will look great. The groom's friends are dressed up either to match the wedding tone, or their classic suits are complemented with accessories of a given color. This color will help create an unsurpassed style for the wedding and guests.

Interior design and banquet table in wedding style

To organize the design of the room in which the wedding banquet will take place, you need to carefully look around and note the advantages of the interior of the chosen establishment. It may well be that the furniture in the restaurant and even the curtains will match the style of the upcoming festive event, and then the organizers will have to make less effort to ensure that the colorful decoration suits the requirements of the newlyweds.

Wedding decor, invitation cards, dishes, and table setting elements should match the chosen color scheme as closely as possible. Such details are the most vivid and best remembered. The various design elements of jewelry shown in the photo can serve as a model and perhaps inspire you to create your own original masterpiece.

To decorate the venue for the holiday, you need to stock up on Marsala-colored textiles, tablecloths, curtains, napkins, heavy fabric for draperies, all of this is prepared in advance. Floristry plays an important role in wedding decoration; flowers of appropriate colors will be useful not only for the bride’s bouquet, but also for compositions for decorating the hall.

To prepare a wedding in the summer, it would be appropriate to combine the color of Marsala with green shades; it will look very fresh. As for the bridal bouquet, you can choose roses, tulips, peonies, orchids, hydrangeas, dahlias and carnations in the desired color. A bouquet of several types of flowers looks very impressive, but in one shade, mixed with dark green leaves.

It is beautiful to decorate tables with small bouquets and candles of this color. Dishes in a consistent style, details of wedding decor decorating the table will give the feast a special flavor. Combinations in the design should be contrasting, then the festive color will become the brightest and most attractive. It is better to order cake and desserts for the sweet table in the style and color of the wedding.

Accessories in Marsala color

The pillow on which the rings will be presented to the newlyweds will look very stylish. At this solemn moment, spectators will watch with trepidation as the newlyweds exchange rings and the pillow will not go unnoticed. The wedding garter can be decorated with a suitable color of fabric or made entirely of Marsala lace.

Laconically, tastefully choosing jewelry and accessories for a special event, in a certain style and color, is a very responsible task. Here you will have to let all your imagination fly, but most importantly, do not forget about the rules of style, and then such a wedding will be the most delightful and spectacular event.

The color Marsala has recently been used quite often for wedding decorations. Its use allows you to decorate a banquet hall at any time of the year.

In addition, decorating with such shades is not difficult, so even a non-professional designer can cope. Decorating a wedding in Marsala color is suitable for newlyweds who love bright colors and want to achieve warmth and comfort in their family relationships.

When decorating with Marsala color, you need to use several options: either this shade will be used as the main one with additional calmer tones, or only certain areas of the hall will be decorated with it.

When using the first option, you need to choose a heavy and translucent fabric to combine with other colors. If the walls are not heavily saturated with this shade, it can also be used on tablecloths, and multi-colored bows can be attached to them.

A good solution would be to use a carpet that will lead from the entrance to the hall to the newlyweds’ table.

When decorating a banquet hall, it is also necessary to take into account a huge number of details. In addition to decorating the walls, it is recommended to pay attention to windows, chandeliers and staircase railings.

From small elements collected into one whole, you can create a complete landscape. So, the windows can be decorated with marsala flowers, and the cutlery can be decorated with beautiful ribbons. Designers recommend combining other elements with the design of the banquet hall - decorative decorations and others.

The design should be done in the same style using combining colors. Otherwise, it will not be possible to create the intended interior.

If the newlyweds decide to use the color Marsala for decoration, then the main attention should be paid to decorating the hall. All elements in it should look harmonious and combine with each other - only in this case it will be possible to create a cozy atmosphere.

All work is based on, the main thing is to have imagination and taste.

Design ideas can also be found on the Internet, or you can seek help from a professional designer.

How to decorate the table of the newlyweds and guests in Marsala style?

Regardless of whether Marsala will be the main color or just an addition, you need to use fresh flowers for decoration. The optimal solution would be to choose roses, tulips or orchids. Bouquets of red tones combine well with green plants.

This decoration will be a good choice for both guest tables and the newlyweds’ table. When decorating a room in Marsala color, a good solution would be to use the following elements:

  • satin-colored bottle covers;
  • flower petals that will be laid out from the entrance to the newlyweds’ table;
  • garlands of flowers;
  • vintage photo frames;
  • figurines of a golden or steel shade.

Instead of ordinary fabrics with decorations, you can attach an artificial fireplace or an arch based on flowers behind the backs of the newlyweds. A good choice would be to create invitations in the color Marsala. They will help guests understand what style the celebration will be held in, as well as prepare suitable outfits and accessories.

When decorating a wedding table, you can use a wine shade.

What shades does Marsala go with in decor - fashion trends

This shade can be used without any problems in a stand-alone version, but at a wedding it is better to dilute it with other tones to diversify the interior. Not only a light and pastel palette is suitable for this - there are other good solutions.

It is best to choose a few primary colors and build your design around them, and add other colors if necessary.

Marsala color combines well with the following tones:

  1. With green. A dull dark green color will enliven the wine palette and provide the necessary effect to surprise and impress guests. This combination is best used if the wedding is held in spring or summer.
  2. WITH . A combination of related colors would be a good choice for decorating a room. Thus, Marsala goes well with coral red, ruby ​​and cherry shades. But when using such a palette, extreme caution must be taken - such colors should be used exclusively as a complement.
  3. With pink. Pastel colors go well with bright wine colors. Many professional designers use pink as a base and marsala as a dilute color.
  4. With gold. If marsala is the main shade, then using gold decorative elements will be an excellent choice. Golden lacing on fabric, engraving on napkins and other solutions will look good.
  5. With white or silver. Most neutral tones combine well with wine color, which will draw the attention of guests to itself. The combination with white allows you to soften burgundy shades and create an attractive contrast. This combination can be used for newlywed outfits or accessories. For example, Marsala can be used on shoes, a belt or a bouquet.

When decorating a room, the main thing is to make sure that the selected colors fit well with each other and with the room as a whole.

In this video you are one of the options for decorating a room in Marsala color:

In practice, the shades used may look completely different - influenced by the size and shape of the room, the level and quality of lighting, and other interior elements.

The Marsala shade combines well with natural materials, and especially wood, so using vases or wicker baskets in the design would be an excellent choice.

Marsala color is a good choice for wedding decoration. The main thing is to correctly combine shades and select suitable decorative elements. Decorating a room is not particularly difficult, but if difficulties arise, you can always turn to professional designers for help.

Valeria Zhilyaeva 22 August 2018, 19:03

Marsala is a deep and noble color. It has not gone out of fashion for several years and is used in interior decoration and clothing design. It's no surprise that marsala weddings are becoming more popular every year.

A wine-red shade with a light brown undertone perfectly complements a special event. It is believed that the best season to use marsala color for a wedding is autumn. However, with the right combination with other shades, this rich and intense color is harmonious at any time of the year.

The noble color of Marsala - meaning, combination, palette

The name of the shade comes from a strong dessert wine grown and aged in the city of Marsala, located in sunny Sicily. Truly, such a “wine” wedding creates atmosphere of luxury and sophistication, but at the same time sets up for calm and tranquility.

Marsala is suitable for a brave and confident couple

To create an unusual palette, designers and stylists offer combine this rich color with shades like:

  • white;
  • pearl;
  • blue;
  • light pink;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • coffee;
  • sand;
  • cream;
  • gold;
  • silver.

You can't go wrong if you choose the combination with neutral and gentle tones. However, sometimes a combination of Marsala with bright shades looks great. In this case, it is important not to overdo it, since all wine shades are different. self-sufficiency. If the combination is incorrectly chosen, the catchy color merges with marsala into one spot.

Looks incredibly elegant combination of wine shades with white color. As a rule, this combination is used in the outfits of the bride and groom, as well as to decorate the festive table.

Marsala and white wedding photo

Most often you can find wedding decoration in gold and marsala color. This duet is relevant if the wedding is planned in the fall. The combination looks especially elegant at off-site registration, where Marsala and gold will be combined with yellowed foliage and grass. In autumn the combination is also suitable with chocolate, plum and peach.

Photo of wedding accessories in marsala and gold colors

If the wedding is planned in spring or summer, combine colors harmoniously marsala with deep green. This will add a touch of freshness to the design. At this time of year, a tandem with pink, coral and beige will look no less organic.

Photo of wedding accessories in marsala and green colors

The color Marsala is also relevant in winter. At this time of year, it is recommended to combine an elegant wine shade with silver, pearl, baby blue, blue or gray.

Marsala color combination with blue for a wedding

Marsala as a bride and groom

Almost every girl from childhood draws an image of her wedding and prepares for this significant event. Usually, long before the X day, the wedding dress is thought out to the smallest detail - veil, gloves, dress, shoes, hairstyle... But does a wedding dress have to be white?

The image of a bride in a Marsala dress is bold, chic and bright

Marsala dress Suitable for bold brides who want an unforgettable and vibrant look. If you are not afraid to shock your guests with a non-standard solution, this option is for you.

Traditional looks no less impressive White dress, supplemented wine-colored accessories. This could be a belt, flowers in your hair, gloves, shoes or a chicly decorated bouquet. In this case, it is better to choose suede shoes. This material perfectly conveys the full depth of noble color.

Marsala bridal sandals

They will help you complete your look decorations in burgundy color. You can purchase a wedding set in Marsala color or select jewelry and costume jewelry separately. You can decorate your hair with fresh wine-colored flowers. As a rule, buds in a capsule are used for these purposes.

Gold earrings with garnet, Maskom(price on the link)

The most important detail of the bride's image is bouquet. In the color of Marsala it is not difficult to find peonies, roses, tulips, dahlias or callas. If you prefer exotic plants, then orchids, amaryllis or succulents are suitable. They can also complement the decor of the room where the event will take place.

Marsala bridal bouquet

It will be wonderful if the bride’s appearance is complemented by the harmonious image of the groom. The hero of the occasion may wear marsala suit. In this case, the shirt should be snow-white. In this case, it is important to choose the right shade so that the groom does not turn into a dude from the 70s.

Groom in marsala color

If the groom is against a burgundy suit, the idea can be realized by using accessories. For his look, choose a tie, boutonniere or even a Marsala shirt.

Decoration of a wedding hall in Marsala color

Of course, it is best if the decoration of the restaurant where the celebration is planned is already done in the desired color. Quite often wine shades are used in curtains, tablecloths or furniture establishments. In this case, all that remains is to complement the Marsala color in the wedding decor.

Avoid balloons and wine-colored tablecloths

Balloons in marsala color look too dark. It's best to use the shade you've chosen to complement. For example, the wall behind the newlyweds is decorated with light balloons and a wedding banner in Marsala color with the initials of the bride and groom.

If you cover the tables with burgundy tablecloths, your wedding will resemble the congresses of the CPSU. This is far from the most pleasant and desirable association, so it’s better use marsala color in details. It's important not to overdo it. For wedding decoration in wine color they are used napkins, fresh flowers, candles and candlesticks.

Marsala wedding photo

The luxury and nobility of the chosen color for decoration will convey furniture, paintings or elegantly designed photo zone. You can use an arch with satin ribbons, flowers and LED garland.

The use of Marsala color shows itself elegantly and in wedding dishes and table decoration. Drink glasses are decorated with lace or ribbons, cutlery is used in silver or gold plated, and the main dishes should be made of porcelain and other noble materials. It is necessary to emphasize in detail the status of the celebration.

The marsala shade has also found its way into floristry. Flower arrangements for decorating a room, when properly designed, they look elegant, aristocratic and original. To do this, it is better to contact professional florists who will select colorful and stylish options.

Wedding decoration in Marsala color

Flower arrangements are placed throughout the room and on tables. Make sure that the bouquets do not interfere with the passage and the guests in communication during the banquet and in the transfer of dishes. The decoration should complement the event and not be the center of attention.

To decorate tables, we also prepare seating cards with guest names, menu, ribbons for cutlery, etc. The shade will sparkle brighter if you choose a contrasting combination.

Marsala wedding invitations

If theater begins with a hanger, then marriage begins with invitations. When planning to decorate a wedding in the Marsala style, it is worth emphasizing this color at the stage of decorating the cards.

Design options invitations in marsala color there are many. An example of luxury and aristocracy will be plain invitation cards with gold embossing. For this option, an appropriate font is selected that imitates pen painting.

Design of wedding invitations in Marsala color

You can decorate the envelope in wine color, and write the invitation text on a retro flyer. This option is easy to implement - you can “age” the paper using tea leaves.

Monograms, calligraphic font or decorative elements, made in Marsala color. In this case, the card itself should be made in a light shade - cream, peach, pearl, etc.

The deep and aristocratic color of Marsala for decorating a wedding event is the choice of bold people. This shade can be called self-sufficient, so when decorating a wedding it is important not to overdo it. It is better to use wine tones in details - napkins, flowers, ribbons, accessories, etc.

Marsala is perfect for a wedding at any time of the year. However, each season has its own combination with additional shades of noble burgundy.

Remember that Marsala color does not tolerate inconsistencies. If you choose this shade for your wedding decoration, everything should be harmonious - from the pillow for rings and ribbons for decorating cars to the images of the bride, groom and invited guests.

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