Shelest biography. Olga's husband rustle. How did modern fashion trends affect Olga Shelest

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Olga Shelest - Russian TV and radio presenter, actress and journalist. Winner of the "Most Stylish Presenter of the TV Screen" award, winner of the "TEFI" award (best host of an entertainment program) and the "Radio Mania" award (best radio host).

Biography of Olga Shelest

Olga studied well at school, according to the TV presenter herself, she was excellent at humanitarian subjects. In addition, she actively participated in various olympiads and creative competitions, and also graduated with honors from art school and played in a school theater group.

In 1994, Olga Shelest went to conquer the capital and entered the Moscow Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. M. A. Litovchina.

“I lived in Naberezhnye Chelny until I was 18. This is a terribly boring city, nothing was done for young people there. Escaped. I went to Moscow at random, I was late for the entrance exams to the theater and VGIK - I just didn’t know that they were held at the beginning of summer. In VGIK there was an announcement of the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. I came and went there."

Creative career of Olga Shelest

Olga got on television by accident: she saw an advertisement for the recruitment of presenters, and in 1995 she already made her debut as a presenter on the Muz-TV channel, which at that time was called K-10. She worked there for several months, but left due to disagreements with her superiors.

Shortly after that, Olga won the VJ competition on STS and became the host of the Musical Prospect program.

In 1997, Olga Shelest came to work on the BIZ-TV channel, then worked on NTV, and then appeared on the MTV Russia channel as a VJ.

“In 1995, our television began to become interesting, a lot of new programs and channels appeared (Biz-TV, Muz-TV, STS). At that time, the MTV channel arose, which was opened by Boris Zosimov. On TV then it was not so difficult to get a job - they took many people from the street. I came to audition, and they took me. I really liked that a channel for young people appeared, because before there was only the program “Up to 16 and older”, and nothing that could be interesting, where one could draw information from.

Since 1999, Olga Shelest has hosted programs on the MTV Russia channel together with Anton Komolov (Cheerful Morning, Gimlet Rule). The tandem with Anton Komolov was not only creatively interesting, but also successful - incendiary presenters began to be invited to all kinds of entertainment programs and TV shows. In 2002, changes took place on the music channel, and Olga Shelest, along with other popular VJs, left the MTV channel.

Olga again switched to the NTV channel, where she hosted the Morning program, and she also became the host of the popular entertainment show People's Artist-3 on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2016, Olga was a jury member of the project "Amazing People" on the channel "Russia-1", and in 2017 - the show "Everybody Dance!".

In 2018, Olga Shelest became the host of the Best Friends TV project on the Disney Channel.

In 2019, Olga became one of the creators of the Russian version of the famous children's show "Bukaboo". Also, model and presenter Elena Kuletskaya, actors Tatyana Vedeneeva, Stanislav Duzhnikov, Alisa Grebenshchikova, Alexander Oleshko and others took part in the filming of the program.

Shelest is known as a dubbing and voice acting actress. She is the Russian voice of the mammoth Ellie in the cartoon "Ice Age 2" and its sequels, and also voiced the character Michelle Rodriguez in the animated feature film "The Smurfs: The Lost Village". In addition, Olga voiced her mother in Natalia Remish's cartoon "About Dima" about a boy in a wheelchair who became the object of peer aggression.

In parallel with her work in film and TV, Olga writes a column for the popular glossy magazine Glamor. She also hosted the 2018 Glamor Awards with Ivan Urgant and Alexander Gudkov.

Personal life of Olga Shelest

Olga Shelest is married to a popular music video director, film director and TV producer Alexei Tishkin. For the first 14 years, the couple lived in a civil marriage. Together with her husband, Olga is fond of extreme sports: snowboarding and surfing. She also loves travel and adventure.

The press constantly "married" Olga and her work partner Anton Komolov, but the presenters were and remain only colleagues and good friends.

“Yes, Anton and I were considered a couple for a long time, but then we denied these rumors - I was already married to Alexei then. I have many friends, but everyone knows that we are only friends. Even the men on the streets stopped making acquaintances. Before, it often happened: I’m walking somewhere in the center, and they come up to me to take the phone, the car stops. Not to get an autograph, but to get to know each other. But, probably, when a woman has a loved one, this can be understood by her face. Since I've been with Alexei, journalists have also lost interest in my personal life.

In 2013, Olga and her husband had their first daughter, Muse. And in 2015, the second girl, Iris, was born.

Olga is a vegetarian and anti-homophobic.

    Olga runs a popular blog on Instagram, which has over 450 thousand subscribers. The TV presenter shares selfies and photos from everyday life, travel photos and shots with children with fans.

  • Filmography of Olga Shelest

  • Burn! (2017)
  • The Smurfs: The Lost Village (2017)
  • Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
  • Ice Age: Egg Chase (TV Movie 2016)
  • Norm and the Enduring (2015)
  • Real Squirrel (2013)
  • Ice Age 4: Continental Drift (2012)
  • Ice Age: Giant Christmas (TV Movie 2011)
  • Rock Wave (2009)
  • Ice Age 2: Warming (2006)
  • Carousel (TV series 2005 - ...)
  • Ice Age (2002)

On November 8, the media were full of headlines that the 36-year-old TV presenter gave birth to her first child in a clinic in New York. We decided to remember who else among the Russian show business stars first felt the joy of motherhood at the age of "over 35".

36-year-old Olga Shelest herself announced that she had become a mother for the first time in her microblog on Instagram, posting a picture that showed a balloon with the inscription “Congratulations!

It's a girl!" They started talking about Olga Shelest's pregnancy after she appeared at the show of the Christian Dior fashion house, held on July 9 on Red Square. Olga came to the fashion event in a long white dress that hugged her rounded belly. News about the "interesting position" of the TV presenter immediately spread all over the Russian media. Moreover, some journalists determined Shelest's pregnancy from the photo, noting that she was 6 months old.

Olga herself preferred not to comment on the status of the future mother. “Pregnancy is too intimate a moment in a woman’s life to talk about it to a large audience,” Shelest said in an interview with 7 Days magazine.

Recall that Olga Shelest has been living in a civil marriage with clip maker Alexei Tishkin for 15 years.

Photo: from the microblog

The couple is not going to register their relationship yet, believing that "the stamp in the passport does not affect the quality and duration of the relationship." Perhaps after the birth of their first child, the lovers will still tie the knot.

The star of the series "Interns" Svetlana Permyakova first became a mother at the age of 40. On July 21, 2012, she gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. "Good day. We were born. Beautiful and healthy, thank God! Pray for us Orthodox!” - the actress shared her joy in her microblog on Twitter. The new mother also posted a photo of a bracelet with a tag and a card with all the parameters of a newborn baby: weight 3950 grams and height 53 cm.

Recall that for the first time they started talking about the fact that Lyuba from the TV series "Interns" was expecting a baby back in December last year.

Photo: Yury Feklistov

At the end of January, the actress confirmed the news. However, Svetlana hid the name of the father of her child for a long time and only a few months after the birth of Varya decided to name him. It turned out to be its director Maxim Skryabin, who is half the age of the star.

“In the first month of Varya's life, Max proved himself to be a completely crazy father - caring, loving. Yes, and he treats me very warmly. We feel good, calm and comfortable to live together. And yet I seriously do not count on Max. The harsh truth of life is that now I am 40, and he is 21, but when he is 40 years old, I will be all 60!

He is seriously thinking about graduating from the institute (Max is studying to be a director) and going to work in Europe. I have no right to hold him. Let him go, let him build his life. And for myself, I do not rule out some unexpected twists and turns. Who knows, maybe I’ll get married yet ... ”Permyakova said in an interview with magazine.

In 2007, just a few days before the New Year, Olga Drozdova told her husband Dmitry Pevtsov that she was expecting a baby. There would be nothing supernatural in such news for two loving people, if not for one “but”. The couple had been waiting for this moment for 15 years and already, in general, despaired, they stopped hoping for a miracle ...

"Unexpected" is too mild a word to describe what has happened in our lives.


TV and radio presenter Olga Vladimirovna Shelest (it is worth noting that this is not a pseudonym, but the real name of the girl) was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Despite the fact that the future journalist was born in Tatarstan, she is Ukrainian by nationality. Olga's childhood passed in Naberezhnye Chelny. Here she graduated from art school, and with honors. Olga differed from her peers in her hooliganism and constantly received “bad” for her behavior.

All 11 school years, Olya Shelest, in parallel with the secondary school, attended a swimming circle. And even received the first adult category. Because of her passion at school, Olga studied very badly - there were only triples and deuces in her diary. However, in literature and history, the schoolgirl invariably brought good grades. In the final grades, Olga took up her mind and graduated from school without triples.

In 1994, Olga Shelest went to Moscow to get a higher education. The future celebrity planned to enter VGIK and become an actress, however, she was late for the entrance exams. The girl was not at a loss and went to study at the Faculty of Journalism of the Moscow Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after Litovchin.

Television career

A month after arriving in the Russian capital, Olga Shelest ended up on television. Shelest successfully passed the casting of TV presenters on the Muz-TV channel. However, six months later, the girl left. Due to the fact that, according to her, they did not get along with the program director. However, the talented journalist did not remain without work for a long time. A few months later, she passed the competitive tests and became the host of the Musical Prospect program on STS. And then followed by a position on the NTV-plus music channel.

In Moscow, Olga Shelest solved the notorious housing problem rather quickly. For about a year she lived with her aunt, but after she got a job, she began to rent an apartment.

In 1997, third-year student Olga was hired as the host of the BIZ-TV channel, which a year later successfully transformed into MTV Russia. By the way, it was at this time that the journalist met a young, promising and ambitious TV producer Alexei Tishkin, who is now a director, screenwriter and producer.

In 1998, Olga Shelest began hosting the New Athletics! program on MTV. about extreme sports, the author of which was Alexey Tishkin. The project lasted four years.

In 1999, Shelest has already achieved certain heights. On the MTV channel, she was a fairly popular and popular VJ. She continued her work this year together with Anton Komolov. The creative tandem led the programs "Gimlet Rule" and "Cheerful Morning".

In 2002, Olga Shelest, along with the entire team of VJs, such as Vasily Strelnikov, Yana Churikova, Anton Komolov, Tanya Gevorkyan and Ivan Urgant, left MTV due to a change in leadership. After that, the girl began to broadcast on NTV "Morning".

Actor career

In 2004, Olga tried herself as an actress. The girl played in the series "Carousel", which was released on the NTV channel. And two years later, the already recognized TV star, together with Oscar Kuchera, began to lead the People's Artist-3 project on the Russia channel.

Tandem Shelest-Komolov revived in 2007. The couple became the authors of the entertainment show on the Zvezda channel Starry Evening with Anton Komolov and Olga Shelest. In parallel with this, the duet is invited to host a daily three-hour program on Mayak radio.

In 2008, Olga Shetest went into big show business. She accepted an invitation to participate in the project "Circus on the First". Here the girl amazed the audience, the jury and even herself with spectacular and complex numbers. The TV presenter made it to the final and even became the owner of the Super Bowl, which was awarded based on the results of two projects: “Circus on the First” and “Circus with Stars”. In the same year, Shelest hit the wide screens. The presenter played a supporting role in the feature film "The Bride at Any Cost" by Dmitry Grachev. The premiere of the tape took place in September 2009.

Olga Shelest on video

Together with her colleagues from radio "Mayak" in 2009, Olga Shelest took part in the dubbing of the film "Rock Wave" by Richard Curtis and the cartoon "Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs". After that, Shelest, together with Komolov, became the owner of the Radio Mania award as the Best Host of the Program, Show, moreover, the girl became the host of the MUZ TV 2009 music award. It is worth noting that Olga Shelest is a permanent commentator of the Eurovision Song Contest.

In 2010, a new species of microbes was named after Olga Shelest, which was named sunflowers - Acanthocystis olgashelestae.

Personal life of Olga Shelest

Olga Shelest lives with producer Alexei Tishkin. The marriage is not officially registered, but this does not bother the TV presenter at all. The girl believes that the stamp in the passport does not guarantee family happiness at all. However, Alexei Tishkin recently made a marriage proposal to his beloved. By the way, Olga admits that she was lucky with the second half. Behind Alexei Tishin, she feels like behind a stone wall. And, in case of failure at work, he will be able to give up his career in favor of the family and will not lose - the spouse earns much more than her.

During her 16-year career as a TV presenter, Olga Shelest has radically changed her image more than once. The girl has turned from an eccentric tomboy girl into an elegant lady. Now Olga carefully follows the latest fashion trends. Her favorite designers are Denis Simachek, Igor Chapurin, as well as Yulia Kalmanovich and Alexander McQueen. The girl herself is not opposed to modeling and sewing something. Olga admits that she would like to work at the London Fashion Institute, travel around the world, create her own trends, observe new trends and trends in the fashion world.

Olga Shelest about life and work

The girl is just crazy about big SUVs, considers herself a fan of the British auto brand Land Rover and they say that this brand will not be exchanged for any other. Now Olga drives a Range Rover and constantly takes part in testing cars at the Land Rover test site in Westminster. It is worth noting that for quite a few years Shelest has been fond of extreme sports, such as surfing and snowboarding. However, he does not refuse roller skates, skates, a skateboard and mountain bikes. Olga cannot imagine her life without adventures and travels.

By the way, Olga Shelest's great-grandfather was Petr Shelest, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine in 1963-1972. However, the girl learned about the famous relative only in Moscow.

“When I arrived in Moscow, all the teachers asked me: “But isn’t Shelest, the famous chairman of the Central Committee of Ukraine, your grandfather?” And I began to lie: yes, the same one. And then, when I told my parents how bad I was, lied about my grandfather, they told me: "What kind of grandfather is he to you. He is your great-grandfather." It turned out that he was indeed my relative. Just because of a quarrel, the Shelestov family broke up at one time, ”recalls Olga.

Olga Shelest is a staunch vegetarian. The girl protects animals all her adult life and categorically does not accept the use of meat and any products of animal origin.

Everyone who has ever listened to the radio or watched TV knows the voice of Olga Shelest, because this charming girl at various times worked as a radio host, and broadcast on TV, and voiced cartoons. How was the life of a famous presenter before she became famous and what is Olga doing now?

Olga Shelest was born in the Tatar ASSR on January 23, 1977. Her homeland is the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, where the future artist lived until 1994. Olga from childhood was passionate about creativity, which is why she had poor grades at school. The girl dreamed of becoming an actress, and therefore, as soon as she graduated from school, she immediately went to Moscow to enter VGIK there. By the will of fate, Shelest had to submit her documents to the Humanitarian Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting named after M.A. Litovchin, where she entered after passing the exams.

Starting to look for work, Olga found out about the recruitment of presenters for the new K-10 channel. The charismatic and talented host immediately liked the directors of the channel and therefore she was accepted as the host. Shelest did not work there for long, after a conflict at work, she quit, but quickly got a job as a host on another new STS channel, and a little later on NTV-Plus, where she hosted music programs. The slender and graceful beauty (height - 168, weight - 52) became truly famous after she began working on the MTV Russia channel as a VJ.

Olga's career on television

Shelest quickly became a well-known media person, the New Athletics project about various extreme sports became one of the most popular on the MTV channel and appeared on screens for 4 years. Olga also became the host of the program “Cheerful Morning” and “Gimlet Rule”, in which the presenter Anton Komolov made up the company of the artist. After Olga had to leave the MTV Russia channel, she was offered to become the host of one of the highest rated reality shows in Russia - Behind the Glass (TVS channel).

Shelest always chose only interesting projects, therefore she moved from one channel to another, not being afraid of experiments, and also led various ceremonies and festivals. On her account, the program "Morning" (2002-2005), "People's Artist 3" (2006), "Circus on the First" (2008), "Circus with Stars", "Temporarily Available" and "Girls". Olga hosted some programs with her close friend and talented presenter Anton Komolov, one of them was released on Starry Evening with Anton Komolov and Olga Shelest TV, and fans of the host could hear another show on Mayak radio. The artist also has experience in filming a movie, she took part in the filming of the series, played a small role in the film "Bride at any cost."

What is Shelest doing today

Olga, who has gained fame as a successful TV presenter, is increasingly being invited to take the place of a jury member on the most rated shows, such as “Amazing People”, “Everybody Dance!”. In the period from 2017 to 2018, Shelest hosts a program for children “This is my room!” on the Disney Channel. She is also engaged in voicing the characters of the cartoon "Ice Age". Shelest is often invited to host famous ceremonies and festivals, but she is trying to spend more and more time with her family - her husband and two young daughters.

Olga's husband is Alexei Tishkin, with whom they have been in a romantic relationship since 1998, but only got married in 2014. He is a well-known music video director, screenwriter and producer. On November 1, 2013, a daughter, Muza, was born to a happy married couple, two years later, on August 19, Olga and Alexei had a daughter, Iris. As Olga herself says, she is extremely lucky with her husband, who supports her in everything and believes in her talent.


Name: Olga Shelest

Age: 42 years

Place of Birth: Naberezhnye Chelny

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Activity: TV presenter, journalist, actress

Family status: married to Alexei Tishkin

Olga Shelest - Biography
Olga Shelest is an unusually bright and positive person, her appearance on the screen is guaranteed to cause a surge of good mood in the audience. It seems that everything is easy for her ... it is! When asked how she managed to conquer Moscow, Olga quite sincerely answers: “Yes, she somehow submitted herself.”

Olga Shelest - childhood

Olga Shelest was born and raised in Naberezhnye Chelny (by the way, Shelest is her real name and not some kind of pseudonym) - an industrial city where almost the entire population worked at numerous Kamaz factories. Her parents also worked there, her father worked as a mechanic, and her mother worked as a tower crane operator. Olga and her older sister Oksana studied at the usual 38th school, there were simply no others in the city at that time.

In Naberezhnye Chelny, where young people from all over the Soviet Union came to build KamAZ, there was a birth boom in the 70s. Children studied in two or even three shifts, in order to enter a music or art school, it was necessary to pass a competition, almost like in a prestigious Moscow university.

Olga passed all the competitions jokingly, she had enough time for everything: she learned to draw, and went in for swimming, sang, danced, staged skits with her friends. Not a single school event in Shelest's biography was complete without her participation. Olga did not cause much trouble to her parents, whims and stubbornness were not in her style. But perhaps different stories happened to her very often, the cause of which was restlessness and curiosity. One of these ill-fated days, filled with unplanned incidents, entered the annals of Shelest's family biography.

Olga Shelest was then seven years old, the family was going on vacation. The girls were dressed up in beautiful dresses and asked to read a book while the adults were finishing their final preparations. Oksana did just that, but Olga became thirsty and went to the kitchen, where there was a three-liter can of tomato juice. The jar was heavy, the girl's weak hands could not hold it... The girl appeared before her mother in a dress filled with red goo. She was washed, dressed and, out of harm's way, sent for a walk at the entrance.

Olga heard from her girlfriends who were running past that cute newborn kittens were sitting in a box on the playground. Naturally, the girl was eager to see them. However, the cat did not like her enthusiasm. The fight resulted in severely scratched arms and legs and another ruined dress. One could only feel sorry for Olga Shelest's mother, who, at the sight of her bloody daughter, grabbed a vial of valerian. On vacation, the girl went bandaged and decorated with brilliant green, in shorts and a T-shirt. The formal dresses are over.

Olga Shelest: in Moscow

At first, Olga decided that she wanted to become a fashion designer, it was quite natural, because she graduated with honors from art school. The girl drew beautifully and loved to create sketches of fantastic outfits. She even brought some of them to life: a floor-length black prom dress with three scarlet roses on her chest was the fruit of her creative imagination. In Naberezhnye Chelny, where the stores then had a rolling ball and people mostly wore the same Chinese down jackets, Shelest was a real fashionista. However, when she arrived in Moscow, the girl realized that she still had to work on her style.

By that time, Olga Shelest had already abandoned the idea of ​​​​becoming a fashion designer. In the eleventh grade, she began studying at the film studio and found that she really enjoyed being in front of the camera. Confidence in her own talents was also given by the fact that she was accepted on the local television as a weather forecaster on the first try. "I'll be an actress!" Olga decided. When she announced at home that she would go to Moscow and study "as an artist", her parents clutched their heads. They were scared to let yesterday's schoolgirl go to a big city full of dangers, especially since the dashing 90s were in the yard.

Olga was persistent, she was not going to give up her dream. She worked for a whole year, saving money for the trip and persuading her parents along the way. In the end, they gave their consent. Shelest had not the slightest doubt that she would enter VGIK. Perhaps this is how everything would have turned out, only in 1994 the girl was late for the entrance exams.

Shelest did not even think about returning home. It was not for this that she made her way to the capital with such difficulty in order to return with nothing. In addition, Moscow conquered the young provincial at first sight, she immediately understood: this is where real life boils. Upon learning that there was a recruitment to the Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Olga decided to try her luck.

It turned out that I needed to complete a creative task, to shoot a report or a series of photographs about Moscow. There were only two days left until the end of the competition, and she had no camera, no camera, no experience in shooting. Olga scraped together money for the simplest camera, photographed Moscow all day, and then Shelest wrote a cheerful and provocative essay about the capital. And did!

Olga Shelest: television

Olga Shelest's classmates rested in Nice and went to expensive clubs, and she rented a room on the outskirts for two with a friend and worked wherever she could. But she never felt flawed, because she had no doubt: there would be a holiday on her street, and she would have a beautiful and interesting life.

8 Ostankino Olga got along with the whole group, they came to study the work of TV journalists. When Shelest wandered into the studio where the inimitable and already famous Tutta Larsen was filming, she heard an unexpected offer from the director: “Come to the casting tomorrow, we are looking for presenters on the music channel.”

I tossed and turned all night, thinking how to surprise the film crew. As a result, Olga Shelest put on a short skirt, high platform shoes and loosened her long hair, which at that moment was dyed black with a purple tint. And most importantly - she came up with some witty, as it seemed to her, statements about modern music.

The director of Shelest's jokes liked it, but he doubted whether she would have enough fuse to produce something extraordinary every day. Olga assured that she would not go into her pocket for a word, although she herself was not sure of this. The first broadcasts passed like in a dream, she did not remember what she was saying, she waved her arms and grimaced in excitement, her knees gave way ... but the channel's management liked the new presenter.

When the morning show appeared on MTV, Olga Shelest was appointed host in tandem with Anton Komolov. The very first shooting showed that the duet was chosen successfully. The presenters improvised on the go, picked up each other's remarks, joked in unison: understanding was established from a half-word. Anton and Olga worked together for many years, and almost the whole country considered them a couple, no denials helped. Meanwhile, at that time Olga had already met her other half.

Olga Shelest - personal life

Alexey Tishkin was one of the directors of MTV, he had been staring at the charming presenter for a long time, but she did not notice him point-blank. Somehow he was instructed to shoot a promo video with the participation of Olga Shelest. According to the script, she had to walk around the city and eat colorful ice cream. The autumn weather was not at all conducive to such an occupation: Olga chattered her teeth from the cold, but did not complain, she smiled at the camera and courageously endured all the inconveniences. After filming, he warmed her with hot tea, covered her with a blanket and warmed his hands in his palms. And then he invited the girl on a date.

Olga came with a new hairstyle and ... in tears. It turns out that the MTV stylist demanded that she cut her hair short. How sorry she was to part with her long hair! Shelest sobbed all the time on Alexei's shoulder, and he consoled her and assured her that she was the most beautiful, and her haircut suits her very well. From that day on, they did not part. At first they talked on the phone for hours, met every evening, and then decided: we must live together.

“There were no crises in relationships in our biography,” Olga says after seventeen years of a personal life together. “We are very lucky to have each other.” While all their friends and acquaintances converged, diverged, sorted out relationships and looked for new partners, they were together and enjoyed every day.

They are just the perfect couple: Olga Shelest, emotional, addicted, adventurous, and Alexei Tishkin - calm, balanced, but always ready for adventure. By the way, there were plenty of adventures in their personal lives. They traveled, tried themselves in extreme sports, had fun all night long, and worked during the day - each built his own career, and both achieved considerable success.

The questions “when will you finally get married” and “when will you have children” during this time they were pretty tired of it. But they did not want to change something for the sake of the environment, even close people. As for the children, they always knew that they would become parents when the time came. The time came fifteen years after they met - a daughter was born, who was given the beautiful and unusual name Muse.

And two years later, Olga Shelest and Alexei Tishkin gave her a little sister, Iris. Now their happy family of four and one dog live in a newly built country house and still love adventure.

Shortly before the birth of their second daughter, the young parents, Shelest and Tishkin, experienced an important change in their biography of their personal lives: they got married after at least two dozen marriage proposals from Alexei. And the point is not at all that Olga did not agree before - she always said “yes”, it was just that there was never enough time for a wedding. But now they are officially husband and wife and plan to spend the rest of their lives in this status.

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